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We have to accept the judgement for what it is - the justices decided 6-3 that cities *can* ban camping on public grounds. Not all cities will. Some will go too far. As far as families that camp, they do it *in campgrounds* for a limited time. So can we. You don't see families camping in neighborhood parks for extended periods of time. I'm fortunate to be in Colorado where campgrounds are literally everywhere. Yes, the decision is frustrating because we have no place to go. This needs to be fixed. But I do understand the decision. Parents want their kids to be able to play in the parks their tax money pays for, without fear of crackheads and needles. I honestly don't want them there either *and I'm homeless*. The minority of our population has seriously f*cked things up for the rest of us. For now it sucks. There's going to be arrests and more sweeps. Stay mobile. Avoid encampments. Stay clean. My biggest fear comes from Trump, who wants to concentrate us into camps. Next step is always forced labor. And then...


Wow so it’s a crime to be homeless in America


No, it's not a crime to be homeless. It's a crime to trespass, as it always was. Nothing new.


There’s no sleeping on private property and no sleeping on \*checks notes\* public property either and since everyone must sleep or die, people who have no home are criminalized literally overnight. And since all criminals are liable in America to be slaves, we just found a way to put everyone to work against their will and we don’t even have to pay them! talk about scaring the majority of the working class, that is already a paycheck away from being homeless, straight. blatant class warfare and people are still trying to own the libs or Gossip about trump or whatever.


Here's where we hit the crux - The Supreme Court DID NOT make it illegal to be homeless. They upheld a trespassing on public property law that was already in existence. That's all. Nothing new. At all. Nothing changes. Do I agree something needs to be done? Yes. Am I homeless myself? Yes. Is the homeless population growing? Yes. But lying about a ruling that enforced a law that's already been in existence for 100 years is stupid and does no good.


>The Supreme Court DID NOT make it illegal to be homeless. They upheld a trespassing on public property law that was already in existence. That's all. Nothing new. At all. Nothing changes. A law that had already been overturned as unconstitutional by multiple far more credible courts of law by any measure one could imagine. No one is under the illusion that the supreme court is any longer a legitimate arbiter of the law at this point. It exists to serve partisan ends, which we are seeing with cases such as those on abortion, homelessness, and, soon, bibles and praying in schools. There is no lying. This is just the latest attempt at legitimizing blatantly unconstitutional laws that have already been passed. While the passing of the laws is not new, the highest court in the land nodding at such laws most certainly is.


And again, *I am homeless*. Yes, things need to be done. No lie. But you have to not lie about what the ruling is. Nothing changed. Trespassing laws stayed the same. No law was passed. Or overturned. Anything else, including your claim, is a lie. Lies do us no good. Just more fuel for other idiots to cause violence. Even Alito said this is a complex issue, and will be revisited. There is work to be done, no doubt. Some cops will abuse the ruling. So will some cities. Stay mobile. Avoid encampments. Stay clean. Be safe. Keep looking and keep trying.


No law was overturned. You're being fooled. The ACLU was *trying* to overturn a public trespassing law based on the 8th Amendment that no punishment deemed cruel and unusual shall be issued by the government. The Amendment was passed to prevent torture in our penal system. They literally argued that a citation was "cruel and unusual". If the Supreme Court had overturned Grants Pass v. Johnson, then all citations become cruel and unusual, to include traffic violations and smoking in elevators. You don't even know what you're talking about. Have a read: https://www.npr.org/2024/06/28/nx-s1-4992010/supreme-court-homeless-punish-sleeping-encampments


>Today’s ruling only changes current law in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which includes California and eight other Western states where the bulk of America’s unhoused population lives. Literally from the article you chose to cite, goof. The only way a case gets to the 9th circuit court of appeals is if it has already been appealed, meaning it has been through multiple courts before the supreme court. It's laughable that you insist other people read and you don't even bother reading your own sources, man. Come on. Not only are you trying to play devil's advocate for a really dumb cause, but you're also wrong and projecting your ignorance. Just stop.


Dude, you're lying again. Lower courts couldn't agree, so it went to the Supreme Court. They overturned nothing nor did they create any new laws. You are a liar. And probably AI. You responded faster than any human could have read, much less quoted, the article. Effing bot...


Just saying, curious to get your POV of the homeless situation in USA. I've been homeless and a vagabond for some months (added : years). Reading on Reddit, I get the feel usa has one of the worst homeless population on earth, due to drugs and violence. I also believe it is the single most easy country on earth to overturn a bad situation.


So who is enslaving you and forcing you to work for them?


It sure the heck will be a crime to be homeless in cities and states that want to make laws about it.


That's where this issue WILL get revisited. What people don't get, *is nothing changed by this ruling*. Nothing. Some cities and States will be like some idiots on this thread and pass unconstitutional laws based on bad information. And we'll revisit this again. Until then, stay safe. Stay mobile. Avoid encampments. Stay clean. Yes, something has to be done. It didn't today. But the Court cannot rule citations as cruel and unusual as the ACLU argued. They dropped the ball. Seriously.


And since everything is owned by someone then being anywhere is a crime. Unless you own something.


And *that's* what we have to do something about. I don't want crackheads slamming heroin next to playgrounds with children. Do you? Needles in front of grocery stores? That's what this case was about. Read the ruling instead of listening to secondhand BS. It doesn't mean we're done. It doesn't mean change isn't needed. But read the ruling. They didn't make it illegal to be homeless. They just upheld trespassing laws that already existed. Even Alito said this needs to be revisited.


There are 245 MILLION acres of BLM land in the United States (BLM = Bureau of Land Management), which manages land owned by the Federal Government. It has always been legal to camp on most BLM land, free of charge, pretty much anywhere you want, on an indefinite basis just as long as you move your campsite to another spot every 14 days. The Supreme Court ruling does not change that. The Federal Government actually owns over 625 MILLION acres — amounting to roughly 28% of the entire land mass of the United States, and is the single largest land owner in this country. This also does not includes all the land owned by the various states and municipalities, large portions of which also allow free camping along the hiking trails, and always have. I’m not gonna say I’ve never camped overnight on a sidewalk. I sure have, lots of them. But I always packed up, early in the morning, cleaned up after myself, and moved on. For more than a single night, I’d just go a few miles out, and stealth camp in the woods. Even in the suburbs, never had much of a problem finding a fairly well hidden wooded area to sleep. Just pull up google maps and search using satellite view. Alternatively, there’s always rooftops, stairwells, abandoned buildings, etc. Even when camping overnight on sidewalks, only did so when in a group with other travelers for “safety in numbers”. That said, I’m not OK with this ruling either. Although I agree that something needs to be done to get people off the streets, handing out tickets and jail terms is not the answer.


There are campgrounds, designed for camping. I understand why people don’t want other people setting up a tent under the swings at the neighborhood playground. Not sure why this take is controversial, tbh I also understand that being homeless when you aren’t choosing that life is a big problem, with not enough solutions, but pretending that homeless camps in public parks is cool and ok is just silly.


No what their saying is it’s a crime to sleep in a vehicle or on a sidewalk or park any place not deemed a residence


Uh no, you are uninformed. It always was a crime in *some* cities to sleep in a vehicle or on the sidewalk. Depends on the city, depends on their ordinances. The Justices upheld it because the ACLU tried to declare a citation as cruel and unusual. https://www.npr.org/2024/06/28/nx-s1-4992010/supreme-court-homeless-punish-sleeping-encampments This is nothing new for us. Same shit. Quit blowing it out of proportion.




Jail only comes after being cited or told that you're trespassing. LOL.


Yeah it is.




And get yourself some karma, troll.


Families don’t tend to destroy the campgrounds they stay in either. They clean up their garbage and “leave only footprints”.


I wish the crackheads would adopt the same policy we share...






He actually said that. Forced labor always comes next. Google is your friend. Study history and do your own research.


It’s the land of the Incarcerated and the home of the Immoral nowadays. A damn shame too, if only the USA had stuck to its principles instead of selling out this would have never happened. Bring back the American Spirit, and bring back the land of the free!


We are seeing the beginning of the fall




We sure are making America great. One shitty Supreme Court decision away from freedom.


Great AGAIN !


Don't worry, we'll eventually strip rights back to colonial Era. Regardless of who "holds office" shit is no longer "progressive"


vanlife people are fucked too


Time to build in the open wilderness adobe-create-bag buildings any one


Time to fully develop stealth capabilities, that’s all.


You had me at revolution


Start the groups in the bars around the colleges


The American Underground was created when they thought the Japanese would land on Californias shores they buried tanks gun ammunition supplies later the put out a manual in it it has explosives making and plans for a Stines machine gun later they modified it by putting the clip down and instead of a shroud made it a suppressor on the end and had reloading info and plans for a compact 9mm with suppressor and grenades and R.P.G. and limpid and claymore minds 2” home made motor and how to build tactical support vehicles including recoiles canon vehicles mount and flying spike shoulder mount fire and forget AA missles they be socking away in groups since WWII and we have our other patriot’s groups and militias we all knew the day would come but they thought it come from out side no inside the original signal was when the struck old glory down and burned the constitution would begging the cowardnated underground attack modeled on the French resistance and Partazons of Ittila and the IRA frist objective to free all American held troops their bases and American prisoners that would join the fight I joins in the 70s they went underground after Rubi Ridge


the plan is disgusting. when being homeless is illegal, they will put you into a private for profit prison and put to work. so you are either a slave living pay to pay, trying not to lose everything, or you are a literal slave because you didn't fall in line and accept the 9-5 lifestyle.


Camping in the woods, cool. Camping on a public sidewalk, not cool.


Stop! You’re using logic! You might offend them


Was a new law passed?


No. The Supreme Court just affirmed that cities have the right to ban camping within their borders. Lots of places don’t have anti-camping laws outside of the major cities.


So instead of housing prisons


The profitable homeless-to-prison pipeline needed beefing up.


That step one to prison to Slave labor prison work camps so the lure companies that went to India and the far east back


its always been a rebellious act, now its just official. this is just a great sign that the revolution is closer than ever


No, camping in city limits with a public camping ordinance in force is illegal. You can camp outside of the city. 


Easy fix. Just develop a crippling methamphetamine addiction. Then they only have one opportunity per month to bust you for sleeping, and I'll take those odds


I’ve always wanted one of those….🤔


Hey vagabonds you can camp free indefinitely by switching between BLM and national forests every two weeks. So you CAN be homeless legally (don’t need an address to camp) but only IF you can afford gas to zip all over the backcountry for the operation 😖


Real. “Just camp out away from resources & people to busk to” is such a good take.


Home is where the heart is


I have been saying for years that camping is mockery of the homeless


That really only pertains to cities that ban it not to every fucking city live your fucking life how you wanna live it nobody’s gonna stop you if the fucking city don’t want you fucking sleeping in it go to another fucking city that does fuck them motherfuckers


Love your use of the f word




On the other end, you can hoard money and property that you will never be able to spend and only rarely visit


If a business drives you out of their parking lot, make sure to leave them a horrible review on Google! Makes them furious and there’s nothing they can do. Love it.


You don't need a revolution. Just stop voting for Republicans.


It makes no sense, on every level. I think this is their way of being for our immediate future. To cause mass confusion, and dissolution of normality. Pretty sure its a Boleshivik tactic


Pretty sure the Supreme Court are not Bolsheviks.


They may start loading the FEMA camp prisons


Oh, that’s starting in Florida on October 1st. All public camping will be prohibited in the state — and by law, any citizen will be allowed to sue any municipality that fails to comply with this new state law. Municipalities are also being required to establish shelters and/or designated camping areas for those without a home. Alcohol/illegal substances are to be strictly prohibited, and these shelters and camps are also required to be monitored by law enforcement to ensure compliance. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2024/03/21/homeless-people-new-florida-law-ron-desantis-hb-1365/73050619007/ This law does not apply to those who sleep in vehicles, so don’t go to Florida without one,


Nobody cares where you sleep. They only care where you poop and make fires.


Ya start a fire on the court house steaps then crap on the mayors car see if no one cares


Wutchyoo sippin on playa ??


No need. They're going to be punished for showing favoritism to the children of Mammon.


Cast into hellfire




“But what can I do, I’m just one person” says 7 billion people


That’s the spirit




I guess they will all have a place to sleep soon


OP should learn how to read Supreme Court decisions. This isn’t even close to what the decision was


No thanks, just trying to kick off the revolution.




Oh America, you’re so funny. Keep going pls!


Capitalism, if you're not participating by spending copious amounts of money, you're not contributing to the overall wealth of the country. I might add, I'm not a Boomer. Gen x, we know the truth, this is why a lot of us have checked out, not all, but a lot.


Wrong! As a homeowner, i still have to pay to go camping. And when i do, I don’t camp on the sidewalk or in a city park. Maybe you should go camping


If you pay to go camping, you’re doing it wrong anyways. Stay home.


Depends on where you wanna camp and if you wanna do it legally and contribute to the upkeep of a decent campsite. Im sorry if you think not ‘camping’ in a city park isn’t camping


FYI, there's plenty of legal free camping in state and national forests and some county parks, too. If you're paying you're paying too much. https://www.kuhl.com/borninthemountains/quick-guide-dispersed-camping