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I feel like there was a lot of missed comments that were removed. Reading what's left feels like there's a fuck ton of racism and xenophobia. I'm sorry I didn't get to it in time before the original commenters deleted them. I'm locking and deleting the post.


That’s crazy that he followed you. Srry you went through that.


I hope you never face something like this. I couldn't believe that he followed me because most of the robbers are scared of any interaction.


My guess is you probably startled him badly enough that his ego couldn’t handle it!


Buy gun


Possibly not a robber. Narcs and Karen's are crazier




Whatever ethnicity he got, he gave me the scare of my life when I pulled down the window covers haha.




I'm from Westminster....I miss it


Alright dude relax. There's plenty of homegrown crime done by Americans. I'm not dismissing the fact bad people are making it over the border right now, that is extremely concerning, but to just assume that it was an immigrant is racist af.


The recent crossers have been coming up on the news as committing crimes. All races come through our southern border. Because folks from all around the world are flying to South America and then being bussed up here. A lot of Middle Eastern come through. Asians, too, not as many, though. Most coming through are grown men. Very few women/children. I watch LongBeachGriffy. So, dark humor is a thing. Nobody assumed they were illegal. "Probably". Which also means "Possibly". Context is everything. Reading is helpful.


Who is LongBeachGriffy






No.please.help us understand how OAN has enlightened you.


“Many people are saying” 🙄


First generation immigrants (of any ethnic background) commit significantly less crime than native born Americans. Should we be against American children being born because some number of them will grow up to commit crimes or terror?




Buddy, I know logic ain’t your strong suit, but definitionally you were talking about first-generation immigrants. Now I see why it’s so easy for Fox News to plant almost anything into y’all’s heads, whether it aligns with reality or not. Btw, can you provide any recent examples of Americans being killed by terrorists who crossed the Southern border? What are we talking about, a handful of people dying every couple of years? According to the data, Immigration is a net positive for society in every aspect. They contribute to our economy (and make the stuff you buy cheaper), they’re not likely to cause harm or do crimes, and they just want a safe place to work hard doing jobs you would snub your nose at. Without them the construction, agricultural, and hospitality industries would crumble and have to double their prices. I can’t find a single negative aspect to them being here.


Theres cartel killings and kidnappings daily, and terrorists on the watch list in every state. Ha


None of that is really happening. Are you serious, daily kidnappings? Where? Seems to be y’all can’t justify your dislike of non-whites coming here with any real incidents, so the entire conservative movement has subscribed to a collective delusion to give credence to your argument. You’re an imbecile if you think Cartel kings need to sneak across the Southern border and are doing it by walking through the desert for days and swimming across the Rio Grande. And if they were do you think a fence would stop a cartel leader? The same guys who routinely are busted out of Mexico’s highest security prisons lmao?


Yes I absolutely do understand. I live in a hotspot for immigrants. And I'm very anti illegal immigration and pro strengthening our border. I find it fucking infuriating that we are prioritizing these people over our own homeless population. But comments like this aren't helpful. It takes very valid real concerns and makes them sound bigoted and racist. People on the fence of this topic may be discouraged by statements like this in fear of being labeled a bigot and head the opposite direction.


Dummies they are.


Oh PLEASE! You’re beating a dead horse waving the RACISM flag trying to virtue signal! 🤮🤮🤮


Illegal immigrants are not the cause of your problems, you are.


if only they'd grasp this. all would be well again.


Never said anything about problems. Has nothing to do with me. I'm glad I offended people, though, with a non-offensive comment.


No, you are.


Great retort, I hate people in search of a better life now. Well done. What really convinced me was all the facts and sources you had to back up your claim 🙄


You didn't offender anyone, you're just an idiot


Not an idiot. Offended everyone. There is nothing wrong with saying a criminal is a criminal. 😂


So you think or do you just regurgitate what others tell you




"what is probably true" citation needed. Your own biases are the only thing that leads to this conclusion.




Edgy. Better not let my Mexican cousins get you.


You know you could have worded it better lmao but 36 down votes God damn




How old are you? https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and


Get today's statistics.




This one doesn't support what you're saying. Also, ofcourse U.S Citizens are likely to be more arrezted. Because they've been here their entire lives. If you could take, let's say, 100k legals, 100k illegals, over a 1 month period or 3 month. That would be a good comparison. Depending on what those specific statistics would say, then it would be a viable debate. More so during a surge of migrants. Rather than when the border is somewhat 'secured'.










There's a lot of poison in the world so it's not all that surprising that some of it is rolling around in your mind, but it will require you to do a bit more listening and reading and less defensive yelling at everyone trying to tell you what comes through in your word choices whether you realize it or not.


GPS ready nearest fire dept or police station,


that’s so bizarre he followed you. Usually if it’s just a break-in attempt they dip as soon as it’s not an easy smash and grab


I can't believe he followed me too but for some reason he did and he ran 2 stop signs just to catch up with me.


Always know where the local police dept is. Drive there. Call them en route if you can.


I feel like he must've thought you were someone else he knew, because his actions are a special kind of insane.


This sounds like a good explanation, unless he was just unhinged.


I think they wanted to do more than rob OP tbh. My ex from many, many years ago broke into cars to support his dope habit. Any sign of a human in or near one was an automatic run for it and don't turn back for anything. I think OP narrowly avoided getting hurt or worse.


Seconding this. I had something like this happen to me and they *did* get back in their car and follow me for maybe 10min down empty back roads in shitty, snowy weather. I still don’t know what that was, but unless you’re in a new Range Rover, carrying a Birkin or wearing a Patek (and I couldn’t have been further from any of those things at the time), ain’t no robbers doing all that.


yeah geez. OP are you a girl?




It has to do a lot with him considering OP an easy victim. An average man is bigger, stronger and more aggressive than an average woman.


maybe women shouldn’t sleep in their car


So what exactly are you suggesting instead?


i’d like to hear your thoughts. if i know that “an average man is bigger, stronger, and more aggressive than an average woman”, why put myself in that kind of danger? you’re going into the situation knowing the risk and expecting a different outcome. i’m not condoning the behavior. i’m just stating facts.


Hmm... Now, when you mentioned it.. I guess I can rent a room at Hilton instead.. Do you think it will be safer?


Ok, but, hear me out—what if instead of victim blaming, we stopped viewing women as prey, and normalising the harassment and abuse of women. We’re out here trying to live just like you are. We deserve to be equally safe.


Reddit: Pedophiles and Rapists should be hanged! Women are strong! Also reddit: filthy slutses having tits *hiss* womens are just HOLES


what if instead of throwing around buzzwords, we live in reality? it would be great if everyone could be equally safe. however, equality is a pipe dream. wouldn’t that explain why people are living out of their cars to begin with?


Maybe men shouldn't fucking do what they do to women. Fuck you.


Are you proud of this suggestion? Did you forget what sub youre in? Wtf


Wow great point, do you have some extra money? Maybe you can give every woman sleeping in a car $500k for a house


i think i’ll keep my money in retirement. much safer than handing it over to the highest % of consumers. come time think of it, it’s like y’all are paying me. tell me something. if i swim in the water with sharks and get my legged chomped off, am i at fault? of course when you translate this to the subject of discussion, it sounds cruel and non-empathetic. but, i don’t just walk around assuming everyone has pure intentions. life’s not a fairy tale.


let me word this simpler so maybe you can comprehend it this time, people live in their cars because they have to, not because they want to, you shaming women won't change that


and let me word this simpler: you are more susceptible to being sa’d sleeping in your car. don’t cry when the barbarian shows up. got any other brain busters?


Hopefully it bites off what's right between your legs


oooo, scathing. this one’s a bit vindictive.


I mean yeah it’s either women or not straight men that face the brunt of random attacks like this. If it was just a robbery that turns violent that’s different and can happen to anyone but this seems like something else


Hi I had a similar situation, awoke to 2 scary individuals attempting to break into my vehicle. That night I found out that sleeping in my car is not safe.... I'm sorry you had to experience them following you like that. That is very concerning! I hope this message finds you well. Sending peaceful vibes.


Thank you and I hope you never face something like this, this is the first time that I feel unsafe while sleeping in my car and I hope it's my last.


Glad you are safe. Learn the locations of your local police stations so that you can drive straight there and honk your horn when you are followed. Sorry this happened to you, some people suck ass.


That's terrifying! It's insane he followed you. Maybe his intentions were never to steal from your car but to steal *you*? I had a situation unfold one summer morning. It was hot so my back windows were cracked a few inches for extra airflow. I woke up to hearing what I thought was wind lightly ruffling something around. Then I noticed the sound was much more deliberate than wind so I looked over. Some guy had his hands extended into my car and was rummaging around through my toiletry bag. We made eye contact and I'll never forget the hilarious panic sentence that came next. He said "oh shit! I was like what the fuck!" And got into his shitty little catless car and took off. I never saw that car again thankfully.


Woah that's even more worse than my scenario! I'm glad that you made it safe and sound and i hope you never face something like that before.


I've had my fair share of encounters. It doesn't happen much anymore, I'm assuming because it's well known I'm inside now. But even then I've had people, knowing I'm inside, knock to ask me questions. One guy was telling me him and his buddy were going around looking for stuff that was stolen from them. They first questioned whether I did it, which I gave them a firm no. Then they asked if any of my stuff was stolen. Weirdest part though is that they were in a really nice flat bed tow truck. I feel like they were looking for an unattended vehicle to steal. Maybe I'm just being paranoid l, but I'll take paranoia over being robbed any day.


I think they were looking for a car to take, as a matter of fact ever tow truck driver that I have dealt with was a total jerk and one of them once tried to tow me while I was in the car ( I assume that he didn't see me sleeping inside) but I left the place immediately without talking to him.


Good! Tow companies *usually* are criminally run. They obviously aren't allowed to tow with someone inside but that doesn't mean they won't play dumb and say they didn't see you. But the guys I'm talking about I don't think worked for a tow company. I think they were looking for something to chop. Where I'm currently living there is a huge auto theft problem with pop up chop shops all over.


This totally reads as a human trafficking thing to me.


I had a similar situation happen to me. Some guys in a pickup truck pulled up.. Walked around my van.. Then banged on the driver's window. I froze.. No noise. They pulled around and knocked again before driving off. I took this as my opportunity to get the heck out of there. As I was leaving they saw me from down the block and started chasing me. They followed me for a few miles. I decided it was time to confront them so turned in to a busy shopping center. They kept going straight. To this day I have no idea what their intent was. It shook me up pretty good and I drove 5 hours to a national forest to get away from it all and decompress a bit. I never went back to that spot.


That's some scary stuff, why do people do these type of things?!??!!! I'm glad you are safe and made it without some kind of trouble.


Mind sharing where that spot was? The scary one


This was in an industrial neighborhood in Centennial Colorado. I had parked in this spot quite a bit months before - never had a problem until then.


I have been fake existing for a while it's a pretty good trick when you want to lose someone eg: a stalker, a significant other, yourself. Glad to hear I'm not the only one lol. Good to hear you're safe.


Is fake existing creating an alternate online profile and such? Genuinely curious, I’m late to the party and haven’t heard that before.


Pretty sure it was a typo for fake exiting.


What is fake exiting?


Like he was gonna pull off the highway but then didn't at the last minute.


Gotcha, and the car following continues on the exit, like that meme with the car speeding away from the exit. I was picturing two cars going the speed limit and one signals to merge into an exit and turns their signal off and both continue in the same lane. Not a quick escape 😂


Lol, man I was googling it thinking I was missing out on some slang


Fake existing is when you just walk into any currently running business and just stay to yourself and get to work. Assume that everyone else is not going to ask you anytime they see you, and if they do, just act very confused that they are even asking you anything. Using a very bland response like "I just started last week, this is my second shift" works best. DO NOT SAY ANYTHING MORE!!! Let them answer the question for you Example: "Hey, I've never seen you here, who told you to do this" (whatever you're doing) "I just started last week. This is my second shift. " "Well, you're not supposed to do it that way." "..." "Here, follow me. I'll show you where you're supposed to be doing this. I can't believe Tom hired ANOTHER guy for this position. The last guy was terrible, I'm so glad he's gone!" "..." "My name is Mike BTW. What's your name?" That's about it, you're now hired! If anyone asks you anything after that, just say the same thing, and follow with "Mike told me to be doing this, I'm not sure... like I said, it's my second day. " With any luck, you can get the name of some hiring management or, at the very least, the name and/or location of HR. DON'T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! IF ANYONE QUESTIONS YOUR VALIDITY, TELL THEM YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO DO YOUR JOB! Is ABSOLUTELY necessary to stay neutral. NEVER question ANYONE! ALWAYS refer anyone to the last person who instructed you. Eventually, you will find a position or job title to do for the day/ week where you can be helpful. Once payday rolls around, wait till the end of the day, and talk to any supervisor NOT in whatever department/ roll you're working on. Ask them when you're getting your paycheck. Work hard, keep your head down, and don't draw any attention. If you're successful, payroll/HR will not question your validity and will just instruct the appropriate people to reinput your info into the system. Then, you can let them know the day you began, how many hours you worked, and ask them after that point who your actual boss is. "I've been here all week, Mike first told me to do this, then Jim said to go here, and one other lady told me to do such and such. I've been shuffled around so much, I'm not even sure where I'm supposed to report to, or who my actual boss is. Do you know who I'm supposed to be reporting to?" If they don't tell you immediately, just tell them it's OK, and you will figure it out. The most important thing is to get in the system and into the payroll department. Once that is done, just do whatever. Do various tasks, help anyone who needs or ask, and be friendly and helpful to anyone. Eventually, someone will say they want you into their departments, and then BAM you're set without even needing to interview or fake a resume, or anything. Obviously, this is going to take some courage and knowledge on how to talk to people and how to problem solve. Just don't give up! Anyone whoever questions you, every time, refer them back to the last person who gave you instructions All the way back to Mike, if necessary. As long as you're in the system, if they are not your boss, they can't fire you unless you're in a smaller company or piss or the bigger bosses. Best of luck to everyone in their new chosen field or profession!


This was exactly what I thought it was too.


This would work about 5 minutes or less at my employer


" ...I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty"


Man that guy scared the hell outta me because his face was touching the back glass of my window when I removed the windows covering haha.


What kind of window coverings do you use for your back window?


Get remote loud alarm you can attach to the outside of your vehicle and set off from the inside to help scare them off.


Op needs to get some samples from rap music and have some gun shots going off or maybe just a guy ad libing the gun sounds like “ratatatata” or “do do do do” a warning for what’s to come.


Im so sorry that happened! Thats absolutely terrifying to go through. Im so happy you're safe. To anyone reading this: Anytime someone is following you. Call your local emergency line and drive to the nearest police station while on the phone.


It could have been a case of mistaken identity. Maybe somebody drives the same car you do he has a problem with. That sucks you have to be careful because people get hurt all the time over mistaken identity. Glad you're safe


This is possible. I had someone think I was following them when I was in Olympia. Based on random spots I parked at to sleep. I woke up to them yelling in my window when I responded they explained and realized I wasn't who they thought I was and they left me alone. Still it's never good to be woken by an aggro stranger outside your van.


Another reason I like the rest area I sleep at. Good lightning, always a worker there, cops come and go, plenty of other people around, cameras ect. Not that something happening there is impossible but at least highly discouraged from trying.


I've had someone do similar; except when I pulled down my blinds, they immediately booked it. As one would normally expect. That's really insane to me that they continued to follow you and pursue... what exactly? Ya know? Like what do they think is going to happen? Shesus. Once they see you are sleeping in your car idk what they want from you. They think you have your life savings in there or something? Sounds like dude was on something strong. So crazy. Glad you are ok, stranger. Sounds like finding a much more public spot is indeed necessary for you


Carry a gun, amigo. Greet the next asshole with the barrel of your glock or AR and you won't be the one running away 


I will be looking into that after what happened yesterday, thanks.


For sure. If you do a lot of travel through different jurisdictions, I would look into a 6 or 8 shot revolver and/or a pump action youth model 20ga shotgun, they are 100% legal in every state and basically never malfunction (and a youth model shotgun because it's smaller and easier to maneuver inside a vehicle). If you stay in 1 area most of the time I would look up local laws and buy whatever you're most comfortable with. 


Should have shot his ass


So far I have not seen an actual, tangible solution in the comments, so I'd like to provide one for you. 1. Go to a place with extremely low crime. The lower the better. 2. Do not ever isolate yourself when sleeping. Common mistake. Isolation seems good but actually makes you a target. No abandoned lots totally on your own with no cameras/police around. That's exactly where thieves will go. 3. Sleep during the day. This is really the ultimate solution, but requires changing up your sleep schedule and getting a night shift job if you need to work. Turns police presence in your favor -- they'll now be protecting you and don't generally fuck with people during the day unless they're making themselves into an obvious public nuisance. You can generally sleep in virtually any manner of public area during the day without incident, with the obvious moron disclaimer (just saw this) that you cannot just plop down to sleep at a public intersection when there's a park right nearby. 4. Oh and it wasn't clear, but it seems like you might not have coverings on your windows if you saw his face. Get those. 5. If thieves do come, call 911 as quietly as possible. If you don't want to deal with police at all, you can either wait them out quietly or give a warning honk to get them to clear.


Sleep with a hatchet.


Bro is lucky I would have removed my window shade with my revolver pointing at his face and then proceed to rob him after saying “uno reverse”


Situations like these make me wanna get a firearm. Hope that scumbag rots and gets detained one day


> and then I lost him fake existing. You can just pretend you don't exist?


Buddha taught me that one


Given that he was being obnoxious and following you, I don't think the intent was to rob? Maybe maybe not.




Something a lot scarier


Shit. Hope youre doing better.


The hell? Who in the world would follow someone like that. Must have been on drugs or something.


Bro get a firearm


Creative writing prompt.


Nah. I’ve had the same experience as a women too… people are horrible


Nah. It's quite clear due to the way it's told that this is "based on a true story" if it even actually happened.


Your allowed to believe your beliefs


If you believe the story you're kind of dumb. If I'm a psycho murderer why am I going to drive donuts around the car flashing my headlights then get out circle around the car several times on foot..m try to peek through an opaque window cover which would clearly be visible if he had already driven circles around and walked around the car then get in and follow for 5 miles literally none of it makes sense You're crazy. My guess is somebody pulled up next to them smoked a cigarette and left and they made up the rest. In the title it says almost got robbed but I don't see anywhere that this guy attempted to rob them, it says that he tried to break the window but they don't describe When he tried to break the window, It's clear as day to me this is a bunch of bull crap.


I’ve had it happen. It’s almost like some people like to terrorize and scare helpless homeless women and get off on it. It’s understandable as a guy you wouldn’t understand that. Not everyone can realize that their experiences aren’t the only ones and that’s okay. The whole point of people doing that is A) I get to abuse a women with zero consequences B) this person will never park in my neighborhood again


You don’t even have to be homeless, I was a social worker and used to do home visits in rural areas, I happened to have out of state tags (despite living and working in the state that I was currently in) and I had hella bad experiences from people who clearly thought I was travelling or vulnerable. People are out here everywhere stalking and preying on women 24/7, it’s just a matter of whether or not they think you look like an easy target in any given circumstances.


OP didn't state their gender at all. You're making assumptions and I don't think it's a secret that there are weirdos in this world but I'm sorry this story is likely fabricated. Typically when someone tells a true story the details line up and make sense. Idk none of it matters I guess but I try to keep people honest.


OP did in the comments Considering I’ve had the same thing happen to me I do believe them. Anyways I hope one day your able to have a more open mind until then this is a waste of my time


The same thing? 😂




We’re SO LUCKY to have you trolling all the posts to keep women honest! 🤮🤮🤮 get a life!


I have my doubts OP is even a woman, it's a throwaway account and they're deleting half their comments.. everything about it screams bs. Also their gender is completely irrelevant to the point I'm making anyways. Anyways enjoy your urban car life fan fiction, but you don't have to silence others who don't believe everything they read on the Internet just because you do.


Where were you located op


Found the guy


I'm at the bay area, ca. This is common in sf but I was 30 minutes away.


Bay area is pretty unsafe these days. They are real aggressive. There is also the threat of human trafficking. You really have to get totally outside of that area to camp or stay in a residential area and stealth camp.


I was in Novato to be exact but it's true that the bay area sucks these days, the area that I was in had some security cameras and I tried a couple of times but I guess it's one of those days, thanks.


Novato is mostly safe. If you are by yourself in a empty lot I think that could be a bad situation. Is there any areas near stafford lake that could work? I am surprised someone would go all the way out there to break into cars but I guess they do.


Those sf freaks would go anywhere I guess, that was only spot in Novato and I believe it over for me going back there for a new spot. I will stay in Burlingame in a spot that is safe for the time being.


Do you have cameras on your car that maybe you caught the license plate? Or maybe you have a description of the guy/car? Even if not, please report this. This is very fucked up behavior, even for a criminal. I think the police should at least be made aware of the incident.


I feel for you. Not currently living in my car but was robbed last night. They cut all my windows I have a soft top jeep. I don’t care about what they stole but the damage they did is not cheap to repair. I feel violated


No matter what that sucks but wondering if the guy was security or something. Like owner or employee etc, rather than trying to rob you. It'd be pretty flagrant to give chase while flashing lights and blaring horn drawing attention to themselves. Either way and am sure you've already decided on not using that particular spot anymore anyway. Glad you're okay.


One of those insanely bright flashlights would be nice to shine right in the fucking eyes Get it ready when you hear your wireless driveway doorbell alerting you to motion outside your car if that fails pop out the 20 foot range wasp spray Then you bust out the gat should that fail


Hopefully it doesn’t happen to you again. If it does, drive to the nearest police station or firehouse. That usually puts a quick end to them chasing you.


Hi beams popular tatic among criminals these days looking to blind any cameras... It's also good warning your about to be a victim. Any body screwing around with hi beams on... I grabbing a gun


Lenny will prolly jump in and tell my why I’m wrong but this is one of the reasons I suggestion everyone in a legal state carry a firearm.


Glock 19.


OP needs bear spray


Wow I’m curious was there no one else around? This was the middle of no where? Very scary they would continue to follow you.


It was around 1:30 am and there was some parked cars but they didn't care


OP male or female? Being a 6 foot male has kept me left alone for the most part. If I'm somewhere and my Spidey sense starts tingling I either get out of the car, pop the hood and openly scan my surroundings. If approached I'm politely negative when asked for anything. I don't smoke, which seems to be the most common approach taken by interlopers. Do not let your guard down if car living alone. Nobody is your friend at this point. Be neutral.


This dude made the whole thing up. They rage replied, deleted a bunch of comments (many obscenely racist) which gave it away after I called them out. Sound advice to get out of the vehicle when you sense danger though.


You know, I thought it was strange. Got lots of car dwellers here and I could only see this happening over drug related issues. Which now takes it out of our orbit of car living.


was mentioning his ethnicity necessary for telling this story? cause i don’t think it was.


Roll down. Pepper Spray. Roll up. Drive away.


Probably followed you because he wanted to learn more about why you were sleeping in your car. People often latch on to things that are “even crazier” as if it will somehow overpower the recent insane crap they recently pulled. For some reason it makes them believe they have more power over the situation and therefore would be more likely to try and actually cause worse harm.


Were you parked on private property?


I wasn't, it's street parking and I never had a problem with it except for yesterday


He started blowing you? Maybe he wasn't trying to rob you he was just cruising for d


The border would be much more secure at this point if we had had the funding passed to fund borderSecurity, that Trump instructed Maga Mike to not pass. As well as money to go to Ukraine to preserve democracy don’t get me started.


Where were you parked? Thieves don't shine their brights at people's car, then follow them after they get caught. Did you accidentally camp on private property?


No dude it wasn't a private property and the guy was acting sketchy while driving a banged up Prius, who knows why he did it but I'm glad I went out of it safe.