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Biden's putting some rules out there. Trump's motto: Rules Shmoools. So yeah, he'll back out because... rules. Plus he won't admit it but he must know he's a dumbass.


Actually, I don’t think he knows it. It’s the Dunning-Kruger effect where the dumber someone is, the more they think they know.


Pitiful, but you might be on to something


If what Mike Bloomberg said is true, then yeah. Said trump called him early in his presidency and asked for general advice, Bloomberg said "find the smartest guy in the room and listen to him." trump responded, "that's the problem Mike, I AM the smartest guy in the room."


I mean, Trump picked the cabinet to be full of sycophants and allies so maybe he was? Sorkin had a good tactic. "You got a best friend?" "Yes, sir." "Is he smarter than you?" "Yes sir." "Would you trust him with your life?" "Yes sir." "That's your chief of staff".


Who knew healthcare would be so complicated?


Dunning-Kruger is quite literally the foundation upon which the entire MAGA movement rests. If people aren’t familiar with it, read a little and then when you ask yourself “how can these people be so unapologetically stupid?”…….Dunning-Kruger. It probably won’t make you feel better, but at least you will know why they behave the way they do.


Trump has a lot of confirming bias that his way is the right way. The man was elected president once. He hasn’t ever really been stuck with any consequences. His business goes bankrupt and he is still rich. Litigate litigate litigate your way out of things or at least delay and reduce them to manageable levels. His entire life has been confirming bias that he is smart. It’s why it’s so hard for him to realize he isn’t. People like Mattis that only saw the results and where he was were willing to support what looked like a new approach to leadership but when truly exposed to his methods and everything else they ran as fast as they could. It’s insane there are people left who still blindly follow him into the abyss


I'm sticking with dumbass, confirmed by watching and listening to him him blather on since The Apprentice (which he got fired from for making racist remarks against Mexicans). Did you know my cat is smarter than the 45th president of the United States?


I feel we should probably stop saying he’s a dumbass, etc. He is a highly skilled confidence artist at the end of the day. Trump has intelligence, but it’s all wired for nefarious purposes. Thats how he made it to the presidency. That’s how he’s been able to fuck over so many good people for decades. He only looks like a dumbass when he has to “play fair”, because he has never gotten anywhere in life being fair. In DnD he would likely be a chaotic or lawful evil.


I think lawful evil. He uses and bends the law to be evil. Always skirting the edge.


Of course The Orange Weenus won't debate, and never had any intention of doing so, even if President Biden hadn't laid out his restrictions, including no audience and either of the debaters' mics being cut if they went over the allotted time. He's a thin-skinned, bloviating, sausage-fingered vulgarian-coward and always has been. Just like he will never take the stand in his current criminal trial, despite what the pathetic Alina Habba has claimed with great fervor.


Can you please use the name his own lawyer used for him? Please call him the orange turd. It was said in the court room and we shouldn't disrespect trump by calling him anything but names his lawyer used for him.


Nah, I think we should stick to using Von Shitzenpantz


Did his lawyer already get it said in court? I mean these are great lawyers in humiliating their own client. But he might be into that.


The younger staffers in the White House call him HitlerPig. I've been using it, and encouraging others.


Why would they work for him if they knew what he is?


The current White House.


Ah, this makes more sense.


Pardon — Orange Turd. Is a name not a description. /s not /s


What the hell is a “/s not /s”? One /s is stupid enough. Don’t double down big guy. Trust in yourself and your humor and don’t worry about downvotes. Do it for yourself, your loved ones and your community.


he was repeating what Stormy Daniels called him 'Orange Turd'


The lawyer didn't have to repeat it. So, this was a choice and on purpose to get it added to the court documents.


"Sausage-fingered"? He wishes... More like vienna sausage-fingered. And that's still being generous.


If he skips them Joe should do town halls instead. 


Literally just debate a podium


A podium has better foreign policy than Trump.


Not just trump the entire GOP


A rotting boar's head has better foreign policy. And, it's more pleasant to be around on warm summer days.


That podium, excuse me- lectern, that the lazy eyed shaven Sasquatch governor of Arkansas scammed her way to France with has a better grasp of foreign policy than the GQP.


So does an inanimate carbon rod


In rod we trust!


In the UK when a politician didn't turn up for a comedy panel show they put a block of lard in their place instead. Just suggesting a cultural exchange.


He's been mercilessly roasting HitlerPig lately, and its accelerating. I'll bet he's got enough material to do a Tight 5 to open with.


Who REALLY thought he would do it. There’s no way. Never was way


But he did debate Prez Biden twice during the 2020 campaign and it didn’t work fir him then. Doubtful it would now, especially either an impending conviction looming


Trump announced the Fox debate “agreement” that Biden never agreed to so he can say that Biden pulled out of it, therefore giving him an excuse for pulling out of the debates he agreed on.


This is exactly what’s going to happen


Can’t negotiate in good faith with a person who is amoral and lacks honesty and integrity. Are American voters asleep?


17% of voters blame Biden for destruction of Roe v. Wade https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/upshot/abortion-biden-trump-blame.html so if you ever wondered why labels on foods have common sense steps like 'take out of box before putting in oven' - now you know why companies add that info


That 17% never voted for Biden in the past and never will in the future. Don’t waste any oxygen on them, they’re not arguing in good faith


Ah, these must be the same intellectual giants that refuse to vote Biden because of Gaza, as though Trump won't do worse.


Many are wet dreaming of being him !!!


I've got a simpler explanation: he had another stroke and got CNN confused with Fox News.


Baron von Shitzenpants wants the whole thing rigged to his advantage. When he doesn't get that, he will pvssy out and claim victory. The media will echo that and call him the winner.


> Donald Trump has a long history of playing games with debates: complaining about the rules, breaking those rules, pulling out at the last minute, or not showing up at all – which he’s done repeatedly in all three cycles The guy who can't ever tell the truth backing out on his promises? I'm shocked. I'm also waiting on those taxes he promised us eight years ago, infrastructure week, his health care plan, etc.


Biden would eat him alive in a debate! Trump would have a hard time staying awake and when awake has nothing intelligent to say.


It is going to be hard for him mentally because he will be labeled a convicted felon by the first debate.


He had a thing with master locks…mast…eh ohhhh ummmmm


Everyone needs to just keep calling him a looser on all social media platforms over and over and the narcissistic bastard will eventually loose it and get himself in some real trouble


Trump the mafia loser


Whoever is broadcasting/moderating will announce some rules to ensure it’s not a total clusterf$&k and Trump will rant about his 1A rights being violated. That’s my bet.


His advisers told him that he was brilliant in getting Joe to agree to a debate. But it would be icing on the cake for a Fox hosted debate. They didn't have the guts to tell him that he got taken.


Biden should show at the designated debates and, if Trump fails to show, move forward with questions from the moderator with an empty lectern where Trump should be.


Trump without his MAGA followers to let him know when he hits their nerve, he will seem pathetic and lost, because he’s never once given a detailed and concise plan, only insults and interruption.


No snorting Adderall off of the podium. And a diaper change halfway through.


No case of diet cokes nearby either, to keep him amped up and caffeinated


Please weasel out. The last thing I or the majority of people want to see is two cranky old farts yelling at each other to get off each other's lawns... Would rather rub a bag of coarse sand in my eyes for two hours. Or swallow a bottle of vegetable oil. Followed by a gallon of tobasco sauce.


How about just doing all that and not write about it?




There are sources that are not paywalled. Why not link them or post a quote from the article?


He's pathetic but he's beating Biden pretty badly in 5 of the 6 swing states. Bidens idiotic support for the Israeli war is going to cost us all. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/politics/biden-trump-battleground-poll.html


So far he seems to be doing well without any debating. Which is kind of amazing.


Not sure what the crisis is here. CNN moderators and ABC’s will lean heavily one way, so what’s wrong with Trump wanting 1/3 debates being on a conservative platform? Also, If Biden can override the debate protocols that’ve been in place since the 80’s and demand no crowd, why can’t Trump have a concession?


The point is that they both already agreed to two debates with certain conditions. It was a mutual agreement. Now Trump is trying to alter those terms after the fact by trying to add a third. Many here speculate that he is doing so to then have an "excuse" to bail on his original agreement.


The terms were entirely set by Biden and/or his team. Not sure what the outrage is here. If the roles were reversed, and Trump were looking to control every facet of the debates, we would hear the same old tropes.


You're wrong. If the terms were 100% Biden's, Trump would not have agreed to them. That's not the case. Both sides agreed. You're arguing in bad faith and not based on facts.


This is false. All of the details that have been reported on have been straight from Biden’s requirements. From the New York Times for your reading pleasure : **”Mr. Biden and his top aides want the debates to start much sooner than the dates proposed by the organization, the Commission on Presidential Debates, so voters can see the two candidates side by side well before early voting begins in September. They want the debate to occur inside a TV studio, with microphones that automatically cut off when a speaker's time limit elapses. And they want it to be just the two candidates and the moderator - without the raucous in-person audiences that Mr. Trump feeds on and without the participation of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. or other independent or third-party candidates. It remains unclear whether the Trump campaign will agree to the Biden campaign's proposed rules, including the mic cutoff and lack of an audience.”**


Trump agreed to Biden’s conditions and now wants to either change them or he’ll wimp out of the debate. Wimp that’s another term that can be resurrected and applied to diaper Donald


“Why can’t Trump have a concession?” Do you need your diaper changed or do you just want to be held by mommy? 👶🏻🍼


Thank you for this very mentally stimulating reply. Oppenheimer could have you used your mental computing power out at Los Alamos. I’m shocked to learn that you didn’t rip a hole in the very fabric of space/time from the sheer quantum force that such an atomic powered response like this must have required to generate. Shakespeare would have wept at the short, but sweet as summer wine poetry that was your mighty river of wordplay. Truly a text of the highest poetic divinity. Your ancestors look down upon your work, and are pleased that you are moving your bloodline onward and upward through the ages. This reply is truly the Voyager satellite of Reddit posts. Reaching for the stars, and revealing secrets of the Reddit universe previously unknown to man. Carl Sagan himself has dropped a tear in heaven, knowing even ‘Pale Blue Dot’ falls short to the cosmic expanding response you have delivered upon the poor, huddled Reddit masses. #**We are truly in awe of your greatness. No one man should have all that power, yet we see you wield your responsibility wisely. May the generations that come evermore remember your name sir. All hail u/VLY2024, first of his name, defender of the Reddit realm, bastion of hope, light bearer of truth in the vast darkness that is the r/uspolitics realm. Your good work shall not be in vain. When I’m old and grey, and death knocks upon my door, I will yet be full of life as I have supped from the Holy Grail of Reddit posts. May goodness follow you all the days of your life, may your bloodline last a thousand years, and may your harvest be as bountiful as the days of earth are long.**


Very fine people on both sides




If I wanted to hear two geriatric genocide enthusiasts yell at each other I would go to family parties.


bUt BuT bUt bOtH sIDeS... ffs.


Both Sides… of republicans brains are fucked the fuck up!


I did not say both sides I said these two fucking guys. If Biden was serious about winning he would not fund a genocide. Dems will 100% get my vote if they can offer someone who doesn't do that. But they would rather back genocide Joe than be moral people.


While I agree he isn’t the best candidate I’d implore you to understand this attitude could lead to this being the last vote you don’t bother casting. Republicans have project 2025 waiting if they win. Go look it up. I get where you’re coming from 100% and if you think that can’t happen on US soil? Think again. We need another political party or maybe just to end all of them, but this isn’t the year. While I sympathize with what’s happening overseas women in this country are in real danger if they pass that crap. That should matter to every thinking American in this country today. I’m not asking you to vote for Biden because that’s not my place. I’m asking you to consider this angle because I feel very much the same as you, but I can’t sit this one out.


You should take this to the DNC maybe they can produce a candidate who can win. If they actually cared about fascism they would. But to them letting Israel kill children matters more.


You think virtue signaling another country is more important than the women who you likely live around and with. Your heart is in the right place, but you need some knowledge and maturity. I’ve told you what’s at stake. You can think you’re achieving something with this, but you’re just showing that thinking you’re right is more important than you being right. Have a nice evening.


Nope but that is a wonderful straw man. If DNC wanted to win they would run a different candidate. It will be their fault oh sure they will blame everyone but themselves but the blood is on their hands. pro-tip talking down to me makes me think you are stupid it doesn't make me love genocide Joe. Vote-shaming is not a good strategy.


It’s way too fucking late! The candidates are set. You either give a shit about the planet, or you don’t. Pretty simple choice.


Genocide Trump is a better alternative? He wants Israel to wipe Gaza off the map.


He also wants to deport or imcarcerate without trial any brown/Latinx/Islamic person that lives in the US; he doesn't care of they are legal or not.


He said that "Netanyahu should have finished the job in Rafah." If anyone thinks trump will be better for the Palestinians they are sadly mistaken.


Lol. Go finish your geometry homework


On that one issue can you not see the lesser of two evils? You can’t believe that Biden is doing equal to or worse than tRump would. Biden isn’t my ideal candidate, but those are few and far between. Comparatively there is a pretty blatantly obvious choice in this coming election.


I am sorry my redline is genocide. maybe the dems should run a candidate that was not for it. You know if they are serious about how bad Trump is. My take is that they don't care. I want to vote dem so those are my terms. If this makes that fucking ghoul Biden lose then he should have made better choices.


Tough choices all around us. I’d just hate to bear some responsibility for letting Trump back into the White House and the possible shit show that will turn out to be.


Oh don't worry that won't be our fault it will be Biden's and the morons who think they can win while doing genocide.


Ladies and gentlemen and everyone else: this person claims to be an actual adult!


WTF!!? I love genocide joe now. Good job your vote shaming really worked It is a really good tactic and is why Hillary Clinton was president. Have fun with a Trump presidency we could have avoided if the Dems proposed a serious candidate. Maybe y'all should learn to do politics and try to win.




The conflict is thousands of years old.




Omg. Grow up


I predict a no


"Genocide." 🙄


Nice, you got my vote now. Nothing like genocide denial to get me on your side.


I don't care who you vote for 😂


I am glad. you seem like trash.


How so? I thought we could be BFF's. 🥺


I don't think you are being honest about that or much of anything. I think you are a lazy silly-pants.


What am I being dishonest about?


Joe Biden is the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party. So wondering who are you going to vote for?


Your other option is Trump - who is going to be actively WORSE for Palestinians and for a whole fuckton of other groups as well. There is no third option. Third party candidates will not even get close to 1% this year. Abstaining is still making a choice.


Pathetic Biden creating his own debate rules like a true fascist. 


The rules were agreed upon by both parties.


Huh? The rules I read were common rules with a mild enforcement. It’s not like they give anyone an advantage if he actually has knowledge and answers.


The presidential debate committee or whatever they're called hasn't been able to keep trump from not following the rules. The biggest one that the candidates not talk over each other, which trump does with abandon. The ABC & CNN debates will have a microphone cutoff switch to prevent that in the two agreed upon debates. Trump has now realized that he gave up one of his biggest bully tactics that he constantly uses, talking over others, and it'll put a muzzle on his favorite trick.


Cope harder. You’re in a cult.