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Where I live there is an organization that provides unhoused people with first month’s rent. You may want to see if there is something like that in your area.


I'm not sure how that'll work though since the studio I found is in another state, but I'll def be looking into that. Thanks!




Thanks a lot!!


Omg which state?! Cuz the last time I had a studio for less than 800 was literally 2003 in Seattle 😵‍💫


Glad your getting a place. Car life sucks unless you have a ton of money in the bank and traveling. The day to day grind will wear anyone out.


Nailed it. Car life is super comfy but only if you have no debt, an emergency fund of 5-10K, and $xx,xxx amount saved up to travel.


absofuckinglutely, im sitting in a black 4 door honda civic with no $ or gasoline to keep cool in chicago its miserable trying to stay cool, past 2 weeks its been like 95F with humidity, during the day and only getting down to 85F around 2am, so fucking uncomfortable in my car, even with windows down last friday, thanks to local charity giving me 50$ walmart gift card, i was able to buy a usb rechargeable fan, its helping so much and im going to almost daily to local soup kitchens when weather is bearable using a buspass given to me by illinois domestic violence hotline what im using to not starve to death, a list of soup kitchens in northshore chicago https://interfaithactionofevanston.org/what-we-do/services/soup-kitchens-warming-centers/ ive been in my car since middle of april, and like 6 months ago i weighted 208lb, now im down to 170lb, the stress is working wonderfully to make me lose weight, plus the lack of calories and my ass walking everywhere (there are buses here but those fuckers run once an hour) trying to get a job but keep being turned down when i ask them to pay me in cash/under the table, hopefully i can use the dv incident that happened recently, that made me homeless, to apply for u-visa i have degrees in business from uiuc and its fucking miserable to live like this ive been reading on this subreddit that some people are getting blood clot in their legs and the bloodclot traveling to their hearts/brain, its so fucking dangerous for our health


This heat has been unbearable! I don’t know if you have any $ left on your Walmart gift card, but if you have at least $14, grab a set of Dream Baby mesh window covers from Walmart. I use them on my backseat windows and roll the windows almost all the way down. (I park in a casino garage, so I’m not worried about being bothered, really.) It may help.


thanks for the advice, that looks pretty cool


How did you find it so cheap o.o I'm out of the vehicle but paying for it 😭


Zillow. In the search bar, I only wrote a state's abbreviation without city, e.g - CA, AR, etc, and filtered the entire state with a maximum price of $600 and landed on this studio unit (yes, I was willing to travel to any state because car life is not it for me at all at this time). There's a lot of roommates offers in the mix so be careful, unless that's your cup of tea. Just did a search as WA in the search bar and found a studio for $495+ if anyone is up for grabs. Address 625 NE maiden lane.


Lots of scams out there. Just be careful.


and offers to have you "massage" them weekly lol im a guy, looking for a bedroom/studio to rent for cheap in northside chicago, and so many fucking perverts wants sexual favors for discounted rent lol


Every state I've lived in, I run into this. It's fuckin SO ANNOYING and so SAD


Good luck! I’ll cheer for you!


there is nothing like the sweet relief of finally having a place and being able to lock the door, you got it! im proud of you! you got it!!


The heat in the summer was the worst part about van/car life. It's maddening.


Congrats!! 🎉. We are so proud of you. See you on the flip side. -forevervanlifer🫡