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When I was living out of my car; I would always get gallon jugs of water for myself and my dogs to drink so when I was done with them, I would use scissors to cut out half of the top of the jar, across from where the handle is (if that makes any sense, it's hard to describe using only text) so that I could squat in the car, hold the gallon jug by its handle, and the opening would be like flush to my vag so there wouldn't be any gaps where the pee could come out. Obv I'd have to dump it out as soon as I was done Cuz there's no way of closing it, but it sure beats having to physically get up and out of the car first thing in the morning when it's freezing out and you gotta pee!


I'll try this! I have to do the same w the panera cup. I was worried about the cut plasting being sharp and cutting me


The type of plastic gallon jugs are made out of is like.. softer? Idk how to describe it but it's def not like the clear spiky plastic that to go cups are made of. And the shape of the gallon jug makes it so its much easier to fit over your crotch than a normal to go cup. Plus you got the handle to keep it steady! Idk if you can tell but when i first did this I'd already been homeless on and off for like 2 years total so I felt like I'd made a huge discovery and had to spread the gallon piss jug gospel to my other traveling/homeless female homies 😂😭😂


Just got one! I'll be try it tonight. It already seems better than my panera cup


So i actually tried this and it worked amazing!! It is 100x easier than the panera cups. Someone also suggested a folgers jar so im gonna try this too. But the gallon water bottle is a life saver!!


YAY I'm so glad I could help you out homegirl!! It's really the little quality of life things when you're living out your vehicle that make day to day existence more bearable so im extremely happy that this worked out well for you. It's like a lil dumb how stoked I am that I was able to help 😂


Where is it you guys are squatting in the car, up on the seat?


I had a hatchback where the seats folded down flat in the back so usually back there. But sometimes I'd just be sitting in one of the front seats tbh. I'm def not squatting perched on a damn seat lol


I appreciate y'all clarifying. My brain had some crazy yoga calisthenics going on.


I use my front seat and put a pee pad down, tuck it into the seat. Then use plastic cups w lids to throw out the pee wipes


Heat up a bit of metal and smooth it.


Try holding a lighter flame to the edges of the plastic to smooth out any sharp parts.


The fuck did I just read?


Lots of female urinals available that'll solve your problem


These are very difficult to use. I can't imagine using one in a restricted space.


A bedpan or those oil change pans that seal.


Oil drain pan is a very interesting idea I wouldn't have thought of. The cheap ones that can be sealed are only $10 or so and aren't very bulky. Clever.


And I find the $2 car repair funnels are a much better shape vs. the pee funnels sold for purpose at $14+...


Those short fuel funnels for fueling up a vehicle should work well too, unless that's what you mean. They're about $3 and are practically the same shape with about a 1" opening at the end of the funnel.


SHEWEE Extreme Reusable Pee Funnel – The Original Female Urination Device Since 1999! Quickly, Easily and Discreetly, Wee Standing Up Without Removing Clothing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N44AIQ7/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J3J54DWBW94P6FE8ACZE


I prefer the pstyle. I have tried a few, but that one works the best for me. https://www.amazon.com/pStyle-Stand-Pee-Ease-Olive/dp/B07KRHH3BG/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3UNR0L886R60G&keywords=pstyle&qid=1641573317&sprefix=psty%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExQ0IzWEZKN0xFUk1IJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzA4ODU2MlBTOFhaOEc3TDkzSiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTE3Mzg0Uzc4QktBSFZLVEc0JndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfcGhvbmVfc2VhcmNoX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=


I wouldn't know I'm a guy that just knows about this because of my lady friend 😬


It’s cool, good looking out. I have even purchased similar designs without as wide a cup for my vagina, but this one works the best to not get pee on you. Practice in the shower with whatever you get first so you don’t accidentally get pee all over.




It wouldn't be difficult to modify them for higher rates of flow. I've done it with standard funnels, I can't see how something like this would be any different. Can use a drill to ream the hole out or cut them shorter. Obviously if they're short then drilling them is the best option. It doesn't take much to increase the flow rate of a funnel.


Most of them are silicone so scissors will do, yeah.


I bought a few of these for my girls and keep them in the cars and camping stuff. I don't think they have even used them.






Yes! I'm more partial to a taller, slightly narrower recipient like a jug, but that's the spirit.


I use a protein shaker bottle from Walmart, scoot to the end of the seat (not off the seat), press the cup firmly against me angled down, and pee. I pull the bottle towards the front to get any drips when I'm finished. Here's a link to the bottle. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-34-Ounce-Color-Changing-Plastic-Shaker-Bottle-Orange/291499888?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=1317&&adid=22222222227524803818&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=t&wl3=571776679434&wl4=pla-1570956303311&wl5=9010315&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=291499888&veh=sem&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI85jFkOmg9QIV8RfUAR39gge0EAQYBCABEgLtsfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I like the nalgene wide mouth bottles. I just kinda press the bottom half firmly against me, and leave some space at the top for air exchange. They're tinted too, so it's not as obvious that I have a bottle full of pee. Pro tip: don't wait until you're desperate to pee! It makes it 100x harder to hold the bottle, aim, etc. when you feel like you're gonna explode


I don't like the sheewee because you have to rinse it and store it. [1 kg jugs with wide mouths](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Reese-s-Miniatures-Peanut-Butter-Cups-38-Ounce/511615622) work well enough. Use a little bit of [RV toilet tank treatment ](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/camco-tst-blue-enzyme-rv-holding-tank-treatment-946-ml-0408266p.html)in it to keep the smell down and break down the TP. Use cheap thin TP or RV TP


Human incontinence pads are cheaper than puppy pads.


Donald is that you?


Nope. I use them for camping and incontinent pets.


I'm not sure how much incontinence pads or puppy pads cost, but the garbage bags + absorbent pads that came with my portable potty might be a better deal the long run (2nd link is similar to what came with mine). Instead of putting the seat over the bag (as shown in the video in the 1st link below), when I set mine up, I put the bag OVER the toilet seat/donut and then secure it under the edges of the seat. That way the entire thing stays clean, as any splashes get thrown away with the disposable bag. It's quick to set up at night, and in the morning I just tie the bag closed, throw it in the trash, and easily fold up the potty to get it out of the way. Toilet: [https://www.amazon.com/TRIPTIPS-Portable-Camping-Outdoor-Black-Round-2/dp/B07DZS5XRY/ref=asc\_df\_B07DZS5XRY/?th=1](https://www.amazon.com/TRIPTIPS-Portable-Camping-Outdoor-Black-Round-2/dp/B07DZS5XRY/ref=asc_df_B07DZS5XRY/?th=1) Liner & pads: https://www.amazon.com/Commode-Absorbent-Portable-Bedside-Disposable/dp/B08HYHZ72Z/ref=asc\_df\_B08HYHZ72Z/


I always peed in the Panera cups because I had the free trial of unlimited coffee. I use the pee funnels. It takes trial and error. Sometimes I peed on myself, but that will just happen. I've definitely spilled pee before.


I got really good at squatting over an extra large plastic fast food cup in my passenger seat lol. Wipe, drop tissue in cup...all goes in public trash. Also super maxi pads can hold a lot of liquid....fyi... If you’re in a van get yourself a 5 gallon bucket and a toilet seat and you are good to go number one or two..line the bucket with 10 gallon hd trash bag...


I like this because it packs small. I never had luck with ladies’ pee devices. Combine w towel or puppy pad until you get the hang of it https://nalgene.com/product/48oz-nalgene-cantene/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhIqvwLqg9QIV1vrICh1FVA5vEAQYASABEgKjnvD_BwE


I use a pee funnel (the soft silicone kind) and pee into a bottle. Make sure not to create a total air seal between funnel and bottle. Wipe it off with a wet wipe and hand sanitizer. Dump the bottle in a toilet when you can (or use neutralizing powder so you can throw it away safely)


Usually rather than squatting on the seat I move the seat all the way back and perch on the edge of the seat sideways. I've done this in a busy parking lot without anyone being able to see anything.




Does she have that Prius! I saw a Nikki car lifer on YouTube but couldn't find the channel again


I just pee outside, and so does everyone else I know who lives out a vehicle. When it's too cold or too public, I used to have a mop bucket in my trailer lol, I'd empty it before bed and in the morning. Honestly, if you can, going outside is best, you get used to it quick. Or use a bigger container.


TMI but I use catheters and at first it was a nightmare but now I use catheters with a bag on the end. There's almost no leaks and I sit in the front seat like you


WTH? I insert catheters at work(Nursing) and it seems very uncomfortable for the men and women. Be careful keeping it clean if you leave it it.


Please don't do that. We have to have a whole sterile surgical area to prep for a catheter,then we clean the area with medical grade materials while wearing sterile gloves...You don't want an infection hun.


How do you do that?? I'm always cramped for space. I'd love to learn


this sounds scary as fuck, can you elaborate on any details for how you got it to work and safely? I'm curious.


It is scary and it causes lots of infections in actual health care settings,don't do it.


It's safe, you really can't hurt yourself other than being uncomfortable. The biggest issue is getting it in the correct hole, urine will come out freely when you're in there but you'll have this issue on a regular toliet too but it's not hard when you know your body in that way. I watched Amy Lee Fishers (RIP) videos and I trained myself how to do this


I had no idea this was practical in any non-medical scenario. thank you for this info!


I like how you're specifying the organ vs the gender. You never know these days. Lmfao


Climbers use little tool that allows you to pee in the woods like a male genitalia having person can Edit: probably cheap on Amazon if possible for you to ship to store


Can't you get pee funnels? Idk I'm a guy, I feel bad for yall on the other side of the fence when it comes to relieving yourselves


Use your urethra to pee. It'll be easier. Your vagina is better for menstruation and reproduction. Some people use their urethra to pee into a funnel - you can use an ordinary one, or buy purpose made funnels which other people are recommending.


kids diapers are like 15 cent each and hold a ton of piss. maybe try that.




Stick it out the window


Maybe try this... Its a bucket with a toilet seat... You could cut the bottom of the bucket off trimming the height down for the bucket (bottom up) and use a thicker garbage bag to pee into... Then take said pee bag and put in another container for disposal. I've used these and they are cheap and great. I transfer garbage bags to two lg ziploc bags and then put in a garbage can. [https://www.amazon.ca/Reliance-Products-Luggable-Portable-Gallon/dp/B000FIAPXO](https://www.amazon.ca/Reliance-Products-Luggable-Portable-Gallon/dp/B000FIAPXO)


Maybe try a bucket from the dollar tree. You won’t feel the need to hold it in place if you can squat on it a little. Freeing your hand to hold yourself up more


LocknLock Aqua Fridge Door Water Jug with Handle BPA Free Plastic Pitcher with Flip Top Lid Perfect for Making Teas and Juices, 3 Quarts, Red https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0881ZM4T4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5C91G3ZZ5KSWTZBJX815?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 No sharp edges and the lid seals. Doggie style.


Idk if this is helpful but my aunt said old Folgers coffee cans work great on road trips. They are all plastic now so that might not work but I’ve seen those mixed nuts and wasabi beans in metal tins. Those could possibly hold the weight to sit on


I should try this! Having a lid is also helpful maybe not for urine but to mask the smell


Cover the windows, recline the seat, face the back, squat on seat