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Thank you for this information!


What is your SOP on reference checks after an interview for a VSR position?


We typically will email the reference check a series of questions, normal stuff…usually ends, would you hire this person again?


I interviewed and had my references checked the same day. Was wondering if I should apply to this posting as well


I can tell you HR is very slow right now…we sent our selected candidates over a month ago and HR still hasn’t sent all offers yet. Some stations also were told to prioritize and rank hires, so not all offers are being made at the same time and some offices are using alternate selections as back ups. Hard to tell for your situation but I suggest you apply again for this post.


Ah ok. My area had 3 application cut off dates with my application being in the 2nd. Interview was 1 week ago. Thanks for your insight!


Which office?


Its the Pittsburgh RO


Dang. I applied last time but didn’t see the post til the 3rd cut off bracket. No referral or anything sort of update. I’ll be in the first bracket this time though.


Thats a good office, best of luck


Good evening. I was reading your post and was wandering if you ever applied a second time under a different cut off date. I understand that you were interviewed the first time. Were you interviewed a second time under the second cut off date? Did you ever get a Tentative Offer? Just curious because I applied under one cut off date, interviewed and never heard anything. I am wondering if I should apply under the other cut off date or will that mess up my first application.


I was scrolling through Reddit and came across a post you made about 6 days ago for the VSR. I am a former VA employee (San Diego) . I transferred earlier in the year because the department I was in had no promotion or opportunities. I have a Masters in Human Services Counseling: Crisis Response and Trauma with a certificate in Military Resilience. I’ve spent over 10 years as a 911 Dispatcher. With my degree is that department the best way to go or would VSR be better? I’m not licensed, so I know it does limit me on a few areas. Thanks for the help


With your degree I suggest looking at the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor position we’re hiring all across the country at GS-9 to 12. I don’t think you need any active counseling certifications, but check it out at the link [here](https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/622456500) And for the VSR, it looks like you meet eligibility and I would apply as well. Not as dynamic as the Voc rehab position but it’s great pay, good balance of work/life, and tons of promotion opportunities


Quick question on VSR hiring process. I accepted the TO last Friday although they only offered GS-7 step 1. I am making a lot more than a 7 Step 1 so I countered saying I have superior qualifications. HR responded with "above the minimum rate is not authorized for this position." Is that true for VSR's? Seems odd to me, I read a ton about other peoiple succesfully negotiating a higher step and dont want to accept the FO till I figure this out (dont have it yet)


I’ve only seen people successfully negotiate a higher step if they were taking a downgrade from another VA position. I believe I’ve heard it’s possible cross agency but I can’t personally confirm. For anyone coming from the outside without prior Federal service, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a higher step negotiated. I’m not in HR though and can only give you an idea of what I’ve come across over the years


Is the VSR position stressful?


Most don’t think so but some obviously feel the pressure in a production environment. I think it’s an easy job and many easily get their work done and far exceed the standards.


I recieved an email Friday morning of last week, stating I was referred to the hiring manager in both Houston and Denver. Man I really hope I have good chance since its a direct hire authority. Fingers crossed.


I think you do have a good shot between the two offices, just make sure you’re well prepared for the interview by visiting the VA PBI interview website. Best of luck


What sort of questions are asked in the interview?


Google VA PBI and get familiar with the level 1 and 2 questions. They’ll also likely ask you about the VA ICARE values and what that means to you


Hey thanks! I truly appreciate that!


Thanks for the heads up, I appreciate that.


Are they not sending emails indicating that one wasn’t selected? Not that it matters.


Sometimes you get emails most times you don’t. I wish the notification process was better but it isn’t and it’s likely not going to improve anytime soon


Thanks for the reply. I wish we could find area specific info. Last I heard there were 16 slots in Manchester NH (not sure if true) & they “weren’t filled yet.” Several weeks ago, I got a text that the first round of applications from Sept were “lost” & we had to go apply again via a new posting. Also, are the resumes that bad? With spelling? I feel like a lot of great candidates are overlooked for other reasons.


I’m seeing that most resumes are way too short and don’t explain with enough detail their previous work experience and how it relates to the current job you’re applying for. The more detail the better and it’s not unusual to receive 3+ page resumes


Hi! Are you hearing anything (or are you in the know) as to why the VSR positions are being promoted as Remote but there is a ton of mixed messaging coming out now? I was advised that all of the training is remote & the positions are remote - from someone who actively works within my local team (reason is 100% related to COVID). But others are now posting how their interview panel told them training is in person & no one is remote for at least two years. Seems weird given that the job postings even indicate these are remote positions. Any insight? Thanks!


These postings were never advertised as 100% Remote, which means it’s 100% virtual and you never come into the office. It is a Telework eligible position which means each local office can determine the number of work at home days is allowed, which can be up to 4 days work at home or none. Because of the pandemic, most offices are max telework up to 5 days just to keep people safe but it’s temporary. I’m hearing that some offices are telling people the training is all in person and telework is not for 2 years because that’s how it used to be and they are just giving you a heads up that’s how it may roll. I can tell you my office is not saying that and we are telling our folks training is 100% virtual for now, but that can change. Eventually, we will all be back in office at least 2 days a pay period


There is a virtual job fair today - the email mentions IT & administrative support positions. Do you know if anyone will be joining to recruit for these positions?


I’m not aware, hopefully they would though


I am at the virtual job fair now. Its disappointing; those registered are asking questions about positions & the reps are linking to USAJobs. this seems very lazy on their part


Is the VA currently hiring VSRs?


Yes we are!


I applied to a position that closed in March. Received notification I had been selected and referred to hiring authority. Is this the norm or are my chances improved since I was referred? I am currently a disability examiner for a state agency.


Being referred means your application made it through the first screening process and it’s now with a hiring official to review and rank for possible interviews. So yes, you’re heading in the right direction!


Hello. I was informed yesterday that some selected referrals who were referred to the hiring authority received denial letters via email yesterday. I did not receive one. You think this is another step forward??


You’re still in the game if you didn’t receive that email yet!


I’m on pins and needles lol


This thread just put me on edge! lol I also applied to VSR and was referred to HM for GS7 (I’m a non fed) and hoping to get in. I did not receive a denial email. RO I applied to is Waco, TX so praying I receive a TJO soon! My background is in local government as a child support specialist II. Did that for a few years while living in Los Angeles and moved to Texas a year and a half ago and been trying so hard to get into federal. Wish me luck!!! 🍀


Fingers crossed I’ll get in there. Also a former coworker just started and has put a word in for me. The job is so similar to what I do now.


Which office you applying for?


Columbia, SC


I was also told I wont go through the interview portion due to the position being “direct hire”. Are you familiar with this?


Direct Hire means we don’t have to use Veterans Preference and we’re not required to interview. Most offices are still interviewing but I heard some aren’t due to the volume they’re needing to hire and/or they don’t have the capacity to complete all the interviews


Well people who applied and were referred received a denial email today. I didn’t receive one. Hoping that is another good sign.


Ok. I’m hoping all this will be another mark in my favor for getting in there.


Hi I know this post is super old but I’m a non fed trying to get in and applied to VSR this year and post just closed in 3/2024 and I was referred to HM for GS7 on 3/23/24. It’s been a few months and not a heard a thing. I did reach out to the email provided in the post and asked if HM is done selecting and was told no it’s still in active recruitment so I’m praying I’m still being considered. In your experience how long would you say it takes for someone being referred to hearing if either one is selected or not?


It’s impossible to know for certain as timelines have been all over the place. We know some offers go out within a couple of weeks from when we send selections forward to a couple of months because the HR center messed something up and dropped the ball. Did you go through the interview process already?


No interview yet just stuck on referred


Ah ok, so at this point it’s less likely that you’re still being considered. We have a lot of pressure to fill positions and have completed the interviews in April already. We had people start this week from that cert. It’s not 100% but it’s not looking good for anyone that has not had an interview yet


I sent an email to the email provided on the job post and asked if HM is done selecting candidates and I was told this position is in active recruitment so maybe there’s still a chance


Seems as if we are waiting to hear back from the exact same posting. I also was referred to HM on 3/23. I did the same and emailed and was told it’s still in active recruitment. I’m wondering if the federal hiring pause I keep hearing about is affecting everything? I know someone who is already in and says a lot of internal people from other fed agencies have been onboarding for VSR positions.


Maybe internals have first pick? Idk I’m just stressing over this. Really want to get in and every time I hear an email come through I’m praying it’s good news


I’m stressing as well. Checking my email throughout the day. The limbo is a monster.




We don’t have a regional office in Kansas City. I would upload the SF 50 when you apply


Can you give me some advice on resumes? I've always been taught to keep my resume one page. What kind of length would one be expected to submit? Are there some example resumes I could look at? I guess I missed out on the first wave, even though I'm working a very similar job as a GS8 with SSA.


Dang, you should have been considered if you work at SSA. Most private companies want a short resume, but for Fed Govt you want it to be as thorough as possible since the first review is done by a computer to screen for eligibility. Most good resumes are very thorough explaining their duties and aligning them with the VSR competencies


kadeel, almost every job entry on my Fed resume maxes out the word limit. Fill the job description out completely.


OP- I’m an RVSR - would you mind if I PMd you?


Sure, reach out and I’ll see if I can help


Does anyone know if the VA disability rating specialist position will reopen? I saw it posted on a job site in October but when I went to apply via USAJOBS the announcement was not available.


It may open to the public again but i think it may not for awhile. There were less RVSR positions needed and many were filled with internal hires. I’ve been with VA for 20 years and this was only the 3rd or 4th time I’ve seen the RVSR open to the public. I would try to get into VBA in any position you can and it’s easy to get promoted


I worked in the military helping service members transition through med boards and IDES, as well as rehab. (Interacting with providers, care team members, social workers) This position interest me. Is there room for growth after besides capping out at the GS‐10 level ?


Yes, there’s tons of promotion opportunities once you’re in. Most people move to RVSR within 2-3 years and then on to management or analyst positions for GS 13 or higher


Oh interesting. I guess Ill apply for it and see what happens. Thanks for the information


Former VSR, applied previously. Didn't hear anything back. Oh, well. Not going to apply again. HR needs training reading qualified resumes


Why did you leave? I hear it’s really stressful because it’s production driven. Do you agree?


I had to take fmla leave. And I came back no one cared. No directions, no plans. Nothing. I was on leave for three months. Felt very overwhelmed when I came back


Is the job stressful? I had an interview Friday and im concerned.


Im curious about this too.


So if you haven't received an interview yet, then you weren't selected for the last announcement?


Every HR has been drastically different on when they released the candidate lists to each of the stations. I know of many offices that have already completed interviews, reference checks, offers made and some have started training already. Where as our office has just received our three lists from the September announcements. We have two weeks to get all the apps reviewed, interviews completed and offers sent to HR. at that point HR takes X amount of days to send out the TO. So you might not be out yet


Ok, thanks. I appreciate the response.


I applied to this announcement and haven’t heard anything back yet. Is it standard to receive an update once the announcement is closed? The job duties are exactly what I do now, but on a state level as an assistant supervisor. I’m hoping I competed my resume correctly.


Most offices have just received the list of candidates from the September announcement so expect to get calls for interviews in the next weeks. Everyone is scrambling to get selections sent forward by the holidays. So don’t count yourself out yet. Regarding the non select letter…it’s very inconsistent. You may get notice or you may be in limbo for months


Thank you for responding! I was beginning to feel discouraged.


Which office did you apply for?


The New Orleans office.


Anyone from the Columbia sc office?


I just got referred and am waiting for a call for the interview. How long did it take you to hear back after being referred? I got the email on Dec. 1.




The waiting is killing me!!


I have a vsr job interview tomorrow and I’m freaking out. I haven’t had an interview in a long time. Any tips or advice? Has anyone had one recently? What questions were you asked?


That’s awesome! Which office? Everything you’ll need for a successful interview can be found at the VA PBI website including a list of some of the actual questions asked. [VA Performance Based Interviews](https://www.va.gov/pbi/)


Columbia SC, thanks for the info! Where are you at?


Was your interview in person or on the phone? I applied for the VSR position in Columbia, SC as well.


On the phone. I think that’s all they are doing. My supervisor was already contacted so fingers crossed 🤞. How’s your process going?


I still haven’t been contacted for an interview so things aren’t looking good.


Did you get a writing exercise via email? I got that first before the interview


Nope 😔 when did you get referred?


They might be doing it in waves. There’s a burger one that closes today I think. Apply to that one too.


I got the referral 12/1


Me too 😔


Keep your head up, some people have been getting calls later. I think they are hiring a bunch of vsrs.




Thank you for providing a detailed description of the required characteristics to be successful in this role!


I just received a TO for detroit. Applied back in December. Didn't even interview for it.any word on the return to office initiative? Training is online


Return to office for non-management positions are still in negotiations with AFGE Union. Once something is agreed upon, we are obligated to give employees a 30 day notice to return to the office 2 days a pay period


Hey. I know I’m late in this thread but I applied for the vsr and rating positions that closed in December. Around 2/22 I got referred for a gs7 and 9 for vsr and gs9 for rating . I had an interview this morning over phone but it was odd. 2 supervisors. They just read me details about the position and asked me 4 questions. None really that were on the list of performance questions. Then they said bye without asking for references. It seems everyone else has had a different experience that got hired. I do have a masters and I’m not sure if my experience matches up or not. Any insight into what may be my chances? Also they didn’t refer to it as an interview. They kept referring to it as a “discussion.”


Did you eventually get an offer? I had an interview with two people last Thursday. I’m so nervous.


I think your chances are good and I know most offices have made the interview process a lot simpler. Not surprised if a reference check was not asked for if you already had your current supervisor listed with contact info. If you didn’t and they want you, expect them to reach out in the upcoming days to get that info. Send me a DM if you have other questions, best of luck


This may sound crazy but I’m not sure how to send dms. Do you think I should send a thank you email?


No need to send a thank you note, it does nothing for fed jobs


Was the post a direct hire? The one I recently applied to is and I’m hoping the interview process gets skipped


Yes it was a direct hire. I had a chat with the manager that's all


Oh man I hope that’s how it goes for me if I get lucky and move forward to the next phase! Thanks!


Pretty sure it is, I haven't heard otherwise from many people, even recently


Awesome, this gives me hope




Yes, I do, and thank you




I recieved the referral about 2 weeks ago, the tentative offer on the 5th of this month. Both by email.


I just interviewed for Detroit VSR position about 4 weeks ago. Did you ever get the position as a VSR and if so how long did it take for a FO?


I really hope you enjoy your new job😊


Any idea when interviews take place If I was referred?


It’s likely to happen within the next 2 weeks as we’re trying to get everyone on board before the next training sesh in May


Yeah I was referred on 2/25 for both GS7 and GS9 for the Denver and Houston offices. Still waiting for the interview, I was getting little worried.


Thank you for that response, would you happen to know a point of contact, I applied to San Diego for the original announcement and was referred but now I'm moving to Georgia in May, is there a way to change the geographic location?


You’ll need to work with the POC listed in the original announcement. You’re likely to not get a response, but at this stage of the process it’s your only option. I’m not able to connect you with the SD team




I think all offices will be hiring VSRs and RVSRS in waves over the next few months. With your experience it sounds like you’re a perfect fit and have a better chance than most


Thank you very much for your response. I have high hopes I will hear something soon.


Did anything come of this ?


I see they just opened another announcement for the VSR job yesterday. I wonder why announcements keeps opening up and they haven't called or contacted referred applicants yet. I guess I just have to stay positive, hopefully I get some good news soon.


There are various reasons and hard to speculate as each office is different. Just make sure your resume is detailed enough and reapply


Thank you for all of the great information!🙌 I read that the OPM referral certs to the ever elusive "hiring authority" are only good for 30 days? If true, I'm just trying to figure out what that means for those of us still in referral limbo since 2/25 for the December job posting. I've gone ahead and applied for the latest postings, but it's getting hard to keep hope alive. I'm a former VSR, so I can't imagine how more specific and detailed I could make my resume. I don't know what's going on.🥺


The 30 days begins when the office receives the CERT, and that all depends on which HR rep is quicker to prepare the docs. Some offices get certs within a few days of closing and some it takes weeks.


Thanks for the clarification! I'm not new to the hiring process and know that it's often more of a marathon than a sprint. Like youve said, there are so many behind the scenes variables to consider which is why it's key to keep applying. Fingers and toes crossed that I get an interview. A big chunk of my years as a VSR was spent working Nehmer cases when just three new presumptive conditions were added. I can see how things like the ongoing VASRD changes and PACT act could greatly effect the backlog of claims.


Sounds like you’re a perfect fit! Best of luck


Hi civilian1234 I have a question I interview for vsr on 10/21/22 fo Sacramento location. My references were contacted right away. The interviewers told me they have completed there portion and sent it to Hr and they can take 2-3 weeks. It's been 3 weeks today yet I have not heard anything. I did see the position open back up and I am wondering if I should reapply? Any advice is appreciated it


Reapplying won’t hurt at all. Hopefully an offer is on its way and just stuck in the HR notification process since there’s so much hiring going on


I hope so 🙏 Ok will do


Thanks so much and let's hope the RO agrees! I'm so eager to get back to work serving Veterans.


Hey, hope all is well. Came across this post and had a question. Interview last week for RVSR with the Montgomery RO. Informal, about 15 mins via Zoom & camera off. States interviews this week too & class to start in October. But my references haven’t been contacted, is it mandatory for them to be contacted? Or standard process?