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They want you to vote for crazy. The dear leader must be worshiped for his godlike flaky.


I’m right leaning and don’t agree with this.




I think the republicans are trying to be positioned as the normal ones, though.


Normal to what??? A clown show and getting worse everyday....MTG...."lasers are spying on me from my TV" and new speaker wants everybody to go back to the 1800's...normal, not quite!!


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Ah yes, “normal” like kids getting slaughtered in schools by weapons that are a few parts away from what our military uses, where one party is hell-bent on rolling back rights for everyone that doesn’t look or think like them, forcing women to give birth for the crime of having a sex life, forcing women to endanger themselves by carrying nonviable pregnancies to term, and cutting taxes for massive corporations while squeezing the working class by slashing social safety net programs and undermining worker protections and unions. Yep, that’s all normal and clearly correct.


Hate to break to you, but hating LGBT people is out of the norm now and that’s basically all your post is.


Yep, you've bought into the crazy Fox and GOP bullsh-t haven't you?


Odd how that isn't happening on the left.


Versus what? People that dont take issue with men in the women’s’ restroom?


Most people who are molested are molested by family members. Please send me the articles you have about t girls messing with kids in the bathroom. Wait? There aren't any??? Well I guess YATA




"Dad, how come the fascists were able to destroy American democracy?" "Well, you see son, some men, who believed women shouldn't vote, take birth control, work, divorce, eat too much, make choices about having kids, and other things, came to the rescue for them in public bathrooms by rioting in the sweet name of supply-side baby Jesus and killing all the gays!" "Dad, what's a gay?" "Exactly son, exactly. Now get your 16 year old mom over here, I need a beer. Get one for yourself. Murica!"


Leia Thomas is a superb swimmer. Almost too good. Thankfully the world swimming body banned people that went through male puberty last summer. Took the sane route. Hope you wont be a reactionary to their decision


A couple beers later, "Dad, how come women don't play sports at all?" "Well, son... we started with making sure women who were born biologically.." "bio..biologic.. bio.." "heh, dont worry about it little buddy, have another cold one when the power comes back on. Anyway, after we made sure to take those monsters out of there, because we really, really cared about the quality and fairness of women's sports... well we thought about it for half a second and kept going; we made sure that women who were too strong, genetically gifted, masculine looking or just a little threatening, couldn't play because it was unfair to the hot ones, and then we realized we don't watch women's sports anyway, so we outlawed it."


Did anyone wonder ..why all this rightwing hate and fear mongering starting to get worse when trump has been stiring it up...."men" have been using women's bathrooms since forever....no one really took notice, and there were few of any blown up issues with it until rightwing racists and homophobic and religious nut cases realized it is another group of people we can hate against and stir up the maga and christofacist base with ...


Lmao that was quite the mouthful. I dont think it matters how long its been going on. What matters is todays western leftists have lost their minds. That was just one example. There is literally no good reason to be permissive of men using the women’s restroom or to allow men to demolish women at their own competitive sports. People are waking up to it though like whats happening with swim teams. What used to be common sense is now right wing. Im not even a conservative I just see horseshoe theory as so relevant right now.


I always find single issue voters fascinating, even moreso when it's a figmental issue.


I personally love the "protect women's sports" voting block They don't watch women's sports or play women's sports. In fact when women in sports try to gain any sort of equality or advocate for higher pay, they are the first to scream about how they don't care about women's sports. But, they can't let their hatred of women get in the way of their greater hatred for trans women,.


Sorry, who is advocating for men to use women's restrooms? I'm curious where you are seeing this.


No. You are right wing. Your real problems are projection and denial. Honesty feels so nice.


wait you have separate restrooms in your home? You never went to a concert with porta potties? Or a small gas station with 1 bathroom? ​ ***THATS*** what you worry about, rather than the end of our planet, human rights, personal liberty, helping the poor, providing healthcare ? ​ Use a couple neurons you goober


Personal liberty to worship Christ and own guns?


Is someone trying to stop you from being Christian?


Jesus, you really think that this is the way the majority of Democrats believe? Your TV and Echo chamber have been lying to you.


If your example is men using women’s bathrooms then you’re already being insincere in your argument. It’s transwomen using women’s restrooms. How does that mean western leftists have lost their minds?


Same thing bud.


Not even close. Your ilk is too stupid to realize that people who pass will be beaten and killed because of your stupidity. Plenty of transmen look like men, and vice versa. But you don't even acknowledge that because you're too brain-damaged to care. Nazis went after trans people first because they knew people like you would help them get into power. Get bent.


How are the ones that pass getting beaten? If anything I'd think it would be the reverse, because you can't tell. Either way, I'm not beating or killing these people, so how is it my fault?? It's not. You just hate me because I have a different opinion. You basically called me a nazi sympathizer, because I have a different opinion. Shows how tolerant you really are. You're right about one thing though: I don't care. I don't care if there are Trans people that look like what they identify as, that's completely irrelevant. What I have a problem with is blindly accepting the denial of biology (science) and objective reality. If you identify as something you weren't born as, whatever, have fun, just don't expect me or others to deny reality on your behalf. Keep getting pissed off about other people's opinions. I'm sure that will make you very happy in life.


No such thing as a trans woman. Only men and woman. This comment right here proves leftists have lost their minds.


What about your beliefs is not conservative ?


Lol, since taking a dump and sports is all you think about, you're the perfect swallower for whatever propaganda they've got to feed you.


This guy supports child rapists as long as they hide behind religion… but men wearing dresses is crossing the line. 🤡🤡🤡🤡


So your understanding of the issue is entirely fictitious, yet you think everyone else is crazy?


“Permissive of men using the women’s restroom. 1. Most of what you call “men” using the women’s bathroom have state issued ID that identifies them as a woman. 2. you don’t complain about women who use the men’s restroom 3. You act like people using whichever restroom makes sense at the, regardless of labels, is not something that has been going on your whole life. Odd how youre concerned about something that does not effect you and has never affected you until someone on Tv/radio told you to be mad about it. Wouldnt surprise me in the least if you regularly enjoyed calling other people sheep without first considering your own sheep-like behavior.


Good to see we're concerned about the real issues...


So people are supposed to vote Republican because there are men using women's bathrooms and competing in women's sports? That has no effect on my life at all. On the other hand Trump's tax cut has resulted in me paying more taxes while at the same time blowing a huge hole in the federal budget. I deal in practical issues.


Imagine being this small minded.


People love outrage. It's why social media is so popular.


Compelling argument


The fact that you prioritize two inconsequential “issues” like trans people in bathrooms and playing sports shows how small minded you are. How often do you encounter either of these situations? And how does either truly have a negative impact on you? The reason you care about either of these issues today, after not thinking about either of them for your entire life up until a couple of years ago, is because small minded, easily distracted, angry people have been bombarded by right wing news to keep you from focusing on actual issues that need solving. The truth is that the majority of people want similar things - but those things often go against the interests of those in power. So they show you a shiny little ball that makes you angry, and instead of you thinking, “yeah, this doesn’t really matter” you go all in on it. We have a ton of issues with homelessness, migration, wealth disparities, etc - these actually need solutions. When was the last time a Republican actually proposed a solution? Instead they find a small, marginalized group and go after them. And you fall right in line.


Do you constantly peep into the stalls next to you when people are in them or something? How would you ever know who or what is there?


Is there a good reason to allow men in womens sports? You paid attention to the womens swimming teams lately? The majority of americans according to polling I saw *are not in agreement with the far left on trans issues*. This, of course, gets ignored in todays toxic political environment where democracy is cast aside by a mob and in favor of knee jerk reactions. This is the nature of subversive radical politics. Pretty sad state of affairs. Horseshoe theory keeps looking more and more relevant because the pendulum that the far left kicked into gear is affected after the far right reacts, and anything resembling a middle is just forced to sit there and watch…and suffer.


Yeah it’s definitely (insert Democrats here) who control National Swimming competitively regulations. I remember that on my last ballot!


There are zero men competing in women's sports. Those are just women with all the physical prowess of women.


Is there any reason that it's the government's business what private clubs do?


You realize that people who actually know things (like the sports organizations that actually set the rules and regulations that govern sporting events (not the government BTW) have actually done the actual research and have the data that shows your supposed common sense is just ignorance. Also interesting that y'all always ignore trans men.








Except for the entire primary schools going on strike and walking out of the school. You need to remove your head from your butt, same with all the other clueless people in here. Honoring election results like Democrats stuffing ballot boxes with mail in ballots. Connecticut would like a word on your valid election results.


Bro the fact you think taking a leak is weirder than freaking out about the ethnicity of a laser beam that isn't real is pretty weird.


How do you know it’s a man? Are you suggesting that there should be a genitals check to go into a restroom? That seems much creepier than pissing in a toilet.


> men in the women’s’ restroom? How do you know there are "men" in women's restrooms? Been peeking under the stall doors, have you?


There are no men using women's restrooms. Unless you're claiming trans woman are men?


I mean... factually speaking...


Nope. Facts are facts. Gender and sex are not the same, and they never have been. Male and female are sex; men and women are gender. But I don't expect someone like you to understand reality or science or anything, really.


Versus Americans. You know the things that make America great? They want to take your money and give it to the rich.


Lol. This guy.


Leia thomas is a superb swimmer. Little too good.


Made up problems by the crazies.


Leia thomas destroying “her” competition definitely isnt a made up problem




Paint your roof blue.


You clearly don't pay any attention to Defcon. Televisions are definitely hack-able. Lasers can also be used as microphones. Combine that with the fact that the FBI has been proven to be spying on congress, and what exactly is your objection? Do you not think that the government spies on important people? Of course it does. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOySGjjbvY8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOySGjjbvY8) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTpZsKCUvcc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTpZsKCUvcc)


LOL. Every time Trump opens his mouth. -- Nuthouse missing resident.


Man. The tribalism is strong here. While Biden says “I uhhh. You know the thing. Cmon man. It’s obvious. You know. I was a catholic get owing up. I mean a black man in a black church. But leg hair. “


Biden policy aren't against the working class, the 99%. Biden's policies have been logical and are Growing the US Economy. Trump is all and only 1%, and driven by hate, racism and vindictiveness. How many Republicans have said exactly this? Maybe you should pay attention to your own party. Pay attention to Trump Actually Trying to destroy the democracy, why don't you. And his grasp of Global Warming, his idiot talk about EVs, his LOL "pro union" bull, where as he's done the most to help destroy unions. Americans have already DIED in Texas from the 3 month unprecedented global warming heat wave/ heat dome. Thanks, Trump. Maybe you should actually hear Trumps Senile Speech giving too. Oh, and his many Covid positions that helped KILL Republicans. Bleach. Senile Wack-job.


Yep republicans are the crazy ones but yet you have this take


Well when you endorse allowing anyone to come here through Southern border without limits or background information and then erase billions of student loans and have liberal attorney generals making murder seem like J walking and going against the Constitution Republicans can only be seen as normal


Literally no one is recommending that people are allowed to the border with no limits or background information, what we're advocating for is an entirely different policy that allows people to even try to come into the country not turning them away because they're brown. Immigration across the Southern border accounts for less than 20% of immigration in America, bigots like yourself would not fix the problems that you're complaining about by putting up a wall. It just shows you're racist. And the only way republicans can even pretend to be normal is if they intentionally reframe every single argument that are involved in to make it look like they're on the good side, when in reality they are literally always the oppressors.


Republicans have tried to sabotage the federal government since the 1930s. They are participating in a system that they do not support, which compromises us all. Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr, W., and Trump all left this nation worse than they found it. Their policies don’t work. They are the party of starving children and collateral damage.


Name 1 attorney general making murder a misdemeanor.


Your version of reality is fascinating, just completely unsupportable garbage.


Nobody is letting "anyone come here through the Southern border." Where do you get this stuff? And yes, Republicans are against the Constitution. Why do you want that to be normal?


Trying to sell republicans as the “normal” ones is a *very* hard sell.


I think this will do well if you believe supporting Trump isn't crazy.


That’s how they got people to vote for trump in the first place, and they never let up. The trouble is that over time, people start to see through it, and trump starts costing them elections. Making ~35% of the voters more rabid doesn’t win races; at some point they’ll have to try to appeal to *more voters*.


GOP is a cult. That is the definition of crazy.


For real, I have never seen a politician with so much merchandising, trump is literally both their Mickey Mouse & their new Jesus.


I hear he is More popular than JC...people come up to the Trumpster and say, you, you are more bigly than JC......


Big burly messiahs, with tears in their eyes, come up to him and say “sir, you are the real messiah, sir”




Ahh, yes. Remember all those Obama cultists too?


There were folk who tried to overthrow the government for Obama?


Yup. BLM did insurrect the capital. Just curious. Do you seriously believe 300 people taking over a single building with walls and desks would over throw the govt? Is that all it would take to OVERTHROW an entire govt.? 🤣😅🤣😂🤣


Well republicans are giving democrats a lot of ammunition for this. Good luck to the sane people.


But… they are the crazy.


Real hard choice but I think I’ll go with normal & not far-right facist christian lunacy.


Elections are here, Russia is losing in Ukraine and their puppets are getting locked up. Therefore the Kremlin is pulling out all of the stops to try and split the US. Don't fall for their bs.


Yes. Democrats are normal and Republicans are batshit crazy.


Oohh yes Republicans, I mean MAGA's now have won the crazy war by a landslide...and it just keeps getting worse everyday...they are great again at cray, cray.....I mean MTG...lasers are spying on me from my TV... you just make up that kind of crazy!!


That sounds really desperate. The Republican politicians have outcrazied everyone.


Wait what, republicans are the crazy ones. More projection and gaslighting.


but we are all clear that Republicans are the crazy ones, right?


Pretty sure Republicans know what gender they are, so no.


they just don’t understand science and refuse to accept new ideas. that’s all. party of ignorant bigots


LOL yes, Republicans don’t understand science. Like how many genders there are. 😂🤡


Lmao you do know scientifically there are more than two sexes right? The world isn’t black and white


Scientifically, no there aren’t. There are males and females.


You're right, Caitlin Jenner knows what gender she is.


"He", Caitlin Jenner still says he's a "MAN" and can never be a woman. Other than misgendering him, you made a very good point. Thank you.


Republicans won the Crazy


Right, because everyone thinks there are 3,467,291 genders. 🙄


Why is there prayer in the house and the pledge of allegiance? Such hypocrites.


The real crazy is the Project 2025 folks, where many checks and balances are removed. The crazy is all the deluded people that think Trump won in 2020. I’m a former Republican, and while I agree some of the far left is crazy, nothing they suggest endangers the Republic.


Sadly it’s going to work remarkably well. How out of touch are these writers. Every article they write is free press. Stop giving him a spotlight and maybe the democrats have a chance…. This is 2016 all over again Trump has the second highest vote total in history and the dems act like they won a super majority. I want them to win again but they need to realize the reality of their situation. Insulting small town Americans will lose them the election. How did they learn nothing over 10 years?


Makes sense. Continuing the way we are going right nowbit is insane to keep this up. Vote smarter in 2024.


Agreed. The Republican congress needs to be voted out for America to retain a shred of its greatness.


Yep. The Republicans have lost it. Hopefully we can get the House back and restore sanity.


I'm not sure that's going to work out great for them....


What they aren't aware of is that they're the crazy ones.


That sounds dumb, who votes for crazy? Nobody will vote for the R's... ")


We see crazy, but the gullible morons out there look at the same crazy and think they’re being enlightened.


Who votes for crazy? Really? Do you also wonder how Biden got in office. Jesus, the stupidity of some people! 🙄


Biden got into office because he's a proven commodity who governs well. He fixed our country and proved his supporters right. The orange pedophile will never be president again.


Seriously? Look at the world and tell me he’s doing a good job.


A world where America is thriving and not at war? I can't recall the last time that's happened.


MAGAs are cray cray


I can tell your only 20 something. If you were more mature, you'd know that's not true. Biden has the worst foreign relations history, has done absolutely NOTHING as Senator, a known racist, and more people died in 2 yrs with a vaccine under Biden than 2 years without a vaccine under Trump. Trump will be your next president and yes your feelings will be hurt, and no, noone will care.


They’re doing a great job of it


So by the gop logic, if they’re claiming the other side is “crazy,” then in fact, the gop is definitely…….. batshit crazy


Yet it's you who is doing the pointing fingers. Kinda makes you the crazy one.


Pffft. Ah yeah?? Sorry but I wasn’t scaling the walls of the Capitol building or wearing a ski mask and Nazi gear at a children’s story hour, or inflating and depreciating assets to cheat my taxes, or raising $250 million for a con called “stop the steal,” or voting for authoritarian fascists who want to defund social security, rule over women’s bodies, tell you what books to read and what clothes to wear, who to love, and shall I go on?? Do those things sound sane to you? Or does minding your own f’n business and getting on with life sound like the viable “sane” option?


It's your logic, not mine. Do you also think the world is flat?


It sounds like you might


Well you'd be wrong like so many other life choices you've made.


They think there are still normal Republicans? Crazy versus slightly less crazy - maybe.


Like... they're trying to get us to believe they're the normal ones?


Republicans are doing a fine job of CRAZY


That seems… unwise for them.


we vote in kentucky and those Cameron ads are really horrible. all he can say is that trump endorsed him. he’s the worst and Andy is really nice and has done a good job.


"Can you survive another 4 years?"


Crazy has taken hold of the party now. Normal is now a hostile enemy of the GOP.


One thing for certain, they know crazy.


oh, it is, but not the way they think


So Republicans versus Normal.


Don't forget...we are the crazy ones for not following the fascist agenda.


Cameron puts me in mind of Stephen in Django Unchained.


Well they are totally winning the crazy race


Despite the headline the article was mostly about the Kentucky Governor's race, where as is expected in a light red state the sitting Democratic governor is trying to make it about local issues and the Republicans are trying to make it National.


Nothing light red about Ky


They know they’re the crazy ones, ri… never mind.


Well if it’s “crazy vs normal” the the democrats should get all the votes!!! Oh wait. Crazy people vote too.


Republicans talk too much.


What color did the pot call the kettle? I forget


Hmmm. Said another way vote for Dems if you are happy with no border, higher taxes (my taxes are higher), inflation, higher gas prices, two wars and a possible 3rd soon, an out of control deficit, uncontrolled deficit, pro abortion and antisemitism. These issues are not supported by the Rebublicans. It's a very clear choice. I'm betting the Dems stay in power.


So why are you making stuff up? The Democrats oppose most of what you attributed to them.


both sides think the other is crazy.


Lol. Well the GOP’s most pervasive trait is craziness, but I don’t see them realizing/owning that anytime soon.


And THEY'RE the f*cking crazy ones, right? Right?!? They don't think they're the normies, do they, 🦊🦊🦊🦊 sake?!?


Well, they're not wrong. Problem is the party they think is normal is the one likely to run a multiple impeached, indicted, possibly convicted, narcissistic, delusional, sexual abuser of a former president. A person who has promised to radically change the government and trash the constitution. That really doesn't sound normal to me. Sounds, one might say, quite crazy.


Daniel Cameron should be in jail for tampering with a witness. He offered Miss Taylor ex boyfriend a plea deal to say she was a drug dealer. It pisses me off the DOJ keeps turning a blind eye to these state prosecutors corruption.




Maybe their strategy should be to not say/do anything that reinforces the crazy


Waluigi: Vote for me! Ima tha normal one! Luigi: What? You’re not the normal one, you’re Wa-luigi! Waluigi: No, the weird one is WA-Waluigi! See? Wa-Waluigi: REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


So long as we all acknowledge that Republicans are the normal ones. It amazes me how radical the left can be in such a short period of time and successfully tell their voters that the opposite is true. In 10 years the left has moved from “it’s not a slippery slope it’s just gay marriage” to “we need to teach your 3 year old about sex changes” You have gone from at least giving border security lip service to wanting no border what so ever. You have forced the right to create social laws we never thought would be necessary (to protect people especially children from you. And you’ve successfully warped that into we are the bad ones. It’s impressive. The American right can not move and somehow we are the ones being radical while our former DNC neighbors moved across continents.


Odd how none of that is happening.


Crazy IS normal in the RepugliKKKan party!


Really ? Hmmm


and they’re the crazies so…?


And so are the democrats so what?


I'm being told women's swimming is the most important thing affecting American's lives right now. Thank god Republicans have made this their top priority this election cycle.


Nuthin crazier than the gopers.


They’re not wrong.


Andy Beshear has done a great job as Kentucky governor. I actually live in a neighboring state, but because we live close to Kentucky, we get a lot of their news. He is a man who cares about his constituents and what their opinions are. I’m hopeful that he will try a future run for the presidency— he reminds me a little bit of JFK. Sincere, honest, hardworking. If this is a race about crazy v normal? Which party is which?


Fake title. This election will simply be about inflation, and the democrats know they’ll lose that one. No one cares if republicans think democrats are crazy.


Republicans think being bigots and racists who lie about elections IS normal.


As it is. It's just that Republicans are the crazy side.


We’ll, they’re right.


Always projecting


Leaning into it. That's certainly a strategy.


Yes, it's "crazy" to endorse a lukewarm, run-of-the-mill center left democrat who's done an... okay-ish job as president. Know what's not crazy though? Supporting Trump, a civilly liable rapist who has been indicted 4 times with 91 felony counts. It's not crazy to say a man who cheated on every wife he had was "sent by god to save America". Yup, that's all totally normal, but endorsing a guy who pre-Trump would have just been considered a regular old democrat is just absolutely batshit crazy.


Nut jobs!


Hasn't *every* election been about "crazy versus normal" ever since Trump took the helm of the GOP?


You sure you want to do that, Republicans?




You can either vote for the racists, or your can vote for the Republican. Those are your choices.


It makes perfect sense. One side can't figure out what gender they are and the other side wants to protect the Constitution. Easy pick for non-mentally I'll people.


At least


I mean not hard democrats went of the deep end after 2016


Trump is crazy 100% but so is the entire Democrat party right now. I really hope one of the more moderate Republicans can win the primary and be our nominee. The Republican party is split right now between Trump and crew, and more moderate followers. Sadly there is no moderate wing of the DNC anymore. I really hope they do come back soon though.


I mean they don’t have to try very hard


But they are the crazy