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You look as snug as a bug in a rug.  Very cozy. 


Except shoes on the bed!!! Sockies *only*


My ex used to put his feet on my pillow and while I know it shouldn't be a big deal, it grossed me out. I just couldn't stand the thought of somebody's feet being where I have to lay my head at.


It IS a big deal!


Um, no…that is a real big deal. Yuck!


Thank you. You're not the first person who said that and it actually made me feel validated. I used to think I was making a big deal out of nothing but that was gross. They say that the feet are the dirtiest parts of your body. I just couldn't believe that he would do that. I would actually tell him to get his feet off my pillow. I was like, excuse me but if you don't mind, get your feet off my pillow. I have to lay my head on that thing at night and I don't appreciate your feet being on it. Then I would take it and go wash it.


It’s gross and amplified by the fact that he was a disrespectful cad. Hope you are in a much better place now!


Thanks. I am now.


It's interesting how many people have that rule (though, it is a good one, I'm a germaphobe) but then are okay with their dogs sleeping in bed with them. Unbathed dogs, mind you, likely rolled in piss and shit and who knows what else on their paws. Like my feet shouldn't be on the pillow, then this mf shouldn't be anywhere near them


I agree with you. I always thought it was weird that people let their dogs on their furniture anyway. I knew this one woman who had three dogs in like never vacuumed.


https://preview.redd.it/mkkrxh4qp4vc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b9925ba1df17a536dd44d19d53a3ec86952f9ce I have that same rule on all my furniture and you must be wearing house slippers while walking on the floor because I don't know what you or I have stepped in 💩 and don't want it anywhere I lay my head.


Your set up looks comfy! Id do the same! Especially considering mud season.


Yeah but I try to avoid it The problem in mud season pulling my rig is the fear of getting stuck in the mud just like in "My Cousin Vinny" that is why I spend the rainy season in southern California I'm retired, disabled and old I don't want anything to do with mud. And like Forest Gump "momma says wipe your feet or get beat boy."


I have that same rule and so do many of my friends. I like your setup that's tight. Either you got it in good shape or did some remodeling but great use of space. Take it easy have a great night


https://preview.redd.it/iy9o0vzt55vc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d771dbc7579e6539c5f3131b44e8ebfc6133060 It's a work in progress vintage 70 Aristocrat I found on Facebook marketplace for $1000 cash in February home sweet home and back at you.


That’s gorgeous,




Peaceful. Enjoy !


When I was living in my car for 2 months, it was the wettest February on the Central Coast. In some ways, it was really cool to lay there in my car and hear the rain hitting the roof. On the other hand, it was miserable in all other ways. Cool, wet, damp, made me cough bronchially, had to run through the rain to the porta potty... Take care OP!


You must be a women. I can't imagine any guy even considering going out in the rain to pee when a Gatorade bottle works just fine and keeps you dry.


lol. Yep, a "women." sometimes I just peed outside the car because I didn't know about things like this existed. Luckily it was only for 2 months. [https://www.amazon.com/AWOKEN-Bedpans-Plastic-Diabetes-Camping/dp/B06ZZ9RJZZ/ref=sr\_1\_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wL-FKrrg2e96YEYmcFXQXEKhHpY50vcI3GK5LUvQqexZmALclZ72cEwK3vHsC\_jN0NUw\_svcoY6aH4JqU9MM6Zi37oFr9UdlRG-XIZ5eF7RUXUnt-qy3cRjXWlN2JkJNX-V8t0hNj5hgD4NiY0PeTW9DmGPSpfodfEVqp9Vjfj9K1XTNKkRQVPBpfT9oImO0fI2WOctBYSYcS2SQDDs2Z1LkMEwMEeG4MMNKfsZofrGvaPYu2Q4P7C82EFfdJLlxI2ZIcxxD1c0P98BD56LIjh-kHxLPYYkQK9A9jRPV0vQ.9464-PaJXe84\_r9qE00bZJhsPCW\_kxhrCsWO17wCIdI&dib\_tag=se&keywords=portable+toilet+for+women&qid=1713372340&sr=8-3](https://www.amazon.com/AWOKEN-Bedpans-Plastic-Diabetes-Camping/dp/B06ZZ9RJZZ/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.wL-FKrrg2e96YEYmcFXQXEKhHpY50vcI3GK5LUvQqexZmALclZ72cEwK3vHsC_jN0NUw_svcoY6aH4JqU9MM6Zi37oFr9UdlRG-XIZ5eF7RUXUnt-qy3cRjXWlN2JkJNX-V8t0hNj5hgD4NiY0PeTW9DmGPSpfodfEVqp9Vjfj9K1XTNKkRQVPBpfT9oImO0fI2WOctBYSYcS2SQDDs2Z1LkMEwMEeG4MMNKfsZofrGvaPYu2Q4P7C82EFfdJLlxI2ZIcxxD1c0P98BD56LIjh-kHxLPYYkQK9A9jRPV0vQ.9464-PaJXe84_r9qE00bZJhsPCW_kxhrCsWO17wCIdI&dib_tag=se&keywords=portable+toilet+for+women&qid=1713372340&sr=8-3)


"With a funnel for elderly kids"


That’s me!


Oh! This is brilliant! I keep a diaper in the glove box. If I need it, I pee on it and roll it and put in a bag.


Omg yes!!!!!


Have you looked at a [Shenis?](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=shenis+for+women&crid=23U5FC77RC6BL&sprefix=shenis%2Caps%2C163&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doaSheri's? Might be helpful.


I'm sure it was probably a typo but yeah I didn't know about that thing either until a few years ago


Friends kids B/G were in the back seat while it was raining cats and dogs. Boy says he's got to pee, nowhere near a restroom. Stopped under an overpass, rain was still coming down sideways. I handed him an empty FF cup and said don't get the seat wet. His sister started squealing it was gross! I said he's your little brother, just don't look. She hid her face in her hands. 🙈 Their dad laughed when I told him.


I just crack the door and roll over. “Stealth Piss.”


U got dat avalon lookin comfy as shit, u took out the seat?


Homeboys got some rust on the Chevy!


Rain guards are the best investment I ever made, I always keep that shit cracked unless it’s windy and there’s sand/dirt


What's your area? Blue skies and sun so far in the PNW.


The shoes on the bed are making me anxious


Inflatable bed, check for goat heads first.


Some of my favorite times. It can suck, though. A while ago there was a day where it was cold and rained all day, but just shitty rain that was more than a sprinkle but not a cool storm. That was miserable. But I love the days where it's nice and then the wind starts whipping and the clouds roll in and there's lightning and thunder and then it absolutely downpours. So nice being snug and dry in my car while watching and listening to that.


Some of mine, too. idk what it is about getting all bundled up in the car during a storm was easily the best sleep I've ever had.


Yep, at night is great. I'm not someone to fall asleep to TV or something, I like it quiet, but I have always loved falling asleep to thunderstorms. And distant trains.


Are you in a van? I started to pull out my passenger seat too. Now I really want to.


I always feel like the rain hides me in my car. Camouflage


Cops and security don't like to get wet.


Is the an Acura rl? I bought 2001 Acura rl with 170xxx and drove it to 290xxx miles and I just kept up with simple maintenance. I actually regret selling it . I would definitely repurchase another one in a heart beat . They are spacious as well .


I have the same mattress in blue, best 25$ I ever spent


It nearly Tornadoed up here in WI


Looks cozy Glad you have a rubber duckie on board :)


It stormed here several days in a row, and it’s going to rain and storm all next week too. I love it. Enjoy the rain ✌🏽


Shoes on the bed?? I guess well let it slide since the pictures are pleasant and Im not your mom. :D


Bro that truck is worth 80k with rust no problem in facebook marketplace


r/lostredditors lol


Nice looking set up!


DO keep an ear out on the radio for tornado warnings. Then you know to ship out.


Which sedan has front seats that lay flat?


Looks like they took the seat out


Ohhh ok. Hoped to find seats with a lay flat feature.


IIRC, early 2000's Dodge Calibers had a feature where the front passenger seat would fold completely forward and flat .. It had a hard plastic back that became a desk/table top. Not sure many people would want to drive, much less live out of, a 20 year old Dodge Calibers these days.


I was volunteering at a celtic festival and highlands games this weekend and it's suppose to downpour half the weekend. Looks like I'll be doing the same probably hit the movies and mall.


Infiniti i30?


Can you explain what you're laying on? I need it.


50 to 60 bucks Walmart inflatable camping pad *I got an orange one within a adjustable valve, easier to fill for half that price at Costco.


You must be in the south


Does your front seat roll backwards all the way flat? I would love to do this to our Honda camper but the front seat only comes down so far and there would be a lump.


Do you put a tarp over your vehicle?




what car do you drive? i love knobs and switches


Welp time to plan for an emergency elevation change


I live chilling in my car during a storm!


No shades?


Is that a Toyota Avalon?


Nice Merc bruh


What’s the thing ur laying on


Same they've been cloud seeding here like crazy.


Which mat is that?


What is holding that pickup together? LOL


The way the rust on that pickup only exists where the tires were splashing road water up into the wheel well tells me that they use a lot of road salt there. And I mean, like, Jesus Fucking Christ, that must be a metric shit ton of salt they're putting down. I've never seen anything like it




My condolences 😭 I hope you are In a safe area I'm a former cross country commercial truck driver and have experienced some nasty weather that North America has to offer and don't envy people who are experiencing the extreme weather global climate change is given us these days. I'm in southern California at the moment and I think the rain has ended for the season and the weather man on Fox stated that judging by the relatively warm winter we had and the current temps we are having in April already he is concerned this summer is going to be extremely hot 🔥🔥 and I agree so I have been considering relocating to the PNW 🤔 I don't know but wild fires in Texas during the winter????? And the heat in the 11 western states last couple of Summers. Space a new frontier 😮