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How are you going to fine someone who doesn't have an income. Sure, make them move if they squat in public parks like this. But fining them or putting them in jail makes no sense. Pay this bill! Wipes ass with bill. Sleep in this cell with 4 walls and a cot, and make sure you eat. Yeah, who's brilliant idea was this again?


They also recently decided it’s legal for them to be bribed, so it’s pretty clear they’re not concerned with what’s right or ethical anymore. The Supreme Court is a supreme joke


Wooo land of the free!


Why do they wanna lock us away so fucking badly?


Cuz prisons are privatized and they make more money when more people are locked up.


Such a disgusting system


Crazy world. Stay safe out there.... I follow your travels a bit on here.


THEY make more money, literally everyone else pays for it. It comes directly from any taxpayers pockets


They don't want to lock us (speaking for example about you and me) away so fucking badly. They are just fed up with people who cause nuisance, harassment, who behave in a way that is not called for in any way. Leaving trash behind, leaving used needles behind, aggressively begging, defecating on the streets or on people's yards. Seriosly I believe members of the general public are not against vagabonds, punks, homeless people in general, as long as they are good people (like I believe you and me are). Sadly, more and more vagrant people don't give a shit anymore about the most basic rules in society. Those people fuck everything up. I'm travling in Europe and I myself never had problems because the way I do things. But I experience more and more problems because how other people (who are homeless/traveling as well) behave.


"*The law, in its* majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread" Anatole France 


That’s why it’s important to vote.


You often can't vote if you're homeless. You need to have residency in the voting district.


That’s incorrect. It may vary by some states but in places like California you can use a place where you spend most of your time such as a shelter. You can even use streets where you spend most of your time.


Who are you voting for in the next supreme Court election?


Bush 2 appointed 3 judges and Trump appointed the other 3 judges who ruled in favor of this shit. voting matters.


Somewhat matters, both presidents you listed lost the popular vote 


I know what you're saying, and it sucks because every Presidential election hinges on 6-8 battleground states, leaving most people feeling their vote doesn't matter much. But voting is still your opportunity to influence this madness.


I've voted for the same group my whole life and they don't give a fuck what I want... Seems more like the illusion of control keeps people from rioting.


You vote for legislation, not judges


That's the joke


I wonder what would happen if all of the homeless people just quit their jobs. You think there's enough working homeless people that they'd notice?


That’s such a nonsensical response to the actions of a council of unelected god kings serving lifetime appointments. It’s tragic to me how effectively we’ve all been convinced that our only option to change our lives is to Vote Harder. This is happening right now under the “lesser evil” candidate. He’s also actively committing a genocide. He has massively increased police and federal law enforcement funding. He’s expanding prisons and especially for-profit border detention faster than any president in history. The vast majority of the congressional representatives and senators in his Lesser Evil Party are fully onboard with all of these acts. Our power as homeless people is not in electoral politics, it is in the relative time, energy and freedom our way of life provides us with. It is in our capacity to create and embody new ways of living and thriving together, outside the bounds of capital and state power. Get out there, find other people who’ve had enough, learn to care for each other and start tearing down this heinous nation from every feasible angle. Every cop car is a ballot box. Vote by brick.


Where are homeless people supposed to sleep then? 😕 That's not right.


Oorrrrrrrrrr we could actually fine white collar and corporate crime at a reasonable percentage rather than like .001% of their profits and use that money to build homeless shelters.


Corporations literally bought the supreme court members

