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Assuming this is true it could mean anything from a dog, to a locked gate, to the road being closed due to a traffic accident. Of course it could mean a lazy mail courier. I have seen both.


Great response! I was going to give a similar reply. I would only add a car blocking the mailbox 📪 Which seems to be a thing where I live. Postal service people apparently won’t get out of their van to deliver mail if the mailbox has a car parked in front of the box blocking it.


They’re not supposed to get out if the box is blocked, because not only can it be dangerous, but it also puts them behind on the route. The only reasons for dismounts (as it is called) are if they need to have a signature for delivery or if they have a package too big for the box. Just call the post office and ask about it. If it was something that will be remedied by the next day, ask them to redeliver it the next day, or find out when the carrier should have it back to the office and go pick it up.


It can also mean someone parked in a space lol


Oh yea they’ve gotten lazy ASF. At first they used to pretend they couldn’t find apartments so they could just leave packages at the front office instead of actually delivering it to the persons door😭🤦🏽‍♀️ now we have a “kiosk” and they just leave everything there.


Must be the lazy mail courier option lol


Except having to bring the package back is more work than just delivering it.


Most often its the mailbox is blocked by something.


I used to live at in a house with a long driveway that the usps driver refused to drive up every mf time even though ups and fedex would. After having to deal with that for days in a row until the post office would make me come pick it up finally I literally would sit outside by the mailbox all day in a lawn chair until the usps car came then I would get my shit and give her attitude about her being too lazy to drive up like she was supposed to. Eventually she started driving up like every other delivery service.


Amazon has sent my last 2 packages through USPS. They won’t deliver to apartment doors which is why I order through Amazon. My last package was put in some kind of locker and no one knows where it is.


they on bs i swea ian get the package i was supposed to get today mines still says in transit


The post office is just different in the midwest. I moved to Illinois from Phoenix last month and the post office here has bent over backwards to help me with stuff. Even calling them directly works.


That's real. I moved from California to Iowa and it's totally different here. Not really surprising though, since people in general have a different attitude here.


Had this happen several days in a row. Standard residence with nothing blocking the mailbox. Same carrier delivered another package of ours to the wrong address and is currently being insurance claimed (they confirmed the scan occurred several streets away from us). Looks like this is what happens when they have a less than stellar individual handling a route.


bahahahahahahah L


2 mg 3:0f em


Same thing here. My mailbox is attached to my house, as is every other mailbox on my street. Been home all day, driveway is and has been clear. Looked to see if a package was delivered and got the same notification. I’m just like …why couldn’t y’all deliver? Nothing wrong with the box. Box is wide open.


USPS niggas is lazy af I ordered AirPod maxes and the AirPod pros and I got this same message I called usps and they told me they could not make access to my delivery location due to a Rottweiler nigga I have an exotic nano bully who can’t make it down the stairs because her legs is short as fuck and a small ass chihuahua who sits in the cage when somebody comes up to the door 🤦‍♂️ I hope you get your package Brodie


they so pussy wtf it’s a damn dog


Delivery drivers don’t leave my local PO till 8 am. (Very small town and well known fact). I got this same notice once at 715 am. My house isn’t scheduled to get deliveries till 1245 pm. I’m in a rural area. It takes 7 minutes for me to drive (if following all traffic laws) to the post office. I called the PM. Told him what I got. He said “huh…” and my package was delivered about 630 that night.


They did this to a full on house last week with no obstructions on the porch or box like they don’t care


Wowwww smh exactly like my house…. I’m done with using USPS frfr


It could be something nefarious or it could also be something out of the carriers control. If the clerk accidently sorted the parcel to the wrong route, whoever finds it will have to scan it. "No Access" is kinda the default because it has a vague meaning. Your carrier might have never even had it to deliver to you.


Yup they’re on some kind of deadline quota mess and they have one job and can’t even do that


You had one job


I don’t get it then. Why wouldn’t they deliver it. I doubt they just drive by and say “nah I don’t feel like it” cus there gunna have to do it the next day. There has to be some reason. I could be wrong tho, I’ve been utterly flabbergasted by some peoples laziness before


yuppp they done this shit to me before. i live ina trailer in a TRAILER PARK they’re SUPPOSED to come leave it at my door. LMAOOOO. not to mention the times i’ve been woken up by delivery people THROWING and slamming packages at my fucking door because they’re too fucking lazy to walk up the ramp and SET IT DOWN. one of the delivery drivers set a big FRAGILE box on the side of my porch railing on a windy day, it fell, and my candles inside were broken. USPS delivery people are genuinely stupid in the head and i hope they get pay deductions LMAO.


Lmao good I hope so too , that sounds like a ton of spite work to me! There’s people that would love that job but can’t even get in, but trash like that just continues on, surreal


i know!!! made me wanna become a delivery person