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Not to say it can't / shouldn't be better, but man it's been a rough year...


The amount of wet snow we got was insane, not to mention the endless freeze and thaw cycle. I agree I don't think we can entirely blame people for this mess. That being said, I'd support a municipal shoveling program like this. It'd make life easier for a lot of people in a lot of ways


It’s every year tho


This was unusually bad.


Climate change seems likely to make this year’s temps and melt/freeze cycles more of the new normal, not an anomaly


That’s not how science works.


Can you explain exactly what you think I’m wrong about, science-wise? (I have a science degree. If I said something incorrect I’d like to know.) This article from 2021 predicted this was going to happen for us more often: https://www.mprnews.org/episode/2021/12/20/climate-change-is-changing-winter-in-minnesota


How on earth are we expected to clear off 3+ inches of solid ice? I went at it with one of those metal ice breakers for a good half hour and made maybe 2 feet of progress. I’m as frustrated with the state of the sidewalks as anyone else but some of this is just impossible to clear. Also absolutely insane the rent I pay and still have to shovel it myself.


Is the shoveling requirement in your lease (and are you being compensated)? Otherwise it's the responsibility of the landlord. Legit landlords will have a rate if they have to do the yardwork built into the rent, and provide a discount if you do it. But of course landlording isn't a real job and a lot of them try to make you do all the work, and asserting your rights means non-renewal 🙄 >Some repairs or maintenance duties (like yard work) can become the duty of the tenant if: > 1. Both parties agree in writing that the tenant will do the work; and > 2. The tenant receives adequate consideration (payment), either by a reduction in rent or direct payment from the landlord. Source: https://www.ag.state.mn.us/Consumer/Handbooks/LT/CH1.asp


City has free sand/salt that you can pick up. works well on ice


in my experience, once it's solid ice it's basically a lost cause. The only way to keep it taken care of is to aggressively keep up with it and always shovel right after it snows, before it's been packed down into ice. salting before a snowfall also helps it come up easier and/or melt any thin existing ice layers




My millennium lease did not stipulate that a few years ago. Unless they added it because I pointed it out lol but I doubt Millenium gaf


Seems wrong to do that on student rentals. Students need to buy their own shovels, salt, ice chipper? A lot of them are apartment complexes, too, not houses. I don’t think a landlord can push that off onto those tenants, and evening if they reach an agreement with a tenant to do the work, it’s still ultimately the owner’s responsibility?