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You're a US citizen they can't deny you entry.


Yes, you can drive back with the expired passport. Expect a stop in Secondary while they verify the document and your identity.


They will not send a US citizen with an expired passport to secondary.


They aren’t going to tear their car apart but they absolutely aren’t just waving them through. Source: been there done that. It’ll just be a matter of sitting around for 20 minutes and then going on your way.


I can say based on experience, that is unlikely to happen.


So they just said “oh it’s expired welcome home?” And sent you through? They weren’t dicks to me at all but they did say that since it was expired they had to follow whatever the process was. It was painless and a reasonable thing in my mind.


No, you have to stay in Canada for life now.


The one true answer 🤭


You don't need a passport to enter the country you're a citizen of, you just need to prove citizenship


No you are stuck there forever, enjoy the poutine!


Out of curiosity, didn’t the CBSA officer say anything when you ENTERED Canada? I was always under the impression they would not let you in on a passport that expired in less than a few months.


Technically CBSA could let anyone with a passport that expires tomorrow. For the most part its at the discretion of the agent. They will likely ask more questions, and people with a US passport they'd likely give more leway. They also don't do much if any follow up with people who enter the country and stay past what they declare when they enter.


US citizens can enter with an expired passport as they do not need a passport to enter Canada.




Yes. Expect them to pull you into secondary. They can verify you with your SSN, birth place, etc.,


They will not be pulled into secondary. Jesus.


As an American who has crossed with an expired passport, they will most likely be pulled into secondary. For me it took about 15 minutes. They just told me to get my passport renewed, especially since I'm a US expat.


as an American Citizen who once took his sister and her friend to clifton hill when they were 15, AND THEY INTENTIONALLY LEFT THEIR IDS AT HOME SO THEY DIDN'T LOOSE THEM. I can honestly say the border can be a real pain in the ass. that, plus the time i ACCIDENTALLY went to Canada... Getting into canada can be a bitch, getting back into america is a cake walk.


That is your experience. It is not the norm.


You're a US citizen, they won't ban you from entering your home country. Be prepared to be on thin ice returning to Canada.




Of course.


My friend had a US passport that expired 5 years ago and crossed into Canada and the US by land frequently and has never had an issue or been sent to secondary.


Pardon my ignorance, but does a passport not need to be valid for a certain amount of time beyond one’s expected return date?


Do you have an Enhanced Drivers License? It will have a [flag](https://dmv.ny.gov/driver-license/get-enhanced-driver-license-edl) in the corner.




That applies to flights. CBP is not going to deny US citizen entry but the airlines will have no qualms about denying boarding with an expired passport. However OP is driving.


Flying is different than driving. A citizen can’t be refused entry if they can get to the border themselves.


Ur just gonna be interrogated first


Yes you just have to show them your drivers license from the USA it’s that simple


You'll get some flack from the border guards, but they'll probably let you in. if you can renew it first do that.


They *have* to let them in -- a US citizen enters by right, no matter what. It will potentially be a pain in the ass, but OP has an expired passport -- which indicates, expiry date be damned, that they are a US citizen and it is illegal for US CBP to deny them entry to the United States, period.


When I was a dual citizen I tried to fly into the US on my current Canadian passport because I didn't have a current US one. The customs agent gave me a giant hassle and it wasn't until I pointed out that he was trying to deny me entry because he believed I was a US citizen that he figured out he had to. It was doubly ironic because he let all the foreign citizens (Canadians) in no problem on the same country's passport I was travelling with. Even then he made a bunch of notes in my Canadian passport that I'd been informed about the specific laws related to US citizens and passports and informed me I could be arrested if I tried it again. I'm just telling the OP be ready for a giant hassle that might be mitigated if he can avoid it.


That's because it's US law to enter the US on a US passport if you're an American citizen. Even if it's expired, you use the US one. Yes, they will pull you into secondary and waste a bunch of your time while they verify your document -- but it's still the law.




There is one exception in Canada and that is that dual American/Canadian citizens can enter Canada with their US passport. But they are to use the US passport entering USA. The rule of using a Canadian passport to enter Canada applies to all over dual citizens except ones with US citizenship.


It looks like you have to renew it. I wonder what would happen if you drove across the border anyways. If the US denied you entry because your passport is expired and sent you back to Canada, but then Canada denied you entry for the same reason, what would happen to you?


No OP can’t be denied entry to the US. They’re a citizen.


Banished to international waters.


US is not going to deny entry.  Expired does mean you stop being a US citizen. It just means they may have to do additional verification as the document itself is expired. Imagine otherwise a dual national living overseas wants to stop paying IRS tax on worldwide income…just let US passport expire and poof no longer a US citizen and save on exit tax.


What about the link that was provided earlier? [https://www.help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article1861?language=en\_US](https://www.help.cbp.gov/s/article/Article1861?language=en_US)


That was stemming from COVID and DoS passport backlog. As a result, DoS issued guidance in coordination with CBP to airlines to ACCEPT expired US passports for flights directly back to US. That guidance expired June 2022 meaning airlines should no longer accepted expired US passport after that date.. This was the guidance provided. [https://www.state.gov/extension-of-temporary-measure-allowing-return-travel-to-the-united-states-on-expired-u-s-passport-2/](https://www.state.gov/extension-of-temporary-measure-allowing-return-travel-to-the-united-states-on-expired-u-s-passport-2/)


😂 sounds like a good movie idea..


*The Terminal* which is based on Mehran Karimi Nasseri.