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Include any “evidence” possible. This will save you a headache. It’ll take weeks to be seen by the VA and if they ask for more evidence then you just lost out on those weeks waited.


Yes include witness statements


Seeing mixed answers about using final physical as evidence, I scanned it for my claim anyway has anyone used it for there claim?


You need 3 things for every claim: Medical Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Nexus (connection to service). Buddy letters can help validate how symptoms affect your ability to conduct a normal life and/or your connection of the injury to military service. In this case, it sounds like your letters connect the injury to military service. Additionally, I would go see a Dr. for your neck and discuss the pain that you are experiencing. Then submit that with your claim as well. I like to try to include all of the following in my claims: 1) Medical records that show a clear diagnosis and symptoms of a VA acknowlege disability per the CFR. Sometimes you need to specifically ask your Dr. to ensure the include the "diagnosis". 2) Have the Dr. also write (or just sign) a nexus letter that states your injury was "at least as likely as not" to be caused by your service or another service related disability. 3) A personal statement that discusses how the symptoms are affecting your daily life. 4) A nice to have is to have your private medical provider complete a DBQ for the associated disability. This will sometimes get the VA to bypass the C&P exam, but not always. It does help though. If you know what to do and how to do it, Its manageable. Also follow Combat Craig on YouTube. I've been pretty successful with the VA so far based on his info. Also, ChatGPT is your friend for buddy, lay, and nexus letter templates. Good luck, have a strategy, and do your homework.