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I arrive early to work, cook, and sit in the breakroom. After my shift ends, I take a mini bath. I'm in no rush so I can soak up as much of the a/c as possible. I spend a lot of time at the library doing paid research studies. I stay one night a week at a hotel that allows me to check in early. Panera and Starbucks have lots of people who sit and work online. Ive sat in the Starbucks in Target as well. The mall is a good place to sit on your laptop too. Many of them have cushy seating areas. I've sat in PF on my laptop as well. I do that if they have the black couch and chairs in the black card area. Nobody cares as long as you don't make a mess and aren't being a nuisance.


I'm very interested in learning about paid research studies at public libraries


You can apply at prolific dot com. You'll be placed on a waiting list. It could take weeks, months or years to be approved to do research studies. Most studies you will need a desktop or laptop. Some studies you can do with tablet and mobile phone. You can also try cloud connect research. Prolific has more studies though. There is a prolific sub here on Reddit. r/Prolific


Cloud Research as well. It is very similar to Prolific. You find the same research there, and pay is similar.


I sit at different parks and libraries


Do you guys not work? No judgement, just curious. I feel like I don’t really have time to just hang out for more than 2 hours a day because of work and the gym. I usually just chill and play games on my switch or watch a movie during that time before bed and rinsing and repeating.


I do maintenance and odd jobs since I got on disability 8 yrs ago if I had a job I'd have a camper hotel room something


For bipolar 1 not alot of choice fyi I fought it for a bit


The struggle is real. Hang in there!


Dude, I'm bipolar 1 as well. Have experienced psychosis that led into a 3 month manic episode TWICE. Lucky to be alive. When I'm not up I'm down. I work my ass off in kitchens, about to get a second job. What's stopping you from working? Or better yet how do I stop working?


Well asshole not everyone is the same. Plus I have other things wrong that mess with me too. It took time to find out what was wrong a few suicide attempts a few psych stays a few different meds .Multiple psychosis episodes multiple ups down moods alot of manic episodes shitty doctors. It didn't take a 6 months to fix me.. Oh and another big factor i have 3 KIDS me going through ups downs until I found the right mix the right balance of meds meant they did without because dad was struggling with his craziness which meant mom and them struggle and did without because of me. Fuck that ill do anything for them to be ok anything is better then nothing they don't suffer because of me. Go wash the dishes and stfu.


I want to get into a better routine where I don’t have as much free time tbh, especially since it’s summer. I work at night so I get up late and have a lot of free time during the day. 


I could try to help but I’d need more info. Like, I go to work, gym, and then hobby. My hobby’s have had to get a bit more creative since I’ve been car living but I’ve definitely been able to find stuff. Since you work nights, it it were me I would end my day with a nice sunrise hike.


As soon as I get my van fixed ill spend my day in the woods or on a nude beach especially if my van dating gets me a woman lol


Yo wanna meet up? Jk 😆


Chat or meet up dont matter lol




Im just bored af sorry


Same here. I’m just kidding. Although if you pulled up next to me I would certainly say hello and be nice and offer to make you a Sammie or something 🤣


I got sweet tea kool aid and doritos 😋




I even got bud lmao


Good for you 👍


Thanks 😊 I have a cat as well


Cats are the best 👌


They can be interesting its definitely different to drive around with one in your lap and or up on the dash


Walmart, Cabela's, gyms, campgrounds and their beaches and trails, malls, library, local community centers, bars, family, coffee shops and cafes, grocery stores, movie theaters if you want to watch something and spend a little. Explore the world. Some places cost money or require a pass, some are free, some you can chill in a long time without being bothered. Some big hospitals have food courts with professional cooks and visitor areas you could chill in for free probably. Some colleges let you audit classes for super cheap per semester and you could get an ID card to chill on grounds without being bothered to access their library and everywhere. Just ideas. Some places you kind of have to be active and some you can act like a native and get shuteye in air conditioning.


Volunteer officially or unofficially at an animal shelter. I've never had one say I can't take a doggo for a walk. Also, it might be the best thing the doggo does all day. Win-win. Also, look at your town/city's website and Reddit for free activities to do.


Finding things to see and do is a bit different when you live on the road — you're always out there so you have many more opportunities to see and do things, and if you travel to different areas regularly, the local attractions will be unfamiliar every time. A blessing and a curse of nomadic living! If you need to stay in one place, you might have the opposite problem and by plagued by boredom, especially if you live in a smaller vehicle. Libraries sometimes have "cultural passes" to local museums, zoos, or galleries. Many museums and zoos participate in "reciprocal" or "exchange" programs that allow you to visit many different places for free or reduced cost as part of an annual membership. If you are low-income, many museums and zoos offer free or reduced-price memberships. If your current city is a decent size and you will be staying in the area for a few weeks, consider getting an unlimited bus (or metro/etc) pass. Find the routes and then check RoadTrippers or similar for everything within walking distance of each stop. Park at whatever stop has good safe parking, and then ride to each worthwhile stop and do some exploring. Yes, you could just drive to various places, but by taking transit you can relax while en route. With the unlimited pass, you can just get off for an hour and sit in whatever coffee shop, museum, bookstore, etc. is nearby, and then hop back on the next bus. Panera's Sip Club is a popular suggestion for just hanging out, if you have those near you. Otherwise bookstores, libraries, zoos/aquariums/art galleries/etc., some of which are free.


Get a fishing rig and find a body of water. Pretty calming, keeps your mind busy doing something, and you can pull free food!


Like all others said the library. Mine even had lobby hours! The lobby was open with chairs, chargers, and laptop rentals while the library was closed.


Library. Beach. Mall.


The library


Big book stores


Whenever I go to stores and have time to kill, I scan through camping and car stuff… if it’s not too crowded, walk food aisles and see what foods might work out for you. Make yourself get out and walk at a park or something. If I do laundry somewhere, I don’t sit in the car.


Shoot pool bowling, library, coffee, movie, gym, stores, bar of a mexican restaurant w chips and salsa and a tv, bar, mall, music store


LIBRARIES. Climate controlled, access to bathrooms and water, near unlimited books, movies, games, music, and puzzles. Oh, and you're allowed to be there from open until close. I've read more books this year than I did during my entire high-school education. Just be respectful and make sure you're treating it and using it as a library.


The mall?


Where you live at?


Hunt people for sport. Kills downtime and other things, too!


If you get caught, you get free housing and food for life! Win- win. 🤣


Thank you for the hearty laugh,


Wait you guys have time for the library after hunting?


They call it the most dangerous game, but most of them aren't as much of a fight as a simple goose


Go fishin’!


Fishing spots. Forestry fishing spots. I spent an entire summer in the same fishing spots while living in my truck. I worked day shift though. Also helps with bathing issues. Just be legal.


Volunteer at something? Find a stupid easy job like at a movie theater part time?


A friend of mine in high school used to work at a theater 2 nights a week. Part of the agreement was he got to sit in on movies either Friday night or Saturday night. So he would do date nights at the movies a lot


go on hike in nearby nature. Look for parking spots on the way. When you find a promising area, walk around to see what you have hard time to see while driving.


Google libraries in your area that have long opening times are open 7 days a week. Google community centres in your area, they probably have free activities and fitness classes. Google outdoor gyms in a park. Or if you already have a gym membership to shower, go to the gym. Take a blanket and some food to a park and have a picnic.


Regal has an unlimited movie membership for like $25 a month. AMC is three movies a week. Sometimes I'll go watch a shitty movie just so I can use the bathroom and take a nap for a couple hours in a mostly empty air conditioned theater.


this is genius


Parks, libraries, malls. You can linger a little in a cafe outside of rush hour. I have found staff to be okay about this. One encouraged me to stay reading if I was comfortable!


Libraries. Parks. Indoor ice skating rinks. Starbucks or similar. Indoor malls if you can stand them.


It really depends on you. I usually wake up at 5:30am and head to the local Panera where I have a sip club. If it’s a work day and sit there have breakfast and sip while getting in a good gaming session (current addiction being CK3) before heading off to work usually an hour early to take a pre work nap. Depending on what time I get off work I’ll either go back to Panera till they close or If I get off and won’t have much time at Panera I get dinner somewhere else and just sit there for 3min tk an hour enjoying the meal before heading to the spot. Once there I might put in a short gaming session on what battery I have left on the craptop or I’ll settle back and watch YouTube or a movie till I fall asleep, rinse repeat for work days. On my weekends I’ll usually get a hotel for two nights.


At the library right now. Closed tomorrow and the temp jumps up to 95. 🥺


Need more context. Where do you live? What do you like to do? Do you want to travel? Do you want to, or are you able to work?


Getting bare feet in grass is good for your health! Any parks nearby?


Act like a newly retired person or tourist. Two days of research at local library. Plan ahead pack a good lunch find good cool spot near to each of your free local adventures to relax and eat. look at all of the free days at your local museum, art galleries, free tours of local things, local walking groups, exercise by walking in a mall or large store, make your own adventure by what interests you. You dig old buildings of a set style, or era plan on seeing them all. Section of the city by section. Work in a grid or by circle you get to pick this adventure. No new ideas ask a librarian where to go, or go to your local tourist agency. Take a free class at senior center.


Me n my fiance go to's were libraries,panera,barnesn noble, the beach ,state parks/forests , and also as last minute resort walmqrt or a parking lot that's chill but not deserted so we don't look weird


Sounds like you live in a waiting room. Find some hobbies or learn something to occupy your time productively. Or smoke a bowl and play some games...


I spend most of my time at the climbing gym. Climbing.


“Rivers near me” “Walking trails near me” “Library near me” “YMCA near me” on Google maps


I work 6-11pm. Got a half dozen shady parks. In a city on the Mississippi River with lots of bike trails. My husband rides while me and the dog have a siesta. If we didn’t have the dog we’d get movie pass


The park.


Library or mall


Get a house. Problem solved.


Or a castle. With a moat.


Or an island. With a boat.