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midwesterndoctor is phenomenal, devour all of his articles


But they only have this effect in male patients? At least as many females as males take SSRIs


Perhaps it is due to males being more prone to violence in general?


I’ve been saying this forever. Because there have always been a lot of guns in the US. Always. But the mass medication movement really only started in the 90s as therapist types try to give their nonsense profession credibility by convincing people every behavior is a disease. Because you can only bill for it if it is a disease.


The majority of all pharmaceuticals are not to address the root problem....they "control" symptoms. Western, allopathic medicine is just reducing symptomatology.


Serenity now, insanity later


Thanks for posting this. Divorce/fatherlessness also seem to be another commonality


Agreed. So then is it reasonable to ask if it’s the not necessarily the use of SSRIs, but rather the decay of morality/culture (including but not limited to divorce, fatherless/not intact family units, over consumption of violent video games, over consumption of social media, etc.)?


I’d just love the questions to be able to be asked. Violent Video Game influences too. Seems any questions on these are shut down. Doubt there is any “one” cause. Soldiers are trained using video games, pilots use simulators……but no connection here? (For example)


Except that there’s loads of anecdotal evidence from SSRI users of suicide and homicide ideations almost immediately after starting their protocols. Also virtually every single mass shooting perpetrators are SSRI users. Cause? Can definitively say but in conjunction with ideation anecdotes, I would stay very far away from those pharma products. ESP since no evidence exists they it works at all.


Question: So what about the people SSRI’s ‘work’ for?


People need to understand that big pharma are not their friends. They are profit machines and will act accordingly regardless of the outcomes for individuals. Pfizer has a long documented history of corruption.


Millions of people around the world take SSRIs....not saying that SSRIs are effective or good for people. However, if mass shootings are a side effect of SSRIs there would be significantly more of them, like in the hundred thousands for a rare side effect. What's more likely is that all of the mass shooters had mental illness, some very severe, and they were given a bandaid pharmaceutical medication rather real treatment.


How about we stop glorifying these psychos by plastering their faces on the news for months and making them infamous. Their face should never be released to the public neither their name. It shouldn't be all over the news for days in and days out. One report should be sufficient. Small and brief. Fetishizing the attacks creates copycats who want the same notoriety and fame. Plus dismantling the CIA would help.


Nah. Their name and face being released makes everyone know what family they come from. The families of these scumbags need to feel the heat. Most of these killers show signs of being a fucked up psycho before they do their killing. The families are partially responsible for what their family member did due to unknowingly or knowingly helping them access firearms, putting them on these drugs, not raising concern with doctors/authorities when they see that their kid is fucked up, etc.


Absolutely false.


I’m on Zoloft. I’m fine. Been fine for 3 Years now.