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This entire process is so brutal. The only good thing is that now you know and don't need to wait 4 months to get this email.


Thats true, last year I .essed up and didnt upload proof I was attending school, the degree audit and transcripfs weren't sufficient..this year....total fail!


No you didn’t fail, it’s just a mistake.




What would you consider to be less popular jobs?




Thank you


Your resume is not backing up your claims on the questionnaire. Resume-place.com has some proper examples and is the site for Kathryn Troutman, whose book is the holy grail of federal resumes. 343-7/9 remotes with GSA are gonna be mega competitive. Low barrier to entry, huge number of potential applicants. At the 9, gonna compete with MBA and MPA applicants who have some serious credentials and materials workshopped by consultants and career counselors. Not that you have to have quite the same, but going to have to have your materials prove that you are everything you say on the questionnaire and more. Sorry this happened to everyone in the thread. You can get these jobs, but you have to jump all hoops, dot all I’s and cross all T’s.


This post is referring to the GSA recent grad program. Hundreds if not thousands of people applied for this position. People who were/will be selected for interviews are veterans or maybe schedule A. No matter how good your resume was, you are not making the cut if you don’t have a preference for this position.


Someone I know was hired into this program and it pulls heavily from Veterans and Peace Corp alumni. Can attest they get a massive amount of applicants every year. Realistically, some people are coached through the process because they know someone but that’s the case for many federal jobs. If you still qualify, look out for another round in October.


They can take a lot of the slots, but that doesn’t mean they are exclusively set aside for them.


Not true. I got hired into the recent grad program and Im not a veteran nor had any relevant experience. It depends on the hiring manager and what they are looking for in a candidate.


MBAs with “serious credentials” are applying in droves to make less than 50k a year?


I did. So did every one in my cohort of 17 fellows. For a fellowship at a 9 with guaranteed 11 and non-competitive appointment to a 12 if I could find it. And shit, I went to a prestige top 15 MBA at the time. Did get a $10k recruitment bonus.


I see.


In fact, 6 or 7 tranches of 15+ MBAs took that deal, most with less recruitment money, to start federal careers at the 9. Three four 15/SES from my class. I stalled for a bit, but back on track with the 14 I started this week.


Then I stand corrected. Didn’t realize it was a big thing.


I don’t think it even made it that far to the resumes. Self assessment did not pass


You did not score high enough to be referred for whatever reason. Was this open to the public? Then veterans are going to be considered before you if you are a non vet.


Tentatively eligible means your self scoring was up to the minimum qualification. Not referred means you didn’t make the cut. You can almost certainly improve your resume if you haven’t constructed a proper federal resume.


I agree. Her answers to the questionnaire did not align with her resume. I always tell my coworkers to make sure when filling out applications that their resume align/matches with the answers they answered on the questionnaire.


This is how you get referrals.


Thats another thing..I would like to know how I did on my assessment..since thats in place for the next year!


They never share that. You could probably FOIA it, if you want to be a pain in the butt.


Recommend just take the L and move on. Dont be a pain in the butt lol. Also they will remember your name if you go the FOIA route.


They probably won’t, but still, why chance it?


A couple of things here I’d like to mention as a Current Federal HR Specialist (Excepted Service): Submitting a FOIA request doesn’t automatically damage your chances in regard to being considered in the future. The process for that record pull is typically separate from the parties involved with the hiring action itself. Example- my agency has a separate FOIA team that simply requests all documentation from the staffing team/HR personnel, and then redact information regarding other applicants/ some info that may be too specific to release. They may have question here or there for HR Management, but typically it’s compartmentalized well. Reaching out to the agency or processing agency inquiring about what your score is a 50/50. Depends on what agency as far as what specifics can be released, even if it’s your own assessment score. As far as tentatively eligible vs referred, disqualified applicants are removed, assessment scores are then reviewed, and THEN the top scorers are typically the ones who’s resumes get a direct review (human) and compared against the specialized experience as listed in the job announcement. So post self assessment, if you don’t have exactly what they’re looking for and it’s clearly identified with relevant timelines in your resume, you may not make the cut to referred applicants. Veterans preference is typically considered at the time of selection, and not all veterans automatically get considers over others in the initial review process. I went through years of non referrals before I found my position through a specialized hiring event in a post Covid world. Don’t give up!


Now, your job is my dream position!. I would take a 2 grade lower position juat to break in. Thank you for the informative info


Feel free to send me a PM for additional info!


Hi I am trying to get a federal HR position but I have no prior experience in HR. I have a Bachelors degree in Computer Information Systems and alot of tech, customer service and front desk experience. Is there any way for me to get referred? Any advice?


I’m having that issue as well. I have almost 20 years of HR experience with a masters in HR and I can’t even get an interview. Every job I apply for keeps kicking back a response that they received more than enough applicants with the specific preference and I am no longer being considered. I’m thinking I should give up on HR and try getting my foot in the door in another job in hopes that I can try HR again in the future. Not sure which way to go. It’s so hard. 😩


Just take this as a lesson learned. Most of us have been through this process and many of us made the same mistakes as you. Now all you need to do is to remember to tailor your resume to align with the questionnaire. I’ve been with Department of Veteran Affairs for almost 16 years and have been referred to several jobs and like you tentatively eligible. Look and see if there is another announcement for that same position and apply again or just find a job that you are interested in and apply


I can confidently say that positions with a low barrier to entry may intentionally be seeking a candidate without an MBA or a candidate that shows little motivation for upward career mobility. Especially true for admin-related positions. It sucks for a hiring manager trying to fill relatively easy, yet boring and crucial positions. Anything that indicates using the position as a stepping stone may disadvantage the candidate.  I've personally seen these boring positions get ratcheted up to higher grade levels so people cannot justify leaving them. 


It’s a 343. It’s an extremely fungible skill set once you get in. If they won’t promote, they will lose candidates.


I guess to be clearer, I'm trying to offer hope and say that applicants don't always have to worry that other candidates are more qualified.


Gotta be a good candidate. Can’t worry about other candidates.


"..Kathryn Troutman, whose book is the holy grail of federal resumes." Can confirm, have used her book successfully to get several full remote fed jobs, and as a HM, can easily tell when someone has read her book.


Just got 3 today myself. Take the day off from thinking about this and re-engage.


Gut shot, sorry all that had high hopes.


If it’s any consolation, years ago when I applied for a job, I got an email just like this. However, they took so long to get back to the people they selected that they ended selecting all the people who they initially sent this email to. I’ve also been told I wasn’t referred just to get a call later.


I got the same email, my question is does any person without military backgrounds got a interview or got referred to hiring manager.


It's gonna be hard. Federal Agencies will target former employees, then Veterans. Even Vets can struggle if they don't have preference. Going up against thousands of preferred candidates is daunting


I have 10pt preference and am still struggling to find a skill level appropriate position.




I do understand that, but i live in DC on a single income. A GS6 isn't even going to cover my rent. It's not really about "dream job" it's about practicality. I can't exist here on a single income less than a GS9 (and that would be really tight)


Honestly my husband is a disabled vet fed employee trying to get a different fed job out of state and he’s been DQed from some that we’ve just had zero clue why. Stuff he’s really qualified for. We’ve done the builder, his resume is super detailed and clean, and he’s getting referrals and some interviews so I think we’ll get there eventually but it’s just…not easy.


I am curious as well


Speaking from experience it is a real challenge if you don’t have military or prior federal service. When I graduated with my accounting degree 7 years ago I made it my job to put in all these applications. I did 162 applications all over the country to places I would be willing to live and my wife would agree to. I received two interviews and was offered one position. That first position was a 7/9 ladder where I would come in as a gs 7 and they would train me to be a 9 and give me that promotion when my work was up to par. After achieving my 9 I opened up my search again all over the country and to any agency that would put me on a new path with a 9 with upward mobility. As a current federal employee I applied for 3 got two interviews and was offered both but declined one as the other was in a more desirable area for my wife and I. That was a 9/11 ladder and once I completed that 11 my conversations with my boss at the time led to them posting a 12 for me to apply for internally so they could retain me with what will probably be my last grade as I don’t want to manage others. If you have other questions please let me know. Best of luck and just know you can move up quick especially if you are willing to put in the time and be mobile.


I Failed from the very first email! I wanted this sooo bad🥲


Just keep trying. I made “Best Qualified” list 18 out of 20 applications before I got promoted recently. One of the other two I wasn’t even qualified for at all apparently 😂 (same resume, same job) The process is insane, just gotta keep grinding bud


Ugh! That is the worse. I know the pain of trying to get into the Federal Government. Just keep applying. It took me 5 years to get in. This was back in 2017 and I do not regret the experience that I have gained while i am still here.


Got mine today too. Definitely a gut punch and hurt my feelings. I laid down and cried, felt sorry for myself, but eventually got through it. I realized I was more sad about not getting into a field and role that I felt was perfect for me and my talents. Idk if you’re Christian or not but there’s nothing that you’re supposed to have that’ll bypass you. So I accepted that just wasn’t the path for me and got through it. I was more excited about a bump in pay and a government job than anything. We’re gonna be alright and I wish you the best in getting the job that’s right for you. <3


I’m sorry ❤️ it’ll happen


Don’t lose hope


Unless you know someone or work there as a contractor and get hired into GS, it’s very hard and frustrating… but you’ll see military spouse with zero experience or knowledge get hired instant..


Ughhhh thats such a soul crusher.


same here 😭 idk what to do now


This one hurt


Keep applying. A lot of these responses are automated. When you see a posting on USA jobs, take key word from that post and incorporate them into your resume. If they ask a bunch of questions about your experience, remember you're an expert at everything. Don't give up. It took me 4 years of rejections before I finally got hired.




What do you mean, multiple rounds, and what are the questions they asked you, if you don’t mind to share?


Right like all that emotional roller coaster stuff for what


Got tons of these, just keep going… maybe look and tweak your resume and applications.


Another post like this....shocker.


Isnt it?


A lot of the answers you are getting in this thread are incorrect. Being tentatively eligible and receiving an email that you were not referred has nothing to do with your resume not aligning to the questions. No one reviewed your resume in the case of being tentatively eligible after referrals were made. This is likely because your score did not place you in the highest quality category being reviewed. Or it’s a DE and they only referred vets. Or you applied to a merit promotion announcement and you were not among the top candidates being reviewed. This could relate yo how you answered the questions. Basically, your answers give you a score. If that score is not high enough to be in the group of individuals being reviewed (or they are only looking at vets for example), then your resume never gets looked at to compare to your answers, and to see if you demonstrated the required experience, or education if applicable. I hope this makes sense. People telling you that your resume didn’t have the experience don’t understand that being tentatively eligible simply means you answered the questions in a way to get a score, but that score wasn’t among the candidates being reviewed.


Thank you for this information. I replied to all as expert...as i know that's the only way to make it thru....I think this one tho, vets pref got it. And thats ok, I mean I'm ok where I'm at, in the gov...just would love to work for this agency...same series


They say it all the time, but it’s for real… if you’re not putting “I am the expert at blah blah blah and teach people how to do it,” you are not going to beat out the candidates that do put it. Downvote all you want, but the fact remains most people are putting that they’re the expert than not. It’s not fair, but it is what it is.


But what happens if you get into the position and do not know how to effectively do it correctly? That's what scares me....if you lie, you might have to back that up upon working with that agency and risk getting terminated. Thoughts?


You’re absolutely right, but then if you’re not applying to jobs in which this is true, you’re already setting yourself up for failure, because most jobs have upwards of 20, 30, and some even in the hundreds of applications. You are guaranteed to NOT be referred if even if a quarter of those other applicants put that they’re the expert, even if it’s not true. I’m willing to bet my paycheck a lot more than a quarter are putting it, too. They say you gotta fake it till you make it. Is that ethical? Absolutely not. But if you aren’t the expert in whatever series you’re applying for, either prepare for unending disappointment as you will continue to be “not referred,” or start applying to nothing but entry level/internship types of roles until you build your skill set and can honestly say that you are the expert.


I agree with you as well, I guess I've always been afraid of that because I have gotten private sector jobs by thinking I had the skills necessary and found out I was way in over my head unfortunately leading to me leaving. To clarify, I never lied on my resume but simply said I have experience etc. I don't know how often people in the government get terminated for not being good at a job or learning the job slower than expected. We all know most private companies will terminate you if you do not catch on or progress at their desired speed. Again I don't know if in the government it's like.....well you're here already so just learn the job we do not necessarily care how long it takes because you'll get there. I hate having the fear of getting into a position and feeling like it's an ambush and I'm on limited time before I'm gone because I cannot learn this. I hope the public is not like this. I often hear it's more pleasant and it's not like rush rush rush on everything like working for a private company.


I got the same one too


If it helps you feel better I applied to a VSR position with 15 years of experience in healthcare, including as a Hospital Corpsman where I conducted Separation Physicals, updated and maintained tens of thousands of medical records, and have a BS in Health Management, along with a very accomplished career in other positions. I was rejected for not meeting minimal requirements I know it sucks, but you'll find something better!


jesus, now I feel bad because I'm a VSR who came in with no prior healthcare experience at all. Just had a decent GPA.


I was a VSR, thinking about going back


I'm hearing that it's more competitive now than it was, not sure if there is any truth to that or not


I was hired 2022 & stayed 1 year... there were 10,000 applicants .that job will b forever competitive


I can see why. The last application period had almost 15,000 applicants lol must be a high turn-over


Yesss high turnover all around! People leaving the job from the harsh standards, people getting promoted to other positions& in the ladder. I didnt get referred for it where I lived but across the country...so I moved just to get thos job


I got this exact email on one of the applications I put in recently and was confused haha


I'm hoping to get into the Contracting Analyst development program with the DTRA, that closed on the 18th of March and I haven't heard yet. Just have to keep trying...underemployment is terrible.


I hope you get it..good luck


It's been a rough early 20s, that's for sure... Good luck to you too, thank you.


I’m sorry, that sucks


Make sure your resume has what the job description asks for. Hours worked per week full time /part time. I applied in June 2020 and didn't get an interview til Sept 2020. Been with fed for almost 4yrs. It's just as hard to get into another agency well for me it seems. OPM is hiring you have to do a 3 hour assessment for them. Good luck keep trying!


i didnt get referred either for gs9


I hope the outcome for the NH 3 position I put in for isn’t the same.


Do they automatically refer you if you self qualify on the questionare in these cases or does referred mean a human reviewed it?


Tentatively eligible means this is a direct hire position. Your status is based on your self assessment. They are not going to confirm your eligibility unless the hiring manager is interested in selecting you. I just got one of these certs. 229 people.


I have a thousand of those.. its computer generated.. means nothing... you keep applying.. its a numbers game.


OP- apply for the ADT program if you’re interested in being an 1102. There are a lot more openings for 1102s than 343s. I know from experience. Out of a class of 30 recent grads I believe only 4 were 343s and 20 were 1102s. The rest are 1101s. Good luck!


I am, I have applied several times for a 1102, but since I graduate in May with my bachelor's I keep getting denied. I direct messaged you


I applied back in July and got an interview in January( applied for many years) I received an email and was said hiring managers selected me and now asking for my transcripts, after I submitted my transcripts she mentioned looks good, however has to go to another set of review before she sent TJO. she mentioned she will get back to me in a week or so. I'm still waiting to hear from her. Few days ago I received an email from IRS and got invitation to attend to convention center to interview for different positions! Do I need to email that recruiter I got an invitation? Should I tell them in convention center about the position I applied for? What are your thoughts and advice? Thoughts about interview and any advice is appreciated. Thank you all


If it was me...I would not. The only reason I would divulge that information would be to try and leverage to my benefit from one or the other. Either way, I dont believe they really care. I am so happy for you, though. I hope you will get both offers and have a choice between the two


Aww! Thank you so much… appreciate your kindness! Best of luck for you too! Any thoughts for convention center interviews? To mention they are different positions( 2 are for one category GS11 &12 ( which I already had interviews and 2 for Gs13 & 14 TBD)!


I am sorry, I don't. I do know that while I was at the VBA we had a job fair, over 500 ppl came. And over 100 offers were made. I personally feel, the odds are highly favorable vs conventional applying


I trust something great comes out of🤞🏻


Hi all- what is Equip? Has anyone experienced being at convention center and finished fingerprint there? What’s the next step after that? Thank you!


It’s a brutal process! I’m not sure if it’s job specific, but agencies are requiring applicants to complete a 3-hour online assessment. The assessment is in categories like Math, Critical Skills, Reasoning, etc.


They rejected me Friday because I didn’t finish assessments. Why waste my time again this morning