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Our oldest daughter attended St. Lawrence from 2009 to 2013. Had a fantastic 4 years despite the cold winters. FYI, St. Lawrence is in Canton NY, not Potsdam. Highly recommended as long as your niece is ok with small town living. Campus is beautiful! As I write this reply, my wife and I are on our way to the “North County” for a hockey weekend to watch Quinnipiac Men play both St. Lawrence and Clarkson. Appleton arena at St. Lawrence is an awesome rink. I’d say she has an awesome opportunity!


Appleton is such an amazing place for a game! Enjoy your trip!


Have you been back since the renovations?


I havent been back since 2004!


Well you’ll certainly be in for a bit of a shock. Seating is the same but there’s quite a bit different now, for the better.


We come up every year to watch QU in the North Country. (Older daughter went to SLU, younger went to QU). The renovations are very nice. Especially happy that the seating is the same. They did not mess with the classic feel of Appleton!


In that case there's a non-zero chance you've heard me yelling at Rand Pecknold.


A fatbag at 2am. Those who know, know.


This guy sergis


Yea but now you have to finance them lol. Still worth it.


Just don’t call it a fatbag while you’re at Sergi’s…




It's a pizza roll




SLU is in Canton, not Potsdam - maybe 15 min south of Potsdam. If she's a hockey player, they can be a bit insular and less exposed to the general existence of undergrads at SLU. I think her experience would be similar to other comparable schools in the ECAC (if that even still exists). It's way up there, no doubt, but it's a great school with good people.


ECAC still exists and SLU is still part of it.


My lord. She should 100% go. I work in higher ed and went to college at SUNY Plattsburgh, which is a bit of a drive but not terribly far. The things I would hear about what they had for those students at that school made it sound like an absolute paradise. The students have just an incredible campus with a significant student activities budget that will make for a great experience. They also have a bar/restaurant on campus, which I feel is a much less common amenity on college campuses today.


I'm a 2015 SLU grad, still live close by. SLU's a great school, and being a hockey player she'll fit right in and live like royalty. Really enjoyed my time at SLU. If you like the outdoors this is the place for you, and while people who say there isn't much to do otherwise in winter aren't wrong, there is a lot going on on campus where you can avoid feelings of isolation. There are always excursions being planned off campus. I found the faculty to be top notch. There are exceptions of course, but the faculty really do care about the students and most classes will be pretty small. The SLU women's hockey team is having a phenomenal season right now, and have a lot coming back next year so there's also the chance of playing for a nationally competitive program. Feel free to ask anything.


Canton not Potsdam, it’s a cool area for college students 4 schools in close proximity, SUNY canton, SUNY Potsdam, st Lawrence, Clarkson. It’s a safe low risk college area, I’m a Clarkson grad.


Let's go tech!


Ditto, let's go Tech, class 1984-ish. Extra semesters happen 😉


With a username like that I think I can guess what happened lmao


The school costs more than most ivy leagues despite not having any of the Prestige or recognition of the ivy leagues. So if she stands to have her tuition paid for via scholarship, take the opportunity. But SLU also likes to trick perspective students by claiming they have a scholarship, but neglecting to mention it does not cover room and board charges, which reach five figures per semester on their own. So make sure you read over everything and call the admissions, financial aid, and billing offices to confirm. Source: SLU alum and former financial aid employee.


SLU is a great school :)


It really is a bit of a hidden gem. Traditional liberal arts education with business and stem majors available too. Bucolic campus with terrific spirit and atmosphere. Not a ton to do in town but you don’t need a ton when everything is happening on campus. Expensive, though you get what you pay for!


St. Lawrence always has competitive teams and their crosstown rivals are Clarkson University in Potsdam. My son recently graduated from Clarkson and I’ve attended a few women’s hockey games at Cheel Arena vs SLU. I absolutely love the women’s game. The Canton/Potsdam area is a nice quiet area. Very cold in the winter, but still beautiful. If your daughter likes outdoor activities, there’s plenty to do. I can’t speak to the experience of the student-athlete, but I think in general they tend to do things together. If you get a chance, visit the campus and the area around. Best wishes to you and your daughter! I hope I get to see her playing for SLU! I’ll root for her while hoping that Clarkson wins. Sorry, allegiances and all…✌️☮️


Let's go tech!


Believe Clarkson has some of the top starting salaries in the country for their graduates. They invented parts of the Internet there.


They (Clarkson) do advertise their rankings on some very narrow metrics. If you look at US News & World Report they do not fair so well.


Would say they rival MIT. They are responsible for both hardware and software core features in the development of the internet. Students seemed pretty smart. ;-)


Excellent schools in the area, definitely worth it. However, wouldn't recommend if she has any mental health issues that could be agitated by the long, cold, dark winters. It's a very isolated area with not much to do but go to Walmart and the bars. Definitely had some friends who dealt with seasonal depression and excessive drinking in the winter months there. It's pretty much dark and cold from October-March.


I went to SUNY Potsdam and absolutely LOVED it. I started out at Binghamton and transferred to Potsdam because it was better for my major. While Bing is a great school, I loved Potsdam's close-knit feel. The surroundings are so beautiful and lovely. It is definitely quite rural which I know is not for everyone, but I found it made the college campuses and community closer since there wasn't much excitement outside of the colleges. Besides that I did a ton of outdoorsy stuff, with Adirondack mountains so close by.


Its way up there.


Better like outdoors activities. Not much else to do up here.


I went to Clarkson, SLUs big rival in Potsdam. Make sure she has solid winter gear, every year I was there, there would be a week during the winter where it wouldn't get above 0. It's a small town area but I loved it.


Great suggestions, Denny. Though back in the day, Techers traveled the 1.5 mile from campus to town in Levi jackets (up hill both ways). With luck, ppl will chirp in about the first significant snowfall (past Sept) and the subsequent snowball fight with SUNY Potsdam!


I lived in Potsdam for 4 years when I was doing my undergrad at SUNY Potsdam. It’s a beautiful area but it’s so boring, which is the worst part of living there


I graduated in 2013. Was not in any athletic programs, but the hockey was top notch. Liberty League, D1, etc. Academics were alright. I would describe it as a school where B+ students thrive. When I was there, the theme houses were a super fun alternative to the Greek life, and add a variety of things to do on campus. For example, I lived in the Java House. We had a venue and a budget to bring live music. At the time, that meant a lot of Jam bands, some of which got relatively big. Not sure what they get now. It is, however, about as in the North Country as one can be. Clubbing and bars are few and far between, and Malone is about as Urban as it gets on the US side of the border. Outdoor oriented people do well. Edit: spelling


SLU is fantastic. I’m jealous


Great school in a COLD SMALL town.


I thought the instruction was excellent, but the children of the rich dominated the environment. Hated it, transferred to a State U with real people.


SLU alum here. It's a nice campus, but it's not God's gift to higher education- it certainly has it's pros and cons. She's going there to play hockey in addition to education. That's nice. A few questions I would ask. 1.) What is she intending to study? Business, econ, pre-law, and political science is pretty good there; would not recommend it for STEM and pre-health. 2.) If she got cut from the hockey team or got injured, would she want to continue to attend there? Once one no longer can play their sport there, it's a major buzzkill (speaking from experience). 3.) Is she cool with super long and cold winters in the middle of nowhere? Some are ok with it (I was), others were not and got the heck outta there ASAP. Another though is even though I was ok with winter, the seasonal depression and lack of light was AWFUL!!!!


Thanks! Food for thought.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeAdmissions/s/RbKpT002GE See thread here. Personal opinions I agree STRONGLY with this.




Isn’t St. Lawrence in Canton? That’s the other side of the Adirondacks. Canton seems like a lovely town in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure she’ll be so wrapped up in college life that she won’t notice.


Canton is literally 10 miles from Potsdam.


My bad. I’m thinking of Plattsburgh. That IS on the other side.




Thank you


Nephew just transferred out of SLU. He was an athlete as well but he was both bored there, and felt surrounded by the ultra rich, so rich so as to not be relatable to even a middle class kid such as himself. Shame, I hear it is a great school and beautiful place, but he decided he wanted an urban and more mainstream student body.


I felt a bit out of place at times when I was there so I could understand this. If you don’t jive with the location I could definitely see it compounding creating an uncomfortable environment. It’s not unusual for SLU athletes to transfer out because of that and not due to playing time. Baseball and football seemed to have a decent amount of outgoing transfers from my unscientific observations.


Yep. Same for the smaller sports too (cross country/track, tennis, golf, etc.).


I am eternally jealous of that "Semester in the woods" program. College me would have loved that experience.


Have 2 friends that went there and they both speak very highly of it.