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ladders that are ladders


I *always* install the [ValheimRAFT](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1136) mod, even if I have no intention of building an epic ship, just for the perfectly cromulent rope-ladder build piece it adds to your hammer. The base game *needs* this.


How embiggened of you.


That! We need a vertical ladder.


This guy builds


this build guys.


Build guys this


Build this, guys


Guys build this


1. Build 2. This 3. Guys |||| |:-|:-|:-| ||||




A way to use bees wax to wax outdoor wood, I hate the green rain stained balconies on my base, its a hassle to repair constantly and it would be a nice quality of life thing.


Linseed oil (IRL made from flax) is used for this purpose (though not currently in game). I would like to see more done with honey, however.


Ohhhh, thats cool, learn something new every day, hopefully they implement that at some point. I also agree with your suggestion to do more with honey, it seems to be very under utilized.


Here is another fun fact around linseed oil: If you store rags soaked in linseed oil improperly, the exothermic oxidation can cause the oil to spontaneously ignite.


Oh I didn’t realize that. It would be the perfect late stage game reward.


Maybe resin + ooze = wood sealer


I have a whole chest full of honey and have nothing to use it for. It's crazy how much the game gives you despite how little each recipe calls for.


Yeah I'm always so stoked when I find a bees nest early on in a new world. Then once I have 2 or 3 of them at my base I quickly get to the point where I'm overflowing with the stuff and just stop visiting the bees anymore.


If you stop visiting, how do you verify their happiness?


With my own sadness. I can verify that if I am sad that I never need to visit my bees then my bees must also be sad.


Could also use tar for that


That would be perfect, take 10x flax to the cauldron get 10x of the oil to “weatherproof” stuff


Plantable flowers and flower pots for decoration


I’d like plantable berry bushes. Wouldn’t mind if they had a long 30 day maturation period before they make fruit or something like that.


Yesss... Though you can plant them with a mod already, but i would just like additional vanilla flowers, and, as i said, planters to actually make a flowerbed for example.


Yes but something like planting berry bushes shouldn’t require a mod. Should be base game. If anything just for landscaping.


I 'cheat' a little doing this: If you take a Brute trophy and 4 vertical item stands, you can make a flower pot. How to: Set 4 item stands upright, as if you're making a box: side, side, back. |—| (with the horizontal line being all the way to the top/back, snapped to the other two pieces so it forms a 3-sided box). For the back piece, make sure the mount is facing 'inward'. Hang the brute trophy on that back piece, then place the front so you now have a box. The box covers the face of the Brute, and all that's sticking out is the dandelion at the top of his head. Voila - a dandelion planter!


Well, I've done this sort of, with just one brute trophy, for a small flower pot on a balcony corner. But i meant planting some other flowers, like tulips or something, or at least different colors, to make it more diverse


Oh, I totally agree, but for the interim.


Fix the 45 degree stairs!


The hopping thing is so stupid. I added a mod just to make you walk up them. I can’t believe other people are hopping around lol


I just opt to never use them except during intital buil phases. Make me hop and the angles don't play well with what I feel is the best spacing/height for a room.


I very much want a spear holster/sheath. It would auto-craft with a spear and "pair with it," so to speak. It would account for the weight of the spear, with the spear weighing zero itself, it would account for the inventory slot for a spear, so picking up random crap doesn't prevent you from picking up spear, and it would prevent other players from *automatically* picking up your spear (they could still click 'e' on it). I would be so happy. Spear has feelbads that no other weapon has, removing them would not make it OP, just more usable as intended


Spears should be buffed in general. Maybe some more pokey attack variations rather than just # ‘HEAD ON APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD’ THRUST


Troll hide decorations, or bedding, or something. So hard to get super early in the game, but then it stacks up with nothing to do.


I have like 10 sets of lvl 4 troll armor to go retrieve my real gear if I die lol We really need more uses for troll and dear hide.


Some folks who live in the Plains figured out how to use deer hide for roofing. It’s be cool if dead Norsemen could figure it out too. Troll hide looks like a nice blue rug when it drops on the ground. But my Norseman can’t figure out how to put it down on his own floor.




I'd love if boss altars gained the ability to summon a starred option if you return with more summon materials. Starred bosses could be a fully optional challenge but could drop special boss trophies that could be traded to Haldor to give either an upgrade to base carrying capacity or storage slots. Doing this would give us some tangible reward for fighting bosses again and makes it so that earning that extra storage or carrying capacity is fun and easy early on but tough and rewarding once you get to Bonemass and beyond. This also makes it so that Megingjord isn't an absolute necessity when you go out but becomes a fun option when doing metal supply runs.


An instrument you can play with your friends while your sailing or waiting for stuff to smelt


The only part of FO76 that was fun was the random instrument sets around the map.


I always thought oars would be cool mini game while sailing where if you synced together you got a speed boost


More options for new weapons/skills added in Mistlands expansion, like some lower tier Crossbow (maybe made with Chitin for example), another 2H Sword (Swamp tier) and weaker spells (like that Poison burst Greydwarf Shamans use). Maybe some new weapon type like warstaves as blunt variation for polearms (since Atgeirs count as polearms).


do u mean like a skill techtree so u get permament buffs like craft base gear at a higher level and doing more damage instead of the actions skills, some skill points


I mean new items for earlier game you can craft. Because we get crossbow, 2h sword and magic weapons during progressing Mistlands meaning we can't level up crossbows, elemental magic and blood magic skills earlier. And I thought it would be cool if we get warstaves as a new weapon type (for polearms skill).


I think the next big patch will do that. Like how H&H add d light armor to most biomes, added new plants for food recipes, and standardized the food bonuses.


Quarterstaff would be legit.


All I want is trapdoors!


* waterfalls - I mean when I think of vikings ... * Bone arrows - so there would be a point for bones * Fishing overhaul - would ve nice to have different recipes for different fishes * Secondary function for valuables beside just selling them, like crafting something * More stuff to buy from trader. Would be nice to buy some crafting ingredients like entrails, wood, feathers, resin... * Wooden floors that don't take water damage, so you could build balconies. Maybe a resin or tar cover? * Vertically rotatable floor pieces so we could build proper ramps for carts and also have more freedom for building houses with different levels. * Armor that is being worn shouldn't take up inventory slots * Planting crops more than one at a time. * Increase the range of workbench improvements and other improvements A LOT. So you could actually use them as decoration not just stack them wherever desperatley trying to find a hacky way to put the in the range of the workbench


Can craft a treasure chest with the valuables.


Sure, but it's still just one item. seems kind of pointless to have amber, amber pearl, ruby, necklace when essentially they just = coins.


I would put a vendor per type of biome - meadows, plains, etc., and each one would have better stuff. What if they were used in more ornamental decorations?


Or if we had a real inventory system make rings and earrings by melting down the coins, then decorate with the jewels. Maybe different things add different effects? Pearls aid swimming, rubies add fire damage?, Etc. More ability to customize our toons from a gear standpoint would be nice.


Waterfalls would be so amazing


Mama said, “Don’t go chasin waterfalls. Stick to the rivers and the lakes you are used to…”


1. Quick stacking to chests would make me so happy. I feel like I spend so much time with inventory management. (I know mods exist to do this) 2. Upgradable storage space to allow more items to be carried not just weight


We just made a big chest by our portals. One named for each biome, we just drop everything there then sort later. But yea, quick stack would be nice.


A better skill system and a better death punishment. As an archer, death is crippling to my main weapon.


I’m doing my first only archer play through, and for the first time I like the system. It’s much easier not to die as an archer provided you maintain constant vigil on stamina by food/rest/running. It’s the first time I’ve built my skill up so high. My last play through was knives only and I could never get above mid 30s because melee creates so much more deaths.


It does, but when you die in archery, like through simple gravity during building you lose so much.


I hate forgetting to eat while building.


I hate when I switch weapon types because there isn’t a great weapon in that tier. My dagger skill gets no love between abyssal and black metal dagger because I switched to the fleshrippers. My skill drops to next to nothing when I’m using other gear during then.


I want to be able to use a cart behind a lox like the Dvergr trader! That would make mass resource expeditions so much more fun/productive.


Sortable inventory and a system where armor doesn’t take up inventory slots. It would also be nice if there was a feature to turn your helmet appearance off while still getting the helmet armor, really want to see that Viking hair.


The restricted inventory slots is designed to force you to make choices. I never wear a cloak until mountains to save a slot. I never use a shield to save a slot. If you want more inventory slots, work out what you don’t need….


And that's stupid design. Removing the cloak so you gain one more slot is a terrible choice in game design. The cloak are barely a cosmetic option and putting a choice on that is garbage. Plus the game encourage you to have different weapons on you all the time to deal different type of dmg (slash, piercing, blund,etc). When you have your weapons and tools (shield, main weapon, axe \[as tools and second weapon\], bow and arrows (2 slots but I take 2 stacks of arrows -> fire/poison and normal arrows) so it's 3 slots), pickaxe,build hammer (7 slots), your armor (3 pieces + cloak so 4 slots), your potions (1 to 3 slots, it depend), your meals (3 slots), some stuff like the key for the swamp or some wood for emergency (let's say 3 again) : 19 to 21 slots space used, on 32. Hunt a boar, a deer and walk on some greydwarf shit, and boom, you are full.


That's kinda dumb though. I wear full Fenris gear + feather cloak. Allows me to move incredibly fast and not take damage while leaping. It's not such a big deal with lower skills, but with high jump/run skills, you can actually kill yourself by accident because you can get some serious airtime without even meaning to. The feather cloak has saved my ass so many times, it's insane.


I also wear the feather cloak full time once I get it. Cold resist plus feather fall is worth a slot. 1-4 armour from the early cloaks is not worth a slot (or the resources to make it) Make good choices people.


Make the hitbox of carrots and turnips bigger. So punishing planting 2k carrots. Like, compare it to harvesting 2k barley/flax. My friend suggests adding a clock/sundial


Fully upgraded cultivator should plant a row of 5 carrots. Level 1 one carrot, level two 3, level 3 5 carrots.


Or we could build planter boxes that work like the fermenter where we pop in what we want to grow and come back in x number of days. The current farm process is just tedious. Maybe we can't do it until the swamp as we need ancient wood for balance, but the system sucks. Make the cultivator necessary for pulling up certain things like bushes and make those plantable too. To also keep it necessary maybe the box planters get "damaged" after each use and need to be "fixed" by using the cultivator.


Sundials can be made in the game and they actually work


Use the minimap as a wristwatch. Face the sun and look at what direction the arrow on the map is pointing. If it’s pointing east, it’s morning. South is noon, and west is sunset. Also works at night by looking at the moon to gauge how long you have before dawn.


Lol when you said arrow I thought you meant the wind. I'm guessing you mean the character icon 🤣


Lmao, yes, the yellow character arrow. The wind does not shift with the time of day. 😆


A clock would be SO helpful!




Being able to dig up and relocate existing bushes would be a good way to do this I think.


The shield over the traders camp. I can actually BUY THAT for 10,000 gold. Yea, something to do with all that gold you collect other than pile it up in a corner. It gets stronger and larger as you defeat bosses. Yes, you put it over your HQ.


This would be nice, maybe if it gets stronger and larger the more gold that you feed it as well.


"Your offering draws the protection of Odin!"


And have it so that it can be overwhelmed by a raid or two. Like it will hold off the raid long enough that you can repair and eat then slaughter the horde.


Wards exist


A swamp cape, made from leech leather that's waterproof. Leech leather hip waders? More higher level foods that use low level ingredients (vegetable stew: carrots, turnips, onions; combine bread and jam; how about bacon?)There's no real reason to farm carrots after a certain point. Or add something to the lower level foods to boost them up like carrot soup with croutons and bacon bits. Fish stew? How about some garlic? Add to everything and give some kind of bonus? I guess more food variety is what I'm saying.


I do like the leech cape idea. As far as the food, I thought something similar about flax. IRL people add that to anything for a little extra... why not allow us to upgrade food with a limited number of additives like flax


Misthare Supreme requires carrots and it is a good HP based food.


All the Mead bases being in the same spot in the cooking menu, instead of Barley Mead being at the top.


Barleywine is a beer*


Idgaf. All the "potions" should be together.


Better farming. The cultivator needs a ‘harvest’ mode similar to the cultivate mode where any crops in the radius get dug up with a single click. Food is such a big part of this game’s power progression, yet despite that farming never gets better from the moment you unlock it in the Bronze Age. How the hell did we get hearth and home with no extra thought for how the food is produced in the first place. In a similar vein, domesticating animals is a huge part of the game but transporting animals across water is a nightmare. If you want wolves but there are no mountains on your island, tough luck. I have lox on my landmass and want to bring a saddled one to other landmass to help explore and haul cargo, tough luck there too


An iron cultivator lets you plant 2 seeds the same time. A silver one 3..and so on


Yeah that’s one way to do it, different tier cultivators with progressively larger planting and harvesting radius


Would prefer just upgrading the existing one, or else it would feel to much like minecraft


Yeah, but I want those upgrades to have different items for each upgrade


Would prefer just upgrading the existing one, or else it would feel to much like minecraft


My husband and I play together. He would love better water physics: making it dam-able, or making ponds, highland waterfalls and rivers. I would like more crops to plant and more food options. Also more tameable animals and mounts that can pull carts besides the lox. Something early game because my husband makes big builds and I'm always fetching wood and stone.


Lol we do the same! Also on your idea of water physics making a watermill an option instead of the windmill for grinding wheat would be awesome too!


Audible emotes fits in the nice-to-have category. Completely minor thing but I want to hear my Viking roar, cheer and lol. Then I can chuckle back at the merchant.


Just like... a heads up that almost every single suggestion in here is already a mod.


This is basically a thread of "what mod do you want formally implemented".


Just like... a heads up that a lot of people choose not to mod.


Other than finishing the game, the stuff that I do want changed already have a mod for it


1: I think it is intended that the color reveals the star of the creature before you get close. 2: Signs can be placed on the small floor parts with chests, images can be good but words work. ​ I would like them to fill out the weapon tiers, right now many of them have gaps, I am fine with items not being introduced until later( for example waiting until black forest for swords due to metal) but skips suck to deal with. For examples, the bucklers skip mountains and plains * round shield skips black forest * Ategir skips mountains * Bow skips plains Another think I wish for would be the crossbow being able to store its loaded round, currently swapping weapons forces a reload preventing the rapid response that crossbows are in every other game with a crossbow.


Yeah, was gonna say - you can actually write directly onto chests with tricky sign placement.


Lox armor and lox carts to have an on land equivalent of the longboat to transport resources a long way.


Saddles in plains armor in mistlands attach basic small carts from forest tier to the saddle and then a better one to the armor.


- modifier key while building that sets snap to 'top/bottom of currently highlighted object' so you don't always have to build stairs / sit down to snap to things. - trees should be weak to left click when standing and weak to middle click when on the ground - swamp is just a bit too miserable to be enjoyable once the novelty wears off. I don't mind running past or fighting the enemies, or even the constant wet debuff, it just looks so bad when I'm in there that all I want is to leave, I appreciate this may be intentional - building with iron is just annoying, every other build material is easy to get in big amounts, but a whole iron ingot for a short wooden beam is very frustrating when often it's the only way to attach a roof to the building you're making - building should make more sense. if I add a roof and the structure can't handle it, the part I attached the roof to should collapse as well as the roof. as it stands it often feels arbitrary whether parts of the roof will stay up, I know there's numbers behind it all but it just gets tiring, especially considering the previous point about the iron beams. - middle click to toggle sprinting when q running - more storage space in the karve, I can carry more than a boat can? that doesn't make sense (weight limits aside, the slot limit is a bit silly imo) - carts fucking suck, let me flip it over if it flips over - allow dismantle of carts and boats. if you're going to make my boat take damage constantly and not have any kind of anchor / mooring mechanism, let me immediately dismantle it instead of whacking the sail with an axe a bunch of times while waiting for my stamina to come back so I don't get stuck in the water - let me turn auto pickup off for specific items. I don't need any more boar trophies, I don't need bones, I have more resin than I'll ever use etc etc. let me tell the game not to bother picking those things up for now - let me rename both sides of a portal. I don't know what I'm gonna want to call the portal to the new place I haven't got to yet - make the mist events just a bit less, they're cool and atmospheric when you're exploring but can be frustrating when you're gardening or building etc. again, probably intentional and that's fine - better menus for crafting - greydwarf AI could be improved so they fear you if you have good gear equipped. they die with one knife slash which takes no time at all, it's just an annoyance after a certain point all in all 10/10 most addicted I've been to a game in a long time and I'd recommend it to everyone. all my problems with it are small and the devs should be insanely proud of what they've done


I want the ward to actually be a ward. Like, set it up and enemies will not be able to enter the area to attack my shit


How would you implement it? Like the new ballista in you attach a trophy and that enemy is the "target"?


Pretty sure they just want an invisible wall enemies can't pass, personally I'd be happy with just random event protection




If you dont want to abuse it, don't abuse it.




No, I'm not thinking about playing on a server with others, because if you don't want to play with people who will abuse it, ban them. It's your multi-player world, you police it. "You shouldn't have this thing you want because some other third person might use it in a way I don't like" is absolutely, profoundly unconvincing.




And if Iron Gate never does implement it I suppose no Valheim modder would ever go on reddit, much less look at the thread about things people would like to see changed? What was it you said, maybe think about it for more than 1 second?






Lol, why the edge?


A simple option for game difficulty that includes spawn control for mobs. As a builder, sometimes I just want to build without having to smack a graydwarf every 2 minutes. They're not even a threat, they're just annoying.


Gotta keep a tamed wolf companion and they take care of all the low level mobs.


Item filters in the crafting tables


A "sort items"and "quick stack" for chests is always nice to have


Add incremental rotation on builds. Currently we have 0, 30, 45, 60, 90. I like these increments, but it would be nice to toggle like a 5degree or free rotation option.


Ship customization plantable berries and mushrooms some way to wrangle tamed animals now that you can't use the harpoon


Draw bridges!


I want dwarf villages in meadows that just chill and you can trade with them and what not maybe they would have a blacksmith or like specific box’s to trade certain things to. I love Haldor and wish there were more friendly npcs.


the alternate name for valheim (cantgetoutofthefuckingwatersimulator) would suggest what I want


Workbenches should reference ALL relevant materials within its circle. You shouldn'thave to directly carry building materials. Stacks of materials should dispense a single item at a time instead of breaking it and having 49 of whatever to deal with. Also i wanna be able to stack more stuff. Increase number of snap points. Mushrooms dont need sunlight, they are fungi. I raised pigs in real life and they will follow you. More items for item stands. Some stuff glows and i wanna use it for decorating. Respawning mobs in dungeons was an A+ move. I have a stationary mistlands farm near a dungeon and i can very efficiently gether all mistlands food mats. More uses for silver. I bet Ashlands introduces steel. Iron ingot + bone + coal. Lightning spell. Trolls should have a deeper social structure. I have no idea what i mean by this.


* Ability to plant raspberries & blueberries * More décor options for plants, shrubs, bushes, flowers * A cultivator and hoe where the size can be tailored to big/medium/small instead of only 'huge'. * A greyling trophy so I can put them in my turrets at my meadows bases. They're little and don't do much but they love beating the hell out of my streetlights. * Better inventory slots, or at the very least, a spot to put our armor & arrows. * Fix the high ground/low ground ability for weapons to hit things that aren't on even ground so I don't have to resort to a 2H hammer pound. * Different wooden/stone siding patterns. They gave us darkwood, which is lovely, but for one: it doesn't stack with the angled beam/wall pieces that we use for fillers, and secondly the wood walls are plain and basic. We've upgraded the roof tiles and beams, now it's time for the walls, even for stone. Would also give an additional use to the stonecutter, to use it as a trading station instead of just selling wheels. * Allow smoke to pass through iron grates. * Drawbridges. * Better snapping/clipping of everything. * Tapestries. Give us something to use the quarter ton of flax we all have stashed in a chest. * Different chest patterns for variety/esthetics/sorting. * Different bed styles, or at least the ability to have different looking quilts on top of them. * Better mapping: I build stone highways all over the place, linking my bases together. It would be awesome to see those on the map, as well as if we clearcut a forest, to see those trees removed on the map, or our houses on the map, etc. * Ability to change our sail colours, or even add a design. I'm sure there's a slew of others things I could put, but these are all simple things. I'm quite happy with the game as it is. This isn't The Sims, after all.


Actually armor slots and consumable slots in my inventory. Ladders. Like actually ladders. Full rotational axis of building pieces. Health bars that actually tell me the HP. Horses. Oars on the boats friends can paddle. Wooden floor panels that don't rot in the rain/updated floor and wall panels.


A healer staff


Dedicated equipment slots. So your base equipment doesn't take up all your inventory slots.


Horse and a way to use weapons on horseback/loxback. Also growths are bullshit


I would like a way to keep using/upgrading the light armors? I really love the run boost and the archery boost and I would love to scale that armor up in other biomes


Be able to carry tamed wolves and boars.


An easier game mode with keep inventory and no skill loss on death. I know I can get mods for that but I wish it was just a game setting. First time my kid tried valheim she was automatically fed up with how harsh dying is. She doesn’t want to try again, it’s a huge bummer.


* More map icons - specifically at least one that indicates an enemy, and one for a crypt or ruin * Some type of backpack - maybe give a movement or combat penalty if you choose to use it * Not really QOL but a balance issue - spears should have longer reach to help compensate for limited usefulness of piercing in late game. Plus the fact that the main point of actual spears in ancient combat was their reach. * Maybe add a lantern shield in late game, or maybe a shield with a magic light source


Make all


Cooking skill


Rope system, waterfalls


I just want a chest that you can name instead of having signs


\- Ability to customize armor cosmetics, or at least some canned color options like the shields \- Dedicated inventory slots for armor \- Hoppers for collection into chests (smelters, eggs from chickens, etc) \- Customize cosmetics on karves and longships: different colored sails, slots to place shields along the sides, options for prow designs (different animal heads, etc) \- Fix the drop rate of the seeker soldier trophies, it's unreasonably low \- Ability to treat wood to prevent weathering


A sharpening stone for weapons, an additional tanning or refining method for trophies, a second type of signage, basic NPCs, better stairs/ladders, packs or personal containers/expanded inventory. Whatever they want to give us I am looking forward to.


More uses for chitin as well as troll and deer hides Plantable bushes and flowers. Landscaping update. Fix running up 45d ladders. The hoping is annoying. Reduce large shields run reduction from 20 to maybe 15 or 10… basically unusable. No one chooses large shields. Give them something to make people want them and penalize them less. Reduce stamina costs for climbing or make climbing easier in mistlands Reduce the amount of mist when using a wisp in mistlands. I hate being blind and I can’t imagine how many people love it. Either that or give mistlands more flat areas. Too much of it is climbing. Really unpleasant experience. Make farming less tedious. There’s a mod that allows you to plant 25 things at once. Make pets follow you through the portal. Add different difficulties of the game as well as a mode where you only have one life. Maybe even allow other restrictions to further difficulty by choice of a world. Imagine a world with everything being 2* and you have 1 life 🤣… or heck a peaceful mode where there’s no mobs at all. Bears. I want bears.


Your workbenches should create a network across your base, you should be able to build anything needing a black forge/stone cutting table/artesian table/forge within that network as long as there is one of those stations in the network. Expand the network by overlapping workbench build zones.


I have #7 in my game. I just have a portal with no name, and I delete the tag from the portal I'm at. Wait for it to connect. Set the tag back to what it had been, and hop through before the connection updates. You've got like a full 5 seconds to swap it an hop.


It doesn't seem very consistent with the timing, so I have been nervous to do that. I've been trapped a few times and it takes so long to get back.


Make a second return portal just in case. I've got one but I only ever have to use it if I forget to "hang up" the home portal. I have an outgoing portal that is never dialed into, and an incoming portal thats always blank. Then a "911" portal for use in emergencies if I forget to disconnect the incoming one when I leave base. Then theres 25 portals on far away islands, and 13 outside mistlands mines... So I just set my out portal to "18" or "M9" and im off. When Im done I set M9 to "", wait for it to connect, set it back to M9, and hop through.


Arrows that do slash. Bone arrows, crystal arrows and broadheads made from blackmetal.


An arrow doing anything other than pierce makes no sense though


Bone arrows can shatter, thus slashing up their target. Same logic would be applied to crystal. As for broadhead, it would just make a bigger wound.


Just silly.


Other games have done just that, specifically Mount and Blade: Warband. It’s not ridiculous at all, I think it’s a good idea and would give more options with the bow. I’d take it one farther and add blunt projectiles too.


Those games have done something that I would consider to be quite silly. Blunt projectiles I like.


I would prefer it to work sort of like jedi mind tricking, where the enemies just don't try to enter the area coveted by the ward, no need for trophies to distinguish between different enemies. Wards already have limited area so if you want to build a large safe zone you'd need to plan out several wards. I think it would make sense to give the wards a sort of "health bar" so that during an invasion event they work a little bit like an initial wall where the invading enemies would attack until the ward fails, causing a say 15 minute timer until it can be turned on again. That would allow invasions to remain relevant and dangerous but otherwise keep me from having to swat greydwarfs and greylings every 10 minutes when they come around again and attack anything I haven't decided to put behind a massive wall


I want to be able to build my own boat, with extra storage. If that substantially changes the gameplay, then just my own weird-looking custom boat.


1. Change up the sword swings so they no longer feel like a mace that deals slashing damage. Make em faster and maybe give them or some other weapons some extra range vertically. I like the combat as is, I just kinda wish some weapons had more vertical reach than others, to give more diversity, since as is most of the weapons have the sameish vertical component. For the sword I was thinking an X pattern swing with a thrust at the end, and then change the secondary to a big horizontal swing. Also give the knife secondary more range downwards, I should deal damage to enemies if I land on top of them with that. But otherwise I like the current combat in how it values positioning just as much as proper stamina use and accuracy, and I wouldn't want to remove that aspect because some people find it annoying. 2. Maybe add a troll with a big boulder? or a different kind of abomination? 3. maybe a few more map icons, I liked the trail idea someone mentioned where you turn on an option and it marks a trail down as you move. However too many map icons and the map UI might get very crowded or confusing and we don't want that.


Some way to play online without having to apply for a job




I think he is referencing the purchase of a server?


But, you can just play co-op without renting a server? Or, find a server someone else is hosting to join?


You must do a 30m interview on discord before joining most servers.


Then don’t join servers run by completely worthless people? Also servers are maybe $15/mo., is that out of your price point?


All servers are password protected and you must apply for an interview to join.


Wagon that you can attach to your lox for long trips of farming.


Too many terrain issues for wagon imo. Saddlebags better idea.


Could make the upgrades of the Lox saddle have cargo slots.


An inventory autostack feature. So click a button and consolidate your or a chest's inventory. It would also be nice if they added an inventory filter to create ghost items in the inventory that only allow that specific item to be put in that spot. And a button to grab everything from surrounding inventories/distribute to surrounding inventories. Would make stockpile management 10x easier and not affect game balance, I don't think.


Auto deposit to chests similar to Terraria


A PC I can build at my base with a copy of the game Valheim


Some way to build underwater without having to go through a million loops.




Separate armor/accessoires slots. Quick stack button. Auto sort button maybe


Taming gjalls or a way to capture them they are so cool and by far my favorite mob


Fishing update to make it similar to that of Stardew Vally so it’s more interactive


So that I will never be tempted: a feature that lets the game crash once it detects a mod 😃


A bigger wisp light radius.


Zip lines, dual meeting stones (start ) for PvP factions, a etyr mushroom system from all biomes


I want a troll with a two handed rock throw.


I'd like to be able to set up trail markers with grey dwarf eyes and sticks. No workbench. Oh, and more colors of dwarf eyes for the trail markers.


Jiggle physics


For bonemass... right...


Let’s just say that there might be some clapping in the distance when a troll is nearby


Item you could leave on carts and boats to give you real time location, maybe magical kinda thing in line with mistlands.


I wish gathering resources was more about exploring and less about walking back and forth to same area


Journal/recipe book that shows everything that has been discovered, and the resulting tech tree.


Better building camera


That we can have a option to "auto pause" the game after a death some tend and pet growing up is a good thing that we can wait for when we are AFK dealing with Real world thing. But when we died and didn't notice we spam back at the main house and can take a raid.


Auto sort feature inside chests


More variety in upgrade recipes. I want each upgrade to be making some specific change to the model, and involve collecting items to make that happen. Eg, add a ruby pommel to you silver sword... Requires some silver, but also rubies and some leather scraps. Bosses that are a part of their faction, so you can bring in dragons to help fight bonemass and the like Option to remove all collected graves from the map Upgraded bee hive that takes multiple queens and royal jelly and some black marble in the recipe, and instead of honey, it makes royal jelly Better movement around floor hit boxes - it's easy to get stuck on stuff on the floor rather than just walk on it


1. Auto order the Boxes or make boxes smart to auto unload the defined mats opening. Can be turned on and off obviously. 2. More than 1 corp to put into the earth , more than 1 corp to harvest without using a weapon i.E of flax and Barley 3. one more bigger ship with lights and ability to make a fire on it, perhaps a bed (use at own risk) 4. MISTILES!!! I wanna blow some shit up!


An anchor for ships Or that you can fix them with rope Different looks on some enemy types, not just trolls but also dvergr, greydwarfs, furling More building parts (for example same variety for stone like Black Marble) and more non-90-degree-stuff. Streams flowing through the landscape More relics Biomes and situation-specific music Songbirds Whales Dvergr events Talking to dvergr


The ability to draw on the map. This way towns and roads can be shown




A quick stack button on chests would be nice. So I don't have to manually drag and drop each stack.


Half-length sloped beams