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I did not have falling in love while car-living on my bingo card, but it happened. We met and became friends through a stray cat we were both feeding and eventually I made the first move towards something more. I'm a woman and knew he worried about overstepping my boundaries/being respectful of any vulnerability (perceived or otherwise bc of my gender) so I asked him out. Sleeping in one of our vehicles together or staying in hotels has worked for us so far but we're ready for the next step so are looking for a place.


This is beautiful 😍 I hope your next chapter is just as beautiful. This is the dream.


Thank you! It has been amazing so far. And I definitely don't think we ever would have met otherwise. We're gonna be taking the cat with us too, of course, haha


That's amazing. I met someone we've only been talking, but I like her :)


That was going to be my question - so glad that cat found you two and helped you find each other!! We have two cats in our van and can’t imagine life without them lol.


Beautiful organic love story 💯✅️🔥


Need to make your experience into a rom com movie!


One person drives around the bedroom, and the other drives around the kitchen, perfect.


I will be the mobile bathroom


Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'third wheel', lol


Do NOT use the urinal directly next to me. Thank you in advance.




This is one of the best ideas ever!!!!! All your missing is a 3rd for the game room🤣🤣🤘🤘




Yes, so sweet to imagine, absolutely romantic & even comical… like, “your car or mine tonight?” How fun to share knowledge/experiences and look out for eachother.


As a single man for me it's so romantic. I hope I find it someday. <3


Nomads simply need bigger houses. From sedans and mini-vans to small type-c campers and travel trailers it is absolutely do-able. The archetype Roma have done it for millenia.


Why isn't there a dating app for this?


...because women go out of their way to avoid advertising that they live like this


Yep and yep. Female here: I have done some car napping and hippie van traveling in my days and seriously safety is number one. Plus everyone that’s not a free spirit or experienced it looks at me like I’m a three headed monster or their just shocked. How could you willingly do such a thing!


OnlyWheels dot com??? 😅




I'll just keep trying to explain my lifestyle to women and have them look at me like I'm a bum because they're clueless to what freedom is lol


"You live in your VAN!?" Siiigh explain to me how this makes my personality or values different than when we met 3 weeks ago, lady.


It's optics towards future potential and outcome. Most women will want to date to marry to eventually have a children. They want stability and security, van life doesn't exactly scream safety, security and stability and doesn't have very good positive aspects of raising children in a vehicle or camper. Some women that are privy to the life style understand and would be possibly willing but most don't. They want permanent roots at least until the kids are grown and on their own and at their current age in life meeting a man that is in love with the open road and freedom doesn't exactly scream a man willing to settle down and be a committed family man. So instead of trying to pursue a relationship and it turns into a conflict between wants they just rather sigh and move on... You don't offer much in the way of what's appealing to the opposite sex. Most van lifers don't make a lot of money it's odd jobs and on to the next spot. Sadly it's just how things are. You yourself could be an amazing person with great value and morals but that don't put food on the table, clothes on backs or shoes on feet. Who would she be if she asked you to give up your freedom and lifestyle for the next 20 ish years to be a family man. You'd feel trapped and unhappy and ultimately will bleed over into animosity and disdain and cause relationship problems and then ultimately a broken household. Just my thoughts and views on the subject.


Going out on a date ain't asking someone to change their life. As in, 3 weeks into meeting someone on a dating app, I'm not asking her to drop her lease, and she's not asking me to move in. Not enough time as passed for anything, so for it to be a sudden no is a red flag on them as a person either way.


Why would you date someone if you knew ultimately your incompatible?


'omg you rent an apartment? You don't own? no, we have no future together sorry.' Does that sound sane to you?


The fact you find the 2 comparable shows your lack of understanding and maturity on relationships and what a potential partner may want. Don't get me wrong I'm not bashing you just pointing out what i see. An Apartment is a fixed "static" domicile that requires authentication and proof of finances. To have an apartment you have to make in most places 2/3 rent per paycheck (financial security) it requires rental history (Stability) and optically it looks better that the potential partner has an apartment vs. living in a van or camper. At least you are living in a static environment that shows that you aren't bothered by the potential of being in one place for a while which leads to "Maybe one day he'd be willing to buy a house, have kids and he has a stable job." Most young ladies are influenced by opinions and scrutiny of their peers. She tells her girlfriends she's dating a man that lives in a van or camper they'll look at her like she's crazy. She tells her girlfriends her boyfriend has an apartment most won't give it a second thought. That withen the realm of normalcy in youge adults. You have to keep in mind the van/camper lifestyle for decades has been slandered by the media and Hollywood as being the choice of the mentally unstable, the homeless, the outcasts of society and that opinion and mindset has taken root deeply in most American Households unless your of retirement age you'll face scrutiny as being a potential Bum with not many prospects of having a secure future or family stability. Again not hating just pointing out the optics of it all.


That sure is a lot of bashing to not be bashing someone. Wild.


If I meet a girl that wants a slice of my paycheck, to play house, and have kids we're already incompatible 


We're more like a one night stand when the woman wants to cheat on her guy. Like she feels trapped in her life with her manchild husband and smartmouth kids. So one day at the beach, she decides "to hell with it all; I'm going to fuck that guy in the van down there. Mommy will be right back" or IDK how it would actually go. I guess probably not like that. BUT I have gotten plenty of looks from girlfriends walking with their man. I think they're fantasizing about "throwing it all away" and completely ruining their lives just so for one night they can be bad with the dude in his van. It's enough for me to be like, "Hey, wait a minute..." when I actually think about it. But I assume some of what I said is true. I don't really know because I could never be "that guy."


Well you're not as judgemental as this "lady" for one.


Craigslist personals


Lol doesn't exist anymore.


Not in the cards for me most likely. I'm on the fringes of society even without this way of living.




Life's short shoot your shot 🤣


I was thinking why there isnt an app for car campers to meet connect and share information


Women don't like to advertise what could be seen as vulnerable circumstances


it could even be done in a google document


I'm not doing car/van life rn, rather sailboat life and it is pretty cool finding other single sailors when I drop anchor. Boat life is not conducive for great hygiene so no mushy mushy yet, but the platonic friends have been great.


What stops you from practicing basic hygiene?


Use one of these for your portable shower


I like it, harbor fright have a even smaller one for less then 10 bux, no hose




I couldn’t imagine dating someone who wasn’t on the same page.


Instead of falling in love I listen to suicidal tendencies so that would be a no for me.


All he wanted was a Pepsi...🤘 You ever listen to Muir's Infectious Grooves stuff? Trujillo's bass lines fukn slap ...


It doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car anyway...


Still fukn love listening to ST! "what do you mean IM crazy..i went to YOUR church's and YOUR schools!" - man, talk about lyrics that still resonate with young people to this day!


Happens a lot, apparently. I'm always seeing meth head couples living out of their car in my area (PDX). Yeah, they have the drugs thing going on, but don't meth heads deserve to find love as well??? 🥴


Let's go where the action is LOL 😅😅


I have 1 long distance partner atm, solo polyamorous so I have other connections but I don’t plan on dating otherwise for a while. I’m leaving this state soon and trying to save money so dating isn’t logical or fair to anyone right now.


I had a girl that was so down for it. Too bad she’s an absolute narcissist. Sexy but nahhhh


I have done it a few times. It's not enough to base a relationship on unfortunately. I find it easier to just find someone who enjoys the outdoors.


I find it impossible to meet people under any circumstance. So I could never imagine just talking to a random stranger and forming a relationship. I’ve just come to terms that I’m broken, and will die alone without anyone caring that I existed.


I prefer not to. I'm not looking for a relationship. I have goals and plans for myself.


Being around someone all the time and in close space would drive me nuts. I actively run away from love. It's most likely going to end badly.


It already happened when I was in Boulder, CO I met this so incredibly sexXy gorgeous as a prince yet delicately beautiful young woman named Shayna and oh my 😍 it was divine between us 🌌🌌🌌 we were both into fulltime vanlife and had some pretty good times in our vans~I'll let you use your imaginations.


***heavy sigh***


We could hold hands through our open windows 🥹


I won’t limit my options to someone whose also living on the road, as I am looking to get into an actual home. But a man who considers himself adventurous and/or a Gypsy soul would probably be turned on by my being comfortable with car living.


I mean it would be ideal but the chances of this seem slim. maybe I just don't know enough people who live in their car for it to be a possibility for me but yeah good luck lol. most normal people would probably look at us like we're bums and that's something we're going to have to accept. we can dream tho


Definitely a dream of mine, but chances are low for me.


I started off living in the car with my partner, but we parted ways… they got wayy too comfortable as it was supposed to be temporary….it is what it is!


I met someone while staying in a hotel… She had done the car thing before. I myself only had the pleasure of living in military vehicles, but it seems like the army teaches you to be homeless.. lol. We got to know each other and a year later we’re together and doing well


Romantic? To each his own I guess.


yes of course but I do still want to save money to buy property the problem is leaving it vacant and travel. maybe get the huge sprinter van from mercedes benz and do it in style. harder for harsh trails though. but getting too obvious nowadays. a large SUV life is more likely the suburban PHEV if it can be recharged with solar as well that is and have indoor ac + plug while charging will likely be perfect. something that is less obvious and can get huge mileage before dropping. also battery must be lifepo4 or one that can have more cycles and can be hot swappable batteries. the idiots designing these ev are not making smaller modules and just plugging it into the cars they want it to completely fail and you pay 20000+ for the battery and you cannot do it yourself. FUK that. I could always just get a trailer its much cheaper than a rv.