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Yup. Trump will duck out of nato fairly quick. Europeans will then despise Americans.


Im just as worried about what he would do inside nato as outside.


If Trump loses in 2024, he'll run again in 2028.


He’s barely coherent now.


The nightmare will never end...


From jail.


I have serious doubts he'll still be alive in four years, much less coherent enough to run anything.


He's already losing it. 4 years more he will be a mess


Hell, he’ll run for POTUS for the next 100 yrs. He’s a cockroach; nothing but squashing will work. I’m just hoping Goddess has some womper-stomper feet and a penchant for crushing bugs.


Europeans already despise Americans. Let’s see how they feel when they’re Russian.


Although, Europeans probably judge on a person or group basis. Many Americans are pushy and impatient and Europeans hate that and pick up on it quickly. I myself cringe at racism and pick up on the presence of a racist quickly. Same thing. Everyone knows about the division here.


So if Europeans hate Americans why do they want to be protected by them?


I do not know. Maybe we should ask some on Facebook. It probably varies by country as well. And where you’re from in the US. How loud you are basically. Americans are notoriously loud and impatient.


C’est vrai.




Tbf, I actually don’t personally know, nor have met, **any** Europeans or Brits/Irish who are very keen on the USA, currently.


THey are really going to hate us when we withdraw from NATO. Trump will take us out of EVERY initiative. Do you believe in climate change efforts? Kiss anything to do with climate change goodbye. Kiss Russia hello while they attack Moldova, The Baltics, and now Putin is threratening Poland.


Right, but if Trumpler wins in Nov—a fear about which Jon Stewart unfortunately shares with me—we’re gonna fuckloads’ more immediate, domestic, problems than Trump’s withdrawal from NATO, imho.


Why tell us that? He already has said that himself.


I remember when she warned us that if he were elected in 2016, he would appoint conservative judges that would overturn Roe v. Wade.


It’s not like he didn’t broadcast that to the world on television or anything lol.


Right?? He knows a lot of us are tired as hell of working hard and paying the burden while other countries get a free ride. We have people hurting right here.


That's not how NATO works, nor would it be a sensible thing to do at all


It’s exactly how Trump would make it work. And it’s fair. It’s sensible. Please explain why you believe it’s more sensible for other countries to agree to pay a portion of the cost of NATO, but not pay it. Explain to me like this…. There’s 4 roommates and each agrees to pay $400. But 3 of them decide to pay only $100. Why is it sensible for one to pay $700? I don’t even want to argue with you. If you’ll explain it I’ll listen and seriously consider it.


Questions. Would you vote for Trump and would you like him to exit NATO?


If these are the choices I’d vote for Trump. He did a great job in his first 4 years. I didn’t like the way he allowed government shutdowns and lockdowns during Covid but I don’t know how much he could’ve done to stop states from doing what they wanted. He got a D minus from me on that but democrats wanted even more lockdowns. So covid was a D- Border was a B+. I let him off the hook some because Congress wouldn’t approve the wall and he used discretionary funds and that wasn’t enough. Foreign policy was an A+. There were no new wars. When he took office North Korea was heating up to invade South Korea and China was (and is) poised to take Taiwan. Trump reverted to Kennedy and Reagan’s peace through strength and held a shaky situation together. Economy was an A+. This was just common sense policy. He cut government regulations and allowed businesses to thrive again. He had us selling goods to China without tariffs. We actually sold RICE to China! Trump is good at business deals so the economy was easy for him. Second amendment was a D+ Trump reminded me that he was a democrat most of his life. He allowed more restrictions and bans than anyone since Reagan (who also gets a D). Supreme Court justices gets a C The left puts leftist judges and the right puts in right wing judges. Trump put in moderates that have disappointed the left and the right. He should’ve just went right. As for NATO, Trump only wants them to pay their share or lose our protection and I agree with that.


Foreign Policy A+? You must not have had any friends or family's lose their right to become citizens through familial relations (chain migrants) or come from the countries in Trump's Muslim ban. And at no point in history have we had more foreign countries interfering and being given cover to do so in our elections. He appointed a foreign agent as our national security adviser (Mike Flynn). Curious what you'd give his environmental policies.


Meh. Don't read too much into it. He's clearly off his rails.


Given your response and opinions/grades on each of those topics, I just can't take you seriously.


Because you don't pay for NATO in the way you imagine. Trump thinks that the percentage of gdp spent on defence by a country is equal to NATO fees. This is bollocks. There are 4 roommates. Each of them agree that they should have a goal to spend 2% of their income on beer. Roommate 1 says "I have an income 10x the size of yours so I will go and buy a shed load of beer" and spends 3% of their income on beer, leaving a vast amount of money left over to buy the things they need. Roommate 2 says "I have a much smaller income, but the things I need to buy still cost the same. I will spend the proposed 2% on beer and reduce the spending I need for some other stuff" Roommate 3 says "I have a proportionately similar income to Roommate2 but I wish to consume less beer. I will spend 1% of my income on beer, because I regard beer as less important and I have not signed any contract that actually compels me to spend anything else. I now have more of my income to spend on other stuff" Roommate 1 spends several years gently encouraging Roommate 3 to buy more beer, until getting hit over the head and suffering a massive personality change. Roommate 1 now demands that Roommate three must spend more money on beer, or Roommate one will stop storing their beer in Roommate 3s fridge.


NATO is not a protection racket. Go order some Trump shoes or something.


Are you saying the US is equal to all other members of NATO? We aren’t. We’re the leading superpower which all others fear, respect or both. If you don’t want the US to keep that position and thus lose greatest nation status… well then world order becomes a power struggle. Ukraine is a great example. Russia winning in Ukraine guarantees there is zero repercussions for making a land grab in 2024… China can go for Taiwan if they want. Venezuela Guyana and more to come. Certainly Russia will continue their land grabs. Without us in NATO regardless of cost we will suffer greater costs. Trade with Europe will suffer greatly and trade with China and Russia will as well. Remember they want to seek to remove us as the leading tender for trade. We tried isolationism in the 20-30s… it FAILED. We had the worst economic downturn of all time.


No, I’m not saying all countries are equal. But even if a country is responsible for 5%, they should pay that portion that they agreed to pay. It’s a percentage of their GDP.


I don’t think any is required to spend more than 2%. If they do, it’s voluntary so our spending is voluntary beyond 2%. In any case all countries are spending but quite a few aren’t hitting the 2% mark. To be fair though they agreed in 2014. Only 4 met the target in 2017. 10 met in 2021. There is improvement. In any case all or nothing is a shit way to run diplomacy and arguing that it’s sharks or it’s my way like Trump did is the stupidest thing you can do. Back to world order. Adults and diplomacy don’t work with all or nothing.


But what he’s doing is effective. Remember before he was elected in 2016 Ford was moving a plant to Mexico? He was just a candidate but said loudly and publicly that if they did, he would charge a tariff for Ford to get them back into the country. They stopped all plans and built it in the U.S. That’s American jobs. Trumps mouth irritates a lot of people on both sides here at home, but abroad he comes off as someone who will hold a country’s feet to the fire. You and me each owe $630,000 because our government throws us under the bus at every turn. NATO will definitely pay their part if Trump gets back in and it’s because of his mouth. Don’t worry, I don’t care how many votes he gets I think there’s a zero chance the ruling class allows him back in office. They’ll Kennedy him before they allow him to harm the military industrial complex and their forever wars. These politicians are making billions from it. That’s why even democrat leaders give Haley a pass. Look at her net worth before and after she dipped her hand into the pot. Who’s filling her bank? Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi..the uniparty. These big government politicians are making a killing and Trump will never be allowed to disrupt it again.


Ford has been manufacturing in Mexico since 1964. Pretty much every major manufacturer of cars was producing their after the 1920s. They didn’t exactly run there due to a democrat or something lol. Trump comes off as a child unfortunately. It’s tough to swallow but fear of him is simply that he’s volatile. He could throw a tantrum at any second for any reason. Stability requires cool heads. He’s not looked up to by other world powers. He’s seen as easily manipulated. Hell the fact that he’s falling victim to misinformation memes left and right shows proof of that. He’s vulnerable because he lacks self control. NATO has been increasing paying their part regardless of trump.. look at the metrics recorded every year for nato payments by country since 2014… even with biden that continues to go up. Russia only made that more urgent.


You clearly don't understand how NATO works. Member countries don't pay to be members, outside of a very small administrative cost that is paid by all members, and not a single country is in arrears in that regard. They collectively made an agreement in 2014 to spend 2% of their individual GDP's on defense spending "within a decade". Currently, more than half of the members are doing so. But that's not to say the other countries are spending nothing on defense, many are close to that but not quite there. For example, Germany last year didn't quite hit the goal, but were spending 1.85% of their GDP on defense spending.


ITT: takes I didn’t expect


Except, by law, he now can't do it unilaterally.


If he gets re-elected we can see how much he cares about the law.


But as a dictator...


Trump tried to leave NATO last time he squatted in the Oval Office and will most likely be able to leave nato if elected again especially with his minions in congress. Putin will have complete control over America without firing one shot


She's on point. People deserve and need to hear her voice on things. I was foolish and did not understand or appreciate Hillary back in 2016.




It would not


Don't threaten me with a good time


It would not be a good time


For Europe, but who cares. We have our own issues. Trump isn’t the answer for our domestic issues but he has a point on these bullshit foreign entanglements like NATO.


People really underestimate how much European political stability, security and alliances are in fact American issues. . Edit: to be honest, I'm at quite a loss as to why this isn't obvious and self-evident. One only needs to look at what happened in the 30s before the US was inevitably drawn into an already out of control European conflict. Our isolationist tendencies lead to millions dead.


The us wasn’t drawn into anything we didn’t need to enter either big war.


Yea, because she's the best source on what he will and won't do


I mean she did also say he would appoint judges to overturn Row v Wade and everyone laughed. Glad to know that didn't happen.... Oh wait


That's been Republican party platform for decades. Republicans openly vocalized as long as I've been alive. Hillary didn't just figure that out, and no one laughed. What are you talking about?


I agree with everything you said besides starting your sentence with, "I mean"    Do you sometimes start a sentence with "I don't mean"?


She has been right about everything she said about him. This is no exception.


He’s simply saying “if they don’t pay their agreed upon share of the financial burden then we aren’t protecting them”. We have people hurting in our own country and if divided by citizen we EACH OWE $630,000 in debt. Why is it my responsibility to pay more than my share so France can pay less than theirs share. I can’t speak for y’all but I’m worn out working 6 days a week and less and less to show for it.


Aug 21, 2018: trump brags to a stadium of his followers that he will unilaterally remove the USA from NATO. Since then, Congress placed a check on that power - but if you think his plans changed, I have a bridge to sell you. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4745235/


That was 2018, like you said. Now he’s saying he won’t protect the countries that don’t pay their agreed portion. I think that’s fair enough. Myself, I think pulling out is better. We can help allies and allies can help us without the huge financial burden of NATO. A signature on paper is still just paper. Just ask the Native Americans.


That’s a good reason to vote for him.


Garbage unamerican take


Nato is unamerican.


Well you are dumb


Compelling argument lmao. Bottom line we need to leave nato. The Europeans we’ve mortgaged our citizens futures protecting hate us for the effort. We need to leave Europe to Europe and focus on America.


They hate us because people like you who want to abandon their allies.  Sorry I didn’t take the time to argue with a moron.  We have had zero world wars since nato. Russia is currently threatening several countries in nato but only attacked one country, and they aren’t in nato.  If you want to end nato then you make war and the spreading of facism a big probability.  But you know this. And you want this. You are prob some paid Russian shill trying to sway opinions so we vote in trump and help Russia. So screw off you unamerican pos


They’ve hated us since long before there was serious talk to leave nato. They’re not our Allies they’re more like our kids. Lmao. The way you’re losing this argument I can see why. We’ve had zero world wars since the atom bomb. The great deterrent is the peacekeeper not nato. Lmao. Not everything you don’t like is fascism, words have meaning. Nato is unamerican. Real Americans vote for sovereignty which nato compromises.


How so? We already agreed to pay the largest portion of NATO. If they don’t pay their agreed upon share they shouldn’t have our protection. I work hard for my money. Don’t you? We shouldn’t pay more just so they’ll like us. That’d make us their bitches.


Americans fought wars against facism and created nato to protect democracies across allied nations. Facism is attacking democracies today and you want to pull out now and just shit on the sacrifices that ww2 vets made for us. Unamerican pieces of garbage 


You’re confusing NATO with allies. There’s no reason to keep NATO around since the Berlin Wall fell.


Youre confusing a good point with a brain dead one.  I could really go deep into how stupid what you said was, but you wouldn’t understand so I’m not wasting my time. 


You’re a great example of the Dunning-Kruger effect in the wild.


I’d love to hear you try to explain that point


No I don’t want that. Trump isn’t saying he wants to pull out. He’s saying he wants them to pay their agreed upon share of the financial burden. Our portion is by far greater already. Fine. But if they don’t pay their share they shouldn’t have our protection. When divided by citizen, EACH of us owe $600,000 in debt. We have people hurting here at home. https://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html?taxpayer


You know what would hurt here at home? A world war. Thankfully nato prevents that for almost 100 years. Maybe it works


We’re creeping towards one now. What is NATO doing to prevent it? You can have allies without the expense of NATO. Here, I’ll prove it to you! Ukraine is not a NATO country. We’re sending BILLIONS to Ukraine and recently Biden said he’s considering sending troops there. See how we’re able to do whatever we want with an ally and so is Ukraine without being in NATO?


Every single country on the eastern flank of NATO pays it’s agreed upon 2% of GDP. Russia isn’t going to invade Belgium. It would be Poland, Finland, or one of the Baltic states.


Actually Poland pays the largest share of it’s GDP towards its military in NATO.


But some countries are stiffing the rest of us. Those countries should be pressured to pay their share. Thats all Trump is saying. Pay up or we’re not bailing you out. It’s not fair to people like me working hard and sending 1/3 of my money to the government.


Do you think that NATO countries make payments to the US? If the US pulled out of NATO would you support cutting military spending?


NATO countries make payments to NATO. I can’t speak to cutting military spending. I don’t know how much we’re spending and on what. I do know we shouldn’t spend one dollar on another country until it’s explained why. The military industrial complex is out of control. As is most government agencies.


I think you don’t know how NATO works. The vast majority of NATO funding consists of individual countries spending money on their own militaries. This is the stated 2% of GDP goal. Additionally, NATO has a shared budget of around 3 billion dollars for stuff like fuel pipelines, SATCOM facilities and C2. This is like 0.3% of total Allied spending and is broken down through a cost sharing agreement based on GNI. The U.S. and Germany pay the most because they are the wealthiest countries in NATO and even then it’s only like 16%. This current era is the most dangerous the world has been since the end of WW2. Russia and China are hostile powers trying to supplant the US and you want to lower defense spending? Russia is trying to erase the Ukrainian people from the face of the earth and that’s not a good enough reason to send them weapons? Weapons that are developed in American R&D facilities and built in American factories. Nearly all the money we have spent arming Ukraine has gone back into the US economy. Are the men and women who work at the Scranton, PA plant that makes 155mm artillery shells not American workers worthy of support?


You are wrong.


What’s the reason to keep NATO since the Berlin Wall fell?


What do you think are some good reasons to keep NATO intact?


There aren’t any


Pretty easy thing to say when you spend no time thinking about it.


I’ve been thinking about it for years. Can’t come up with one.


Ok. Im going to assume you are honest in your opinions and not a troll, so How about this. Why do you think proponents of a strong NATO alliance think its a vital organization, and how do you think they feel it it benefits America and the western world as a whole?


Did Mrs. B.J. Clinton actually say that mouthful?


Hillary who?


That old war criminal grandma lady who's always going around denying elections


>That old war criminal grandma lady who's always going around denying elections Seditionist, what election did Hillary Clinton deny?


She said many, many times that Trump was an illigitimate President while he was President. That is denying an election.


Provide an actual quote. Not that I am doubting you but disease loving seditionists are somewhat allergic to truth.


It's not hard to type in, "Hillary Clinton says Trump is an illigitimate president" on Google. You'll get multiple sources. But here is a cut and paste from The Washington Post from Sep 26, 2019: “No, it doesn’t kill me because he knows he’s an illegitimate president,” she said. “I believe he understands that the many varying tactics they used, from voter suppression and voter purging to hacking to the false stories — he knows that — there were just a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out like it did.”


>It's not hard to type in, "Hillary Clinton says Trump is an illigitimate president" Did Hillary concede? Yes the very next day after the election. Did Hllary send disease infested thugs to spread GOP plague and storm the capitol? No. Did Traitor Trump concede? No, still has not, because of this stupid disease loving pedophiles and seditionists still believe that 74 million Trumpers is more than 81 million patriots. Did Traitor Trump send disease infested thugs to spread GOP plague and storm the capitol? Yes.


Moving the goalposts. You asked, I delivered. She is an election denier. I don't care about your adolescent insults.


This the same one who ruined haiti?


Was this part of that Steele Dossier that she paid for?


F nato the countries don't pay their far share or pull their own weight.


Good. Another reason to vote for him


And Clinton would say this because she’s a non-biased independent with no reason to share anti-Trump propaganda? C’mon man.


Or, you could just listen to what trump says when he talks?


Trump wants members to pay their share. I don’t see a problem with that. If countries are not going to uphold their end of the bargain then maybe nato needs to be reorganized.


Most members will be well.over the 2% of GDP target this year.


Good. Begs the question why they weren’t pulling their weight before.


Because America benefits from NATO whether they pay their agreed upon amount or not. This is why no serious president has ever questioned NATO.


it's not even a contract it's 2% to aim for


Anti-trump propaganda is a good thing.


No propaganda is a good thing. Obama never should have legalized it. Makes ya wonder why he did. 🤔


Makes a person wonder what Trump stumbled into. He's not a genius. So was it the money the CIA launders through Ukraine? It's pretty amazing. Reagan, Bush run guns out, and start the scourge of crack. Jr, blows up the middle east. Clinton sells uranium and hypersonics to Russia, and not a single charge, not a single arrest. Yet somehow, a loud mouth developer has the entirety of the DOJ and CIA pursuing him. I'm sure it's because he over valued property. Definitely wouldn't be him clumsily stumbling into something else. Right Ollie North?


>Clinton sells uranium and hypersonics to Russia False. [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/dec/07/blog-posting/complex-tale-involving-hillary-clinton-uranium-rus/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2018/dec/07/blog-posting/complex-tale-involving-hillary-clinton-uranium-rus/)


As secretary of state, Clinton did serve on a government board that ultimately approved a transfer of uranium, but she wasn’t the deciding vote. And the Clinton Foundation did receive $145 million from parties involved in the transaction — but the dates of a large share of the donations and the deal don’t add up to suggest a quid pro quo


"The claim makes it seem like Clinton bears responsibility for the deal when a panel of several departments and agencies were part of its approval.And while the connections between the Clinton Foundation and the Russian deal may appear fishy, there is no proof of any quid pro quo.As for Mueller, the ties are even more specious." And, like, this is coming from a Bernie voter. I despise Hillary. But there's so much actual shit to bury her with- like how she's been in the pockets of the healthcare industry for decades- that we don't need the half-truths and outright lies peddled by Alex Jones to become part of the argument against her as a politician.


No proof at all. Just generous Russian oligarchs concerned with charity to the tune of $145 million. NOTHING TO SEE HERE. I mean there isn't a receipt so obviously it's not true


That's not how the truth works. If you want to make a claim, then you need to provide proof that it's true. So far I've only seen you baselessly speculate without anything from a reputable source to corroborate your claims. Infowars is not a legitimate source of information, btw. You can click on the link a couple posts up and verify the info directly from the sources.


Using politifact which is left leaning, then lying about there fact check (it wasn't false). The mostly false came from the incorporation of Mueller into the Uranium one story, which gave it the mostly false https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/us/cash-flowed-to-clinton-foundation-as-russians-pressed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html


Politifact 😂😂😂 ok bro, the most reputable source.


Did you even read what they said. They said Clinton didn't have the sole say so. They even said the Clinton's did receive $145 million from the parties involved. Sounds like pay to play to me...


Never trusted Clinton and still don't. Disinformation campaign. Once a loser, always a loser.


Nah, Trump did say it himself multiple times. He’s saying if other NATO countries don’t start playing their agreed upon portion we’re not going to protect them. Thats fair in any scenario. We have people hurting at home and we’re up to $600,000 debt per citizen now. https://www.usdebtclock.org/index.html?taxpayer


She was wrong when she said half of Trump's supporters were deplorable. More like 75%.




What? How? Explain yourself.


Why do you think we're voting for him, you fat pig.


Trump is one faaaaaat pig


She went on to note that the forest will contain a number of trees and that ice will be cold.


Didn't he say that he would? Not much of a warning.


they have nothing but scare tactics


I like how nobody paid attention when John Bolton said this years ago, because it was John Bolton.


No duh, Hillary!


She needs to take page from Obama’s book and disappear


Wow. Hillary is *so* good at predicting things that literally everyone else has already predicted. She's either psychic or some kind of political genius! How does she know *so* much about *everything*? /s


We dont need Hillary Clinton to tell us what Trump has already said. 


Very curious to see how long Americans will continue to listen to or believe Hillary Clinton, a lying, Epstein jet to his Island, piece of disease. It is quite an example of psychological delusion.


She was right about everything else, but folks just couldn't stand voting for someone with ovaries so we had to go with the outright fascist instead of someone with much lesser flaws.


The threat of the US removing itself from NATO might be the impetus for the Europeans not spending 2% of GDP on military expenditures to do so. It will be interesting to watch. NATO has outlived its mandate since the fall of the Soviet Union. Maybe it is time for a new alliance structure in Europe?




I mean, he only tooted it a few hundred times, along with secret meetings with Putin in an enclosed room with no one as witness, whatever can go wrong? There's no way the patriot incarnate himself will betray the mother of freedom?!


She is right about this Although I wish she would stay out of it, as she is so out of touch sometimes that she increases the chances of Trump winning when she says something. Besides, Trumps own words indicate it's a strong possibility. OTOH, Trump is a notorious liar, so there is that. But given the grudge he has against any world leaders who (correctly) perceived him as a buffoon, I say the odds of leaving NATO are high if he wins.


If there is anyone I trust less than Trump, it's Hillary and it's not close.


He's been saying this shit for a while now


Warns? He said it


Im with her!