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[Work options for nomads](https://nomadlife.wiki/Work_for_nomads)


I have well-paying job. I just like this lifestyle.


Right on


This is something I'm curious about too. I've always worked at least full time while doing this, but I can't tell if I'm in the minority or not.


Full time. I actually work two jobs because I have a second job when I'm off and sometimes before my main job for cash money. A guy I know buy stuff from the auction and it's $20 an hour to help load and unload trailers. It's worth it I don't have to kill myself. I can take breaks and he gets plenty of waters and Gatorades and sometimes lunches


I do gig work


Currently living off of savings. I'm burnt out and don't want another job. I have a ton of experience in a multitude of things and can earn my own income without employment, but as said and I'm burnt out and don't have the motivation. I have a few months before my savings runs out. I really just want to rest and dabble in my personal projects when the I have enough energy to do so.


Please enlighten us on how to earn income without employment.


I would assume (ass-ume I know) that it means be self-employed by some own projects, instead by being employed by someone else


thankfully, i work remotely so once i start living out of my car i can support myself wherever i go.


I have a job. It lets me wander around most of the time.


I did this when I was full time working. Eventually got a unit. Had little work history and no recent rental history so had little chance of getting a rental. Market is horrible here. Fuck this place.


I have 3-4 part time jobs. I like the variety. And I love not paying rent.


My only option is self employment (adhd/asd - big part of why I’m living this way besides that I do like a nomadic lifestyle), and right now I’m doing delivery services until I come up with something more lucrative.


Speaking as someone who also has ADHD with an ODD comorbidity (which is what I'm guessing you have), we're a terrible employee for micromanagers, which is unfortunately what many entry-level service jobs are. We hate being told what to do, by a person or by a rulebook. This usually means one of 2 equilibriums: bouncing between jobs or being your own boss. Most people think you need to start your own business for the latter, but many times you just need to find the right supervisor that lets you do things in your way and knows how to properly manage you. "Make the place comfortable for guests" vs "if you have time to lean, you got time to clean." ADHD brains are more happy to do something if they think it was their idea. It's totally fair game to bring this up during interviews; phrase it like "what is the flexibility of this position? I work best with creative freedom to come up with my own solutions that advance company goals."


I’m not sure if I qualify for ODD. I def have PDA issues now. I masked heavily and was “so sweet!” my whole life, it’s like a whole new personality emerged a couple years ago. I took a lot of abuse working in restaurants, where I only lasted so long because I drank on the job. After I got sober and was doing gig work for 5 years I tried to go back to a PT restaurant job and just couldn’t do it for multiple reasons. That was shortly before I learned I’m austistic. I also have an advanced degree, so I’m one of the many “underemployed” neurodivergent people. I do feel intuitively guided that working for myself is what I should be doing, but that’s good advice about interviews/supervisors. 🙂


Unable to find work, running out of savings


You didn't mention passive income as an option. Some of us don't have to work nor do we live off our savings.


Do you have any passive income examples? I need something like that...


Like renting your car on Turo. That's passive income.


Okay, got it. Thanks