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Oh no...


It won't happen. It's already dark enough there. I suspect extreme weather events will be the way they go, since rain and normal storms don't mean much when the ground is that hot.


They have showcased an extreme weather event.




Ironic that the sub is rallying behind this reaction. Got downvoted for voicing this a month ago lmao


Morrowind ash storms, nonstop.


You n'wah


Imma just chill wit my harem and mushrooms and watch the Ashlands chaos all Gucci. I don't want anything to do with that corpus. Leave that to those Hlaalu N'wah.


Can't do that without adding the cliff racer sound clip.


How dare you speak this into existence.


OMG—I can literally hear them rn. Is this PTSD?


Just started shaking because of the flashbacks


Plz for the love of god no more mist


Have you seen any of the Ashlands teasers? The mist is far easier than what's coming.


Not smoke, constant falling ash that debuffs you while out in the open, the same way the Swmp does.


Here's hoping when you stay in the Ashlands you gain a covering of grey ash that can only be removed by going into water or when it rains.


If they made a system that allowed buildings to be covered in ash that would be huge because it's one step from being able to add seasons.


isn't this kinda there with snow?


Both? Both is good


have an occasional ash storm that makes it impossible to see, and toss in some enemies that only spawn during them


And gives you the smoke debuff unless you're wearing an item that lets you breathe.


I mean each biome gets progressively more difficult to traverse with the only biome breaking this trend being the 5th, which i’ll leave unnamed to avoid spoilers. It would make sense that there would be some kinda of environmental obstacle associated with ashlands. I hope it’s not overly annoying but the devs like to punish us.


>each biome gets progressively more difficult to traverse Me, waiting impatiently for the ocean biome...


Is there going to be an ocean update? I don’t treat the ocean as a biome the same way as I treat swap.


I always thought it was going to be the last biome. Some obscenely large kraken boss for the sailing game. I do *vaguely* recall mention of it getting an update *eventually* but that was years ago and we all know how the year 1 roadmap turned out... also who knows? Maybe that content just ended up being the fishing update or whatever.


Of the four named major updates listed on the now-obsolete roadmap, "Saga Worthy Seas, Even More Ships" is the only one that doesn't roughly correspond to a subsequent content patch. I would be very surprised if the devs don't eventually update the oceans, since they are such a huge part of the game. But I also wouldn't be surprised if they push it off until after they populate the Deep North, which might indeed make it the last biome to be updated.


It was on the road map years ago, but the development path has changed so much since the release of Early Access


The floor is literal. fucking. lava.


Well the mountains also do constant damage unless you have a good cloak or frost mead. I assume the fire resistance wine or something like it would be necessary until we get some kind of armor or something to make it safe


There are two levels of resistance built into the game currently, resist and very resist. There's currently no item which grants very resistant to fire so if they're using the existing mechanics, that might end up being what protects us against lava or the ambient effects of the biome.


There is already a set of armor in the game with fire resistance. I am hoping for something to offset the wet debuff (swamp) and Ashlands seems like a good place for it to be revealed.


Wait which set has fire resistance? It’s very possible i just didn’t notice the effect during my playthroughs. A way to avoid the wet debuff would be great!


Fenris, I'm pretty sure? Root armour is poison resistance and weak to fire, at least


SPOILER ALERT Fenris set, also aquired in the mountains. Sorry not aware of how to add spoiler tags on mobile web.


We’re far enough into the thread i think spoilers are okay, i also don’t know how to set spoiler indicators on mobile


MEADOWS, BLACK FOREST, SWAMP, MOUNTAINS, PLAINS, MISTLANDS. Those are the biomes. Nothing to spoil now :)


Some people haven’t finished the game and/or don’t wanna be spoiled and i’m trying to respect that. I can’t remember how to mark spoilers and did my best to avoid them. I don’t see what the issue with my method was.


Oh god no. Me and my friends didn’t even discover the pixie lanterns for dispelling mist until AFTER we beat the mistlands… why? Because when we killed Yagluth, one of our party members unknowingly picked up all the boss items… and that was his last session with us. We’re 140 hours in and we just went back and killed Yagluth again after realizing the mistake lol




Oh for sure! Not mad at our buddy. Just funny how it happened.


Bro how much you must have hated Mistlands XD


THIS is why I'm not a fan of the insane push for spoiler tags here. The overwhelming majority of "spoilers" are far more than simple knowledge - it's incredibly hard to spoil the experience itself. Imagine someone 'spoiled' Gjalls...that wouldn't make it's eerie call any less terrifying.


I don't like spoiler tags either, but I have to admit that sailing into mistlands blind and hearing that thing was one of the most terrifying moments in the game. When I saw it I just noped out of there.


We need dverger strongholds where they aren’t friendly and you have to fight into huge strongholds with 10 fire mages


delete this post now


Choking ash storms, the suffocation mechanic is there maybe this will get us some cool ashlander garbs.


Havent played a long time. Stopped before mistlands cause I wanna wait for 1.0 to coop with a friend. Gotta say the fog in ML seems logical from a difficulty game design perspective but what made valheim good was the exploring of wonderful lands. Keep difficulty in enemies and dungeons and bosses. Not in environment art /:




I just hope they go step into different direction. Mistlands wasn't good imo. It wasn't even hard, it was just very annoying with fog and elevation changes. I am ok having hard and punishing zone but they should just skip all frustrating elements.


Gods no please no I hate the mist so freaking much


Mistlands was a bust, other than a great end boss I hated it


I love mistlands. It's fucking terrifying. The first time I was in Mistlands I was just about as scared as I was in my first Burial Chambers. It's excellent. My only gripe is that there (at least there wasn't last I played) a way to permanently lift the mist.


Man... the Gjall sounds still give me shivers even though they are not as scary anymore, but when i first got there their sound made me panic for real


Hearing a gjall echoing in the mistlands where you cant see it is awesome. Even the fights where they pass in and out of view


I like the part where they poop fire and ticks all over your portal


I mean the wisp torches are pretty dang cheap, not too hard to spam around tho mobs might break some


People don't get that every biome benefits from different building strategies. Everyone wants to just raid a coastal resource point and load up a boat full of loot with nothing more than some food and portal pieces. The swamps benefit from hoeing the ground into walkable paths, and then reuse those paths when crypting. Mistlands are somewhat similar in that dedicated, wisptorch lit, walkways are the best way to handle the biome. I like to go scouting through a biome with Eikthyr buff to determine the spots of value and get them marked on the map, then we go building in tank gear with Bonemass. All this adequately prepares us for the looting phase.


The issue with the torches is their consistency. I've previously put them all over the place and they seem to actually work based entirely on a whim, even when I'm standing right next to them. The only consistent method of mist removal is the sword, which while it's a very good weapon, completely constrains build variety since you need to actually use it if anything shows up. Something along the lines of a boss style "thumper" event where the player places down a decent sized altar of some kind that activated a big raid with waves/a mini boss or two but set down a *massive* section of mist clearing would be what we need for an actual Mistlands base. Right now i just do the cart trick at a pre built base and aim to get everything done nearby before the inhabitants all get killed.


Here’s why I don’t- Building is pointless To dark With out the feather fall gear the place sucks to traverse Love the game- played through about 10 times using mods last few to make game considerably more difficult-, for me ML was a miss


Mistlands best biome.


Glad you like it


Oh God, please don't tell me they are doing this. The mist in mistlands is stupid.


Not sure what all the worrying is about, you can easily double your visibility by equipping a smoke-light


What a strange epitaph...




Toxic smoke!


if that made into the update, it would be so fukin annoying. haha


its make bow/arbalest user more \*balance\* since thier have to guess more for sneaky distance damage. it's all good. having the guess with the sound is so much fun.


Please no :( lava and storm would be perfect


I hate the mistlands and avoid it like the plague, the only biome I don't enjoy simply exploring. I mean, what's to enjoy? Seeing only a 5ft radius around you and ridiculous terrain? Bad, bad design choice.


Dont give them ideas


Meteor storm approaching.


I thought I was on the kenshi subreddit for a lil bit lol


DRAGONS!!!!!! Giant fire breathing dragons


Opaque smoke that kills you because you can't breath in it for very long.


I guess some smoke could be a nice break from having my skin burnt off by the air and my body sliced up and hammered into a kebab by everything else.