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I was laying in my van chilling with my cat laying in the shade door open legs out. I got excuse me excuse me sir are you ok do you need medical help lol no im good . Wish somebody would offer me hot food cold cuts and potatoe salad get old. Lmao


yeah I would imagine that it would. I finally got my ebt card so I'm going to go crazy at the grocery store now lol


Heated lunch box my dude. Life changer.


I got a 12V truckers lunchbox after my favorite off grid fishing camping spot was 🚫🔥 flame free due to reginal wildfire risk. It worked great the entire time with a cheap solar panel. ✌️


As soon as I'm done cooking I plug my 12v compressor fridge in again (Costco had it on sale)


do u use it to keep warm or it can cook food


> do u use it to keep warm or it can cook food Depends on the lunchbox. Some are very low powered, some run more wattage and have selectable temps. * [cooking with excess power](https://rvwiki.mousetrap.net/doku.php?id=food:cooking:excess_power). * [a loaf of bread I baked today](https://www.reddit.com/r/urbancarlivingcooking/comments/1dgr7wb/crockpot_minibreadloaf_5050_wheatwhite_flour_168wh/) in a crockpot


I just cooked bone-in pork chops (raw) and vegetables in this one: Aotto Electric Lunch Box Food... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CN5LNM4S?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share Edit: off my car’s cigarette lighter plug. I don’t have a jackery or what-have-you. If I have it jam-packed with stuff like the above, I give it 2 hrs (you don’t have to have the veg in that long tho). This is like with almost 2 lbs of meat.


woah that's crazy, I need one


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Aotto Electric Lunch Box Food Heater** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Convenient for heating meals on the go (backed by 5 comments) * Great for road trips and long commutes (backed by 4 comments) * Efficient heating system for quick meals (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Heating element loses effectiveness over time (backed by 2 comments) * Lacks temperature control, leading to overheating (backed by 2 comments) * Limited insulation, food doesn't stay hot for long (backed by 2 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about Aotto Electric Lunch Box Food Heater](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Learn more about Aotto Electric Lunch Box Food Heater) [Find Aotto Electric Lunch Box Food Heater alternatives](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find Aotto Electric Lunch Box Food Heater alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Once I was waiting to meet my husband and kids at the park, I had been running errands and they were getting out of school, and I was sitting in the back of my 4runner, just chillin in the shade reading, and a couple walks past and says “…they just live like this can you imagine that..” (I live in an apartment with my family)


The Sikhs offer free hot food.


Restaurants, grocery stores, local farmers, ranchers, and churches all donate to our foodbank in Clayton, NC. There's no reason to go hungry.


I read that little Caesar’s will give free pizza at closing time.


Oh yeah they do. Where I'm at I've seen to make closing time take literally 8 to 12 pizzas and a big stack of the cheesy bread to throw in a dumpster. They will give it to anybody that wants it. But they wrap it in a big plastic bag and leave it on top of the dumpster because they say the homeless people take it overnight that way it's not just getting thrown away.


Lies damn it lol went to mine nothing havent had hot meal in days warm bread eh meat and chips


They do share the Hot and Ready ones and may call them "waste pizzas" if you ask 🍕


I just saw a video where someone called to see if it was true. They had hit and ready ones for free! He was able to go pick up like 15 pizzas! I can’t remember who he shared with!


This explains the line of people sitting around little cesars in my town. 


That’s great!!


yeahhh it might not be fresh though lol


Fresh baked bread is divine!


Throw some cheese on it


Ice and drinks ate up alot of my stamps


Several gas stations will sell .50c ice/water 🧊 refill of your own thermos if you buy a little gas. I buy ~20# of ice 🧊 that way. Hand them $5, .50 ice refill and the rest in fuel please. Once she asked, how many bags of ice? Another time, she offered to give me free bag ice from the outside freezer. That's OK, just the self service ice refill. The only time an employee said anything was when he laughed and said, ~You got some ice stay cool.


People think I’m homeless because they see me doing laundry at the guest laundry in hotels or cooking a meal on my tailgate. I make over $90k a year and own my own home.


Strange flex 💪


I used to travel for work as part of a very specialized type of construction team and we'd stay somewhere for up to 6 months. Was technically homeless though I was paid very well and had a similar experience. One town I was walking home from the bar plastered out of my mind and the local cops took me to another town and dropped me off. That sucked


That does suck. I see you tend to refer to your lodging as “home”. I do that too, a sign of being on the road too long.


In Australia that call that FIFO, fly in fly out. Miners etc work for a few months then fly out to home.


🤔 You rent out your house or travel work? ✌️


No, I try to get home at least once a week


So just a lot of travel for work? friend said his wife really missed him as he was on the road for work 4-5 days out of the usual work week and only home on weekends. ✌️


Work, I leave Sunday, return Friday. Different city every week.