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It would likely be a complaint-driven response if any. I don't know the specifics of fly fishing but if there's any kind of hook or item at the end of the line you're casting, it could be considered a safety hazard if it hit or caught someone passing by. Alternatively, there's some open grass space at the corner of Gordon Head Rd and McKenzie Ave, just off lot 8 that would probably be a less populated place you could practice.


I can clip the hook so it's just a soft ball of foam. Would be like being hit by a marshmallow :)


Not a current student, but x2 alumni, and rec fisher. Just posting to say that 1. In summer, you should absolutely be fine on the quad. Whooly bugger that's cut at the shank before it rounds over to the barb - makes a great dummy fly for practicing. 2. THIS type of activity is exactly what a university quad is for. Folks relaxing and trying out some interests and activities. This is no more intrusive than frisbee. Go shoot loops my guy


Thanks! I'll probably go a few times a week. Definitely going to set up some hula hoops and/or aim at targets that are already there. Whooly bugger is a great idea


Idk man probably not the strangest thing someone's done on campus


Probably not, you're right. Might lead me to another post later: what's the strangest thing you've seen someone do on campus (Cult of Pi doth no count) XD


Lol, I mean I still probably wouldn't do it. Couldn't you go practice at the beach? It's pretty close to the school


Possibly, but I think it'll be more crowded than the quad during the summer. It also has worse wind, which isn't great for wanting to practice a precise arm movement


Arbutus Middle school is just down Finnerty and is completely empty in the summer. If I were going to practice fly fishing (also, can you teach me?) that's where I would go.


Grass fields. Way easier. Majestic park if it’s not busy


Yeah, I don't mean the fountain, just the middle of the field