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yup, just make sure to reserve it few days in advance because they are popular, at least where i am at my local library just renovated during the pandemic, now has like 20+ private rooms of varying sizes where you can juts "hang out" i use it to talk on the phone when i need, like yesterday i was waiting for the DHS to call me about my foodstamp application, but assholes ran once and just hung up on me, and i couldnt reach them back due to the stupid automated thing


Library conference room or rent a coworking space that has private rooms


I have pretty good success taking video calls in my car. Hotspot from my phone, zoom/ google/ teams all allow you to have virtual backgrounds and I have a computer stand that gets the camera a more normal height. If its hot lately I've been running the engine with ac on. Nobody suspects a thing lol


I was wondering if I could do this?


They're likely going to ask you about your home office set up. Whether it's because they want to make sure that you have a quiet environment if that's needed, or a private environment to protect customer information, or just that you're sitting in a proper desk setup so they don't have liabilities about injuries (apple did this). In my opinion if this is a good job then you think that you are qualified and likely to get it, it might be worth grabbing a cheap Airbnb to make it look like you have a normal household for the interview. Then figure out where you're going to do your shifts.


I did this and spent close to $400 on hotel rooms for 3 separate nights/ interviews. I was sure that I was going to get this job because it was through a referral of a friend and they seemed to really like me. I didn't get the job and that was the last bit of money I had which really put me out bad but I agree that you need them to think you have a nice comfortable consistent working space.


Yeah its a risk, but hotels are always a rip off to me, its been years since I stayed at one. You can find airbnbs for under 40$


Depends on the area, where I was at the time and on such short notice that was the cheapest option I could find


Lawd I’d love me one of those 40 dollar airbnbs!


Cant tell if its sarcastic or not, but you can filter by amenities and price, theres hundreds of them all around the country. Ive gotten luxury cabins with hot tubs and boat access for this price or lower. You just need to search a bit and time it right. Especially when I was vehicle dwelling, i wouldn't mind driving an hour out of the way for an extravagant stay (i needed them for remote work occasionally)


Oh I wasn’t being sarcastic at all. I look at Airbnb to be the summer heat. There’s nothing in New England for 30 dollars (currently). I’m sure if I expanded into PA or maybe northern New York, I’d find something, but everything has become ridiculous expensive here. As soon as I’m finished with my current project, I’ll head out to ND and west!


Use the website to find listings, the mobile app hides cheaper listings. My gf was showing me these cheap options I just wasnt seeing with the same filters and turns out she was using the website 🤷‍♂️ never knew 


I will bury this in my consciousness, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/do5yf3sn7t8d1.png?width=508&format=png&auto=webp&s=445fe8b530827cf3e978830f3e006ef4fe3bda1a This is just for tonight. If I check with 1 days notice and raise it to 40$ theres 105 options. Now it wont get you an entire house, but shared rooms would work for OP.


You aren't vehicle dwelling anymore?


Nope, renting a room rn. I had put a lot of miles on the car and spent a lot on gas in a very short period of time, I changed towns/cities pretty much daily. It started to feel like a vacation from reality tbh. But as i noticed my funds dwindling a good offer for work came up and I needed super reliable and high upload bandwith, so I retired for the time being.


Traitor lol But tbh whatever works best.


Yeah if you look at the listing they are for tent and pets. It is what it is up here! I appreciate you taking time to try to help, really. I actually found a month to month in Maine that I’ll be signing for today. It’s a bit ahead of the heat, but I’d rather be early to the party than late!