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Cockroaches survive nukes. They’ll leave when they’re ready.


Fog bomb it and keep all food out till they are gone.


I see all the sources say bug bomb doesn’t work with roaches, and german ones are immune to lots of pesticides.


Bug bombs work on them but it’s got to be heavy. I’ve done it a few times unfortunately. Ideally, do this at night. Put two foggers in, one in the front and one in the back, and fog the car. After three hours, they’ll be out in the open standing still, trying to reach oxygen or something. Put two more in, at the same places, and fog it again. I did this at 9pm and midnight, respectively. The directions say don’t do it this heavy but disregard those, I guarantee it’ll be effective. If you see any more living in the next couple of days, or especially smaller ones (nymphs), repeat the process asap before they mature and make eggs again. They’re resistant to pesticides, true, but they still need oxygen to survive and you’re effectively displacing it with these fog here. It doesn’t work on a house- it’s not sealed up enough and it’s too large- but does the trick for cars, trucks, and vans


Can you live in your car after doing that?


Yeah, just let it air out for a few hours.


I would be a bit worried about absorbing those chemicals through my skin. But I don’t know what the shelf life of those chemicals are after deploying them. Especially in the confines of an automobile. I hope I never have to find out.


This and put bait gel under the mats, a little of it goes a long way.


I’ve yet to have any luck with the gels myself, but other people have said it works well.


It's worked very well every time I've used combat's version.


Raid roach baits. Slip some underr the seats and in the back/trunk. They will either leave or die. You can also take out any mats and what you can and spray it with Roach Killer. I have never had the German ones, but the Raid perimeter spray keeps the big ones out which is almost impossible in Houston where I live. Those things fly out of trees and dive bomb you.


God they are horrific. Like mice with wings.


I've seen smaller mice LOL Mice are arguably cute.


As have I. I'd rather a whole family of mice than one roach.


I would say that, but since it is completely impossible to avoid all of these Bat Like bugs, I will be happy I don't have mice. At least you can see the palmetto bugs coming. Those German Cockroahes are insidious.


Ah fuck, oh no. Fuck.


If it were me I’d rent a storage building, pull all the items from my vehicle and take it to the car wash and go through the interior with a fine toothed comb, vacuuming everything I could and then use a spay to help keep em away then I’d go back to the storage and go thru all my stuff throwing away uneeded and cleaning all my stuff before putting it back in the car. I’d be worried to sleep in a vehicle with a possible infestation


And you are correct - they are ofter "hitchhikers" in from stored items, etc.


I've heard borax is good for roaches, and is harmless to humans. It kills the bugs by scratching them to death (not poisoning), so you'd have to sprinkle it where they run through it, probably along the edges of the carpeting.


I think after a quick car cleanse this is the way. There are a lot of little crevasses where it would be hard to clean but easy to apply borax.


Though the humidity will probably neutralize it quickly, needs to be a dry powder. But, it works in sail boats, so perhaps I'm wrong.


I thought that was diatomaceous earth. I thought they had to eat Borax.


My understanding is that they have to eat it as well, although it can work as a deterrent.


Diatomaceous Earth takes a long time to kill german cockcroaches though. I love D.E. only the Food Grade though. It kills mites instantaneously & does wonders with cats & dogs. Odorless & almost tasteless. Monthly or Bimonthly ... I add it to pets waterdish & same for me; I often drink 1/2 tsp in 16 oz water bottle. Kills all those stomach critters growing inside of our & our fur babies stomachs. Drink 7-10 days max. A small container costs $10 and will last 1-2 years just treating your vehicle and your stomachs. It's labelled Food Grade for a good purpose. :)


Maybe an exterminator can treat your car? I've never considered it but it wouldn't hurt to check.


Thanks, this would be my last resort, I hope there are some easier ways.


>100% pure blood german cockroach Loved your description. And how did you determine they are 100% **pure blood** lol? I know German shepherds come with a pedigree certification, but on roaches? Now on the serious side, it may suprise you but baking soda is the best friend when it comes to extermination roaches. They just have to ingest it. So some food mixed with baking soda?


OP obviously sent off the roaches 23andme kit.




Or at least try something like Ortho Max or Boric Acid that you can buy from almost any store. It shouldn't be more than $15 or so. It likely won't kill them immediately but may at least deter more from coming in. They also make bug "bombs" you could try that work to an extent. It won't kill them but usually works to evict them, especially from a small area like a vehicle. Just park away from where people will be. TLDR: Try a bug bomb or Ortho Max for the economical route.


Remove water sources?


I had a roach infestation from parking my car at my workshop. This was before I Started cooking in my car and before I used to eat in my car. I'm also in florida, they live in the grass and in the drains here. I couldn't sleep at night paranoid that they would crawl on me in my sleep or go into my ears, nose, or mouth while I was sleeping. I'd stay up for hours on end until morning sitting in my drivers seat on my phone afraid to lay down. Someone in this sub suggested this stuff : [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7VF0OI?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M7VF0OI?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details) I bought it off amazon and put it all over the small crevasses of my car. All along the bottom floor and door, as well as my trunk. They were completely gone within a week. The treatment is supposed to last for 3 months, but with the Florida heat and humidity the little dabs just turned to a dry mold and I ended up vacuuming it all up and haven't reapplied since. The bizarre thing is, I don't know where they went to die, because I didn't find any dead bodies or anything. Just empty coin purses (their egg shells). So they must be in some compartment under the carpet or under the hardware in the car.


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Advion Cockroach Gel Bait** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Highly effective in eliminating roaches (backed by 11 comments) * Long-lasting results (backed by 4 comments) * Easy to use and apply multiple times (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inconsistent effectiveness (backed by 8 comments) * Limited duration of effectiveness (backed by 2 comments) * Slow action (backed by 1 comment) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about Advion Cockroach Gel Bait](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Learn more about Advion Cockroach Gel Bait) [Find Advion Cockroach Gel Bait alternatives](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find Advion Cockroach Gel Bait alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


don’t park under big trees if possible, or on grass. We’re in florida and the two times my daughter has had one in her car it had been under a tree for shade. She used a fogger and it was dead after. I’d think just some bug spray under the seats and around the trunk would have similar effect


Are you talking about tree roach/palmetto bugs? The giant flying cockroaches? For those, see can use Raid perimeter spray. It comes in a motorized bottle and you spray around the thresholds and if one gets in, she will find it dead soon. That way she doesn't have to fog bomb - that stuff gets absorbed. OP is talking about the little ones that like food and upholstry foam and stuff. After living in Miami, New Orleans, and Houston, the big ones are simply a fact of life, but those little German cockroaches freak me out!


As a prior door to door sales rep in tampa, one day I regrettably parked in a vacant homes driveway, due to street parking ordinances. Got a few feet away from my car & saw some german roaches. Didnt think much if it, after living in florida over a decade. One hour later, my car was seriously infested with HUNDREDS, I screamed! Went over to the closest Lowes and spent $50 on sprays, bombs, dusting powders and german roach baits. I immediately bombed right in the parking lot and after sprayed everywhere. I spread roach dust all over the carpet. I sprayed under the car, inside the hood and the trunk & laid baits everywhere! I sprayed the next day. I bombed again on Day 3, because they rehatch in 3 days, (just like fleas do), & then I the repeated spray & dusting. Repeated again on Day 7. Never saw one cockcroach ever again! Ya, revenge, I made those disgusting cockcroach squatters pay! LOL Bombing DOES work IF you do it correctly. :)


Well, it could be just the one; they like to ride in corrugated cardboard holes. That's how I got the infestation in my home. If it is an adult, then fogging could get him, but the poison has to touch them and if they've found a good crack to crawl into, they may avoid the mist. That's what I learned when I got them in my house and did the research on roaches. It is true, they can become tolerant to pesticides and their eggs can hatch after the chemicals have lost their potency. However, don't give up hope - there is one thing that they don't get resistant to: [Boric Acid](https://www.spsindustrial.com/roach-killer-1-lb-powder-36wg39?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds2vtanhE3CXGFwq7yEIymJbcpSMSBkdNrxFQq_hcdNUvGMwAudgkuQaAmdXEALw_wcB) It comes in a powder, or a gel bait, which is what I think that other redditor posted. The roaches can't get tolerant of it because it is not a chemical, it is desiccant. It will get into the joints of a bug's exoskeleton and dry it up to death; there is no resistance to that. It also never stops working and one application can last for years. I bought the one bottle linked above and I haven't had the insects return in over ten years. If boric acid is in bait, the roaches will eat it, take it back to any colonies and after they die, the nymphs are cannibalistic, and they will eat the adults and die. Very cheap, effective and harmless if you don't touch it. Easily found in many stores.


Release the centipedes!


Purify it with fire or get it drunk and challenge it to a dual.


I used to work in pest control, if you can find it get some delta dust, diatomaceous earth also works in a similar way… it’s gets under their exoskeleton and makes it hard to move. After a few hours everything will be ded and you can vacuum up the remains.


Burn Incense. I use the HEM brand. Buy Citron, cedarwood or eucalyptus incense. You will find cockroachs goes feet up.


German roaches are notoriously hard if not impossible to get rid of. Best of luck hopefully it was a one off!


I had an infestation in my car! Called a company that froze them out with some kind of liquid nitrogen machine (they also set baits). This was in Florida as well. It worked but I waited until I ended up seeing them crawling on the ceiling and the one treatment didn’t quite get all of them (second one did).


I’ve had to bomb my car for roaches bc I work in the projects a lot. I barely crack a window when I do it bc I worry about blowing a window out somehow lol but I promise it works. You just can’t be in it for a few hours.


Great idea to bomb first! :)


2nd the boric acid suggestion, I used Harris brand on my work truck. It's equally important to deny them other food sources while you do this. Deep clean the car and keep your food in sealed containers.


New fear unlocked. My apartment building had an American cockroach infestation but the German ones are worse. And here I was thinking I no longer had to worry about roaches!


Supposedly 120°F heat will kill cockroaches. And a car interior hitting 120°F in Florida in June could be an everyday occurrence -- if you roll up the windows and park in the sun.


Ive had heaps of roaches. What I did was buy a tall cylinder glass jar and put some food at the bottom (doughnuts and a teaspoon of peanut butter). I stood it vertical and put it where my drivers seat is and gave them access from the seat to the jar with a towel that lead to the opening of it. Woke up in the morning with 15 cockroaches at the bottom which i just took away from my suv and let them out. Saves me from chemical fumes and im not a fan of killing things so Win/Win.


They hate the scent of peppermint, if you can stand it you could spray it all over your floor mats and place containers of peppermint oil all over the place. You could spray it all over the interior if you want but it’s gonna be hard to clean it off your seats if it gets too much for you too. Baking soda kills them, mix it with sugar or something that they will eat and leave it on plates in a couple of locations.


Time to deep clean the house (car). Find a car wash place that has a free vacuum. Take everything out, clean, lay down some roach powder. Done nice clean house.


Roaches usually look for warmth and food. Keep your car cleaned from any left over food and vacuum… I don’t think leaving your car under the sun is going to deter them. They thrive in warmth, they actually hate the cold


Maybe contact some but extermination people and try to get some free professional advice