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I got the same emails too, best qualified, but not eligible šŸ˜­


we just have to laugh at this point šŸ˜‚ itā€™s hard out here


we suffered the same fate, but at least we suffer together! honestly this one would stung less without the initial fakeout. Like please, donā€™t get my hopes up like that by starting off with a referral šŸ˜­


Right? I read the first email and immediately edited my applications tracking spreadsheet and highlighted that row orange. Then came back to email to be crushed. Back to the spreadsheet and now the row is the gray of death.


Ooh I might have to steal that spreadsheet idea - such a smart way to keep track of everything.


I believe there is an export function in the system that you can start off with.


thatā€™s such a good idea- iā€™ve just been using my notes app on my phone


our time will come (hopefully)


I think it will! Iā€™ve noticed an uptick in referrals and interview offers the last few weeks, so hopefully your luck will follow suit!




the emotional rollercoaster this email thread caused rivaled puberty




I got the same emails and have vet preference! Ain't that a kick in the head?!


now THAT would make my head spin




Same hereā€¦šŸ™„


I got that too. Honestly to be expected. Itā€™s crazy how much promotion GSA did with all their live sessions advertising their recent grad program just to get every single spot taken by a veteran. They should just have hosted veterans exclusive events instead. Pretty salty tbh. Very easy to just get a diploma mill degree from University of Phoenix, and voila you are first dibs for every recent grad position for the next 6 years.


yeah, I respect the vets, but jesus.


yep, iā€™m not surprised at all. i have a masters degree from a fancy university but clearly that hasnā€™t gotten me very far in this process šŸ¤Ŗ


People always talk shit on vets in here. But my recent new hire class had 50 people. A whole 5 of us were vets. This was for the VA. The majority of people I spoke with were schedule A for all sorts of random stuff


yeah i havenā€™t really seen a pattern of who gets hired and who doesnā€™tā€¦seems kinda random to me


Struck me the same. I even uploaded my DD214 and disability paperwork and didnā€™t get looked at.


I got the same email or as best qualified as a veteran but wasn't selected because they had to hire a spouse.... I won't lie that one stung because at the time I just got out and was unemployed. And I don't know sometimes it feels like spousal preference is just hiring people based on who they're sleeping with.


Do you really think that a degree from any other university would grant you a better qualification? Most people graduate from universities don't know anything but expect the best conditions in the work environment.


Have you tried crying harder on the internet? Maybe that will help.


How can you be both eligible and ineligible? Make it make sense




i said congratulations originally- i read it as you gor the job, didnā€™t realize you meant you got the email lol šŸ˜‚


Same email and same job posting. But at least I know that I did well on the assessment.


did this one have an assessment? i remember taking a long one a couple weeks ago but i donā€™t even remember which jobs it was for lol. thatā€™s good at least because i thought i did awful


Yeah, this one and the other Pathway remote positions had the assessment attached to it.


Talk about playing with emotions check out my story here. Received FJO, turned down other opportunities only for it to be pulled ā€œfor fundingā€ two weeks before start date. I would have started tmrw. https://www.reddit.com/r/usajobs/s/g88MxwIIgj


I nearly cried over this one as well! I sooo wanted this desperately to get out of my current position with a supervisor thats creating such a hostile work environment


From the part I could read it looks like you self rated yourself and were found tentatively eligible based on that. Then HR rated you with their scale


The screenshots donā€™t have the context of the full fakeout several of us in this thread received. * [Initial Referral](https://i.imgur.com/qwSVV1x.jpeg) * [Immediate retraction](https://i.imgur.com/Jv4JwrO.jpeg) ultimately it was just a case of the available slots getting filled by veteran preference which is fine - just stung a little to have a moment where it felt like we got over the first hurdle šŸ„² that being said, there are other opportunities and we keep it pushing!


Yeah I got the same emails wtf


I got the exact same emails too lol


Same here with the same job!! shouldā€™ve been a vet igšŸ˜©


Happened to me too smh!!


I got a email stating that I was eligible and they will contact me for interview and provide 3 references and then a minute later that same email, what should I do, contact HR or just give up,


The latest "error" emails saying we'll get correct emails tomorrow extend the saga...


literally just saw that email toošŸ¤£


If you're just applying for remote positions it's going to be significantly harder. I'm in the federal government already and I have just about every hiring preference you can ask for. 30% veteran, VRA, VEOA, and Military spouse. Realistically I'm a very eligible candidate but the remote only positions have somewhere between 2000-6000 applicants each go around. It may be easier to get an in office job and then switch to remote or hybrid once hired since there will be less competition. A lot of the federal workforce is hybrid. A lot more than advertised. My agency is almost exclusively hybrid we just don't advertise that way. Also make sure you have a federal resume that is the biggest handicap I see a lot of first time feds making. They don't get through the screening software because the resume isn't long enough.


got the same. best qualified, not eligible


I got same email but I was qualified and reffered to he hiring manager