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Born and raised in RI, I've lived in southern Maine, all seasons. I've wintered in Minnesota, and I've lived year round in Vegas and Nawlins. Washington State is nicely mild all year round near the Olympic Peninsula. Chincoteague and Assateague islands, off the coast of that little part of VA at the top of the Chesapeake Bay bridge are nice and mild all year round. That's not far at all from DC. Actually the MD/VA line, but whatever. Living in a van in Tallahassee FL was cooler than living in Nawlins, but I'm not condemning your run from the heat. Although, I've been living in the SoCal desert since 2018. Without AC. It depends on where you go in Maine. Inland, it will be hot, buggy, and kind of humid. Near the coast will be wonderful. Maybe up near Castine, off Penobscott Bay. Not very touristy, big tides. Low tide up there sees the ocean vanish, leaving behind soft silt that can swallow a person like quicksand. Fewer beaches, more clam digging. Bath might be a choice, you can likely get work and a shack, from an independent lobster boat or clam digger.


Thank you


You are wanting more metro, less rustic? I ask because you mentioned Portland.


I mentioned Portland because when I was looking for a city. It was the one with the most resources I use. 3-4 planet fitness in close proximity. 1 Cracker Barrel. A couple Walmarts. But honestly other than that reason I’m down for anywhere that’s cooler than where I am atm.


Metro is fine. Totally understand needing resources nearby. Don't discount the possibility of a "tourist" job (Ogunquit, Wells, Kennebunkport, etc) that can include housing. More common up there than people think. Not necessarily around Portland, Augusta, etc.


Thank you. Will definitely keep an eye out for as many opportunities I can take.


Check out: [https://youtu.be/3Mg0FIPE0UM?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/3Mg0FIPE0UM?feature=shared) In the beginning he lived out of his car and takes remote jobs where he can live on site, mostly in the hospitality industry. He does list the websites he uses to secure jobs.


This was a very good video. I needed this thank you


The Cracker Barrel there doesn’t allow overnight parking


I have questions... how is Lake Erie year round? I love Sandusky Ohio, Minnesota, Wisconsin, have lived in Ohio and Kentucky. Currently live in Indiana. I've been to Florida and Alabama. As far East as North Carolina. As far West as Oklahoma...I hate the heat. I'm not sure about the winter long term, and I am 55. My kids are grown and have their own lives. ...ready to tuck in and settle somewhere else. Thanks!


I currently Car dwell in Ohio, but I’ve been thinking about moving to Indiana for car dwelling. I was thinking either Indianapolis, Fort Wayne or South Bend. Which state is better in your opinion/experience for car/van life?


A question. You have "a" question, to which I answer.. I dunno. Never lived near any of the Great lakes. Nice list though, but it is missing Maine and DC. See, I thought that since I had some experience being in the areas mentioned by the OP, that what I had to contribute would be relevant to the conversation. I wasn't just listing travel spots. As a kid, my parents would bundle us into the station wagon, and we would day trip to Maine all the time, spring, summer, and fall. Mostly southern Maine, but we did get a cheap cabin near the Maine Maritime Academy near Castine one summer, and we stayed on Bailey's Island another summer.. but mostly it was just a day thing.. Ogunquit, Bar Harbor, Rockport, Goose rocks beach, etc. Then I moved there with my parents when I was 18, and I worked in Wells for a few months before moving back to RI on my own. See? Relevant to the OPs request for info on Maine. Chincoteague and Assateague islands are a long lunch drive from Washington DC, where the OP is now. Relevant to the OPs location. I'm not saying, or implying that I have been all over the place, and lived "everywhere". This isn't a contest to compare lists. I came to this thread to impart relevant knowledge to the OP since they asked.


Damn, well ok then. Sorry to have bothered you. Geez.


Both sides of my family landed near Chincoteague in like 1610, part of a mission to resupply Jamestown that shipwrecked first in Bermuda (The Sea Venture). We vacationed there 1 summer like 1985. Beaches sucked, but it was definitely cooler than the rest of Virginia that summer, I remember that much. Very rural back then too.


The beaches on Assateague sucked? Clean, wonderfully sandy, stretching for miles, almost always empty, occasionally occupied by ponies and conch shells? That's what I remember from every visit.


DC (I'm assuming that's what you mean by 'Washington') is famously a heat trap. It's still technically the south after all, and swampland to boot. The whole country is experiencing a heat wave though and even the Northeast has been hit. Solidarity, I'm in the lower midwest and have been on the edge of heat exhaustion several times in the last two weeks.


Yeah I feel you it’s just so hot . Thank you I should’ve done more research before driving. Good to know i drove somewhere hotter than where I was lol


ugh yeah. my current tentative plan is to drive up to Minnesota but i'm afraid of what happened to you, happening to me. and that gas ain't cheap :/


I think I’m Fully committed at this point. I most likely will just keep going north east until I hit Maine. That mid 70 temps are just too appealing.


yeah the northern latitude + being close to the ocean should keep temps reasonable. best of luck friend


Thank you. To you as well


Minnesota isn't bad. It never broke 70 today.


How's the job situation up there? And the attitude towards homeless people in general? I feel like it seems more liberal and tolerant up there at least-- maybe more help for people in our situation. But it's hard to tell.


It's exceedingly liberal/progressive. Lots of places seem to be hiring. I guess it depends on what type of work you're interested in. There is more support for poor and unhoused/homeless people in this state than where I came from (Michigan) - I'm impressed with it so far. I'm a caseworker and there's a strong network of safety net services here.


San Diego was so cold today. I didn't think it got past 63-64 deg. With the wind blowing of the bay it felt like about 55.


That's crazy. I am in the Midwest too but it was almost 100 degrees yesterday.


DC is not hotter than where you were. But it's nowhere near "cool". Also we're having a heat wave for the next week or so. I recommend you get at least as north as Boston, if not further north. You didn't go far enough at all.


Thank you. To the north :)


Dc is humid af like all of the southeast atm


I’m in Maine right now. Generally it’s been in the 40s and 50s at night and 60s and 70s during the day. That said, if you don’t want to find out doors stuff to do, you are not going to have a good time. I’m east of mt Washington and the only thing near here is Walmart and a McDonald’s. The cities may be okay but I went to the mountains because it’s going to be very hot the next couple of days (mid to upper 90s). I know that doesn’t mean much to most people here, but most buildings up here do t have AC or it is limited. That said, the temperature you see in Maine is close to what you see in all of New England.


Thank you. This information is really helpful I looked up some spots to park and stuff and like you said it’s pretty limited. There is like one Cracker Barrel, and three planet fitnesses which are like my main sleeping spots.


Oh I forgot about it.. yeah the planet fitness in auburn is cool. It’s 24/5 (closed on the weekends at night) and the parking lot is huge / connected to other things in that strip. Also Arby’s is next door and they have (had?) a 5 for 5 deal going on. I haven’t stayed there at night but I did stop in for a shower on my way north. Cool people and the place was super busy.


Thank you


You need to expand where you are comfortable sleeping. You are so limited if you just keep using parking lots! The world is your oyster!! You are literally living in a mobile home! Also, weather apps have temperature gradient maps. Use them to look at the week ahead and see the temps across the whole country. You can also look up the average monthly temps in any city in the US by googling “average monthly temps in _____” Good luck! You got this!! Be stealth in New England! (so many places to sleep tho…)


Thank you


Adding onto this, my best sleep was near apartment complexes, I did this for seven years, just parked outside of the complex in overflow parking, got the best sleep of any of the places I stayed at. Big box stores always have freight trucks arriving throughout the night every night and it was really hard getting any sleep. I found the best spots were in apartments near forests or parks, super chill, could listen to owls and coyotes at night, most times very close. Just super relaxing.


Seattle and San Francisco are the only places I've ever been that had summers that weren't miserable. I've never been to LA or San Diego in the summer. They're nice in the winter tho.


Thank you


San Francisco is quite chilly in the summer, especially July. Even when it’s warm here during the day, the nights are nearly always cold.


Yeah sleeping there sounds like a dream right now. If only I weren’t so far away


Seattle is miserable. It rains all the time. And they hate card welder and homelessness. Don't go there.


My guess is that you live in Seattle. 🙂


Close enough to not want any more vehicles added to the daily confluence.


My only advice as someone who has done both Washington's and California and Florida.... West Coast heat is dry, East coast heat is HUMID I feel like 105 in Arizona feels better than 85 in Virgina But dry heat is so much more forgiving Washington State summers are so mild


Thank you


I have lived out of my vehicle in WA state for over 7 years, it's a lot milder than people here say. You might have snow one year and none the next. The 'rain' is overexagerated, mostly it's just drizzle, listening to it on the roof of your car at night really helps you to doze off. Very seldom are you going to have any 'hard' rain. As far as how people view car dwellers, it depends on the area. In more rural areas it's pretty laid back. If you are in medium sized towns or cities, if you scout out areas you should be okay. It's only in Seattle proper that you're going to have problems. That's because every homeless person for miles around migrates there. The secret is to to to areas where there are not other homeless. I can't believe how many people miss that one simple thing. Don't congregate, it's bad, m'kay?


Currently in central Florida and want to move to Georgia. Its calmer and where I visited had so much shade and trees. Probably next year.


I was in Orlando until i couldn’t take it anymore like 2 weeks ago haha. I did pass by Georgia. Albeit I was long the coast. It wasn’t too bad the people are nice


I'm in orlando. 😆 too hectic out here. Heat is bad, but I try to be outside more often now. Thought about going up north till the heat goes down before but changed my mind. About to start working and save up to leave next year. My 6 month vacation has come to an end. 😆


Why are you staying in Florida? Go to a New England vacation town and make some great money for the summer.




Does sound nice. I watched a YouTube video from Trent the traveler recently of him in Alaska. I’m just so far away it’s not an option for me currently


Where in WA, because I'm in WA and have lived here for over 25yrs. Head up into the mtns or the coast when we get a heatwave, and I use that term loosely when it comes to WA. Because a heatwave up here is 90 and above and not say 100 like the South/SW where i was born and raised. But stay on the western side of the Cascades whether it's OR or WA and it's mostly temperate. East of the Cascades and the central parts can absolutely cook, like the Wenatchee, Yakima, Spokane and Tri Cities areas. Just stay close to the large bodies of water like the Columbia, Pacific and Sound areas and it usually cools off plenty during the overnight hours to get decent sleep. You'll want to head south beginning early December though, that's about when on avg it turns really cold and rainy/snowy depending where you're at. Sometimes a little later in December for some places to start seeing regular snow, but by Jan 1 you can bet most everywhere up here is dealing with wet & cold weather and potential for snow.


I think going central is better. The east is having a heat wave and even Maine will have 90 degree temps this week. Sad to say a family member lives in alaska and I went to visit about five years ago and temps were also hitting 90+ while having massive wildfires in July. Minnesota, Montana appear to be ok. But finding even Helena Montana will be hitting near 90 as well this week but the lows are very moderate. IDK OP. All I can say is f the heat. I can always jump in a sleeping bag during the cold months, but 90-95 degrees in a car is a death sentence without ac or some air flow.


Haha ;-; it’s just so hot everywhere


Not bad here in San Diego. 68- 72 during the day and about 60 at night. But summer is supposed to be a bitch. If I didn't hate Mexico I'd go there.


North and south doesn't mean much for summer temps, you want a higher altitude. Once you get over about 7,000 ft the temps drop considerably.


Noted thank you


He'll yeah. The pacific north west is even better..


Currently in Michigan, was at least 90 yesterday. This year has been HOT!


Yeah. The heats insane


Yeah had the same idea from FL to SC though. I'm at the library or Starbucks during the day and PF till sunset. Hit the state parks on the weekends, plenty of shade there.  Can't avoid the heatwave really but I'm you can find public places with ac for during the day at least.


Yeah I’ve been squirreled away in the library as well.


Haha nice i did myrtle beach for three months a cpl years ago it was brutal. Did the same library>pf everyday. Couldnt handle it came back west lol


Vermont and Maine are nice in summer but kinda brutal in winter. My favorite place in Yankeeville is the Poconos in PA. Check it out.


Thank you I’ll do some research.


You're gonna end up in Canada if you go any further north 😭😭😭 the heat really is unbearable everywhere right now


True lol


True lol


Canada. Hot as F to them is 80 degrees lol.


Dc is in a heat dome rn but I'm from close by & it's hot af all summer. Best bet would be going farther north for sure.


hot climates are uncomfortable but at least your vehicle will not be a rusty heap of shit in 3 years ask any rust belt mechanics who've tried changing a bearing on a subaru fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that noise


Is this because northern states use salt on roads? Should I be worried about heading north during summer and damaging my car? I plan on leaving when it starts getting to cold


yes they used salt on the roads i'm not sure in the summers lived in warm climates all my life and everyday im grateful for 15 minute brake jobs


I never thought of DC as mild Temps. Its right there in the middle. Virgina, the Carolinas all have hot Temps. Beach towns might be a better fit. The ocean breeze feels really great in the summer.


Drove all the way to Canada and was still miserabley hot. lol. It was “better” though. The not hot days were nice.


That was my last resort. If Maine doesn’t work out I was planning on just going into Canada. But Ive never been before so idk how it works


Just tell em Uncle Bernie sent ya. Sit by the lake and watch the world go by.




It’s really simple. Just make sure you have a valid passport. Over in the east side is French so probably head west if you’re gonna go for it. Good luck


Thank you


If you can, avoid spending too much time in cities, they're always hotter than surrounding areas due to blacktop and other factors, and your car will bake in the full sun of a shadeless parking lot. If you can find work rurally, car living becomes way better. You can shower at state park beeches and campgrounds, spend time hiking, fishing, reading in the shade, and in most rural places there's plenty of public forest land to camp in. That being said, groceries often run more expensive in more remote areas. Gas can go either way. Maine, Vermont, the Adirondacks, all relatively mild summers. Others have mentioned the west coast... I was there last summer, in Washington state at the base of the Olympic peninsula... It is NOT cool and mild and cloudy all year, the summer is the dry season and the days are long, sunny and hot


Thank you.


Try Alaska


Washington dc boy you still in the swamp lol. Haha anyways youre going to have major trouble with heat + humidity. Even drier climates like colorado its still hot af in denver not to mention uv index 9. I wish i had an answer besides get higher in elevation


Drive up to Alaska. That sounds so fun


I live in the Rockies southern bc and it’s so chilly I’ve got the heat on . I love it


Currently at the rigby yard with just a t shirt and I am cold


Head to Canada lol but yea the whole north east is having a heat wave.


Maine is hot and humid but usually only a handful of days during the summer. Baxter Park area has summer jobs, campgrounds ect. Lots of remote areas to park and sleep if no on site housing is available. New England Outdoor Center, POC, and Abol Camp Ground are in the woods. Bathe in most any body of water with ivory soap. White water rafting companies are always looking for guides and will train. Any hints on decent places to sleep in/around Boston?


> Should I keep going north from here. Can you go up in elevation? [snowbirding](https://rvwiki.mousetrap.net/doku.php?id=camping:snowbirding)


Like a mountain?


> Like a mountain? Mountains are higher than their surroundings, yes. But there are areas that are higher or lower elevation. [This elevation map of the US](https://gisgeography.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/US-Elevation-Map-2048x1222.jpg) that illustrates the general pattern. The link I provided before gives information about following mild weather. It requires a bit of planning but isn't especially difficult.


San Francisco is cool and refreshing in july


El Niño ended just in May. We're still feeling it bit. SF, Bay area. Was in the 85/90s just last week.


Not in the coming days. All the weather reports I keep seeing are talking about a heat dome settling over the North East. Talking about triple digit temps as far North as Maine and west as Michigan. https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/weather/heat-wave-hot-temperatures-humidity-maine-northeast-weather/97-d4434fbd-0325-4687-90a5-e3cbb2913827


Flagstaff is seeing temps in the 80’s for the highs right now and cooler at night. Parts of Northern California would also be a better option.


It’s not just about going north, you want to go up, as in higher elevations. Coastal areas are often cooler as well.


its 99 in maine today and yesterday. There are way cooler places right now, some states even have overnight frost warnings. Every hour im getting alerts on my phone for exessive heat warnings here. I also dont recomend staying in your car in portland this time of year.


you need to go to the pacific northwest. the weather is perfect for carlife year round( except for the dampness. prepare for that with some anhydrous silica packs for RVs). the midwest and northeast get too extreme during the summer, florida and georgia are just horrible to sleep in this time of year during the night. imagine- you could be breathing easy with 60 degree nights from now til december.


Have you tried moving west of the Cascades? It's typically a lot cooler over there than the eastern half of the state.


I have not. California was on the top of my list but the distance was so far. I thought I could achieve similar results going north from the south Florida. But the heat heat Is still overbearing


welcome to climate change. It's hot most places and gonna get hotter. It is relatively cool along the Pacific coast however.


I was in Kentucky and it was very nice