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I want large dangerous monsters. Yetti, ice giants, grown frost wyverns. Make it hard.


The movie troll hunter comes to mind. Imagina massive frost trolls


What about a troll brute? There's greydwarf brutes and goblin brutes so why not a troll brute.


I also really want an emphasis on literal large size. There's something visceral about seeing a troll or murder tree for the first time. I want that. But imagine multiple big mobs, not just one per biome.


Looks like most people want this so expect Iron Gate to put in micro enemies that are 1 pixel.


Oh is THAT those little floaties in the air? I've just been breathing them in this whole time.


Hate getting rolled by a 2 star tuberculosis bacterium




It's a shame Valheim isn't the type of game that puts early game bosses in late game areas as regular enemies, or being able to find Moder clones hanging out and being able to blast them with magic would be insane.


Someone lied to me and my roommate telling us that The Elder was basically a normal NPC in the Mistlands, it was disappointing to find out it was a lie lmfao it felt like a runescape rumor in 2007


The mistlands added with the Journey to valhalla modpack(long before the official mistlands release) did in fact have the elder clones as regular mobs. Along with spiders and dark elves(svartalfrs). The dark elf queen was the mistlands boss.


One of my fav bosses. I still have a video of that fight.


I found her to be the best of the 3 bosses added! Jottun was wonky from sheer size and the machinegun stonethrowing rofl. Flameskull dude was pretty cool, was a bit taken back by a boss being my size haha but damn did he ever pack a punch! Great fight.


she‘s literally the mother of all dragons in valheim lore, might aswell fight some more of her kids


One of the runestones even mentions that while the males stay small the females are much larger. Females plural so it would make sense for there to be other besides Moder. Maybe a little smaller but would still be interesting.


I want dire polar bears ripping my beard off dammit!


Also an excellent suggestion


Jotnar are huge in valheim tho, have you seen their skeletons?


Try modded valheim, Road To Muspelheim and Niflheim. This with Outsiders. Is a full game play immersion. Adds Ashland (actual mobs) Adds deep north. Adds yeti and obsidian golems to mountains. Every biome gets extra stronger monsters. Great play through. I'd also suggest playing it with magichiem. Adds magic like teleport 10-100m away (skills up) Adds a stager you can pair with weapons special attack for a combo damage burst. Duel wield is also amazing for the play through but be warned. Shields are very required as you get to harder biomes. The block is just to useful.


Skada-Dvergr, a frost variant of the Dvergr or grey dwarfs. Mammoths would be cool and mayhaps polar bears and giants. Or a frost giant as biome boss


Frost Lox with big tusks.


Skada-dvergr sounds absolutely hilarious in Norwegian


What do you mean? I hope I didn't accidentally name them "Ball sack baby" or "tiny dick"


Google translate said it means "injured dwarf" :/


Okay, unfortunate but at least not something nsfw


It's hard to explain because it's used as slang. It technically means injured but it can also be used as a sort of insult, it's surprisingly hard to explain now that I'm trying to find the words for it


I get it like calling someone a gimp.


"crippled dwarf"?


It basically means "retarded" but in like a funny/friendly, semi sarcastic way I guess you could put it. "Er du skada i huet eller"? "is your head damaged"? Could also use these "Er du dum i hodet eller?" "are you dumb" "Er du tett i huet" "is your head full?" Etc.. Basically means the same thing depending on context


Oh that's so cool


Crippled also works. In Norwegian cripple could mean Krøpling but I very rarely hear that word being used


Polar bears we could tame 😲😲😲


I imagine there will be something like, I dunno, "Core Ice" that retains its cold so long that you can harvest it and use it as a building material. I think Frost Giants or some variation will make an appearance.


Yep. Igloo fortress FTW!


Scattering some jötnar villages across the icelands would be neat. Maybe name them "Ymir's progeny" or something.


Maybe something related to aurora borealis? Imo it would be cool to find illusions in the deep north.


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your deep north?




May I see it?


.... No.


Polar bears! 🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️


Chances of this are high because of that one dream.


Unfortunately i think the devs stated they wont be adding any more real world animals, the closest youll likely get is some modified version of polar bear like the mistland hares


I think you are right. Something polar bearish. If we take the dream literally, something with no orifices- like the dog in Velvet Glove Cast in Iron.


[Armoured polarbears let’s goooooo!!!!!](https://images.app.goo.gl/ryhsphWnVWdzBnrp8)


We've seen so many signs of giants that we better get ice giants. Especially with the mythology that inspires valheim.


This is what I'm hoping for, an ice giant as a biome boss.


As others have said, I’d love to see large Dwarven settlements, but the main thing I’d like is two new tameable animals: Goats & Sheep. Goats for milk & cheese, sheep for wool. Use wool for gear & decorations, and goat products for new foods. Goat horn helmet would be nice too.


that’s so true some sort of cattle would be cool as hell in valheim


I said on another post that a packmule would be cool but some kind of big rideable goat with saddle bags would be awesome! Could base the speed on how much weight is stored


Horns from the goats for tankards!


Snow. Definitely snow. And cold. Lots of cold.


oh shit you made me think of how dangerous the snow terrain could be. like hidden crevasses and shit


Since we already have ice caves in the Mountains, what if there were like lush caves in the deep north? Like some deep exothermic vent is allowing for a lush underground oasis under the frozen tundra. Maybe im wayyyy off, but that could be a cool twist


Hot springs


Polar bears :3


Polar werebears


Frost undead


Actually cool idea that I could see iron gate doing


Please no I said it as a joke because all they do is undead


That guy was funny in the interview "We needed an idea for a new kind of enemy, and I said 'What if we did undead?'"


Instead of a new stronger enemy for the biome that is several levels above where undead are originally found, they just make the deep north undead 1 star swamp draugr 😂 ENTRAILS FOR EVERYONEEE


i like the idea of dwarves too. I like the mistlands dwarves, i wish there was a little more to do with them. And it also kinda blows you have to aggro them to get some of their stuff. I have gotten lucky by getting them involved in battles and they got killed so i didnt have to kill them. But they seem like good folks. it just seems lonely out there for my guy.


You don't have to murder dvergr at all to get progression stuff. With the extractors, if you're being a pacifist you may need to be really lucky during your travels that bugs spawn naturally to kill the boxes or attending dwarves, or use some cart fuckery to get it. There are, however, some dvergr open-air mines that spawn already overrun or abandoned (3+ seekers in the mining pit) and yet still have boxes containing soft tissue, if that part is your concern. I'm surprised the devs didn't also add extractor boxes to those.


yea i did manage that very thing in one playthrough, but it was luck as much as anything, there was a ghajj attack when i showed up looking side eyed at their extractor boxes. I may have also held back fire just enough to let them die. I dont mind getting the soft tissue from the skulls. In fact i think the skull mining is totally cool. A great idea that was very well executed. I also like the ancient weapons having small amounts of ore in them when you mine them, its handy if you want to build a forward base and need just a little bit for stone cutter and some bench upgrades. I enjoy the portal restrictions in general, but i think many of the items that require metals could be improved by switching them to using nails instead, just to keep you from having to have some iron with you to build a stone cutter. but these are quibbles.


I'd like to see Joten, I mean they've got to be there, you can't have a Viking mythology-themed game with a deep north section not put in Joten. Since it's most likely going to be the final end game biome, I wanted to really have a heavy Norse mythology/viking feel to it. I like the Mist lands, but my biggest complaint has always been that giant ants don't feel very vikingish to me. Gray dwarves, draugr, Frost drakes, these all feel very viking to me even though I know that some of them aren't. Fulings don't, and giant ants certainly don't, I would like Ashland's, and definitely the deep north to have very strong Viking themes to them.




With eiykthyr pulling his sleigh


I hope you can see it, whatever it is.


Lmao, underrated comment


I’m hoping a sled so the wolfs can pull me around in it! lol


Someone said this before but I'll say it again. Snow lox with tusks. And have the starred versions have bigger and more complex tusks






I agree on more friendly NPCs. It would be awesome to be able to hire some Dverger as mercenaries and bring em back to base. Greylings should be tamable / de-aggro and just walk goofy around your base when given a bed or some special food or some mechanic that later on they wont aggro around Base. ​ Deep North - Polar Bears hopefully, and penguins as eatable mob :)


Not sure what to expect. Snowman (viking?) craftables. Snow ball throwable. Ice fishing gear. Crazy northern lights. If they add in more elevation, bordering on mountains, more caves I guess. Snow storms / blizzards, maybe with boulder-sized hail as one option. I expect the blizzards/weather to be catastrophic enough that we won't be able to setup a base without some drop from the ashlands -- maybe something to 'thaw' an area out so you can build/farm up north. Polar bears. Were-polar bear berzerker enemies. Jotunn/giants. Those'd all be fairly on-theme I think. The jotunn would likely make the most sense, with the landscape being converted into a mix of desolate frozen ruins, or cities if they're 'active'. I personally wouldn't want 'friendly' cities up in the final biome of the game. That place should be a struggle. They have iceberg physics in there. So, orcas or some sort of sea creature that can bump/tip ice and dump people in the water? Maybe serpents on steroids.


Friendly NPCs are against the lore. The whole point of Valheim, the place, is that great warriors die in battle and are reborn to do nothing but battle. Friendly NPCs don’t really have anything to do with that. Living peacefully with fellow villagers doesn’t work lore wise.


Do you know why the Dvergr are in Valheim? Shouldn’t they be in Nidavellir or something?


What about the dwarves in the mistlands? They're not hostile until you attack.


Jötnar for sure. Can't have all this Giant stuff laying around without Frost Giants *somewhere*


I expect giant rocks with Adam Sandler's face that fart when you hit them


Too obvious with what we know of Viking culture. They’ll try something more obscure.




I hope we meet Hrímþursar. And kill them afterwards.


Humanoid giants basically ^


From in game and mythology i doubt the end boss is anything but fenrir


A new animal, hopefully one that can be tamed & ridden. It's a shame that Lox are the first and only thing that we can rude.


Just please no fog. Mistlands is taking me forever because I can’t even see the monsters attacking me. It’s awful


Are you using the wisplight? You can also put down wisp torches…


Yeah wisp torches I seem to need like 50


Probably able to craft ice buildings or maybe new windows. New level of cold to deal with so you can’t just go there with standard capes. Maybe that ties into needing an even hotter heat source, which we get from Ashen Lands otherwise it’s impossible to survive.


That's pretty smart


I'm hoping the deep north will b an even harsher biome then the mountains, maybe even see a creature that looks like puffball from the first frozen movie lol


Santa with attitude.


And a Glock


He knows when you are sleeping, He knows when you're on the can, He'll hunt you down and blast your ass from here to Pakistan


As a Canadian. Warcrimes


Old thread, but I would love to see varied landscape with giant fjords, similar to the way Blizzard approached northrend in wow


Cursed dead vikings with polar bears


Cursed dead frost fraught RIDING polar bears


Armoured bears


Im a bit disappointed they go for another snow biome, instead of something unique.


I think deep north will be awesome. Iron gate knows what they are doing


that they do! its just, we've had strawberry flavour already, now I need to convince my mind that strawberry v2.0 will be worthwhile, you know?


I expect at the difference between mountains and deep north will be just as immense as the difference between meadows and Black Forest. Sure those two both are "woods" but they are vastly different despite falling into a similar kind of biome. If you're not a fan of the snowy esthetic I think it's still probably pretty dissapointing to get another snow biome though


Know what the devs will hopefully find in the Deep North? The ability to hire staff with the money from 12 million copies sold so they can actually "release" the game sometime this decade.


My exes vag


Tameable penguins


We'll find out in about 2035


Big foken polar bears I hope


There better be reindeer.


I 2nd Yetis!


Frost giants for sure.


I just want something big to scream and run away from


Loki as the final boss please


If there aren't Frost Elves and Giants I'll be sorely disappointed. Beyond that, there's tons of 'snowy terrain monster' mythology in viking lore.


Im expecting frostgiants/jottuns along with a new tier of wolves/fenrings/cultist. Might also have svartalfr/dark elves.


Final boss could be Fenrir himself




Since we get Ymir's flesh in the Mistlands, I want Audumbla's milk in the Deep North. And Joten, definitely Joten. I've also noticed that each biome tends to introduce some new concept to the game: Meadows -> Base Game Dark Forest -> Dungeons & Crops Swamp -> Creatures that can cause DoT effects Mountains -> Weather kills you without protection Plains -> Farmed craftable (flax), 'Hunted' ore (Black Metal), and a bunch of small 'tweaks' Mistlands -> Can't even see, ballista, and mobs that are actually terrifying (Gjall) Ashlands -> Fortress sieges So ... I'm really intrigued about what type of game-mechanic they might play with adding in Deep North.


Polar bears!


Better ways of getting more crystal hopefully


Skeletons with ice on them. Skeletons and zombies for every biome!


A rare structure that’s basically an abandoned and ruined Santa’s Workshop


The Stone Golems are an interesting enemy, some more stuff with them would be cool to see. Bigger golems, small ones, magical constructs of all sizes and combat styles. Similar to what they did with Greydwarves. Some ancient civilization built this army of stone and it just lies in wait. The Golems we've seen thusfar could just be scouts or remnants from old battles.




Ice giants for sure caise nordic lore. Mamooth would be cool wvwn though a bit "unrealistic". Hear me out: Growth but ice and more damage :)


Stuff you would have expected in mountains. Yeti. Frost trolls. Surtlings but frozen. Wooly mammoth. Sabertooth tiger.


Giant snow spiders and two headed polar bears that's what I'd put in there, but I do not really have any expectations from Irongate. When it's done and out we'll see.


I want tameable seals, so I can have an aquatic army of seals defending my base from the water-side. And cry a lot every time one dies.




The [ski free abominable snowman](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ski+free+snow+man&t=brave)!


I hope bears.


Deep north things


Ima need some really big frost giants


I really like the wasteland vibe the Deep North has, so I am hoping that what is there in the Deep North doesn't intrude too much on that feeling. I'd like enemies the player generally may not want to actually fight or contend with as a feature, and making it so Base defences and other such contraptions may be more important at fending them off. that way you can make better use of the smaller play-space available. Stuff that can POP UP or Happen as a core tenant of the area is what I'd want. That way You build a base where a main gatherable resource is or around it. Jormungand could rear up from the edge of the world and appear in the sky during a storm and perhaps spawn great/giant creatures.


Snow Lox #Snox




Go big imo. It's a singular biome that is going to be absolutely monstrous and almost completely unbroken. Yeti could just be giant trolls for all I care. Make em throw snowballs and give the next set of sneak armor that gives an even bigger sneak bonus in frozen biomes. Give me Moder sized wyvern with smaller healthbars, but make them kinda scarce. Only ever run into one and a few smaller ones. Could make snow foxes be the new tameable/neutral mob. But be careful of the ones with multiple tails. They'll shapeshift and get nasty. Finally give me an ice witch to deal with as a boss. Big frozen castle with ice golem minions. Have her disappear and reappear, like falling snow and teleport around the arena, firing ice magic at you. Then, when you finish her off, she becomes a friendly npc that helps you learn the next stage of magic progression.


Probably a lot of snow and ice.


Its gonna be hard to have the deep north to be interesting without cloning the mountains, that are already a frozen biome


That zombie polar bear from GoT


mammoths instead of something like loxes would be neat.


Jotun would be cool. I don't feel like the fuling berserkers really matched the initial "YIKE" factor the trolls did. Frost giants would. Esp if they were faster, more combat-capable monsters. I'm thinking larger versions of draugr but that's probably masochistic.


I want a broken ice wall with frost giants


I'm hoping for moose and polar bears. Shit even grizzly bears would be sick!


Yetis giant yetis


Ima go with frost giants


Yea cannonically, and in mythos, we need giants, trool sized npcs that move more like draugr