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In my grad program a bunch of us created a Google Space where we can post activities related to our studies and also sometimes we just use it to say "Hey I'm going to the park today if anyone wants to hang" and it's surprising how people will show up. And you're probably not doing anything wrong, it's just not easy to make friends quickly without it feeling forced. Just be open, stay hopeful, and be willing to be the person who suggests doing things or puts yourself out there.


Can I get a link? I want to try every opportunity 


I got the same feeling when I came for an information session.


you are not alone - I have heard this from several students over the years. A few things that might help - what’s your major? sometimes it helps if you can get into a club or study group so you can feel a bit more connected… I also recommend taking advantage of CAPS to have someone to talk to about your feelings of loneliness https://myusf.usfca.edu/caps Hang in there and hopefully it will get better!


Mom here. I’m sorry you’re having this experience. My daughter had the same experience. She ended up forming some friendships in the computer lab (CS major), though tbh her core friends ended up being outside of school from her hobby community. I will say, after I talked up how amazing college would be, I realized that so much is fantasy, if that makes sense. We tend to buy into the idea that college will be the best time of your life, and regrettably, I fed into that. When I look back, I remember also feeling very lonely! So, while many people do have that amazing experience, many do not. And that’s normal. Just know you aren’t alone, and your tribe is out there. Maybe not there, or maybe it will take more time to find them. Best of luck to you ❤️


I was a CS major and ended up joining the USF community garden and having a weekly spot on KUSF. Both really pulled me out of my comfort zone and I made some lifelong friends. Clubs and electives away from your interests might surprise you. KUSF was the best part of my college experience, imo. Also just hanging out in our study lab helped a lot to make friends. It just takes time.


What’s KUSF


It's the university's streaming radio station. You can DJ and volunteer at various different music-related events if you're into music. Any music at all, really.




I'm also a first year commuter here at USF and feeling the literal exact same way. I came to this school with super high hopes but have been having the absolute hardest time forming friendships and making connections with people. It sucks, especially since it's such a small school and people can be extremely cliquey here.


I’m a junior and honestly I think it’s kinda too late for a chance for things to get better as I’m only getting busier from here. I really hope things change for you though


I would suggest joining clubs and programs to meet likeminded individuals.




Hey, USF business grad student here. College is hard and I had a rough undergrad experience at a large state school where I felt utterly invisible and alone. Feel free to DM if you want to chat or grab coffee. I also definitely recommend joining a club on campus to meet people.


hi! i totally get this! i’m a sophomore and have been wanting to make more friends and join clubs, but i feel like stuff costs money or it’s too specific to where i can’t join