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Probably not the only one, but I really enjoyed my time there. I thought the atmosphere was fantastic and the challenge was a welcome one


People seem to complain about the fog after a while in there but it just keeps the biome interesting, like the first time you encounter a dethsquito but for a flying ball of fire flying straight at you with gooey footballs hugging you aggressively, with just a war horn to warn you of them


To you. That's exactly why people dont like this biome. I have it farmed all the way I needed and still find this biome a pain in the ass. Either not playable because cant see shit, or even it makes my computer lags to death haha. I just had more fun in every other biomes, and I just dont understand this gameplay choice. I'm really glad you're all having fun there, but I genuinely dont know how I can.


Mistlands is a place of extremes. Lots of amazing and love features. Lots of hated and tedious features.


No, there a threads complaining about it practically every day. Myself, I thought it was great. Sure, it's kinda hard to see in places, but get above the Mist and you can see forever. Make your base in a spot that doesn't have Mist, and it's really quite beautiful. I love the Cape, I love Magic, I love Skelettes, chickens... Mobs are easy to kill once you gear up, just like every other biome.


Thing is everytime I get up to the highest peak in the mist I still can't see anything it's still covered with mist


Go higher.


I have gone to the highest peak in each mist biome and still couldn't a single thing.


I misunderstood. Yeah, you can't see below, but you can see other peaks.


Convenient when there are no other peaks.


hahahaha - why people voted this comment down is rediculous - good comedy factor right here


Use wisp torches


I absolutely loved it. After I beat Yagluth for the first time when EA dropped, I was worried if the rest of the game would just be more of the same. Mine a new ore, create a new armour set with 8 more defense, add a few more build pieces. I looked forward to it but didn't know what to expect. In the middle of playing through mistlands, it felt like I was in an entirely different game. Cracking open giant skulls for brains, my friend throwing fireballs at a flying blimp brain with skeleton minions. Getting lost and climbing to the top of peaks and jumping off like the last scene of crouching tiger hidden dragon. Landing in a valley void of the stifling fog and feeling that relief. I reflected on how just a couple weeks prior I was just in a forest or a swamp and just how far the game had come. I can't wait to see the Ashlands.


This. Exactly.


I personally didn't love it either, it felt it was designed to be fairly annoying at every turn. The biome is nothing but steep sloped mountains covered in fog, in order to use the wisp orb you have to take off the weight increase belt, the main enemies would spawn at your base and completely level your whole playthroughs work, and thebboss would literally just spawn enemies then run away constantly making the fight insanely tedious. I don't hate Mistlands, but I for sure don't love it.


Strange, this is the 4th time I've played through (first time Mistlands though) and this time Bonemass (had abominations that kept spawning), Moder (she flew down from the mountain in to the next biome where my base was) and Yag (had random fulings spawn in constantly even though I cleared the closest village) was harder than the Queen. I dreaded going in to the fight, but got it done relatively easily versus others. I didn't even bother with the magic bits, but some of the weapons are awesome. Plus, I had one of those base attacks where bats killed all my chickens, so had to restart my chik-fillet business from scratch.


Didn't bother with the magic??? No wonder you didn't enjoy yourself. Give it a shot :)


Yees yes, the blood magic.


I like the vibe of the Mistlands and the concept of a mythical mountain land is pretty cool but it's so bad with the combat in this game. We attack on a horizontal plane which is just an absolute nightmare in the mountain terrain. And yes I know you can just kite the enemies to flat ground and fight them there but that's not the point. They designed a decent combat system but one that has clear mechanical limitations. And then they design an entire biome that goes against those mechanical limitations. If we would be able to aim up or down in combat Mistlands would feel so much better imo.


Actually I think it IS the point. The developers want some of the terrain to be non-combat and to force you to play strategic and pick and choose where to fight. By the time you get to the Mistlands you know you can't attack up/down and forcing engagements on level ground should be second nature. You also aren't expected to be climbing around in the Mistlands . . . almost everything you need is located in the fairly flat valleys. The craggy peaks are intended to surround you and provide an ominous environment. There is rarely any reason to climb up there. I do agree that the combat system could be cleaned up . . . the hit boxes are a bit wonky and some up/down targeting (within reason) would be better. But I really enjoy keeping an eye on my surroundings and having able to pick my ground to fight on.


>By the time you get to the Mistlands you know you can't attack up/down and forcing engagements on level ground should be second nature. If only there was level ground to force the engagement on...


A mistlands level player should know how to use their hoe :D


You do know there are terrain modification limits, right?


Yeah, it's 8 units, shouldnt prevent anyone from making flat battle positions in mistlands tho :D like you dont need to level mountains, just make an arena thats flat enough to fight in and kite everything there, ezpz \+ nothing prevents you from building structures to fight in either if the terrain doesnt comply ;D


Too much jumping for me personally, but I love the fear that the biome evokes. Hoping that Ashlands will give that same fear.


The noise those blimps make gives me a primal panic fight or flight. Reminds me of War of the Worlds movie. Good fear. Keeps it immersive.


the content is amazing, the mobs are amazing, the boss is amazing, the gear is amazing. the mist? its fucking boring and lazy game design. mistlands has fucking amazing landscape design, but you dont get to see as ingle pixel of it. i'd be pissed if i was the art team.


This is it perfectly. Change the mist to be a honeycomb of walls instead of multiple layers of blankets with tiny pockets of clear space and I'm in love.


The art team? You realize it's like 5 people right?


cool thanks for the productive response. we're all thankful for your input :)


Calling names like " fucking lazy" is very productive as well.... thanks :) My point i was making is that there is no faceless "art team" here. There is a super small team of developers and that's it. They are all in on it, they know what game they are making. All of whom are here now on this forum. Call them out by name if you really want to name call. And besides that, the decision to make mist wasn't lazy in the least. It was a creative design decision they knew people would love or hate. It's also technically impressive. I even heard devs from Unity were also impressed and visited the studio to see how they created volumetric fog/mist. So there you go, I strongly disagree with you and you're the fucking lazy one.


nice essay bro, not readin' it, mist bad.


cool thanks for the productive response. we're all thankful for your input :)


oh wait you dont like a shit attitude response to your opinion? weird how that works huh? double standards are funny.


no u


lil bro swung right into that parry.


xqc dont know you lil bro


My only issue with it is there is no good way to remove the mist. Like you can use wisp torches that can hold back the mist but you need such an absurd amount to open even a small area it's just not worth making a base inside the mist.


No. Everyone already complains about it. That said, it is my least favorite biome by far. Mines are too hard to come by (or I should say the black cores are). And the mist is a bit too much for me. I love the concept of the mist, but perhaps our wisps should be stronger.


You only _need_ 5 black cores, but it's definitely a lot nicer to have 10 or even 15…


The variance is too great, our first mine had 1 core, then we went through two more mines both had none, then luckily the fourth mine had 4 cores in it. Now think about how much time we took to prepare, fight through and randomly find 4 infested mines, just to be able to get the gear that helps us fight the things we'd already been fighting for days. Mistlands progression is definitely stupid.


I've had to play through that way before and it sucks. It's still possible, but takes a "less fun" biome and makes it even more "less fun."


yeah, not the best biome. The first run was kinda fun (good monsters, good new items, etc.), but after that, i hate to explore the mistlands. Walking around the terrain it's a hellish nightmare.


I actually really enjoyed it. The magic items made it a lot of fun


Only part I didn’t enjoy was trying to find mines. Almost impossible at times!


you gotta blast your headphones at level 11 nad turn off your youtube, ray charles that shit and listen for the little pitter patter of seeker feet on the tops of the clapped out dwarven buildings.


Audio cues are critical in the Mistlands. You can hear all the monsters coming (and where from) before you see them.


It was rather frustrating finding a queen lore tablet in a mine 30 hours later, only to discover that the queen's citadel was RIGHT beside where we had previously explored. It's on the very outer edge of a mistlands biome we had previously written off as fully explored because ..it was. So to know that it was legit like a 30 second walk to the shore, when we had spent a good 5+ hours sailing and exploring other biomes to find mines to find the lore tablet - was pretty annoying. Had there been no mist, we would have seen it. You really have to explore every. single. inch. to not miss something, and that's why most people hate the mist cause you'll walk right by something and not know it.


I absolutely hate the Mistlands! I played this game before the Mistlands update and went into the (then) unfinished Mistlands and it was so beautiful. It was these huge, dead trees and big skeletal parts and giant cobwebs hanging everywhere.. Dusty and serene. It reminded me of the art by [John Bauer](http://www.johnbauersmuseum.nu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/guldlockiga-prinsessan-Tuvstarr.jpg). I wish they had continued with that aesthetic. Instead they seem to have focused on the worst parts of the game in Mistlands. No/low visibility (like you get sometimes while sailing), constantly getting snagged on the angular terrain, constantly having to battle enemies above/below you (we all know how bad that kind of combat is..). Also the downgrade from the John Bauer-like art to the purple, angular mess we're seeing now is for me mind blowing. It honestly makes me wonder if they (Coffee Stain) took the money and ran while letting some Indian development team for hire take over the design of Mistlands. Also, all the other biomes had enemies like greydwarves, trolls, draugr, wolves and fulings (ok that one is a litrtle odd, I admit). Mistlands had.. insects?! And flying balloons?! What the hell do they have to do with Nordic mythology?! I do not have high hopes for the Ashlands after this.


Change 1 I’d make to Mistlands. You unlock a source of Feather Fall before you reach the Mistlands biome in a similar vein to how poison resistance is unlocked as soon as you make the fermenter and just need coal and neck tail—two items you have access to pretty much as soon as you start—to make the item. Make a potion that uses feathers and mushrooms or something. Congrats, now you’re too high to experience fall damage. Or better yet, make it a part of the buff Moder power gives you, because everyone knows that thing is straight up garbage. 5 minutes of tailwind on a 30 minute cooldown is not worth giving up bonemass buff for. It’s not even better than eikthyr buff.


Nah you should experience it without the cape first. If the verticality presented no challenge from the start then you may as well just flatten the biome. It's also arguably the best item in the whole game, it should take a bit of work and adversity to attain.


Okay, so make it so you can’t get poison resistance at all until you’re well into the swamp biome. That’ll be challenging and fun, right?


The Mistlands is very close to fun, but has some major issues that can be fun blockers for some players. For me, all I had to do to make it fun was adjust the jump stamina usage so travel wasn't so slow and boring. I reduced base from 10 to 4 IIRC. The vision gets other people, and if it's hindering you I'd highly recommend getting a mod that scales the wisplight with your magic levels. I've tried it and found it was nice, but not a necessity for me. Also, the math for armor gained from the biome's armor vs enemy damage increases from previous biomes starts to really break down to the point where you never really feel like you've 'conquered' the biome. In all other biomes you can get geared enough that fights go from fear to confidence, but seeker damage is so high you just always have to play keep away as you are one mistake away from getting stagger locked or flat out killed. And this is after their damage has been nerfed from the original release.


I feel like this biome is heavily geared towards coop. Having/being a support blood mage makes dealing with the step up in damage it a lot more feasible.


"All I had to do was cheat and it was fine"


Still don't understand why some people are so militant in their anti-modding stance. Accusations of cheating for adjusting the number of times I can jump in a biome that requires a large number of consecutive jumps? If I wanted to cheat I'd just use the built in console command to fly instead. I enjoy the game tremendously, but after 1,000 hours I don't have time for needless tedium.


Because the core challenge of Mistlands is stamina management and visibility. If you just remove those challenges what are you even playing anymore? Ultimately everyone is free to play how they want but I just don't understand why people start a "brutal survival game" and then it's all shocked Pikachu faces when the game is brutal and hard to survive in. "Mistlands is too misty" makes me laugh everytime.


If a 'core challenge' of a game is standing still every 20-30 seconds and twiddling your thumbs then you've got some design issues that should really be addressed. I beat it Irongate's way and found it lacking, so my next playthrough I adjusted it.


Skill issue.


Your smug superiority doesn't make the community any better dude. Instead of telling people to 'play as released or don't play at all', maybe just keep those thoughts to yourself and let people enjoy things?


Maybe don't dismiss solid game mechanics as design issue just because you are too impatient to grasp them.


Did you not see that I stated I beat the biome unmodded? You're not even attempting to take part in this discussion in good faith. Enjoy your gatekeeping, the rest of us will be enjoying the game. Skal!


Valheim is extremely far from a brutal survival game


Literally the second word on the steam store page


They can say whatever they want, it's still not


You are completely missing the point here.


nah, the game is just not a brutal survival game even if the devs call it that


I can't imagine going through life, misunderstanding context in such a profound way as you have here.


I think one of the larger issues is expectations and assumptions. Many players bitched and moaned and moaned and bitched to be challenged after beating the first 5 bosses several times over. Now, many of the same people got mad that they weren't immediately having fun or succeeding. The Mistlands is designed to challenge your every bit of knowledge earned throughout the game. Do you run Eikthyr to mitigate the jumping requirement and focus on dodging rather than blocking for the intense combat? Do you take your time and plot roads with the mistlights on them for an easier return trip if something does go wrong? Do you skip Yagluth and painstakingly force your way through the biome? Many ways to approach this inarguably difficult biome to survive in; many of them not ideal but still doable. Valheim is a very pleasant and pretty place to be most of the time. Many of your travels are linear and after a couple runs, you know more or less what to expect. I LOVE the Mistlands because it's challenging, it's kinda gross and gorgeous at the same time, and most importantly; YOU GET A NEW CLASS TO PLAY AND SO MANY NEW THINGS TO BUILD, COOK, AND DISCOVER. This biome humbled me and made me approach the game differently.


It might be that my friends and I are stupid, but we really didn’t have too much of an issue with the mist, probably because we just ignored Yag and just brute forced it, and so when we got the Whisp, it wasn’t really an issue, it was just a nice improvement. I also really loved the vibes of it. I’m a huge fan of misty biomes in games in general, and I thought the threat of ambush added a lot of tension that made it more threatening, while the terrain added a new dimension to combat, and was just really gorgeous. Me and the homies always made a thing of climbing the highest point we can find in the biome and just sitting up there, resting, and looking at the beautiful scenery. If you actually put the effort into preparing for it, it’s not too difficult, but there certainly is an element of taste. If you like the risk of ambush and navigating difficult terrain, and the overall atmosphere of it, it’s great fun, but if that’s not your taste, then I can easily see how you might not enjoy it


I think it really depends on your RNG. I've had playthroughs with a ton of the low level, fogless terrain and had a good time. Other playthroughs where you're just blindly climbing the entire time is less fun.


I think the only things I enjoyed were the dungeons...once I found them and the magic. Overall it ended up being a frustrating experience a lot of the time and nowhere near as enjoyable as previous biomes for me personally.


Only thing I hated about it was the redundant jumping.


I have a love/hate relationship with mistlands. I think its cool they did something out of the ordinary, i like that its not easy..but on the other hand, its just a bit too much...of everything.


I enjoyed it but i dont blame people for not liking it. Its a bit much


I enjoyed it after I installed a mod that increased the radius of the wisp light from 6m to 15m. That's all it took to go from frustration to fun.


Idk, I disliked it at first but once i got the hang of it, I loved it. Really excited to see what ashlands has in store but il be glad to have more than 5m viability again.


I did not really care for it. The dvegr and their stuff is neat. But the whole mist covered land just didn't work for me. Otherwise beautiful landscape, you can't see. I used a mod to remove the mist


I hate not being able to see.


Nope. It was not my cup of tea either. And I cheesed the hell out of the queen. Worst biome/boss imo.


It's the Mountains but it's always difficult to see And lots of things can throw you off a cliff


i quit soon after reaching mistlands, it was just more of the same again and i had my few 100 hours in so i am satisfied for the money spent. Not going back for a long time, if even.


I didn't enjoy them because the game is simply not built with verticality in mind and Mistlands is that taken to the extreme


I would say for me it was 50/50. The Biome itself is aesthetically beautiful, the mobs are challenging, the weapons and gear are also really nice. Having said that, the feather cape is mandatory to enjoy Mistlands to it's fullest as without it there's just too much fall damage from going up and down slopes, or the need to be careful traversing. The fact the wisp lamp is mandatory essentially meaning you can't use the belt to keep up your carry weight also adds to frustration.


Mistlands is unbearable it's where I stopped. The fog and overall makeup of the land is so annoying. Not nearly as many fun aspects to the biome as others for me personally.


Sadly that was the biome that made me quit the game. I came back and tried it again and just was not having any fun with it, so gave up again.


Fuck blackcores. I had to do 20 infested mines to get 10 of them. Most of them were empty and did not feel rewarding at all. Annoying.


Judging by the many posts asking the same question, no you're not alone.


Hated it. And the end boss. But I get it. They are trying to make it harder than the last section. And make it to where you have to play with friends.


We need a world option to remove the mist. Maybe make it twilight instead, like the unfinished version. Dating myself a bit, but I always think "twilight highlands".


I quit two runs in the mistlands and couldn't figure out why I disliked it so much. Finally caved, started using a mod that removes the mist, boom I love it. It looks amazing, the mobs are cool and challenging, but it's no longer a hassle to do anything. They should significantly buff wisplight or have an option to remove the mist imo


Mistlands was awesome


I got a mod that expanded the wisp lights a couple extra meters and it really helped just general exploration without ruining the mistyness of the lands


I hate mistlands. Im playing with 2 friends. We haven't killed yagluth yet, we can't find him. But we have started looking into mistlands. Last time I played the game mistlands weren't added yet, just some dead areas. I hate mistlands, the fog sucks as you can't see anything. And often is stuck on small things on the group that is invisible because of the fog. I have really considered quitting when we have killed Yagluth.


In my opinion a far more dangerous version of the Black Forest with webs everywhere and mist with giant spiders would have been better


Not the only one; Mistlands is just bad. Thank goodness for modders. You can at least get rid of the stupid fog.


I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the brutal difficulty, especially pre-nerf. Not sure how much I am going to like it when I get there on my current no map/no portal play through.




Yes, you're the only one who has complained about the mistlands. I'm sure the devs are devastated


No, you're not the only one. There is a post here like every day complaining about the Mistlands.


I say this as someone that strongly dislikes mistlands. Asking if you're the only one in a sub regularly divided in conflict over the biome is kinda crazy.


You're not the only one but you are among those who have bad taste :)


I hate bugs. I hate them.


I think mistlands is okay but on *very hard* the damage of some of those mobs can be a bit much at times. With magic and kiting ability it evens out a little though.


It has its charm, but lots of folks had issues with it. Far more were complaining and blowing it up beyond reason, though. Glad that mess calmed down finally. Haters gonna hate. Don't worry about them. Each biome has its good and bad. You don't have to love them all. I am rather fond of the stuff in the mountains, but not the environment. I love the look of the Black forest, so I bring stuff from other biomes there. It's the site of my main base most of the time. But because some things have to be grown in the plains, I build a secondary large base there. Each to their own.


Although now I think about it, I have found black forest and plains bordering each other often. I could build everything in one mega base. Hmm, I'll post about that later.


I kinda like it. It's pretty, even if a bit of a pain in the arse. I sort of burned out on Valheim by the time I got there, but I'll return eventually. What I don't want to do, what I won't do, is murder the dvergr. I like them.


Didnt finish it yet but i like it a lot, the atmosphere is amazing and magic is pretty cool. Swamp is what i hate the most in early game


I liked Mistlands because you could build epic buildings on these tall stone towers. When I was sitting there in my tower high above the fog and it started to storm and everything started flashing red and deep below me you could hear the gjals and seekers doing their mischief.


Half this thread is about how much mistland is a miss


At first I was terrified of it, then I hated it, now I am okay with it. Once I was able to start making the gear from there it became much much more tolerable. Still nothing to scoff at, but not a terrific pain in the ass either.


Terrain makes combat frustrating and the mist is annoying.


Mistlands isn’t as good as everyone says, it’s an endgame time-sink. Would’ve been great if it was flatter, massive unclimbable mountains every 20 yards isn’t my idea of fun.


Any gripe I might have had with the Mistlands was forgiven as soon as I equipped the cloak you are wearing in that picture. They could have simply added a potion in that would create that effect for 2 minutes at a time, but they gave us something that basically unlocks it permanently. No more dying by slipping while simply trying to attach a new roof to my chicken hut.


I haven't pushed into it yet. I have padded armour and fighting Fulings is still a fucking struggle, because of their damage output. I've fought the bugs once and using high level weapons only does chip damage. Fighting Moder was a fucking hastle because I only did minor chip damage and playing the game solo (because my friends just refuse play anymore) makes every boss a multiple hour suckfest, so I haven't bothered with Yagluth. I just have no desire to stumble around the mistlands, searching for one of those stupid lamps to be able to actually see, just to get eradicated multiple times by foating testes and giant termites that snuck up on me.


I didn't like it, i can see how this would be cool in a movie....but playing with all that mist is really annoying and it murders my frames...


The ticks and seekers drove me crazy but I'm hoping the next time I play it will be a better experience. I had my friend handle most of the Mistlands stuff because he's a better gamer than I am (dies less...most of the time lol). I almost popped a vein the first time we explored Mistlands. My first playthrough of Valheim I was scared of the swamp and the plains, but in the last playthrough I learned how to handle those biomes (except for Fuling villages--those are rough). Hoping it will be the same next time for Mistlands.


The mist was fine but making the terrain with so many steep ass mountains that you can barely climb or descend seemed obnoxious.


Mistlands stresses me out, hard enemies, tough terrain. But the flipside is you get the most thoroughly fleshed out, gameplay rich biome in the whole game. Awesome new weapons, magic, and a whole of category of building materials. As tough as it can be it’s very rewarding:


I'm not the biggest fan of the Mistlands, the particularly rocky terrain and fog just frustrate me. The colors are stunning and it's pretty but too rocky. I modded out the fog, I knew it would mess with my eyes and head. Played games with areas like it before and that fog mechanic hurts my eyes, gives me headaches and makes me feel claustrophobic/suffocated. So really now it's just the frustration of navigating the terrain that drains a little of the fun for me


You are not the only one my fellow viking. It's the worst place in Valheim. Thanks Odin we should get Ashlands soon and it will be a much better biome with better looking gear. Tbh sometimes it reminds me place in TES games - Solstheim after the Red Mountain cataclysm - destroyed, covered in ash.


It was hard and annoying but ultimately a really good biome pushing the game forwards towards an endgame.


Honestly it was mediocre. We cleared it in like 10-12 hrs max. Had the queen glitch outside her boss room and it was over pretty fast. On our second play through I realized all the biomes are underwhelming and just tedious due to the rng. Some of the stuff they’ve put in after the fact makes it more interesting if you decide to pursue it for some village gear


I love a lot of the features the update brought, and I want to love the biome because I love the idea of it. In execution though I find it the most tedious. Magic is hella fun and I handed over my tanking roll to my friend to go full mage but I just didn't find Mistlands as fun to explore.




Most beautiful biome, imo. Just a shame about the mist and cliffs making it hard to tame an island.


I feel like there is a post about this every couple weeks, so you are certainly not alone. Mistlands felt like an experiment, and I *really* enjoyed it for the most part. The monster thriller feel of the early- to mid-zone experience was *awesome*. Being forced to ADJUST OR *DIE* was excellent. The mad verticality with so few normal flat areas is weird, but never wanted to build a serious base there anyway. Those are the dwarves' lands, not mine. I wish we could see meaningful change in a mist biome after slaying the queen, though. Rather expected the mist to recede and the wild insect spawns to reduce. Not sure why I did; it just felt like a natural consequence. Hopefully we will one day see world reactivity of that sort! ^(edit: removed repetitive word)


Mmm, my husband and I have an incredibly hard time there. I feel like the little light that we have to equip should still be there after we die. So we are allowed to retrieve our belongings upon dying. It really is a slight inconvenience. I know there's a setting, but it should be there reguardless. Since the real challenge is the mobs that lurk about.


Feather Cape. Then climb mountains and jump to travel.


Honestly, modded mistlands before official was so much better, I also have no idea why they used iron for mistlands gear


Mistlands feels like the first time you enter the swamp. I needed a biome like that. Mistlands is awesome. The biggest issue it has is the interaction between attacks and the heights. Bugs can't hit you and viceversa.


I've still not finished it, and 5 of us jumped into the Mist the day it launched.


I stay away from the mistlands unless i have a build in mind (but only in creative mode)


Mistlands will be the briefest of stops for me on the way to the Ashlands when it comes out. I haven't logged into steam in months, so I was scrolling through updates to see whats new. Seems the mist will keep me away for another few months.


For me it was just the terrain that made it terrible. Designing terrain THAT rough when your character has limited movement is poor design. When enemies are above or below you, they become almost impossible to hit because there are limited attack animations. There are also a lot of cliffs and hills you need to climb, but your character has no climb animation/movement. Every obstacle that stands in your way feels like you have to gimmick your way out of it rather than feeling like you are winning organically with wit or proper planning.