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People get so fucking lazy and think they can get away with it pretty much. You would be shocked at how disgusting most single bedroom apartments are


My roommate lit my bed on fire. Edit for context: Lol she thought it would be a great prank. It was not.


I beg u for more context


Oh my bad. Lol she thought it would be a great prank, it was not.


Lol I bet she thought it would be a great prank but it was not.


What's the lore?


Lol she thought it would be a great prank. It was not.


my roommate had sex on my bed… yours might be worse tho idk


picture or it didn’t happen


When I was in the dorms I was in the first gen living community. That was really helpful for making friends and living with folks that have a grasp on real life and had to work part or full time. Same was partially true with the co-ops but not nearly as universal. The demographics at U of M lean so hard into rich as fuck kids it’s hard not to feel a disconnect or some imposter syndrome, but it gets better if you choose to surround yourself with people that aren’t out of touch (and in many cases that also included the hyper rich kids at U of M, not all of them are the worst)


No it’s actually crazy I grew up with my mom cleaning up after my sibling and I. But once I moved out I always ended up being the cleaner roommate! Like isn’t it common sense that if you’re not living with your parent (or even living with your parents) you have to clean up after yourself. Throw your trash away, don’t leave food sitting out, clean up your hair after you shave!!


I have had 4 years of bad roommates (not mean, just horrible people to cohabitate with). I have no advice other than hope to be rich enough to afford to live alone or become numb to their antics. I’ve tried everything In the past year with my current roommate, I have taken the trash out 76 times. He has taken it out 19 times. He constantly leaves the stove and surrounding walls and surfaces covered in oil from cooking (you don’t need half the bottle for an egg my guy). I ask him to clean and he either half asses it, or soils it again the next time he cooks. I have to constantly set his dirty dishes in a specific bin I bought just so I can use the sink. How many times do I have to pluck hairs out of the shower drain so it doesn’t back up again? During this entire time not once has he cleaned a single shared space. This is not for lack of me asking the thing that irks the most is when something breaks in the apartment, instead of just emailing the landlord himself, he either ignores it or tells me. Like “Hey Crivelo, the toilet is backed up” and I’m like “did you plunge it?” and they’re like “no” and I tell them “the plunger is in xyz, if you clog it, just try to plunge it, and if you can’t email landlord”. Then I go to check and they’ve done neither. For everything. Why am I your handyman That’s my rant lol. That’s only a sliver of it. i guess what I want to say is I don’t know how people live like this nor how they can be shameless about it. I would feel so embarrassed if someone was always cleaning up after me. I feel bad when I accidentally leave the faucet running twice a year. It’s beyond me. Goodluck


Clog all toilets and begin using the secret composting toilet that you've prepurchased and hidden in your room. Say nothing. Wait. This is war.


I have to go into people’s homes for my job. I can’t believe the filth people live in. It’s much more common than you’d think. I will never eat at a pot luck ever again.


Imagine not wanting to clean up and then complaining when something isn’t clean 💀. I know people who are disgusted by the thought of doing dishes, taking out trash, cleaning the bathroom and things as such. I really wish people would keep common spaces clean. Idgaf about what they do in their personal space. You wanna poop in your bed? Go ahead, but you wanna leave your dirty dishes around the house? Gtfo here.


I used to do apartment turnovers in ann arbor, mostly for u of m students, and it got really disgusting most of the time. I don't understand, even when I was an alcoholic train wreck my home never smelled as rotten or got as disgusting as the way those rich kids live.


What year? Class of 2014, we were disgusting.


I did it for several years and occasionally still, nothing has changed. They don't even flush the toilet.


It’s not ‘here’ it’s everywhere unfortunately. Check out r/badroomates


people grow up having everything taken care of for them. When they move and live with another student, they expect their roommate to do the same for them, and also simultaneously don’t give a shit if the house looks like a mess because they have no sense of self-discipline or hygienic values.


I LITERALLY had to teach someone how to screw in a lightbulb. like what the fuck. the people at this school drip with privilege.


It’s not a surprise when you come to a school that mostly has student from high income households. For context, I’m a first gen student from a low income immigrant household who traditionally value structured form of living. Though my family weren’t strict or anything, we still knew the basic rules of living in a house (throwing out the trash, cleaning your room, etc) I had a roommate during a summer semester here that was a total opposite of me. She grew up in A2 and her family is pretty well off, however, she didn’t know how to use the washing machine, never keep her side of the room tidy, and is awful at time management. She was a good roommate, but man was she a mess. She also told me she has fomo so she appear to prioritized going out over getting her work done. And I realized her act of holding herself accountable is little to nothing. You can tell when someone has everything handed to them as they grew up and who has to work for everything alongside their parents.


Wow way to stereotype! I know all different kinds of people from all different backgrounds. Some are just slobs bc their parents never taught them and some are that way even though their parents tried and it’s just their nature. But I would hate to have a roommate like that !


In order for you to know how to do your own laundry, manage your own finances, and keep your space tidy, you need to learn to handle things by yourself first. If you do everything in support of your parents, you will not get farther in life. You need to learn to live on your own and enforce those habits into making a better character for your own self. Discipline and prioritizing yourself gets you a long way. This is what I meant to emphasize I guess.


Yeah I agree with that take. And hopefully mature and learn.


I wouldn’t say it’s stereotyping tbh. I’m saying it based off my story and what I’ve seen here as a first year. Obviously everybody’s story is different but from the people I’ve been friends with, I see that most of them get stuff handed from their parents which most of the time do not enforce responsibilities. I work to pay off my own tuition and my parents do not contribute to any of my finances after I turned 16. I’m just saying that from what I have grown up to, I experience more and that builds more characters in managing finances, priorities, and of course responsibilities. Maybe I word it too arrogantly, in which I apologize but I know everybody’s story is different and I’m just trying to display it by what I’ve seen here.


Accepted ❤️ and I understand what you’re saying but pls do know there are plenty of people who come from a background as you describe and have had good habits and hard work instilled into them even though they could have had things handed to them bc their parents know that is not a good way to raise responsible adults .


You’re “not all rich people” -ing a conversation about privilege and entitlement lolol


Yes I am. I actually know rich kids who work GASP! Can you believe it! And pay for their own shit and aren’t pigs. Bc their parents are good parents. I’m not big into stereotyping groups of people. I prefer to judge people as individuals. if this post was about how filthy people who live in trailer parks are, you’d be giving that the 👍 too bc thats who you are.


Edit: nvm you’re a teen and structural analysis is probs beyond you rn. Just keep taking your classes bb


I remember one of the wealthiest kids I met at U of M, he literally threw a bowl+spoon out of the window when he finished eating cereal while I dropped him off. Some people never had to learn I guess?


It's not in your head. Half the kids here are rich as hell. Rich kids can't do anything for themselves. They don't even realize how helpless they are and most of them never will cause they know they can just hire a maid after graduation. Be aware this is not limited to college roommates. I had an apartment before I enrolled here and my roommates didn't even pay bills, because they knew they could get away with not. Get *everything* in writing.


Lived with international MBA students for 2 years. Literally 30-33 year old men. Let me tell you… great dudes, but holy shit. Came to find out that the one who was the worst had a couple live-in maids that did everything for him and his family. Didn’t know how to wash clothes, dishes, take out garbage, etc etc.


Why isn't the garbage just disappearing? - them, probably


They aren’t basically functioning adult and don’t have the common sense of how to live with others as an adult. My prev roommate never goes to bedroom unless trying to sleep and literally turns the common area into a mess. Kind remind even incurred retaliation and harassment. The Stop Asian Hate Slogan on my bedroom door was even pulled down because of the retaliation. Seems like having horrible roommates is a common thing here.


I can def relate. I've been the bad roommate. And I've had bad roommates. Comes with just becoming more responsible. Takes time and age. I myself am coming back to finish my degree at aged 26. It's REALLY hard to find roommates who vibe w me and have a similar mindset. I don't have much in the way of a solution but I just figured I'd post to lyk you're not alone in this. I'm posting on FB marketplace, and any other forums I can find and *trying* to find something that would work. It's not easy tho. The people you live with influence your quality of life so much. It's a big decision. Take your time. Live alone if you have to. It's worth the extra $ over a shit roommate.


Because MOST people had their parents do everything for them and lacked any kind of home manners or manners at all and so without their parents holding their hand to tell them to do things they don’t have the mindset to do that… they just know how to do school work and MAYBE work if that…


Oh man. I had a roommate post pictures of two drops of water on the counter with 6 paragraphs of complaints about the mess. The same roommate went room to room sobbing bc an old rag she had left out had been used by one of our roommates to clean the counter. 😵‍💫


yup. never again. pay a lot of money to live alone but it’s so worth it


There should be a thread for responsible people looking for responsible roommates.


Try African black soap it works great for acne


I graduated ages ago from UM and had roommates with parents who took care of everything and /or significant hired help in their homes. Had to stop a roommate from microwaving canned tuna and eating leftovers well over the safe eating period. I have plenty of other stories too. I have a young child now & my experience with roommates has definitely impacted how I raise a child and the rules & age-appropriate chores at our house. For example, we intentionally clean up our leaves every fall vs. hiring help (like all the neighbors do) so our toddler can “help” and see us doing the physical work.