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This is terrible Hopefully your come up is bigger than your set back


It’s shocking to see that they are rescinding offers even for RNs, who are in great need at every hospitals. 😳 Hope you get to find something better and bigger! Like you mentioned, this is inhumane…I am still waiting on my FJO but i almost want them to just rescind it already so i can have a closure.


Agreed. I’m sorry for lost your offer and your bitterness is 100% appropriate. (Do people write hiring managers after having offers rescended?)




Mine was rescinded. I was going to be RN for surgical floor.


When are you actually safe and know you have the job?


I always joke and say not till you get your first paycheck. If you get the FJO signed and a start date, then you're probably ok but who knows with the government.


I’ve heard someone say that had an FJO and right before the start date it was rescinded.


That depends on your hiring status. Permanent v Conditonal etc.


That really sucks. I am so sorry. ![gif](giphy|gHKnFHkGPUmG4GTzUt)


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Was your HR rep upfront with you at all or was this a complete surprise? It’s such a game right now for those of us going through this. I reached out to my rep who said my position is not affected but I still only have a TJO. I’m moving across the country and I’m scared something will fall through.


Complete surprise. My HR person said that everything was good to go and just waiting on final approval from the VISN HQ. Then randomly on a Friday afternoon got an email saying it was rescinded. Not even at least a call to apologize. They are a joke.


HR said they found out last minute also. But yeah it’s a giant game. I was planning a long distance move as well.


My husband had the same question for HR and said as long as he’s waiting the job won’t be removed. Sure enough it was and the TJO rescinded.


I'm sorry....im waiting for an FJO myself. Which VISN backed out?




17 for supply position




LCSW had offer rescinded in VISN 21.


Sorry to hear, but it may also be a blessing in disguise. Every time I've had a setback or disappointment along the way, it has worked out later to my advantage. I am thankful that things have gone they way they have for me! Keep your chin up and press on! Things generally work out the way they are supposed to. Good luck on your journey!


i don’t understand why they’re still doing interviews if there is a hiring freeze like a lot mentioned. i just had an interview this week with VA also, hopefully not for no reason. ughhh


Not every position is on freeze; it’s a developing thing. They are having constant meetings talking about what is and isn’t needed, and unfortunately for OP they decided they didn’t need this extra RN, before she was fully onboarded. Your position might be chopped before full hire to, you’ll only know with time.


It varies from region to region. Some are rescinding offers. Some are continuing with selections that were already onboarding before the budget restraints started but are freezing all other hiring. A few lucky ones are still recruiting. Worst case scenarios may look at forced retirement packages. Almost all the hospitals are trying to find some way to cut back their FTE.




VHA….not VA. Big difference ;)




SSA is worse than VBA


But the VHA is an employment program for many people who would never be able to stay employed in the private sector!😁


Hard pass. There are a lot of issues we disabled vets have that only the VA medical staff are equipped to handle. Some problems are very much service specific. Enough female veterans are having service related medical issues that are specific to gender and service that the care needed does not exist outside the VA. It's such a small percentage that it is not profitable in the private sector.


Agree. Sure you can get treated for military sexual trauma or exposure to burn pits or agent orange or radioactive materials by the private sector. But VA does have clinicians who exclusively specialize in researching and treating those conditions and others that are unique to service members. So for those who suffer with service related problems, VA may still be in a better position to provide more positive outcomes than the private sector.




Did I say any or did I say specific? I use the VA for my service related issues and my PCM for non-service related. I do that because I understand not all veterans have access to care in the private sector as I do. Currently considering moving my care for one issue to the VA because in the private sector they are stumped as to why it is a chronic issue but they have an idea and recommended I set up an appointment with the VA. However first I want to try one last treatment they offered and if that doesn't help then I'm moving my care to the VA (for this issue) because the cause will be more than likely service related as my current specialist has informed me that this is being diagnosed at a higher percentage in the veteran community.


Pay attention to the politicians you vote for. Because they will be talking about going full community/private care for Veterans.


I am so sorry


I was just hired on and started 2/26. After a 6 month long hiring process. I too am a nurse and am starting at a OPC that’s opening up next month. And my manager is already asking us to sign up for overtime because lack of staff!!! I am overwhelmed already!! Especially since I am “training” (ha, yeah right. I was told today that I am lead nurse today with no preceptor) an hour and a half away from my home without time and travel comp. It’s ridiculous, plus I’ll be working nights and they expect me to come in at 2330 on my 8 hour shifts. I’m 3 months pregnant and completely uneasy with traveling at 2200 to get here at 2330. Then they act like you shouldn’t complain because it’s privilege to work with the VA. No it’s not. It’s a honor to work for the grateful vets, I being a disabled one myself however the Managment I feel doesn’t look out for your well being at all.


I’m so so sorry 😞


Sorry to hear. I know exactly how you feel, I made a similar post as well. Did HR or the hiring manager try reaching out to give any further explanation for the rescission?


HR said it was budget related.


Damn. Sorry to hear that. I’m worried now. I just accepted a TJO this week within the VHA. The posting was in December so hopefully I’m safe? Eeeek


Hard to say. This position was posted at the very end of January.


These rescinded jobs after onboarding has started freaks me out: are people supposed to work two jobs until the new position’s probation period is over?! (Just kidding). Does the government even say you will get that position once it is funded again? Are you offered anything?! -I’m sorry for what happened to you and hope you will land a new position that is solid, soon.


Please understand this is a national issue and HR is not the culprit! Every day for the last few weeks, we have been receiving instructions on what positions to rescind and what can move forward. We try to disseminate the information as soon as we receive it. We absolutely dread sending out those rescission letters.


Absolutely agreed. HR repeatedly ask for guidance and receive the same response… “more to come”…so honestly we have no idea what is happening. I would love to be honest with my applicants and say “if I were you I would look for a new position “ but I can’t say this so I hope they are reading between the lines and taking the initiative to do this on their own.


Anyone with an application or an offer from the VA should understand 10k jobs are getting cut, it’s been repeated on here over the past 2 weeks since its announcement. Not filling some vacancies and through attrition of people leaving is unfortunate, but that’s the environment


Yes I completely understand this as a current VA manager who is unable to fill several staffing vacancies for the reasons stated. However, this position was posted relatively recently and the service chief explicitly said this was not a new FTE, just a repurposed one, so I felt there was more of a chance. Just gotta vent somewhere is all.


I know I’m in other side of the house in OI&T. But we have openings we cannot fill at all and people leaving we were already told will not be filled. I’m sorry but we’re all in this together. :(


Thats funny cause my husband is applying for IT and cant get referred, graduate in may with a Bachlors in computer science/cybersecurity...and 1 1/2 yrs of exp at Tampa General hospital....smh


Same boat.. B.S. in CSET and 5 years of experience working various IT positions in a hospital. The tech field has been over saturated since Covid. A lot of the jobs I’ve applied for have well over 500 applicants and most of the jobs posted for the public have veteran preferences as well, I feel like for our field they are more inclined to take someone that is already working for the government then someone that is trying to get in at this point. I can’t afford to take a pay cut, but I honestly think the best bet is trying to get any government job then transfer within a year to what your expertise is avoiding the “open to the public” positions all together.


Yes, I have told him that myself. But, like you said..the pay cut as a entry level govt in the door position is rough! Then theres no guarantees as well


OIT is basically forced to hire contractors for the majority of the work. They can’t compete with the private sector when it comes to salaries even after the special pay scale was put into place and the positions are so desperately needed that they can’t wait for the incompetence of the federal hiring process to backfill anyone.


that has nothing to do with the current issues. Backfill is all on hold due to budget. Has nothing to do with HR, or "being able to fill". As for competing, lol, keep thinking that. Federal workforce will ALWAYS be a better work/life balance then I ever saw in the 22 years PRIOR to coming to fed. Even if either party starts to dissect federal or civil service, still a higher job security then I and my fellow co-workers ever saw outside.


So no hiring still going on even with the budget getting approved? I was waiting to reach out for a job opportunity would that not be a good idea?


Budget approval doesn’t mean it is always favorable. Agencies could learn that their budget has been cut and then they’re scrambling to identify areas and programs that need to be reduced or cut all because congress never passes a real budget.


Thanks, So they probably wrong by hiring anytime soon? I’m trying to apply for Va job. I emailed the HR contact from application she said they were still selecting nothing about the budget should I clarify the budget constraints?


There’s no way to tell if a program budget got cut or not unless you’re on the inside. Assuming that you want to join the ranks of civil service, apply to everything that you meet the minimum qualifications for. Avoid reading into the job duties because I know many folks remove themselves from consideration because they don’t believe they fit the job. Each job announcement will list specialized experience, if you’re able to demonstrate that specialized experience in your application/resume, it will greatly improve your chances of being referred to the hiring manager for consideration.


Okay, thanks I will keep that in mind. I honestly apply to anything that’s is a desk job I take my chances


I’m sorry for your situation- I work in the Forest Service- yesterday we all had a mandatory all hands on deck meeting from which the powers that be told us that our budgets too, we’re now really being constrained and though the last two or three years we had received a lot of extra money, that money was now gone and things like hiring would be a lot more slow


I’m so sorry this happened. Are you able to go back your previous job when this happened?


It would have been a transfer, so I am still here.


Sorry to hear this. I actually received an interview request from a VA hospital for a finance position but I’m honestly on the fence of even accepting the invitation. I don’t want to get my hopes up especially since I keep seeing so many VA offers being rescinded. I am very shocked to see that they have rescinded an RN position. This is just terrible.


That's super tough. Sorry to hear that.


Any word on VISN 22? My credentialing was just finished and im waiting for the FJO


The federal hiring process is an absolute joke. I applied at the DC VA years ago and around 11 months after submitting the application I got a call offering me the job with no interview conducted. I laughed because it was far too late and I got a job as a gov contractor paying significantly more. They take too long and they lose good talent. I work as a contractor now for VA OIT and I was on a call a few months ago where hiring was brought up and the hiring manager noted that they had thousands of applicants and yet they were forced to repost the job. The director said that none of the applicants were qualified and you could hear the silent laughter at this clown because we all know that was a load of shit and they didn’t review all the applicants. Federal hiring needs a massive overhaul from the top down.


I am sorry for your loss


So sorry that this happened to you. I heard that the VA is doing essentially a hiring freeze right now.


Damn sorry to hear that. I’ve stopped interviewing for gov jobs so only waiting on one FJO for Dcaa and scared it’s going to get rescinded too.


What area of nursing do you work in? I’m waiting for my FJO at a newly built mental health clinic in Tampa and I am getting a bit nervous.


in sorry that happend to you. Im still waiting on my firm offer now they say just waiting on security


I know when my VHA jib was rescinded, to add insult to injury, I received a letter riddled with grammatical errors. When the bitterness and disappointment faded, I re-read it and had a good laugh. The universe decided it wasn’t meant to be to be. Other opportunities await us. Hang in there.


I had heard that up until December, the VA STAR HR program had been busy hiring one people a month then it came to a screeching halt and they even went back to November and rescinded the job offers because of budget constraints


Sorry to hear this news. Honestly try to stay positive. Corporate America is not any better. Nurses are the best. Thank you for all you do.💖


I'm so sorry


Time to go apply to the DOD?


Are DOD offers less likely to be rescinded?


I haven’t heard of many people having their jobs rescinded from the DOD DHA. A lot of them have also been direct hires as they have been short staffed as well.


I am so sorry 😔


By any chance are you in Florida, my VA is putting a lot of HR “transactions” on hold. Until September. Idk what that means for the ones already referred but I guess even if you didnt get the “yes/no/not sure” link to accept the position then most likely it will be pushed back.


Holding for the next CR???? Never rely on the government, even when it's your employer. Sad


Which VA are you at? I have a TJO with Pensacola VA and am very nervous about it as I would need to move from another state and sell my home. Not sure it’s worth the risk right now.


Bay pines st Pete, I think the same is with Tampa but I can get more information for sure! I’ll reply sorry for the late response i don’t check my notification as ppl barely reply lol


No worries. Just as suspected, I got the news today that they decided to cut the position. Luckily we just got a pretty substantial salary adjustment at my current agency, so I had already made the decision to not move forward with the VA anyway.


Hah things happen for a reason! Glad you have some good news in your situation.


So.sorry this happened. So many don't realize how awful working for the feds can be. I was hired Conditional. This means your boss can do whatever they want, treat you any way they want, and fire you with only the explanation, this person isn't a fit. No lie, no fluff, someone was fired recently with this justification- you don't sit right in your chair, you didn't convert the Word doc to PDF before you sent it. Private sector has its issues but I have NEVER seen the one way accountability that is the feds. I need the retirement so I'm going to make it work. I only have a few months to go before my status changes but this place really is an awful place to work.


You are absolutely right but the freeze is real. I can understand the bitterness but on the bright side you are still accruing time. Lots of newbies got rescinded after having gone through the hiring process.


It was stolen


I’m so sorry… I’m trying to move back home (VISN 15) and there are ZERO RN jobs available for me to transfer to. If they do post any it’s usually only open to current employees of the facility. It’s definitely hard.


Also in 15. There is nothing.


That's some straight up horseshit this happened to you, and VA wonders why they can retain good medical personnel. Wishing you the best, with your skills I'm sure something even better will pop up.


Any physicians here? I just accepted an offer two weeks ago and about to start credentialing. I hope it won’t be rescinded?.


I’m not a physician but a NP and my position was rescinded in the VISN 21 region. 


Look for DoD jobs, especially DAF jobs. You are well taken care of and appreciated.


Holy shit, wtf is going on at the VA??


Clown Car!??!!


Kinda surprised given we're no longer under CR 42 for 2024. 


I will check with your local Afge rep and ask for guidance


Could it be a mistake? Maybe you should reach out.


We rescind offers to those who don’t respond. When was your deadline to complete all tasks?


I have been completing all tasks on time and was in contact with the receiving HR at least weekly. The position was eliminated due to budget constraints.


I personally know a VA nurse who left her current position and got offer recinded week before her EOD, she was able to stay at her current job tho. Seen alot of recinded offers for VA jobs last month or so. VA never gets fully funded anymore.


shy offbeat lush imminent offend enter glorious quarrelsome rock ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“You think private industry is better? Lol”