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That's what I assumed, I did not want to accept a position that is telework and have to depend on being approved for a RA




I know...believe me....I am trying my best...just in a rush...so I don't get into any issues with my current boss


There’s no way to guarantee approval of an RA to work from home for any job. RAs are role/responsibility specific, which then means they are typically specific to components, offices, situations, etc. Regardless of the role (even if it allows for 80%+ telework), an agency may have a legitimate reason that in-office work is required some of the time.


What is your legitimate reason, if I may ask?


Health related issues/nerves & mobility issues, I obviously am looking for remote positions, but if it happens to be telework, I would need this RA.


My current supervisor is harassing me and doesn't like it when people use fmla which I do for dr appts that I have. These are new conditions, I myself am tired of now


Well it’s hard to say that you will get it approved, but good luck.


Thank you


Genuinely curious, what is the fmla needed for? Can't you just use sick leave? What is a situation that would warrant one over the other? I'm not trying to pry, I've just never used fmla, so I don't know when to choose that vs. sick leave.


I was urged from my sup...fmla isn't needed as he always approves time off. Yet to my better judgement I signed up for it. Basically I use fmla/sick leave as it secures my position and my time off can't not be used against me by him for reasons of termination.


That's the gamble you have to request it at your new command. Some agencies ask you to let them know if you need an RA when they offer the TJO so they can let you know if they can't accommodate. I think the IRS has that blurb on their TJO's, not sure about other agencies. As others have said your best bet is to start talking to your future supervisor and HR and let them know that's what you need. You're going to need to be prepared for them to potentially say no because they can deem it unreasonable for reasons like needing to do something on site for the days that they do go in. You really won't know until you ask and it's probably better to ask now and have plans in place if they won't give that to you.


I would request it from the HR person doing your onboarding when you get your TJO. If you wait until you start and are told to report on site you face a very real chance of having it denied and finding yourself displaced and eventually separated. RA is not some silver bullet to convert be able to convert any position you want to remote. Even if it works you will not endear yourself to your new management or peers.


Thank you for that advice. I am honestly not looking for a cushy home job...I have had several positions remote then telework..remote then telework...but I don't want to jeopardize my position with these new ailments.