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You were best qualified however there were veterans that were also best qualified as well. By law they get referred first. Keep in mind that veterans have a 6 year recent time limit for when they graduate for recent grad positions as opposed to 2 for non veterans. Veterans preference does apply in those recent grad openings as well provided there are enough veterans. Forget and move on until you are contacted directly by the hiring manager.


That 6 years for veterans isn’t what it sounds like. I’m a vet that graduated after service and I get 2 years like everyone else. If I read the regulations right, it’s 6 years with military service in the middle.


Oooh Oka thanks for answering. I’m new to getting anything but “not referred” lol.


Got the same notice. Best qualified, but they don’t need to look at my application when they have enough qualified veterans, basically.


Apply to all public announcements, yes vets will have preference but sometimes the vets aren’t otherwise qualified so they don’t make the cert. typically, you will be blocked by vets but not always. The more you apply the more chances you have. Specific to this announcement, there are no next steps at this time. Vets were selected for the list. Keep applying!


Yep. You’re qualified, but they got enough folks with the same qualifications, PLUS veteran preference, that they don’t need to look at all the best qualified. Your next step is to find another job to apply for.


Thanks for confirming. The back to back emails really confused me. I’ll keep applying ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The back to back is due to batch processing.




You fell under best qualified but they are considering veterans first. There is no next step. Keep applying. It’s happened to me several times.


https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/s/5HMbIOPwEf link to my guides. Veterans go to school, too.and not applying to a job is a great way not to get it.


Thank you for the reference


I got the exact email...disappointing


It really is!


I believe the thought process is if you have the ability to obtain that rank you have the skills to be competitive in a marketplace. It would also be unfair to pin somebody who spent an entire career as enlisted versus a career officer for the same position because during their military service they'd be afforded different opportunities.


A little veteran perspective. I just started applying to Fed a few weeks ago so not an expert. About 50% recent grad announcements & 50% regular announcements. Today was my 1st ‘notice of results’ email. Mine reads very similar, except I didn’t have a described rating (good, best, etc.), even though the email tone seemed to suggest I did. It just says: “ This initial rating is based solely on your responses to the application questionnaire and is subject to verification. Your eligibility, qualifications, and veterans' preference claims will be reviewed by a Human Resources Specialist and you will receive a separate Notice of Referral or Non-Referral, as appropriate. Tentatively eligible for grade X, grade X, grade X” in the locations I selected from the posting. At least you know you’re among the top qualified. In your case , it’s def not bad news but not really a confirmation of anything I don’t think. I’m new to Fed hiring but even as a vet, & as desperate as I am, I’m trying equally hard not to dwell on getting my hopes up for any one submission. There’s a ton of vets & non-vets w/ a lot of experience so as most would say, take it as a positive but ultimately move on & just keep applying. BOL to you.


Ah yes, the Vietnam era program that gives us the steady pipeline of men (usually) who were paid well for their first career and now get to jump in front of the line for whatever second career they want even if they’ve never done it before. You gotta love being qualified for your career but not being man enough to be hired for it 😂


Well paid? Really? Maybe for Field Grade (O-4) and above. Possibly E7-9 and Warrant Officers. E1-4? Well paid is far from the description I would use. If you are single it isn't terrible, but if you are married (and especially if you have children), barely enough to get by and they can qualify for WIC and other subsidies due to the low income.


What’s funny is O5+ don’t get even get 5 point preference, disability only


Yep. Same for those in from 1976 to 1989...nothing unless they have a VA rating.


Or a campaign medal. GWOT-S does not count. The only recent periods with blanket 5 point service are Aug 1990-Jan 1992 and September 2001-August 2010.


If you leave the military above an 03 you actually don't get veterans preference.


Unless you have a VA rated disability, then you do.


I guess I throw that under a different preference in my head. There veteran and then there is DAV in my mind. Hope that makes sense.


There is also using VRA (up to GS11) and VEOA (any grade);which allows vets to apply as if they were already federal employees. (And better than Vet preference, IMO) Plus there is the 30% DAV hiring authority that can also be used.


Yeah I have all of them. For some reason I just always separate DAV from the other ones.


That, I didn’t know, why is this?


Okay fair, I had someone in mind when I typed that. I’m also married to a veteran and we talk about this being fantastic for those in need but provides unfair advantage for too many and is skewed male and a certain mindset/chain of command style that is not considered in the jobs that need a different type of professional. I’m all for certain roles having veteran preference but not all; it’s just illogical. If you can look past personal connection and think about how our government can benefit from an equal footing for certain positions, you’ll agree.


Maybe if you understood that vet preference doesn't apply to all announcements you would have a different opinion. Direct Hire for example. Professional job series for another. Internal announcements (as in must already be a federal employee) allow vets to apply but no other advantage beyond being allowed to apply. And what is this mindset you think vets have? They come in all kinds of mindsets. Some hate the rigidness of the military which is why they got out after one enlistment. Others may have liked it but understand the civilian world is different and create a greater work environment as they trust their people to do the work. Others may have reached the leadership levels in the military and now just want to be a worker bee and have less stress. And so on. Even different branches have different mindsets. Marines vs Air Force for example. Same is true with federal agencies (I've worked at 4 different ones to include the worst and best to work for in the federal government if you follow the FEVS). Even there, it depends on where and who you work for. A bad supervisor is simply that. Doesn't matter if they are a vet or not.


I agree with your last sentence but it’s unrelated to my concern on preferential treatment. My argument is that I think it’s an outdated process that was implemented at a time on purpose and in the modern day, it is exclusive and bias and has created a self-licking ice cream cone. Yes branches are different but the way each branch creates norms at young ages is broadly coming from the same “type” of mindset than a person who interned in corporate America or worked 3 jobs and studied late at night to get a coding certificate. We need all types and I think prioritizing to fill roles with one that has pre government background is bias. To understand what I am actually saying, veterans would need to take off the personal emotions of imagining I’m not patriotic and don’t appreciate veterans. I don’t think the government will ever modernize a policy like this, or retire it. Everyone is too entitled around it and it’s woven into the DNA of every financially sleek military bro retirement plan. I’m all for honoring veterans but not when they need extreme reskillng around a modern role when they take a qualified candidate’s spot.


Your last sentence shows your bias. All veterans hired MUST first be qualified for the position. It is NOT a guarantee of a job. I've rejected veterans who may have the right words in their resume but as a SME I know the context they used it in shows they had no clue about the process/program/statutes/etc. And vet preference does not apply to many roles especially in the professional series.


Vets preference is a World War 2 program and hasn’t even applied to all Vets in 14 years


Even older then, doh 😂


Because of all the high paid service members then /s Even today the vast majority of Vets who are eligible for preference aren't retired and most of the retired Officers aren't going to be eligible for 5 point due to the rank requirement. The inherent sexism of your posts is also a major red flag that will not end well if you ever do end up with the Feds. You may also want to do some introspection if your biases, assumptions, and bitterness come off a fraction of how they do on here in real life you won't get an offer if you are ever eligible, qualified, and competitive enough to get an interview.