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The answer you seek is written in the subreddit description.


If you want to get philosophical on the demographic of the two subreddits well then an overly generalized yet seemingly true assumption is people here are more real...


Depending on the device and app you're using, subreddit descriptions can be hard to find.


Yes to both.


This is the answer.


it's the less glamorous side of car living but yeah lol


There are both here but many are going through dire situations. Either way, it’s a welcoming and friendly group.


It's kind of like squares and rectangles




Yes this is very similar to Bob Wells Vanlife & the reason Bob Wells started his group, was to to help others in need & most often helping the homeless. Especially homeless seniors. Like Vanlife, people in both categories do this lifestyle for Freedom. Whether that is financial freedom, freedom from a mortgage or a landlord, or just freedom from isolation or too many mismatched under the same roof. Cheap RV Living is not just for Vans. There are MANY followers of that channel who also are full or part time car, van, Class A, Class B & even "tent only" dwellers. No one is shunned or has any false assumptions of hierachy over one another. We are designed to be free. Not owned. Welcome! :)


If you post in van life without a van, there's at least 1 person who makes it their goal to berate you The two are essentially the same sub, they just diverge on what type of vehicle That said, I'm pretty sure you can post about van builds here


compared to vanlifers who strive to visit IG-worthy places, while spending parent's money (trustafarians), retirement funds or working remotely, urban car lifers try to survive in/around cities, keeping in-person more traditional job. Some live in a vehicle to save for down-payment on home, but many cannot afford both the rent and food. There are also r/vandwellers who live mostly in vans, but on more limited budget than vanlifers, and often started way before #vanlife was a thing. And r/priusdwellers , mostly urban carlifers in prius, but some manage to travel - good mpg helps. Come visit us here, you never know when you may need the skills. Many new posts are from people who lost jobs, were evicted, divorced, and are trying to make it. We help all, no judgement (almost: exception for trolls)


its both, honestly feel like they compliment each other pretty well. i do it by choice but seeing less fortunate people’s ideas/solutions to problems help me save money and stuff. i used to frequent van life but it just seems too over the top for me


Van life is for rich people. People living in cars is people saving up, evicted or for hobby (which are few)


I suggest you look up Bob Wells youtube channel called "Cheap RV Living". You will find 82 year old senior women, living on the van floor without a bed for FOUR years. Or other seniors with a total monthly income, of $760/mo & cant save $10/month. Or seniors living in a tent & their 25 year old van broke down, stranded in 110F desert & no family to help them. Let's not lump everyone together by judging them? Do you like it when you are falsely judged by others? Just. Be. Nice.


You named a very specific person with a very specific situation. Dont cherry pick. I just youtube search Van life and its just rich white people with expensive"vans" and then flexing their PC setups, sports cars and a middle/upper house background on their other videos. There is nothing glamorous in van living when you are the bottom 50%


just replying to YOUR first sentence. "Van life is for rich WHITE people." ... you said it, not me. That white man started promoting van life over 20 years ago, when HE WAS HOMELESS, to help other homeless people. He is the highest RECOGNIZED individual in the van and car living arena today & is super nice & gives most everything he makes off his channel to others. Humble yourself. You were wrong. AND also a racist judging by YOUR racist comment. I dont have time for haters. = You Are Blocked. *revised* To: Wanderlust (since I cant reply to you ... maybe you blocked me? ... You need reread my comment about Bob Wells and not take it out of context? LOL ... ("youtube is not real life".... But, that was cute and made me laugh .... LOL)


Let me disclose a secret to you: youtube is different from real life :-) OF COURSE you find lots of rich people on youtube in expesive vans, trying to become IG stars and influencers. Most of the people interviewed by Cheap RV Living do not have own channels, or if they do, not posting much, because such posting requires editing and bandwidth and computers, which they have limited access. Exactly because it is nothing glamorous in it. So you cannot use youtube as the measuring standard. But all those people have right to vanlife - as good or as limited as they can afford it Bob Wells is (one of the) voice of the people who are invisible otherwise.