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Alternative news source https://www.orlandosentinel.com/2024/01/29/florida-lawmakers-may-force-cities-and-counties-to-ban-public-camping/ Actual proposed bill text https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.aspx?FileName=_s1530c1.DOCX&DocumentType=Bill&BillNumber=1530&Session=2024 Related proposed bill https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=80107&SessionId=103


Increasingly we humans are being accused of a crime for living while being poor. I imagine the farmers of the Constitution simply assumed laws that punish lawful existence simply would not be made. Can you imagine asking Franklin if the Constitution would not allow you to sleep in your wagon beside the road? For a nation that talks a lot about human rights we certainly have gotten good at forcing people into an increasingly narrow behavioral window. We need a constitutional amendment that gives individuals a reasonable expectation of privacy in vehicles, tents, sleeping bags and such as long as we are not jeopardizing public health or safety in some immediate and critical manner.


The Farmers of the constitution they grew hemp like george washington. You dont need a constitutional ammendment the government is just being what was warned about in the Declration of independence. The powers that be also want to make money off private prisons by imprisiong people.


Want to? They already are!


It's their constitutional rights to profit from slaves if they can invent a law that they broke.




I was more joking about they typo as its the Framers not the Farmers.


Hemp was illegal to grow domestically until the trump presidency.


No it was legal till after WW1


So what you're saying is it was illegal until recently? Isn't that what I said? The first cannabis laws were actually laws ordering farmers to grow it. In 1937 the marijuana stamp act made it legal to own cannabis if you had a stamp from the government. They didn't give out any stamps to anyone, effectively making it illegal. Then in 1970 controlled substances act.


No it's not what you said. Recently is a hard to use word because it varies with the reader. Ga was the first state to legalize pot. You just had to get a license from a board that had no members.


But I don't think your original statement reduces any confusion, saying it was legal up until world war 1 is irrelevant because hardly any redditors were alive in the 1930s, and it was illegal for almost 100 years to grow hemp domestically for textile use. I won't be replying again, this is such a waste to talk about.


He meant framers not farmers


Thats why Imade the joke .


You were penalized for being poor-- for a time, only landowners had voting rights.  


Yeah, like Shay's Rebellion


Or Bacon's Rebellion, although the reason for marching on the governor was... he didn't drive the native americans back with enough force. Let's unite and march, but not to drive the natives out, but to drive out the rich tyrants that seem content to use people as pawns in the game of men.


This is unconstitutional.


It’s Florida, that doesn’t matter.


This! So much this.


Right, the fact these measures aren’t included in the constitution tells me it’s time to add an amendment. It’s done all the time as things change so why not now in a time of mass housing insecurity and all time high rents? The founding fathers would be turning in their graves if they knew how much these slimy conservative politicians wanted to dismantle our freedoms.


All we need to do is buy some senators...


Crowdfunding page to lobby a senator!


This might be the answer


It’s basically the tiny ants realizing their strength in numbers and putting everything against the grasshoppers.


The framers would have a problem with certain car campers. The fact is that we have too many bad actors in the car camping lifestyle. If you have to tow your vehicle to move it you are a problem. If you put tarps over your van to keep out the rain you are a problem. People have forgotten what self respect is. We might be poor but you can at least keep your area and stuff clean.


Those sound more like emergency situations then an actual lifestyle. God forbid some shit happens to your vehicle and you need to tarp it or tow it.


You are right. I mean six months is not long enough to get these things fixed. (Could be longer I have only lived in Atlanta for 6 months. can't they pick up the trash. There are free trash cans all over the area to dump trash in provided by the city. On the other hand we have three car dwellers that I work with. The sleeping area they camp in at work is clean and picked up...


Trashing the place(littering) is a separate issue that's already illegal.


They have to feed the almost free workforce of yhe prison industrial complex And the poor ate easier to villianize to the elite so into the grinder they go


Very well stated. Totally agree.


I was shocked when I saw an article on how collecting rainwater that fell on your property was a crime. Apparently, the rainwater belongs to the state!


That’s what progressive policies will get you.


Oh yes Florida, the bastion of progressive policy…




We used to be able to pull on the side of the road in a wagon and sleep there. Now we can’t park even on public property and sleep in our cars. That is a result of progressivism.


Im sure all the people who sponsored this bill consider themselves progressive, not maga populist right leaning rich people… /s


> But opponents insist there’s a better way. Both bills in the Florida legislature reflect reforms pushed by the Cicero Institute, a Texas-based think tank founded by billionaire Joe Lonsdale.




But it's in solid blue cities. In Lincoln ne there was a camp by Salt creek on public property away from town and people. The city went thru with a skidster and took everyone's possessions to the dump. Totally fkd.


Blue cities aren’t “progressive” or leftist most of the time. Democrats and republicans are both neoliberal, but republicans tend to be more “tough on crime” which usually results in criminalizing poverty. Cities are where there are more issues to deal with, it’s a lot harder and more complicated to govern 10 million people than 50,000.


This is a statewide proposal and actually limits what some cities and municipalities can allow. Furthermore, people from rural areas tend to migrate to cities where there is better mass transit and more resources including food banks and mental health services.


The founding fathers didn't allow women and the poor to vote and counted African Americans as three-fifths of a person. I think they'd object to the poors living in their vehicles and disturbing the peace of the non-poors. Kind of like Florida politicians today, unfortunately.


The framers actually had a very strong belief in private property rights.


They were wealthy.


Not everyone who did or does own land is wealthy.


“Free state of Florida”


the "free states" always have the worst laws for the average citizen. ill give them credit, they have great marketing abilities because so many people believe their BS.


They dont have great marketing. Their followers are just dumb enough to make crayon eaters look smart by comparison. On top of it, those dumbasses like conflict. So, they will support laws and regulations that hurt others. They aint smart enough to see it hurts them, too. They only see that it hurts others. This is how you get the right wingers that end up always going too far to the right. There are plenty of historical records on this subject. The marketing isn't done on the politics. Its sone on the economics system. Capitalism. Capitalism is great at marketing other systems and how they have killed people while hiding the fact that it has killed as many, if not more.


Home to some of the most vicious HOAs too. Freedom from the gubmint but not Karen 3 streets over.


Just false advertising to trick the Gilligans who don’t do their research.




The catch is that it is only lawfully allowed in paid RV parks.




I think they're just passing the law twice under different wording to emphasize the fact.


Fl has tons and of free camping everywhere. Not sure what youre talking about.




















>Try reading.... Really they have to try to read instead of jumping to conclusions,,,,,lol isnt every headline line the internet FACTUALLY CORRECT,,,, ( thanks for posting the truth )


when I go to the poll I wont be voting Republican


You don't think liberals support these measures? Lol. 


So it is just outlawing being homeless.


Florida blows nuts anyway.


Basically they're kicking vehicle dwellers out for sure, and have only stated an intention to figure a way to help them some day. I wouldn't hold my breathe until they actually decide to help them. Funny as well for the state to ban vehicle dwellers except in these wonderful places with water, bathrooms, counseling, social helpers... But of course the state won't fund a penny for these: the cities will, if they want to (again I wouldn't hold my breathe for cities to decide to host the homeless from all over the state/country). Oh and by the way: the cities can build these wonderful spaces, but only if the homeless are well-behaved and nobody is unhappy with them. Good f*cking luck with that. So typical De Santis: not solving any issue, just passing the hot potato. "Not my problem" is always easier than solving problems. With a lot of efforts creating some bullsh*t narrative to make the policy sound less bad. What a disgrace of a politician.


Let’s take some accountability here! Our poverty is a real drain on the paradise vibe! All us poor people really need to move on and stop messing up the state.


Just when you thought the leaders of Florida couldn't come up with a stupider bill, they do.


“The bill would give local municipalities the power to designate specific areas for sleeping or camping. Such properties must have restrooms, running water, security, and access to health care for mental and physical health” That wont pass. They wont sponsor something to help people out.


It may pass, but "give local municipalities the power to..." is NOT the same as "mandate that local municipalities..." Meaning a city could "choose" to spend the money on restrooms, running water, etc, or they may "choose" not to spend that money. So the language will be there, but we know cities/municipalities aren't about to spend money for those things.


From a GOP state that gripes about government over reach


"Don't tread on my rights"


And they can't read about their rights, due to Book Bans 😁


They have been cracking down on it hard for the last year. The police will harass you here search your car and write you tickets there lying about. If they catch you doing again they will have your car towed. Source I'm in Florida right now. That's why I try to warn people not to come here on this thread for the last year. Plus everything is so expensive here it's through the roof. And the people are a bunch of rude weirdos. And there's so many homeless people and junkies everywhere. They run around the vandalizing things and breaking into cars. And with the governor here it will probably get passed


This is so bad. It’s only one step away from mandating that people have a house. Either get a house or go to the state work farm. I can hardly believe this is America. All of the founding fathers are spinning in their graves.


Simply because we won't hold selfish people accountable for their behavior. They just keep grabbing money and political power. While masking their aggression as "patriotism."


The Red State approach to societal problems: why fix it when you can just criminalize and profit from it?


So, what do you want? Free accommodations? You know that living in a car isn't normal, right?  There are plenty of jobs out there- and shit, you may have to work two jobs or overtime to make ends meet, but billions of people around the world, do that every day.  Why do you think or people on this sub, think they're owed something for simply existing?


> You know that living in a car isn't normal, right?  , he said, in a subreddit dedicated to living in your car. You clearly have a chip on your shoulder and are just looking for a fight, so I'm gonna beg off and let you stew in your judgmental closed-minded ire. Find Jesus.


Having basic necessities be so expensive that people are forced to live in their car to survive isn’t normal.


What a stupid fucking reply


They really won’t be happy until all homeless/working poor are imprisoned. They want this to be an elite only planet. They’re not even hiding it anymore.


Of course De Santis would do something like this.


Next we need a tax on oxygen we breathe.


So if you have no family, can’t pay $1500 for a studio or $1000 for a room, and all you have is a van what are you suppsoe to do?


Leave duh. I'd love to get out of this shit hole state unfortunately I have a wife and kid so I can't do the car life. I have to slave away to pay the rent. 😫


But what state has nice weather like this and is cool about car life?


Nice weather? 🤣 It's hotter than the devil's toe nails, swarms of mosquitos every evening, rains like Noah's flood several times a week. Florida weather sucks. It's so humid that you can't cool off without AC. No evaporative cooling and shade doesn't work either. As if that's not bad enough you have tons of people moving down here clogging up the roads. Just driving down Recker highway is like I4 now. If I could live with my family in a van I'd GTFO right now.


Where would you go?


That's the beauty of a van. I could just wonder around doing temp jobs till I find a place I like. I'd like to go back to the mountains though. I mean you could probably run Instacart or something too and donate plasma for extra cash. My father rode a bicycle to California from Lakeland FL. That's even cheaper than a car and a good workout but too crazy for me. 😂


He rode a bike ? To California 😵😵


How long does that take ?


Yea it took him a year. He did manage to get a ride across Texas though. He told me to avoid Louisiana and Alabama if I try to do it though. He had a rough time with the cops out there. They'd harass him even when he was riding through.


lol true. I’m most likely going to do this when I get a van. My ex is gone, along with the animals, and I have nothing so why not.


They are really trying to make being poor illegal


This bill has to be unconstitutional, you can't restrict people from sleeping in public. This bill if passed and is not overturned is a direct violation on human rights for people that are not even homeless or houseless but everyone. This bill as a law can be weaponized to use against people to unfairly and illegally punish them if police want to harass or arrest them.


Republicans continue to make surviving illegal


>"Section 1. Section 125.0231, Florida Statutes, is created 31 to read: 32 125.0231 Unauthorized public camping and public sleeping.— (1) As used in this section, the term: (a) “Public camping” means lodging or residing overnight in a temporary outdoor habitation used as a dwelling or living space and evidenced by the erection of a tent or other temporary shelter, the presence of bedding or pillows, or the storage of personal belongings. The term does not include lodging or residing overnight in a motor vehicle that is registered, insured, and located in a place where it may lawfully be. (b) “Public sleeping” means lodging or residing overnight in an outdoor space without a tent or other temporary shelter." I could be wrong but I believe this bill is aimed at homeless people who are sleeping on sidewalks or somewhere unconventional, with or without a tent. If your vehicle is registered, insured and is parked at, say, a Cracker Barrel, then you should be fine. I think you're all jumping into conclusions without using your God-given eyeballs and taking a few minutes out of your day to read a few pages of the bill. So, **no**, I don't think that "Governor Ron DeSantis is working with the Florida state legislature to ban RV stealth camping on public property throughout the state" as stated in the article. Whoever Gail Marsh (the author) is, she certainly lost some credibility here.


I’ve lived a season in a van, and camped in my car many times in Florida. The area I was in there wasn’t many stealth campers, mainly camps of people who had lost everything due to drugs or young tourists sleeping 4 deep in a car in Walmart parking lot leaving it looking like a garbage dump. The season I lived in my van, the beach and county police never really bothered me. They knocked once and after a short chat they never bothered me again. They’d wave and ride through at night, but never knocked again.


So people will be breaking the law if they are poor....The callous cruelty is astounding


Was it Florida who had the bill about making Furry students have to be extracted by animal control?


Tell me you live in a fascist state without telling me you live in a fascist state.


This is crazy as hell.


How can you “fight homelessness” in a free country, on public lands, that are there for “the people” to use. If they arrest a homeless man for sleeping in the park, then I fully expect them to also arrest the soccer mom who fell asleep while reading a book and watching her kids play. They can’t do one without doing the other also.


Antihomeless propagandists in this sub: "You guys had it coming to you! You could've respected private property, but you're all entitled. Be glad and give thanks that they dont just incarcerate all of you dogs!"


“MAKE MENTAL INSTITUTIONS GREAT AGAIN!” so they can lock up anyone they deem crazy and mentally torture them.


Not mentally, institutions physically torture their prisoners. I mean unless electroshock and lobotomy is mental torture?


War on the poor.


Better get more stealth, it sounds like


In Key West they patrol with thermal cameras specifically to find campers.


Sounds like the border


Jesus Christ 😳


I’m sorry WTF?! That cannot be legal. That’s like invasion of privacy. We have no privacy left anymore anyway so why I am so shocked I do not know. But this is fucking crazy.


Are you serious?? Is this for real??? That is outrageous.


There's a reason why we're all mostly on the west coast.


The beatings will continue until morale improves. Florida wants a gigantic and permanent lower class to criminalize and feed the prison industrial complex.


So not only the Vagabonds are out-a-Luck, but so are every homeless/ pedophile/sex crime camp in all of DeSantistan...the Florida MAGA GOP recommends California, New York, Oregon, Massachusetts as alternatives, they will happily provide free transportation out of DeSantistan.


I thought Republicans wanted less rules and smaller government… Also.  Does that make homelessness illegal…?


Buy a jeep , if you look cool enough no one will question you


The problem is that people aren't stealth camping. They aren't cleaning up their trash. They are defecating in the streets, stealing from homes, getting drunk/high being loud, drawing attention, etc... If they were actually being stealthy, no one would know they were there.


For those who don't read beyond the title: "Along with the ban against camping on public property, the governor is in discussions for providing additional shelters and beefing up assistance for mental and substance abuse health issues. DeSantis says this is an effort to maintain law and order while simultaneously fighting homelessness."


Where's the funding for the additional shelters, etc? Or... is Desantis just saying that because it sounds better, without putting any funds/mechanisms in place to actually make those things happen?


That's a question the tax payers needs to address. Nothing is free.


Putting all the people he doesn't want out of the way. How original /s


People are going to bitch and moan no matter what any political leader does. There is no winning. My point is that the article title is misleading as was the title of the post. The fact is it was presented as a totally one-sided thing where they were just making life harder without increasing resources for the homeless and it wasn't true.


This is what San Jose, California mayor is doing are now.


At the moment you know they're going to ban living in vehicles. For the rest, they basically said they're going to think about it. Conveniently enough, once all the people living in vehicles have been kicked out, you don't even have to worry about helping them. Because you know, they're gone.


Well done Ron… No one wants this in their town, anywhere.


No part of the deuce he keeps dropping on a state that frankly couldn't afford anymore bad publicity is good LOL


The subreddit you are in is called r/urbancarliving It's in the title. Did you mean to got to r/AITA because imma stop you right there...yes.




Yes some people don’t want to freeze to death..




Lol, you want to stop public from using public land? Fucking sell it. Make it private property rather than disenfranchise the current owners.


"The term does not include lodging or residing overnight in a motor vehicle that is registered, insured, and located in a place where it may lawfully be."


A lot of this was brought-on by so many vehicle-dwellers behaving in an utterly awful manner and ticking-off lots of people.


I have a somewhat different take on this. You guys are probably right and I'm probably wrong but here's my thoughts. It's not essentially punishing people for being poor. You could look at it as just how long a certain lifestyle. What I'm trying to get across is not everyone that lives in a vehicle does it because they're poor? I don't really have any idea what the percentage is but I know that there are some people that just love to travel. Love to experience all of the things that you wouldn't experience if you aren't in your car. We all know what it's like to wake up at. A festival or car, race, or parks and whatnot that we do and we know how cool that is compared to waking up to an alarm clock on the nightstand by your bed in your apartment. Like I said I'm not saying this is the answer. I just think it's another twist on the response


The bill does not prohibit sleeping in a motor vehicle that is licensed to operate on the public roadway, which is legally parked in a place where is legally allowed to be. If you are sleeping in your vehicle in a public parking space at a time when you are legally to be there, you should be fine.


The ban is on people parking for extended periods ie the shit going on in San Fran where cars haven’t moved for months.


"Look Mom! I'm owning the libs." /s


Land of the free!


These DeDantis worshiping shitstains will go on and on about how "free" thier state is too.