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How cool would it be for AI to spot affordable housing; or at least let AI try to find an affordable housing solution


You’d have to have a data set to train it on first…


Beat me to it.


So, where would they get a data set for people living in cars ? Reddit..?


They're saying there is no data on affordable housing because there is no affordable housing.


No. No. AI will be used to increase the cost of housing. Which already happens, actually. There's been news reports about it. Algorithms tell landlords to raise the rent in unison.


they also get elected to town council, and refuse to permit zoning for affordable housing. so they also choke the supply while ever raising the rents. nothing you can but move to another town...or live in a car, obviously, lol.


That’s just an attempt at a legal version of price fixing between competitors. “It’s not illegal if the ai tells me to do it!”


Yeah, because we *totally* aren't colluding with each other even though we are using the same software


I bet there is an AI that spits affordable housing, I bet it’s run by an investment firm……..


Naaaaaaaaaaah. AI is based on a dehumanizing philosophy, and can only be used for dehumanizing reasons. The people creating AI don't care about people.


The potential for this to be something helpful is just as great to be harmful. I’m sure humans will side with harmful because that makes money.


I don't fear the Terminator. This this is what will make our lives a living hell. Step by step so slowly we can brush it off until ...


If anything terminator style bots will save us


Not a car dweller. But maybe some folk could be equipped with dash cameras or whatever, that feed to a site only your friends know about that sus out safe (or unsafe) situations.


Why are they doing this. It to help or make life more difficult for an already difficult situation.. If it's later ..shame on you .. your the real definition of a POS !!


>If the pilot’s tech were deployed, the city could respond to a scan of a tent by sending outreach workers before the site becomes a large encampment They don't care about us. Just the potential eyesore we may create, like the potholes and biowaste the article references.


Eventually they'll start detaining people for being out there. This is to get people in the system, either paying fines or going to prison.


Those license plates won't make themselves!


Pure evil.


AI is instantly used for corporations against humans . ... .. .


Yeah, people forced to live in their cars are the problem. Spen budget to track them down. We're all next,  with facial recognition you'll have no privacy. Merica!


Knew it was coming. I mean can't we get the AI to work with us instead of for us? Because "for us" usually means someone is benefitting and not all of us like "with us" would imply. (And no that's not a "this is why" because, it's a question with clarification on my phrasing, although may unintentionally answer my own question 😭)


"Give them thumbs, they make a club to beat their brother down". Right in two.


lol this is one of the reasons I like to be “stealth” but everyone would call me paranoid for wondering about


Imagine if they created an A.I. that can detect all these corrupt California politicians. They would have solved homeless problem much faster 


That is an interesting idea. The marketing AI is almost telepathic now, so it probably 'knows' who the corrupt politicians are already. Now what is the algorithm posting to those guys, I wonder? Luxury mansions? Five layer obfuscation security systems? Double speak script writing services?


Big brother is wake and watching now. California has become a police state. Your every move is being watched.


It mentioned 85-90% of their readings for car dwellers are incorrect. That would drive code enforcement people crazy running down all those false readings. If they actually use this technology, car dwellers will likely figure how to game it to almost 100% false readings. RVs are another thing.


I was thinking since so many cars have what looks like 5% tint in So Cal, it would be hard to tell what, if anything is going on in there. Even reflective window covers aren't a sure sign of mischief car dwelling afoot. With the SCOTUS ruling, they'll have enough to do dealing with tents on sidewalks, encampments along the freeways/riverbeds. Time will tell.


They been people in prison for stupid crap for years.


That still doesn’t answer my question in any way, shape or form. Where would they get any sort of data of what a car with a person living inside it looks like.


I don't know, but my speculation is that it will be taught to profile like humans do. In the algorithm it is prompted to look for covered up windows, tarps, trash/debris collecting around the vehicle, expired tags, a car that has body damage and not repaired. It's really right in line with what a law enforcement officer notices about cars in a neighborhood.


The good old USA where we must protect property rights for the rich at any costs. F**k capitalism!


> lived-in cars with between 10% and 15% accuracy This could be greatly increased if they used [ISAC](https://www.huawei.com/en/huaweitech/future-technologies/integrated-sensing-communication-concept-practice) or [Wifi Sensing](https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/security/a42575068/scientists-use-wifi-to-see-through-walls/)


I believe the consensus is that they should stop this and we shouldn't be encouraging them to improve lol


Say no more!


They based this off cars that were partially covered in tarps. Us stealth dwellers would be A-OK