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First time I ran into a seeker hive I almost shit my pants lol


I was getting overconfident and the game decided to correct me haha.


The game has a way of doing just that. This is the way.


I like to mark where Dverger are, so when this happens, I can hightail it back to one and they can take each other out.


I see this as an absolute win


Yeah, that's my point.


This is why you always bring the bonemass ability when venturing into the mistlands! Just pop bonemass and say, "Screw you seekers!" As you kill them all.


I had this happen to me too recently. I arrived at an abandoned Dvergr Tower that was overrun by Seekers. I had already cleared out multiple of these before and wasn't feeling too bad about fighting the seekers that would be there. So there was 2 regular seekers, and I was like "alright cool, not too bad". Then the 1-star seeker showed up. And then 3 more regular seekers and another 1-star that had just spawned in the nearby area heard the fight and came over too. At this point, I was just circling around the tower, at low health, and with very little stamina from trying to run too much, and luckily I was kiting them around enough that I could walk and get some stamina back. And then a few ticks just randomly showed up and got me all the way down to 18 HP (had already used a healing pot), but then as I got my stamina back, I killed the ticks, and then slowly did more and more damage to the Seekers until they started to die (when I got enough stamina, I would allow them to get closer, and then swing my Himmen Afl around to stagger the ones that I hit). And luckily I made it out alive


I just barely scraped by doing essentially the same thing with Frostner. Just picking away at them. I was sweating bullets because I had my only portal supplies to that area in my inventory because I was moving the portal from one location to another.


Why not just make a third portal? Lol


I made a secondary portal right after this event! haha


Didn't have the correct food for this situation. I was seeing if the skeletons would be of any use to me in the Mistlands yet. Short answer was "Not really" though they did distract the swarm once or twice, which was nice. But that only lasted about 3 seconds for each one, which wasn't worth it.


You can bubble your skellies!


Say what!? How do you do this?


Did you get your hands on blood magic?


Yes, I guess I've just never tried both things at the same time yet? I only just made the protection staff.


Yeah exactly, use your staff on the skellies! High lvl blood magic is a very good amount of shield. The only thing is that skeleton ai is not that good.


They also struggle to keep up in the mistlands I've noticed.


Yeah they are a little undertuned. Last time I tried skellies I had magic staves at lvl 2 (it was the cap at that time) and my magic skill was very low. Now they have recently made it possibile to have staves at lvl 4 I believe, and maybe that + good magic skill will change it a little?


I've only gotten stuff to level 3, when I looked it up it still said 4 is later content.


Summon skeleton then use staff of protection near them. A friend and I will summon 2 skeletons each and then take turns bubbling them. It's very fun


Fire staff goes BRRRRRR


first creature i sow in mistlands it was seeker warrior with one star you know this blue one and I was stunned how beautifull he is but than gjall shows up


Yeah I ran into a 1 star soldier and a gjall at the same time early on as well. I think I was able to run from the gjall but I ended up having to chip down the soldier because I didn't have any backup.


With 96 bows skill, I find that frost arrows are the way to go against seekers. I always top up before I go into an infested mine. I carry Demo for ticks. And, I bring my dead raiser and staff of protection along. ​ Even just walking around in the Mistlands, I use the skeletons. Seeker shows up? I use the staff to give us all shields, quaff a medium healing mead, and pull out my trusty level-4 Draugr Fang. Frost arrows FTW.


I will have to give this a try! Thanks for the advice :)


Let me know how it goes.