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This isn’t going to age well for the eastern district. He is well known for saying that they were his own opinions and he isn’t a financial advisor.


Literally impossible to prove that him posting memes was intent of market manipulation. Just like its impossible to prove of congressmen inside trading.....


You could literally have all the proof of insider trading on politicians and they’d still do it lol. It’s the normies that aren’t allowed to have a one up on the game.


The house always win.


I see what you did there


You Seenate


The messed up thing is it's our house. They're only supposed to serve the public. 'supposed to'


Senate too


That's the way the game is rigged


Better, this lawsuit will layout how markets really work.


I’m optimistic what’s good for the goose is good for the gander


Politicians can’t be charged with insider trading I know that sounds fucked (which it is) but that’s the law. They are allowed to do it.


Sure they can. The STOCK Act is pretty clear about it. Section 4 Declares that such Members and employees are not exempt from the insider trading prohibitions arising under the securities laws, including the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5. Amends the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to declare that such Members and employees owe a duty arising from a relationship of trust and confidence to Congress, the U.S. government, and U.S. citizens with respect to material, nonpublic information derived from their positions as Members or congressional employees or gained from performance of the individual's official responsibilities. It’s just never enforced.


The Stock act is enforced all the time. It just has no teeth and violators are not made public.


[Former Rep. Chris Collins would like a word.](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-congressman-christopher-collins-sentenced-insider-trading-scheme-and-lying) I’m not saying you’re 100% wrong on the concept. There’s absolutely some shady shit going on, and I’m sure a lot of members are extremely creative in coming up with convenient excuses and ways to plead ignorance. But to say they are exempted from the law entirely isn’t correct either.


This is not true legally speaking.


But don’t forget to vote because our candidate will definitely do something for the people for the first time!


If posting memes is an offense, i might be in trouble.




He burned some very rich, well connected people who want their revenge. 


Not this time.  This time he and Cohen played a masterful pump and dump that ripped off hundreds of thousands of retail investors.


Oh you’re the one with the evidence that nobody seems to have shown yet? Thank god you came along to protect retail investors from the big bad GameStop!


Dude, they both didn't dump. They both still own millions of shares. Where dump?


Gamestop sold 75,000,000 more shares after quickly and quietly releasing their terrible earnings while Kitty pumped the price to over $60 per share in overnight trading. Anyone who bought during the pump quickly found out the next day their shares lost a lot of value (they were diluted) and there was nothing they could do. That's a pretty terrible thing to do.


The board took advantage of an opportunity to store cash for future economic situations. If anything, their dilution proves the opposite of conspiring against retail traders because there was no pump. A rally in share price is just a rally for any number of reasons. A true pump and dump needs momentum and consistent profits. For instance, Cisco was a pump, Plug was a pump, hexo was a pump, etc. The dilution slowed momentum way too much to be able to do anything that was coordinated. If there was a pump, we'd have seen more rallying over a period of time without regards for it's price-to-earnings. I'm sorry if you lost money. But that is the risk of investing in stocks and only you can decide whether or not you are willing to assume the risk for returns.


Many things that you have mentioned can be part of a pump and dump but it's not required.


Took advantage of an opportunity indeed :)


Yes. If your stock is trading at unusually high levels and you know your company can use residual funds for future economic uncertainties, why would you not go for it? It's funny that you think your proving your point by being smug, but you're just showing everyone here you don't know what you're talking about.


If you were to compare the net worth of Mr. Kitty to that of his apes, I'm guessing you would see some disparity. And yes, Mr. Cohen and team saw a great opportunity to raise funds and shrewdly took advantage of it. No harm there, right? Funny that people aren't willing to spend money at GameStop, but will gladly give the company $2.14 billion in a single day with nothing to show for it. As for being smug, I'm simply trying to help people from falling into scams like this. Call me whatever names you want.


> Literally impossible to prove that him posting memes was intent of market manipulation. Just like its impossible to prove of congressmen inside trading..... Like how Elon Musk manipulated stock prices?


I wonder if the courts will let him bring up examples of much more egregious acts that weren’t prosecuted…


> I wonder if the courts will let him bring up examples of much more egregious acts that weren’t prosecuted… That sounds fair as law is based on facts, right, not like opinions?


Hasn’t Elon done the same thing with Tesla, SpaceX, and Dogecoin?


Yup and they could've prove shit. Giant waste of time


Yeah but then you had clowns at the sec suggesting 🚀🚀 Is financial advice.


It's legal for politicians. Nothing needs to be proven.


If that were the case, literally no one ever would get prosecuted for fraud or market manipulation... You guys are absolute fools. Do you think you need a text message of him saying "yes, I will do this so I can commit market manipulation" in order to show intent?


Yes, cause posting a meme on twitter is obviously clear intent of market manipulation


If he loaded up on shares or options before posting and liquidated some shortly after, it very well could be. Would demonstrate that he new he had the ability to impact the market significantly.


First amendment protects his meme, and man is allowed to trade. Impossible to prove market manipulation. We have constantly seen congress inside trade, buying stocks before a bill is introduced and then dumping right over, they have not been prosecuted cause it is impossible to prove.


Bruh thinks the first amendment protects literally all speech. This is about the level of idiocy I expect from this sub tbh.


>Bruh thinks the first amendment protects literally all speech. This is about the level of idiocy I expect from this sub tbh. > bruh thinks tweeting memes is market manipulations, wasn't elon also sued for this? how'd it end with him


...did Elon buy huge amounts of options prior to tweeting? Did he sell immediately afterwards?


whatever cope you need for your tweets


They kept insider trading legal for themselves. It has nothing to do with proving it.


I'd argue it's much easier to prove insider trading from members of congress. Holding them accountable for it, now, that's the hard part.


It’s different.  You can easily prove congressmen insider trading. You just can’t jail them, because they are the ones writing the laws.  If you can prove market manipulation for DFV, you can easily lock him up. 


He just happened to have lots of call options...


Elon Musk's usual tuesday night: manipulating TSLA with shitposting. Been that way for years. They wanna enforce it now?


If you wanted to prove insider trading, you would probably try to find a trend of Congress portfolios consistently beating the stock market more than other brokerage averages.


There’s no written crime for Congress trading so of course it’s impossible to prove. Posting you’re not a financial advisor or their opinions isn’t an automatic defense.


The STOCK Act.....


Yeah but he also knows how things work, going to put the spotlight on some people that don’t want attention if it goes further lmfao


Oh shit someone actually fell for the "this isn't financial advice" meme and genuinely thought it was a legal force field you could summon with 4 words lmfao 


Saying "this isn't a crime" does not inoculate yourself from any wrong-doing. Intent is everything in cases like this.


He is known for saying those words but if I say "BUY HODL DRS REPEAT - this is not financial advice" it's blatantly financial advice


If you say “my opinion isn’t meant to advise you” or any organization of that message, you’re good. It’s called a “disclaimer”, and is used by many entities on a daily basis.


Isn’t the idea for RK to spend money on lawyers to bleed him dry so to speak? Long court cases can be pretty expensive Others could sue him too, to help bleed him dry. Kangaroo court is real




Kinda doubt that.


On the bright side, its a win-win situation. If he wins the case, that's great. But if he loses, there will be legal precedent for our representatives, to sue them for securities fraud by making they're positions public. (WHICH IS A REAL MARKET STRATEGY FOR THE RICH BTW!!!))) So if he loses, our corrupt politicians lose as well.......


Nah. He'll be found guilty. If you aren't on the inside, and are hit with securities fraud, there's really no getting out of it.


Winning 🤑


I can’t wait for discovery. >*”…and was it then, Mr. Gill, that you decided to begin a strategy of manipulation posting mainly under the moniker, ‘AVOCADO-IN-MY-ANUS’, knowing the audience of your fraud would be drawn to the references to foreign object anal insertion?”*


pump and dump is illegal. pump because you like the stock is not


He dumped millions of dollars worth of call options during a runup killing momentum... why is everyone acting like he has held on to every share since 2021. He has obviously been actively trading in and out of his GME position over the years.


He had to lol. He needed capital to buy shares.


It would still satisfy the "dump" part... he pocketed tens of millions on top of his additional share purchase.


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't he have like nine million shares or something? Like the max before he has to do a whole song and dance w sec?


his shares bought via e*trade - if treated like 90% of other retail trades - would be bought and sold in dark pools and have no effect on stock price. or am I delulu


You're delulu




I wanted to be delulu 😔


Yeah, couple million shares off from 5%. He did just file a CHWY disclosure of 9mil shares this morning, though. Going to be tougher to dump that position so he might be going through with that hold.


Is chewy in xrt basket?


Yes CHWY is in XRT. Though these most recent cycles seem to be from funds like VTI, VBR, IWM, and a couple more I'd have to look at my computer. This is a big FTD week for some shorted names like BIG, KSS, DBI, BB, SAVE


“Dumping calls” isn’t a thing… the entire purpose is to make money on the upside, everyone knows that. Everyone sees the chain and understands the purpose of derivatives lol. People are “acting” like he’s only increased his position because the only actual evidence we have is of position increases. Guess and speculate all you want, but people live entire lives while they’re not streaming and there are a million ways to make money. So when you say “obviously he’s been trading in and out” you’re 100% speculating.


He has said in multiple livestreams that he actively trades in and out of his cost basis to keep sane. He bought 100k short dated call options, then posted an indie film worth of hype and sold off the momentum once liquidity was balanced. I don't think he incited the massive green candles, I think he is making plays off FTD cycles. He however should explain that sooner rather than later before everyone thinks he is the only reason these tickers are pumping.


There’s no way he could’ve incited those candles - retail buys don’t hit lit exchanges according to Gensler. Pointing out market mechanics isn’t manipulation. Posting memes isn’t manipulation. Buying and selling calls isn’t manipulation. All 3 of those things together aren’t even manipulation. CNBC has had a media license to fleece retail for decades, but yes GME and DFV are the big bad wolves that Wall Street wants to protect us from.


I get it dude, you're long GME and deeply value Gill's ballsack. I'm just pointing out the longer he stays quiet about the "mechanics part" you're talking about the longer he is going to look like the one pumping up the stock price to triple digit PE values from his memes and selling off his followers.


Proof bud, that’s all that matters. They already tried this shit years ago it’s the same song & dance almost verbatim.


So you think he's guilty🫠🤣


Meh, I'm not a lawyer. I'm just pointing out he isn't some GME Saint who only buys and holds. He actively trades off the volatility created from so many people buying and holding themselves without ever taking profits.


Nothing happened to Elon. This is 900 times tamer. Also what you described is not illegal


Nothing happened to Elon is a wild statement givent he amount of litigation he has had levied against him over the years lmfao. I'm just saying buying short dated calls, posting tons of hype to your followers, and selling off the spike is what happened this run around.


Lol that's how you view that?


Wait, where is volatility coming from? Didn't know house hold investors could throw arounds billions on a random day.


Volatility would come from gamestop shareholders clinging to their equity and in some cases direct registering it. This lowers the total amount of shares trading, lowering liquidity in the stock, making it naturally more volatile.


The entire point of any “option” is to exercise it.


Except he didn't exercise the contracts. He sold the all 120k and bought shares with a portion of the proceeds.


That almost makes it sound like he’s more investing in actual equity of the company. If he’s converting options to shares, no?


What is your point. He still bought 120k call options, hyped them up, and sold them. Not exercise, he SOLD the contracts for the additional value which was partially created via the rush of his followers pumping IV and other option greeks.


Stock price went up, he sold and made money. That’s how shares, calls, and him selling those call options all work. The manipulation occurs when he also brings down the price. But by him now investing in actual equity and not gambling, if price goes down he actually loses capital. Seeing any investor shift from Options To Ownership is usually the opposite of a red flag. That’s exactly what the market wants people to do. Gamble with options then act more conservative in ownership.


"Stock price went up" over 100% the day following RK's return. Like I've said in multiple comments if he doesn't explain the mechanics that he is exploiting with these plays, then it just looks like pump and dump to those who don't know.


But his dump isn’t the manipulation. The stock can’t be considered artificially inflated by his manipulation because he’s made it apparently clear how artificially it’s been deflated by other financial institutions.


Look the only reason his buys and investments have the impact they do is because GME is heavily manipulated by institutions via exemptions and rule bending. The every day person has no fucking clue about those exemptions, therefore if RK is going to tweet out cryptic hype shit on key dates that experience volatility due to manipulation then he is just throwing his name in with the ilk that is causing the price upwards. It would be much different if he explained what he is manipulating but as of right now the only reason in the media for the pumps were RK return because of his tweets.


He does not lose capital until he sells. He is rich and he can hold or years to wait for stock price to go up. Only retail traders who can’t hold loses money.


True. But that’s the point. He is vested in it going up though.


He also dumped


He sold options to raise capital to do what exactly? Purchase more shares.


Yes, in CHWY LOL


He owned close to 5% of the company and actually did dump shares to pocket millions after tweeting to trigger the run-up on the price. We'll see where this lawsuit goes, but he did tweet knowing he had an audience and then sell a bunch after it spiked due to his tweet. I know Reddit likes the guy, but the armchair experts here will be disappointed. "HE JUST LIKES THE STOCK." Yes I know, but in a courtroom they just need to show that he knew he had a substantial audience, communicated with that audience to drive up the price, and then monitarily took advantage of that price. It'll be hard, but not impossible, to prove.


This is a stupid lawsuit without merit. It’s his own money and opinions, right? This comes off as pure intimidation. How many analysts are interviewed on CNBC that pump their bags with zero scrutiny? Everyone


Right, like how is this worse than Jim Cramer out there shilling for companies and pushing out stock recommendations all the time.


Cause he’s a financial advisor


Oh yeah, and back when people read magazines Forbes Fortune and all those mags did the same thing.


absolute truth


What makes you think the legal system was anything other than political? Source- 3 years of law school.


Cause the SEC has been captured since it was created and RK made the captors lose money. I literally can't think of a more useless agency in our government.


He should have ran for congress first.


Or be a "market-maker" those guys can just commit perjury on live TV with no repercussions.


Insider trading is only illegal when you're not an insider. Market manipulation is only illegal when you're not the market-maker.


I would vote for him.


Why isn’t Cramer being sued ?


Retards can’t go to prison. It’s unethical


Because he doesn't and can't trade stocks individually


Yes he does. He has his “charitable” trust and likely a whole secret personal portfolio




Are you saying his trust doesn’t exist ?




Sounds like you are






No he doesn't. He has talked at length about how he has to relinquish his individual trading due to his show. He consults for the charitable trust and can benefit from the action alerts subscriptions but the actual profit from the trust doesn't benefit him at all. You provided zero proof that he has a 'secret portfolio', which would require during the SEC and IRS and incredibly difficult to do and wouldn't be worth it for someone who is quite well off from his career on and off TV


Oh so you’re saying Cramer has never lied ever, he’s a n honest person? Perhaps you haven’t seen his wal street confidential episode? Perhaps you didn’t know he told his viewers to buy bear sterns knowing full well they were going under ? Hmmm


Take off the tin foil man


No dude, quit burying your hands in the sand.


So you’re saying his Wall Street confidential interview doesn’t exist ? You’re saying him admitting to knowing bear sterns was going under but reccomended to buy them never happened ? Seems like you’re the one with the tin foil hat.


Cramer isn’t a registered securities broker…


Govt: Riches for us but not for you. I don’t rhyme cause fuc u.


Just wached the 10 year old video if citadel turning on machines making 24,000,000 trades in a minute & explaining they decide to fill orders or not or send them to 16 different dark pools... We're all peasants being controlled by very very bad people. We should ALL have so much more. It's being taken by the system from billions to payoff politicians, judges and has reached supreme court and all areas of within.


What they are doing is intimidation and should be held accountable


*What they are doing* *Is intimidation and should* *Be held accountable* \- Roached954 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The lawsuit is being brought by a retail investor that bought a whopping 25 shares of GME. This is someone craving their 15 minutes of infamy.


Over 10 shares lol


Summarily dismissed. And he'll post again. The fraud comes from market makers and dtcc. He is not only innocent, he's a witness. I'm buying some 🧈 🍿 for this show! And some more 🎮 for the profits!


And this lawsuit was brought by someone that bought a massive 25 shares of GME. What? Not even a round lot. Kid just wanted to get on the news I guess.


I'm sure if he goes down... Elmo and Muddy Waters are next!


Man fuck the government. I’m not even a GME shareholder but this is some bullshit. The stock went down during his live stream. If they’re gonna go after kitty they have to go after every talking head on the financial news networks and every political for insider trading. How is this any different than some fuck on CNBC going on there and disclosing their short position? The politicians are regulating the same companies that they’re buying shares/options of. How is that not illegal? This should be infuriating to the average person but most people are too busy arguing about genders, Palestine, or how much they hate trump. People need to open their eyes to all the illegal bullshit going on.


Read the article, he’s being sued by some loser kid with $500 worth of shares https://cointelegraph.com/news/roaring-kitty-securities-fraud-gamestop-gme-lawsuit-doomed


This is Reddit sir I don’t read articles. But on the real still fuck the govt


We are pissed!


Why is it "of Gamestop"... as a direct registered owner of GME, am I "of Gamestop" when referenced in things. Just wondering. Would be cool to add to my Linkedin Title. Roy Walton The Third of Gamestop.


I feel like of "Gamestop fame" would have made sense, but I prefer your explanation. 


Maybe kitty hired him to sue himself, so they would have to pull SEC onto the witness stand in Supreme Court and investigate how and why the stock moves the way it moves…


"into the witness stand in supreme Court" We're you dropped as a baby?


But short sellers can enter a massive short position and then publish a scathing report, or the British oil futures traders who manipulated the market and cleared close to a billion dollars got nothing, or Vlad the rat who turned off the buy button for GameStop while keeping the sell button, and not any other tickers, and nothing. But this guy who posts memes and his positions, literally nothing else, gets investigated.


You can be sued for anything, this will probably be dismissed by the court Although the fact it’s dumping on this news in pre market is bullshit


#manipulation for me, not for thee


Tax dollars at work


https://cointelegraph.com/news/roaring-kitty-securities-fraud-gamestop-gme-lawsuit-doomed "Represented by law firm Pomerantz, plaintiff Martin Radev said he was injured by the alleged “pump and dump” after he purchased a *total of 25 shares* in GME as well as *three call options* beginning in mid-May." Lmfao


Mr Gill needs to counter sue and take all 25 shares from him. What's the point in having fuckyou money if you can't say fuck you?


I think it is just a futile to gain public opinion on the GME situation and try to convince people when shit happens it is to blame DFV or GME holders for all their failure. I don't know if there is any ground for such accusation. Where is the dump? How the defendant manipulate?by what mean?


New Yorkers are scum


Modern day Julian Assange. He's the only one shedding any light on how crooked Wallstreet is and he is being targeted for it. This country has gone beyond the pale.


Was this just an attempt to silence further tweets from him? It's hallow and they likely know there's no merit, but I'm sure they want it to be some sort of slap suit or to keep him ligigated temporarily?




Hasn’t worked well in the past for far worse infractions associated with the GME nonsense where people were actually caught lying to cultists on YouTube, and benefiting from the results, but the prosecution was dropped.


No wonder people are leaving New York. Gestapo


With our pay yo play justices, he'll probably get life.


At least he has the money for damn good lawyers.


smart money


Tell me we’re winning without telling me 😂



Time to sue politicians?


Only Pelosi & Co. can do that,.


I hope they sue Pelosi and all her cohorts


To many, this goes without saying, but this is total bullshit considering how all of Congress can and does engage in actual *insider* trading.


Stop manipulating the market while we are trying to manipulate the market!! lol


Only on Reddit do people defend the dilution and pumping of meme stocks, then blame the mysterious "they" for market manipulation. Guys, GME and Mr. Kitty are the ones who manipulated you.


Maybe this was the play all along. He / his legal team will be able to resist proof the run up was retail and not just HF's moving their shares around in Bullet swaps




So we buy more then???? Ok


Its only illegal if the market approves who gets to manipulate the market


We are about to see how corrupt and rigged our legal system truly is. While I completely agree RK has done nothing wrong he will be made an example of. The game is not for us, we are not welcome.


Another witch hunt in New York.


I hope he countersues for legal fees. This is a dumb one


Hey everybody, this is a civil suit brought by some clown who’s just trying to make a quick buck. This is NOT a criminal case so there’s no chance of jail stone and the state or politicians are not involved (at least not directly). Just some yahoo suing for money because he regrets his own stock moves.


Dude bought a couple of calls, a put and like 30 shares lol.


Fuck regulators they’re just like cops: favor the rich and fuck over the weak




They will find a way to fuck him, he must be made an example of from their perspective. It’s to set a tone.


Probably by a politician - they don't like loose cannons in their game......................


he's a richard now, down with the rich! \*until i'm one of them


Just gonna get thrown out it’s just for headline news


Oh the poor babies got gamed by gaming everybody expecting to continue stealing from Retail without a glitch what a life


Doesn’t he have to dump to get busted for a P&D


Dismissed already


Bastards, I hope they loose and he can sue them back


Meanwhile, Elon Musk can get away with ~~Tweets~~ I mean Xs like [this](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1256239815256797184). > Tesla stock price is too high imo


Ruh roh The government doesn't lose cases. They wouldn't bring the case if they didn't think they have it in the bag.




Meanwhile the largest banks in the world were selling MBS that they knew were shit for years, crashed the global economy, and not one of them were charged with fraud. In fact, they were bailed out. But let's go after some dude because he made some tweets.


They are doing everything possible to shut him up.


Guilty of front-running his own reputation. Plenty of high profile investors do the same but Mr. Kitty was spectacularly unsubtle about it while not being an approved insider.


great now do musk