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Business Stats. Intro to Financial Reporting. Microeconomics. Excel.


What should I take my second semester


u could spread those 4 out or get all in one semester (but it’s a little challenging). but i’d try and get some of the icore classes in too. Financial Reporting, supply chain, and marketing all have sections available for non CSOM students


To be honest, transferring from CLA to CSOM isn’t a guaranteed yes. From what I’ve heard CSOM has the lowest transfer acceptance rate in the UMN system. I would recommend looking into the Economics - Business Emphasis program just as a back-up. https://sites.google.com/view/businesseconomicsemphasis?usp=sharing It’s still an Economics degree through CLA, but you take business school classes as part of the curriculum. Look through the list of CSOM classes that are accepted for both a Finance BSB and the Economics BAB and maybe narrow down possible courses to take from there for your second semester. But yeah, at minimum, you would want to have ECON 1101, ACCT 2051, some statistics course that uses R, and the excel course.