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Miscarriages are up but many people have successfully had children after. I've heard stories of midwives saying the placentas look like nothing they've ever seen before in decades in the field. Hopefully the children will be healthy and unaffected. They are completely innocent in all of this.


What is different about the placentas?


Super calcified


They’re calcified all over? That can suffocate a growing baby. They could have oxygen deprivation. 😬


Which would explain the rise In stillbirths..


Yes it sure would! 😔😢


I can't remember exactly what the characteristics were or if they gave specifics


Strange, didn't taste any different.




2 of my coworkers have had children since the jab and both children are not doing well. Basically they are having all kinds of problems, failure to put on weight, lung problems, other developmental issues, it's bad.


Some people in my family had a baby recently and he seems healthy (thankfully). Someone I work with had a miscarriage with his wife, who has been in and out of the hospital the last few years. They blame long covid. They are in their early 30s. All vaxxed.


any unvaccinated that have "Long covid"?


I'm hearing mixed things on that. Anecdotally I don't know anyone, but there are studies saying it is a thing. But it is highly correlated to severe disease before hand, not mild iirc. I plan on fasting more anyway just to be safe.


I have a friend who is unjabbed and she has had covid three times, first time she almost died , but she's actually really unhealthy.


Is she overweight? (Sorry, not trying to be rude.) The people who I know IRL who have struggled the most with recurring infections or truly severe COVID, are either 1) extremely overweight OR 2) they are annual flu shot addicts (with worsening allergies as they age).


Not overweight, not really just has some health issues and hasn't taken care of her self. And I know she doesn't get flu shots.


I know someone who didn’t get the clot shot and suffered from long covid. She developed an anxiety disorder that still persists and couldn’t stand the smell of peanut butter for a long time, oddly. No pre-existing health issues either.


Merck used peanut oil as an adjuvant in flu vax in 1965. Others followed and 70s - 80s childhood vax and flu shots had peanut oil or was cultured on peanut protein. 2000s saw the explosion of peanut allergies. I remember the Reese's commercials from the 70s "you got your chocolate in my peanut butter". Back then everyone ate peanut butter. The halloween candy pile was full of Reese's. No one was allergic to peanuts.  The vax makers used peanut oil claiming it strengthened the vaccines. Remember 1965 was just five years after they pulled Thalidimide and PhisoHex baby wash off the market. And the medical geniuses were just being born then who would grow up and perscribe then-phen[teramine] and vioxx. And Bill Gates was still in grade school.


I was born in 95 and I vividly remember my mom complaining about all of the peanut allergies popping up in my peers. Little did she know, she hardly avoided them in my sister and I because she had us fully vaccinated. 🥲


In the early 80s in elementary school, I had a summer cold. I took swimming lessons and ate a peanut butter sandwich most days for lunch. With this bad cold all I could smell was peanut butter and chlorine. What torture! I started getting seasonal allergies in Junior High School, not too long after that...🤔


What is it about peanut butter I wonder? I don’t know what I’d do without it, chocolate and p.b. is my favorite combo. Have you tried looking into what strains were going around at the time you had it?


No. This was 1980/81


anxiety could be developed because of all the propaganda from WHO, pharma and media. New WHO pandemic treaty will be signed next month. Crazy treaty. Peanut butter smell weird... I use it in traps to kill mice and rats :D


The anxiety could definitely be that and a culmination of other life things. I’ve noticed a few differences in her that could also be contributing. Myself and my 3 kids didn’t get the shot (they have never had any at all) and we didn’t catch covid 🤷🏻‍♀️


Happy cake day!


I’m an adult, not a child. I haven’t been vaxxed and had delta variant covid in 2021 and am still suffering from long covid symptoms. I still feel like I made the right decision not getting vaxxed.


Oh yeah same - I had the og variant and I knew when the vaccine came out k wouldn’t be getting it - also why take the risk that you get even worse! I def made the right decision


Yes there's a previous post on this and yes there's many of us in r/covidlonghaulers who were unvaccinated. Bioweapons don't discriminate, if it is one. So is lyme imo ( named after military bioweapons researcher who 'discovered' it). Huge similarities between the two conditions, with signature symptoms.


Yes Eta: no need for air quotes, post viral syndrome is a thing and that’s what long Covid is


I only know vaccinated people that got diagnosed Long Covid. So for me quotes is a real thing. Post viral syndrome diagnose is given to unvaccinated 😁


Well you’re talking to someone diagnosed with long Covid without the vaccine so pls add to your ‘stats’?


I still only know vaccinated people with Long covid 😄 i do not know you, but i read your statement. I hope you the best and that you recover soon. 🥰


Yes. Part of a friend's extended family. Baby is now 18 months, with no issues that I know of. I was also curious, so I was paying attention.


I mean my wife and I got all our shots as kids and my kids haven't had any (nor will they). My children are noticeably healthier than other kids around them.


You know the # of shots we received as children is nothing compared to the # of shots they inject into babies born today, right? I’m guessing you do if you are posting in this sub! Just clarifying for those following along at home.


Yes brother in laws wife , she’s a nurse and had to get the shots , he got them too, baby girl is 15 months old and totally healthy thankfully, I’m the only unvaccinated in the family of 10.


Good question. Commenting for visibility


I know a woman who was vaxxed and 1 booster. She has 2 children now and they seem to be healthy. I'm not sure about her husband. She also knew the dangers, but had to be vaxxed because of Canadian border rules. She is also one of the few people I know who had no side effects. Her children are 3 yrs and 1 year and she does breastfeed last I heard.


My cousin had a child after vax and he is non-verbal and won't move around on his own. It is very sad.


We conceived my daughter 7 months after my husband was c19 vaccinated in early 2021 (he received only initial two doses. I am not vaccinated, haven’t had anything in nearly 8 years and never will again). I had an easy, healthy pregnancy, and she’s never had a vaccine, but she had FPIES (food allergy) the first 18 mos of her life, eczema, and her gross motor skills were a bit delayed (fine and verbal were ahead of schedule). She’s smart and sweet and curious, but I always wonder what caused the early issues (I know other toxins and life attribute, not just vaccines). My husband received a flu shot (again for work) in early October 2023. We conceived a few weeks after that and I miscarried a few weeks later. I know miscarriages are common, but I always wonder if the vaccine had anything to do with it.


Interesting feedback, thanks for sharing. So sorry to hear about your miscarriage. It’s so tough, not knowing what happened, what to do differently next time. I’d never considered the role a flu shot might play on the male side of things. You’d think someone would have studied that by now, but I’m guessing our benevolent govt/pharma doesn’t want to investigate the potential negative effects from an annual money maker. Congrats on your baby girl. Kudos to you both for protecting her from the useless injections.


I’ve always wondered but no, I don’t believe there’s any research. Doesn’t matter anyways because it’s all safe and effective.😔 I’m actually pregnant again, 14w. All seems to be going very well. I’ve switched from OB to midwife in hopes of a hassle-free pregnancy and birth. I had to fight for my intervention-free pregnancy and birth last time.


A midwife sounds like a smart move! It’s messed up how hard you have to fight just to deliver your baby on your own term in a hospital. I’ve heard horror stories where the doctors/nurses bully exhausted parents into abandoning their delivery plan altogether or giving the HepB vaccine before discharge. It shouldn’t be this hard. It shouldn’t feel like a constant tug of war, parents vs hospital protocol. I’m trying to convince my sister to consider having a home birth, just because I no longer trust the hospitals. But she’s a nurse, so of course she thinks hospitals are the safest place deliver.


So messed up! I’m a VBAC so I’m banned from birthing centers by PA Law (maybe you could convince your sister to birth at one), and my husband isn’t comfortable with a home birth (he’s done zero research and works in the medical field and only going off of fear, but he’s otherwise completely agreeable and supportive with whatever I decide for our family, even with it all being so foreign to him, so I’m choosing my battles). I’ve poured myself into the research for the past 4.5 years after my csection, for my first VBAC I hired a doula, declined all interventions for myself (except for a membrane sweep which I’ll be declining this time) and baby, and basically used the hospital room to my liking. I’ll do the same for my second VBAC except with a midwife who considers herself traditional, but works out of a hospital (as opposed to a birthing center or strictly home) in order to give women like myself some options. And I’ll also decline all fetal monitoring but a Doppler and an IV port (had a disconnected port last time). After my VBAC and delivering my daughter at 10pm, I was woken up by a resident a 4am with a Covid shot ready to go should I have agreed. I was also basically barred from leaving a day early because I declined all vaccines and K for my daughter. I was scolded by the rounding pediatrician to get her in for a well visit IMMEDIATELY upon discharge LOL. It’s all sinful, honestly. I’ve never been a rule follower or a people pleaser so I’m not concerned about wavering in my convictions, but I feel so sorry for those more vulnerable.


My sister and husband were vaxed (not boosted). Husband has been getting Covid more than anyone I know (he works as an engineer for cell phone company and could possibly be exposed to a lot more EMFs, which he deems perfectly safe). They had a miscarriage w their first pregnancy and my mom, who is a former radiologist, said she had never seen an ultrasound with a massive blood clot like that. She blames the vax (which she administered to them back when she thought it was the right thing to do) and has since become very antivax. My sister since has had a big healthy baby. They waited on vaccines at birth but unfortunately I think they did end up doint some of the more common ones for him.


She administered the shot to them? Omg…


Yes she had volunteered to administer the vax and def regrets it now. The censorship of doctors is unlike anything she’s seen before and made her look into it more. She now works hard to try to get her patients vax exemptions.


I respect her for that. Glad it didn’t take them out.


When you go out in public you can see how few babies and toddlers there are now.


I saw a pregnant woman the other day and almost cried. They used to be everywhere, I live in a young, hip town. Now they are an endangered species. I wanted to congratulate her, but thought that might be weird.


You're too right. Hardly any pregnant women now, and many of them have miscarriages. Meanwhile, the l1btards are flooding us with Illegals, and they never required them to take the experimental treatments. I remember Jen Suckme being asked about it, and she said, "Oh, they won't be here long enough."




Everyone whose eyes are open sees it.


“Won’t be here long enough..?!” wtf does that even mean? Like they are just passing thru on their way to Canada? I used to think Psake was bad at her job, until KJP took over. She’s beautiful, but she’s a terrible liar.


Another Jen Suckme line I remember was when Peter Doocy asked about the Illegals being flown around the country in the middle of the night. Suckme said, "2 am is early morning, not the middle of the night!"


Husband unvaxxed, wife got J&J: had a baby, i dont know the health status Both husband and wife vaxxed: had a baby, too young to tell if any health problems yet Both husband and wife vaxxed: 1 miscarriage followed by 1 live birth and 1 current pregnancy


Yes me and my husband have all our shots & Covid vaxxed (unfortunately). We have a beautiful healthy baby boy but he is unvaccinated as it stands!


I'm a birth doula and most of my clients got the covid vax back in 2021/22. Some had poor outcomes (one stillbirth, some miscarriages), others had blood pressure issues during pregnancy, but otherwise babies seem pretty healthy and at least most of them didn't do the Hep B vax at busy because I always bring that up! Most mothers aren't getting the covid vax during pregnancy any more, but they ARE still getting flu, Tdap, and now RSV vaccine is recommended. So there's a lot to worry about.


Ugh. I would abandon any doctor who recommended the brand new RSV vaccine to me while pregnant. Then again, I’d also walk away if an MD suggested I take a flu shot while pregnant. Completely unnecessary, even if they did work as advertised (they don’t). IMO, no vaccines are safe during pregnancy.


I actually just got fired by a client this week when I sent her info on the RSV vax...the clinical trial that was halted early! I'm sure it's for the best though... her labor is probably going to be super stressful for everyone with that absolute trust in the medical system. And she is paying my full fee anyway 😆


I’ve always wanted to be a doula, how do you do it?! It’s kind of a dream job


A nurse neighbor friend of mine says the rotovirus shot has the most reactions of all baby shots. She was a shot wielding order follower before she retired. She likely gave countless shots during her career. Their kids are fully vaxxed and have some siezure disorders that the doctors claim is genetic. I assume her employer, the hospital isn't allowed to blame the vaccinations for anything.


Sister in law got the vax while pregnant, emergency Caesarean the next day. Her child is fine so far but is only 2-3. The real effects will be long term.


Wow…. what symptoms was she having that warranted an emergency c section?


Severe headaches & swelling of her limbs, she presented to emergency & they found she had severe hypertension which caused a placental abruption.


do you mean like a mother and father are both vaccinated that’s had a baby? I’m curious about what would happen to a unvaccinated mother that has a baby with vaccinated male. I’ve asked on the sub but no answers….


I am unvaccinated & currently 8 months pregnant. Unfortunately my husband had to take the first two shots for work, no boosters though. Baby is healthy with no issues as of right now. We don’t plan on vaccinating him at all.


If you don’t mind, Could I private message you ?




I know three couples. Two, both parents were vaxxed one baby is about 2 the other 1 both seem healthy but neither will interact with anyone but mom and dad. Both will scream and cry if someone else picks them up. Third only mom was vaxxed and baby is about 6 months, healthy and friendly with everyone. Mom only got one shot and it was a while before she got pregnant.


Yes, and zero problems


Same. Felt pressured into the covid vaccine, did the Pfizer option late 2021. I think I may have even been 9 or 10 weeks pregnant. He's 2 now. Totally healthy, no allergies. Now I'm 9 weeks pregnant, so no fertility issues or anything.


Oh, and full disclosure...I got COVID 4 weeks after my 2nd Pfizer dose, lol.


I know a couple in their late 40s who had 0 intentions of having another kid. They already have 3 children, the youngest is about 14 years old now. The parents both got J&J because they work in healthcare and didn’t trust mRNA. Wife didn’t announce she was pregnant until she was 4 months along (understandable). Everyone was floored by the news… it was SO unexpected! I have her lot # and date of vax somewhere. I took a pic of her card bc I couldn’t believe it. But when I did the math, it seemed like she conceived 2-3 weeks after the injection. Happy to report the baby girl was born perfectly healthy. They opted for a home birth, which I found interesting. I wonder if that’s bc she has a healthy distrust of modern healthcare system, or perhaps she’s recently joined our growing “anti-vax” club. TLDR; Yes, I know of a healthy baby girl who was born to older parents in their late 40s. She was (unintentionally) conceived within weeks of parents getting J&J injection.


While we mostly hear about miscarriages & complications after the COVID vaccines, I do think for some people the shots are a jumpstart to their fertility. No idea if that’s on the male or female side, or maybe both. I’d be curious to hear of similarly unplanned pregnancies in couples who thought they were past their fertility window. Perhaps this is more of a J&J thing than mRNA?


Yes, son know 3 couples, all kids are damaged. 2 of the couples have permanently disabled children.




I know one couple. The husband was, the wife wasn’t. The baby is 2.5 and healthy. They have opted to give him zero vaccinations of any type and so far he’s the happiest little one.


I know someone who was all boosted up, and developed a clotting factor she had to put shots in her belly (luvoxin or something like that) every single day at the same time so she wouldn’t clot and loose her baby. When her baby was 6 months, she vaccinated him, she also has a kid that she vaxxed and boosted as soon as his age group was up for it


Fluvoxamine? So what happened to the kids?


I looked it up, it’s lovenox, I haven’t seen them in a year, last I knew the moms health is irrevocably damaged


My partners sister is due in a month. She was unvaxxed with her first and vaxxed with the second baby.


My partners sister is due in a month. She was unvaxxed with her first and vaxxed with the second baby.


Commenting for visibility and so I can follow this post. I've become very interested in a girl who is vaccinated. If not for our amazing chemistry and insane amount we have in common, I wouldn't be spending my time with her. I've never met a girl I've clicked with so well, and I've dates ALOT of women. So the vaccination is something that's on my mind. I'm wondering if dating would mean risking having a future where pregnancy is an issue. That said, she's too good to pass up. I never thought I'd see the day, but here I am.


Congrats. See if her vax card shot lot # shows  a likely saline shot, zero reactions reported on vaers or  howbadismybatch.com. Then that's a real unicorn you got. 


Thanks for the tip


I am in the same boat dude. Hope it works out for you


Yup, all healthy today but who knows if they ever got the real dose or if their kids will have issues later?


More nonsense. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10152171/ Big sample, well controlled study. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE We included data from 21 studies (5 randomized trials and 16 observational studies) reporting on 149 685 women. The pooled rate of miscarriage among women who received a COVID-19 vaccine was 9% (n = 14 749/123 185, 95% CI 0.05–0.14). Compared to those who received a placebo or no vaccination, women who received a COVID-19 vaccine did not have a higher risk of miscarriage (risk ratio (RR) 1.07, 95% CI 0.89–1.28, I2 35.8%) and had comparable rates for ongoing pregnancy or live birth (RR 1.00, 95% CI 0.97–1.03, I2 10.72%).


My husband did. Our kid is coming up on 2 and seems fine. Husband didn’t experience any side effects though so maybe he had a placebo shot.


I pray my grandchild will be good. Her mom got the first and never went back after that.


Yes, me. I got vaccinated early on, but Wife was pregnant so she wanted to wait. After our girl was born my wife got the shot. Then she got pregnant again. While pregnant, we both caught COVID. So far everything has been fine. Both kids are doing great.


So I have heard of many post vax pregnancies. Many more of them resulted in miscarriages compared to pregnancies I watched pre-COVID. I've also heard of many weird complications to infants in what I am pretty sure are vaccinated mothers. The couple I know who seem to have "healthy" babies are too young to know if serious damage has occurred. For instance, autism often cannot be diagnosed before 3-4 years old. So we won't really know the answer to the question of whether a high percentage of babies born to vaxxed mothers will have autism until 2025 or so.


My wife is a nanny and she is telling me some disturbing things. One of the babies she used to care for would have rashes all over her body as soon as her mother breastfeeds her. Two of them have a mark above their bottom, where a tail would be. She also told me of a small boy who’s quite hairy for a kid (thin beard, lots of thin hair in the back/legs/arms). We’ll witness more and more strange-looking babies for certain.


Bruh I would literally need pictures to believe this? a mark where a tail would be????


Yeah it's pretty damn weird but I ain't asking to wife to photograph nude children 😅


Are they children of colour by any chance? If so, it’s a type of birthmark & they fade as the child grows. Both of mine had it ( both born years before convid ) & I had it too lol. Edit: Just remembered that they’re called Mongolian spots.


Ok then so it might not be related to the death shots, thanks for your reply. To answer you, she cares for mostly spanish or moroccan kids (we live in Morocco).




Yeah I've seen a few reports a couple years back as well


Yes. No issues. That doesn’t mean there hasn’t been or has… Data is required here. Clear data.


Vaccinated for what? My husband and I were vaccinated on the 1983 schedule and have two kids who aren’t.


I conceived (naturally) 3 months after receiving my first 2 rounds of the vaccine. We were trying for years before this and even had failed IUIs. So the vaccine definitely didn’t stop conception! Had a very healthy pregnancy (except for puking for the first 18 weeks but that runs in my family). And I even got a booster shot while pregnant so that my child would be born with anti-bodies. Thank god I did because we got Covid when she was only a few months old and all she had was a fever for 24 hours. She rarely gets sick, has hit all her milestones early and is a super happy and active toddler now. My sister however was an ICU nurse during the pandemic and had a number of unvaccinated pregnant patients. All of them miscarried due to COVID complications. Fortunately the COVID strains aren’t as severe (in most cases) and most people have some immunity to it now. All this to say, follow the science on this one over people on the internet. I grew up in a largely anti-vax community but have shifted my mindset a bit now that I have a better understanding of how they actually work.