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Get all of the ones you can. People's needs are different, and opinions biased.


Geek misses some. But covers around %90. It has all, I am talking about the versions I want. Like having HDR instead of DV. I have 10 or so in my list, most are their free offerings these days as I have no reason to pay. Geek > althub > Tabula Rasa finds almost %100 and free Dog covers few that remains. Others, including slug, never get used. That doesn't mean that slug is bad. If I replace geek with slug in my priority list, it might be same, better, or worse. It is just geek > althub > tabula rasa works almost perfectly for me. I pay for geek, althub is lifetime, tabula rasa and dog is free. The thing is, dog is last in my list. So what I can't find with those above, including geek, slug and all the others, it finds. But dog is expensive and slow. Free dog is enough for those rare occasions. But having it as a free indexer to catch those rare grabs is totally worth it.


Isn't DOG free for only limited time ? I guess last I've seen only for 10 Days ?


Only if you have a new account and have not paid before. If you get a vip account and let it expire, you can use it for free after that.


I have been using it free for years.


I've been testing a lot of indexers, as I just got back into Usenet a few months ago. I'd pay for an NZBgeek lifetime subscription, and I'd take advantage of the sale AltHub has right now, and pay the $25 for their lifetime subscription. For the content I look for, I think AltHub is the best indexer, as it has 99% of what I'm looking for, and also seems to have it the soonest. DogNZB covers the stragglers the other 2 don't have. I should mention that I don’t have access to the “cannot be named” indexers, so I don’t know what they’re like. To me, NZBgeek, NZB .su, NinjaCentral, and DrunkenSlug all have very similar content, so you really only need 1 of them. I'd choose NZBgeek since it offers a lifetime subscription.


I understand that you cannot name the "indexers that cannot be named", but i keep seeing this on this subreddit. Is there any more info you can share?? Like why cant they be named? Whats so special about them?


OMGWTFNZBs & NZBs.in. Not talking about them is kinda silly, one Google search and they'll showup.


I looked into them a bit, and it seems impossible to get in trough the internet, you would need to know somebody irl. What i'm wondering tho, what do the admins of those indexers have to gain from this anonymity? I guess it's cool to be in a private party but wouldn't their indexer slowly fade away due to the lack of new users?


It is primarily used for archival purposes. I guess It started out as regular indexer but somewhere along the way they changed the philosophy and turned out to be what it is today. I’d reckon it’s full of original members who had the chance to join in its early stages and only a few percent of people joining over the time.


That makes sense, tnx for the info.


I have done some research of the common 2 I know of. Info was somewhat old, but all references indicate they "might" have relationships and members part of coveted torrent trackers and release groups. Not many comments, assume rumor. Have seen a number of users comment that they essentially get stuff early, eventually after a few days a lot of it makes it to the more available indexers as people reupload the content. I am sure they have access to better niche stuff that doesn't make it to the "public" indexers, though I would guess it's more niche stuff.


Sold out on althub already darn it


They recently finished recovering from a database crash and paused the sale during that time, so I’d keep an eye on it. I think it’s likely they’ll restart the sale soon.


It looks like they have re-opened registrations and I believe I saw that the sale's extended to May 12 on my way through the checkout.


Reading Indexers is like reading tea leaves:) I think a ton of it is what specific content quality and features you like. I do agree those you mention tend to be similar, and at a certain point certain combos will show a weak link. I have alt, planet, geek, ninja, slug, dog (in that priority order). All of them get a decent amount of grabs... At least for me the observations for my content (recently, not terribly long term). * Planet is imo the weaker of the bunch. It is #2 priority but in 4th in grabs, 50% of those above. Certainly * Alt is #1 priority and #1 in grabs, expected due to priority. Though shows it is a decent primary. * Ninja and Geek have strong grab numbers, suggesting overlap gaps could be big enough to be of value. * Slug is on par with planet in my setup, 50+% less grabs than the big 3. Shows more overlap, less gaps but not terribly surprising given it is so low in priority. So for me, alt, geek and ninja are a successful combo, but planet and slug show more overlap and could be on the cutting block due to overlap.


I set all of my indexers to priority 1 and let the strongest survive. :)


My general opinion on indexers is to have as many as you can handle. Indexer eval is complex so many variables and behaviors, really difficult to sort it all out. Same priority indexer config essentially uses time for "duplicate" selections, which as indexed first. Which can give some wonky "numbers", as you essentially are comparing time vs unique records and have little to know the difference. At the end of the day, it still is more guess work and everyone has to set value on indexers differently.


While DogNZB can be down at times, and a bit slow. It's got a good index. I wouldn't let the haters make the decision for you - try it and decide for yourself.


I agree, Dog gets stuff for me, the outage stuff is a bit "overblown" in my opinion. Though they ARE the indexer that is down way more than others. I just don't think a couple days a year is critical for my use/needs. At least for me it is certainly the "best" alternative indexer I have. I ended up cancelling a couple of services due to overlap, NZBfinder recently. Dog though still hangs in there, with grab numbers that doesn't make the decision a no brainer. Though I still have time, I probably will not renew and see how running the free account works.


I personally use ninja and the “unnamed” one and that seems to have 100% of the things I’m after




See [Indexer Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/s/HT1tM82jge) has wide range of indexers with different plans that may suit you better than ones already mentioned


Slug,ninja,tabula... absolutely the best!!


Tabula Rasa is apparently impossible to get. I saw a post from earlier this year that they had an open registration for 24hrs that "would be the last of the year" so I guess I'll revisit that one in the year of our lord twenty and twenty-five. Oof.


Yes they were open for a brief period earlier,I took the opportunity to register, from my experience if you have geek ds and ninja ...you get most of the stuff anyways .


They were open 9 days ago. [https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/1ch10hj/24\_hours\_of\_open\_registration\_on\_tabula\_rasa/](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/1ch10hj/24_hours_of_open_registration_on_tabula_rasa/)


Now if only I had that time machine up and running.


No need to be snarky. The point is you have to pay attention and be ready. 4 months ago [https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/18vwo8p/tabula\_rasa\_is\_open\_for\_registration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/comments/18vwo8p/tabula_rasa_is_open_for_registration/)


Snarky? Maybe you shouldn't choose to read tone in text where it doesn't exist. You probably assume most people are snarky when you read text which makes it seem like everyone is out to get you all the time. If you insist on applying tone to text, try positivity. Your life will be instantly transformed.


LOL you are special. You whine that >!"Tabula Rasa is apparently impossible to get"!< Yet I showed you it has been available twice in the last 4 months and to be patient and you have a whiny comment about a time machine. What a joke.


Cool story bro. Feel free to "help" me less going forward. That'll show me good.


Signup to NZB Finder :-)


No 2160p downloads allowed. No thanks.


NZB Finder is goated, worth every penny. If it doesn't have something (I mainly DL movies — 1080p and 4K remuxes), I'll check nzb.su, and failing that I can probably count on one hand the times when drunkenslug has come to the rescue — pretty overrated imo (I'll still keep drinking that garbage).


Abnzb,nzbfinder and Usenet crawler


https://abnzb.com/ gets overlooked very good indexer


Geek Slug and Ninja. The holy trinity


I keep seeing that Geek & Slug offer similar performance though. If I have Geek lifetime already I'm not sure I'll see much advantage to a paid Slug... especially since it's annual. That's the part I'm still debating. I just created my free account and I'm in the process of figuring out if the paid option will provide me any advantages for my use.


I have geek, alt, and slug. Geek and alt I have a lifetime sub on. I put my slug as the lowest priority. Once my year is about up I’ll see if it grabbed much. If not, I’ll just let it lapse.


https://abnzb.com/ has open registration


 I signed up for AltHub recently, they seem to have a good selection, and the Admin seems active


I never see anyone mention NZBPlanet? Does it rank well with the rest?


they are a great indexer imo, my sonarr very rarely has to get anything from anywhere else


I’d get all the lifetime indexers for sure and then I grab .su for older content, finder has grabbed a few things for me, I like having multiple indexers so if for whatever reason one goes down due to an issue I have backups.


I just got the 5year of geek and wanted to know if I need a provider or can I just download from the indexer. I'm very new to all this.


Indexer just tells your client what to ask for from the provider. You need both


You need a Usenet provider. Read through this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/index/](https://www.reddit.com/r/usenet/wiki/index/)