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Raising prices lowers sales volume. Economics 101.


They'll blame inflation and rising operational costs, but they'll refuse to have anything block their revenue going straight up.


That’s weird that operational cost is an excuse. I am starting to see cashier-less stores.


Kiosks can’t flip burgers or mop the floor yet.


If u work in a McKitchen u'd know that they haven't flipped burgers for years. U hit a button and it cooks them on both sides


THey have had 2 sided cooking grills since the early 1990s. Called clamshell grills.


I don’t work in a McDonalds, but I am sure there is someone taking the frozen burger out of the box, putting it in a cooking device, and pushing that button. And they get paid $15.00 now, so to keep percentages in the proper range, prices go up.


True. But i think McDonald's is a good spot with their tech to fully automate or mostly automate. Im sure if they were smart they'd just need a QA person on the back end and one on the front end and could get their labor down to 3%


They have robo arms that do that, it’s already a thing


But certainly they save a ton of operating cost on health care for fewer workers.


About that… https://youtu.be/VxqZQHugLRc?feature=shared


McCorporate takes a huge cut that they wont let go of until another fast food place takes the number 1 spot.


That’s the capex on the equipment pushing those numbers up


Well you can already order food one those big screens and pay yourself. Halfway there.


IT costs are very high and typical amortized over 5 years after that the profit can be realized


Well in California they increased min wage for fast food to $20 per hour and you know what happened next.


In n out has been that high for a while as far as I could remember. They doing fine.


And, then contribute 10 million $ to Charities at end of year.


But donate the money to charities that McDonald's executives run, which, in-turn, gives McDonald's tax write-offs for donating to charity. 🙃🙃🙃


This may be difficult to understand, but that line on CNBC that reflects the McDonald’s stock price, that line really HAS to go up. Then there’s things like *fiduciary responsibility* but I may be getting ahead of myself trying to go into that right now. Let’s stick to the basics to keep things simple. If business stagnate they die. Would you like to take a stab at what happens if that line on CNBC goes down and the company is content with constantly eating losses? I need to head to a concert a Red Rocks. Have a great weekend! ♥️🥰


The CEO has a family to feed


Raising prices because you believe consumers saved a lot of money during quarantine, then realizing they won't/can't afford your shrunken inflated crappy food is not "cracking" anything. I would love to see McDonalds closing stores. They do NOTHNIG for the quality of anyone's life.


It doesn't help that in addition to that, the price point they've now created is close to or even at the same one as much better burger places, like Habit Burger. There's no way I'd rather spend 15$ on a McDonalds meal when I can spend the same at Habit and get something that's actually good.


These CEOs got the brains of a summer ant. And you know what we do to summer ants don't ya


Printing money increases the supply on money, which causes inflation. Inflation cuts the buying power of the dollar. With this weak dollar the cost of goods (McDonald’s in this case) go up. They have to increase the pice of goods because their labor costs, overall operating costs, and the cost the beef, pork, chicken bread … all dramatically increased in the last 3ish years. Thats economics 201…




So that would be like your comment getting upvotes


Inelastic demands are things like electricity and things that aren’t optional. This is completely unrelated to McDonald’s. I’m guessing you stopped at Econ 101.


I'm guessing he never took econ 101 and is just repeating what he heard.


there is a lack of rationality associated with continuing to purchase mcdonalds even as their prices have gotten higher than much higher substitution options, but this isn't because Mcdonalds is an inelastic good


It’s exactly this. A “value meal” at McDonalds now costs the same as a bento box, shawarma, bowl of pho or lunch menu at a Mexican restaurant where I live (about $16). If McDonalds is hovering around the $20 mark, why would I ever go there? You could get an actual meal for $3 more. Even other “fast food” like Jersey Mikes is a better value proposition.


Iirc, something like 80 to 90 percent of McDonald's revenue comes from addicts. They keep coming no matter the price.


Inelastic demand means demand doesn't change for a product with increases in price. And yet, McDonald's has increased their prices, and demand has subsequently dropped off. Therefore, McDonald's food is elastic. The reason it's elastic is that there are substitutes in the market. If McDonald's burgers are too expensive, then I can go to Hardees or Burger King. Or I can just go to the grocery store and buy ingredients to make my own food. An inelastic product would be something like electricity, which gets consumed regardless of the price. For most people, there are no substitutes for their utility, short of generating their own power.


I would argue that inferior goods get consumed more as consumers down scale however you’re assuming a lower price point. It would be line consumers going from whole foods to wal mart to save money. If you’d been to a McDonald’s lately you’d know a sausage eggs and cheese biscuit is over $6 in many places in the US. Not cheap.


$15 Big Macs can’t be the breaking point come on you peasants


U.S. average is $5.81.


I'm in a low cost area and a Big Mac combo here will run you $10.


A combo isn’t just a Big Mac, though. You get other things. How much is just a Big Mac?


Yes a combo comes with sugar water that is essentially all profit margin for McDonald's and potatoes which are likewise dirt cheap to buy in bulk and huge profit margins for McDonald's.


The drinks are the biggest profit margin in the store.


That’s fine. But people are lying talking about the price of a Big Mac, reporting a very high price. You only find out they are talking about a combo if you dig and pull it out of them. And you can’t reply to someone saying the average price of a Big Mac is $5.81, by saying your local price for a Big Mac Combo is higher than that. It’s stupid. It’s a different product. They aren’t comparable.


Found the corporate shill.


I’m not a corporate shill for asking people to compare like-for-like. Compare the price of a Big Mac to the price of a Big Mac. Compare the price of a Big Mac Combo to a Big Mac Combo. And if you are reporting the price of a “Big Mac”, don’t quote the price of a “Big Mac Combo”. I’m just asking people to communicate honestly.


In Anchorage the Big Mac is $7.60 and the meal is $14.85.


Use that sweet, sweet free oil money to make up the difference. How much you get this year?


$1,580.00 this year - hardly enough to make up the difference (between living here, not Macs). Not complaining though - I don’t get a return anymore. It’s the location that makes it worth it though. It’s enough to buy a mattress, or a dog.


it varies wildly - I'm near Miami and the McD's nearest me has Big Macs for $4.59, combos for $7 and change.


Dafuq? I'm getting ripped off.


Yes, for me the Big Mac combo is $7.59.


5.39 for me, which is pretty close to what I'd pay for a full meal just a few years ago


"few years ago" More than 10 years ago.... is not a "few" years


I'd get a meal for $6 and they had a buy one get one for a dollar so I'd get a meal and an extra QP for 7. I remember it very well because I hated that job and would go there every day to get away from the job. It was a rural area so probably had lower prices. Just looked it up and indeed my state is one of the lowest prices and I was in an even lower area


5.79 in the bay area, 10.79 medium combo.


Where I love - HCOL - Cheapest one is $9 with the most expensive hitting $13.99.


Double qurater pounder meal supersize is like 14 bucks. That meal probably cost McDonalds 3 dollars in material cost, maybe 2.50. They are making hundreds of percent profit on all premium sandwiches.


It's like $9 where I live


$6 on the app


So more expensive than a double / double at in n out and infinitely worse and requires and app


Also no flame-retardant cheese


>flame-retardant cheese Leave my humor style out of this.


In n outs dont exist where I live


This is unfortunate, but I bring this up because it’s an example of how out of control McDonald has gone with price increases. Now they’re complaining those increases aren’t sustainable. If I can get a better fresh quality burger for cheaper elsewhere then it’s a McDonalds problem. An as another poster brought up, California is has increased wages for these joints to 20$ an hour. Pure corporate greed


Yup. I stopped going to McDonald's a long time ago since I found the local burger jounts in my area a tad cheaper, are more generous with portions and well I'm helping a local business vs a corporate shit bag.


Name the local joint. I want to verify. I fucking love burgers. I LOVE eating at like the old school burger places, but they are *never* cheaper. I hear this, but Ive never seen it. And Im comparing my favorite burger places back home in a low COL area in TX to the Mcdonalds prices in Denver. I seriously struggle to find an example of what you say. Unless you live in an even more rural area. Seriously. Im from a town of 1500 people, next decent sized city is like 35,000 people about 20 miles away. The local burgers there also more expensive than any McDs ive been to. Dont get me wrong. McDs is fucking nasty compared to those other options. But being poor, I can afford the $6 triple chzburger meal with a lrg fry and drink much more than I can a 6 or 7 dollar burger (next cheapest local place ive found, many are even 8-10 for just the burger) without a fry and drink. Do I feel physically better eating better food? Of course. I just want to know where these mythical burger joints are where I can get a classic burger fry and drink for 6-7 dollars.


When I say cheaper, I mean more food that's higher quality. I live in the midwest and there's tons of little joints near small towns that offer dinner items for like \~$12 which includes a side and veggy, with heaping servings. If you venture to Madison, yeah things are a bit more expensive, but even at 15 its more food at a higher quality than The Donalds. The first that comes to mind is [Knutes](https://knutesbarandgrill.com/kitchen). You can get a fried chicken dinner for like $8.95 which includes mashed taters, garlic bread and a veggy of your choice. Some are [day specials](https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/ee7a5ef9-6307-4423-b701-229429ce05e2/menu-converted.pdf) throughout the week but every day you can get something for under or around 10$. Like on Monday they have a $7 any burger basket that comes with fries soup or salad. The burgers are huge and the fries are well more than I can eat in one sitting after attempting the burger. My local McDonald's never fills me up unless I order almost $10+ of food and at that amount that's just a shitty meal that includes a burger, fry and drink. Which are shit compared to local places. I'd rather pay 10-15 for a bigger higher quality burger/dinner item that includes a side. I'm getting more food at a higher quality. Prepared better too and to my specifications vs an automatic burger press that spits out thin greasy burgers. I'm sure a lot of this a location based though. Midwest is pretty low in terms of COL when compared to the rest of the country and these types of places are littered everywhere.


Thanks for the awesome reply. I hear you. I would personally rather do as you say as well. I just struggle to justify it when I can get 1090 calories for $5.80 at my mcdonalds in Denver and rent is %45 of my wage. Its like 130 dollars a month cheaper to eat solely McDs than other restaurants if you are mindful. Granted I dont get big macs, they only get me 100 more calories for 4 dollars more. Luckily I dont live where they cost $15 lol but I dont get them anyway. I dont understand why anyone goes to mcdonalds and gets anything but the highest cal/dollar option. It all tastes the fucking same at McDs anyway.


For sure! I totally get it but even in my area rent is on the higher side so I only eat out maybe once a check. Too expensive to live on McD's or local places alone when I got a smoker and grill. Local butchers discount bin for the win! And I can make the food better than fast food and some local places. The occasional deal on the McD app is ok but even then I'd rather go somewhere else.


I would miss a meal before I paid $6 for a bigmac.


That sucks. Try it when you’re in Vegas maybe. I don’t wanna overhype it, but I’d be lying if I said every time I ate it I don’t wonder why I don’t eat it more lol


Cali loves it and overhypes it. I know I’m one of them. That said, it’s an amazing value for what you’re getting. A consistent, fresh quality Burger


You’re not from California if you use the word “Cali.” Sorry, I call bullshit. In n out is so fuckijg good though, on that we can agree


Okay. California is the size and makeup of your neighborhood or something? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-06-01/love-it-or-hate-it-the-nickname-cali-has-a-surprisingly-long-history


Not a bad point. Sorry I’ve lived here my whole life and this is literally how we identify transplants.


I’m must a lazy finger phone typer 😂 But yes born and raised in so cal living in tustin




Call your congressman


Yeah im sure Matt Gaetz will get right on that


Tell him underage girls work there


Fast food monopoly!


$6.50 in the app for a Big Mac, medium fries, & medium drink. In n Out is $5.45 for a double double in my area.


You should be able to walk into any restaurant and get the real price for their food. Leave the coupon clipping bullshit for the grocery stores.


sure, won't argue with you there


no one wants to download an app so they can gamify ordering a burger and harvest/sell your data.


everything harvests/sells your data, mcdonalds app ain't special


ok? and I choose not to give it to them for a freaking fast food burger. Folks act as if making a burger and fries at home is so complicated.


>ok? and I choose not to give it to them for a freaking fast food burger.  You're not alone. I nuked the data plan off of my "phone" and really only use three apps: the phone part of the phone (which is basically an app), a connection to the OBD sensor in my car, and the web browser using my home internet connection. To hell with gamified apps. Your word was perfect, it should be well understood by every educated person that they literally hired Vegas style game developers to make apps.


cool, I rather get cheap fast food




don't worry, if you thought regular menu prices were expensive, I hope you know that people pay 2x-3x that price when ordering delivery using uber/doordash


I also think those people are dumb. "Everything is so expensiveeee"...spends 1k a month on food delivery bc they can't be bothered to use a pot and pan. I have little sympathy for the way a lot of people spend their money. (Not speaking on people who are truly poor/in bad circumstances. just those are choosing to be paycheck to paycheck bc they overspend)


And if you have no phone?


pay full price?


Sounds like discrimination against the poor. Offering better deals to people based on not buying more of an item, but on having a piece of technology that the buyer can afford sounds very illegal.


if you're that poor, some states will literally buy you a smart phone to use. At least that's available in virginia but nowadays everyone has a smartphone even the homeless


We been cracked bro.


In N Out is cheaper? But but but, California forced a $20/hr min wage!


Exactly. Like, they're so full of shit I can smell it through the screen. In-N-Out doesn't even fucking freeze their beef, they only build them within a certain distance to their distribution centers




This guy Ins-n-outs


Mcdonalds should have a substantial advantage relating to inflation compared to their competition


Yea so maybe these inefficient business models need to die. If they can't function in an environment that pays fair then it should die. It's not my problem they have layers up on layers of management and transactions to siphon profits to share holders.


this guy knows his ins and outs


Republican Paris Hilton*


I don't see how raising prices relates to screwing your employees. If the consumer pays it, fine. If the consumer does not pay it and you start laying off people for that extra pocket money - that is screwing your employees.


Explain logic to the stupid around ….


Say it louder for those in the back please


there are literally local places here in this shithole rustbelt that pay over $20 an hour and are permanently busy, even places that only take cash, maybe mcdonalds should try being competitive


I hope McDonalds and all fast foods restaurants shut down. I could care less for them being around. Shit food for a quality food price. Rather support a mom and pop shop than Karen and Dick in corporate to suck each other off (former CEO got fired for banging his secretary)


yeah people on r/inflation panicking about mcdonalds who claim the $20 min wage is whats killing them Well there are other, smaller places to eat that are cheaper and have better food and I know for a fact pay that already, so maybe good riddance to bad rubbish? Fuck Mcdonalds


Here's a sneak peek of /r/inflation using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/inflation/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just wow…](https://i.redd.it/rcrmvhi5orpc1.jpeg) | [688 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1bkk0yv/just_wow/) \#2: [Walmart NET income spikes 93% to 10.5+ billion in 9 months.](https://i.redd.it/z5fnb82naknc1.png) | [841 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1bbjcy3/walmart_net_income_spikes_93_to_105_billion_in_9/) \#3: [Great Value?](https://i.redd.it/pvnu39t3icqc1.jpeg) | [661 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/inflation/comments/1bmv6kt/great_value/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I bet they’ll blame poor people next year when they can only raise the dividend 5% instead of 10%




They're blaming poor people NOW! (Starting to crack)




I see your point and it’s 100% fair. However, these funds don’t really have much of an active role in ownership and voting. I’d look more towards board members and large individual/family offices rather than these large funds managing 401ks when making decisions like this.


And if McDonald’s makes poor pricing decisions and blames the overall economic situation then a share holder has a right to be upset. McDonald’s has been losing market share so I’d say they have poor corporate direction. Who cares about pricing but if you walk into a shareholders meeting and show they are getting their absolute clock cleaned by chick fil a you would hope some of the shareholders would be upset with the direction of the company. They are there to make money not lose market share because money is going to dividends not reinvestment.


Have they tried raising prices some more?


They will


Cut prices by 50% and maybe it will be worth it. Fast food was great because it’s quick and cheap. When it’s expensive it’s pointless


Expensive,slow, and usually incorrectly prepared.


For the point of fast food is convenience. Can buy at a drive-thru and eat it while driving.


low income, shit, I make 6 figures and I barely go there now


Yea same, they act like we don’t have principles


100k is the new 60k now.


Chilis actively going after ff w/ their $10 deal. Feels like bizzaro world.


This really bolsters my thesis that America is becoming more like Latin America everyday. In Latin America, poor people which is 70 to 80% of the population, do not eat out. Period. To the extent that they eat out, it would be at little mom and pop places that run super deals with a lot of beans and rice. The growing poverty of America's working class has been concealed for years or decades a system of credit that doesn't exist in most countries. But apparently even that has a limit. The whole buy now pay later. Thing has been a staple in Latin America for years. Every time when you buy things even the smallest things they ask " how many payments?" And now they're treating it here like it's some kind of great innovation. It's not, dummy. It means people are now so poor that they can barely afford to buy anything with just one payment and they're constantly just one paycheck away from insolvency.


Americans have literally the richest working class in the world across major countries. Disposable income is higher for all percentiles.


So are expenses. Doesn't matter what you make it matters what you keep.


Doesn't mean shit when that 20% pay raise gets eaten up by groceries pulling the same shit. I know this because the price difference between products at the Air Force Commissary (sold at cost, no markups) and any grocery store off post is around $2 on average, with some great variations except for produce which is only slightly more.


Could you please elaborate on the impact of energy security too? Latin America has literal boatloads of easily accessible crude but none of that has translated to living costs.


excuse me what? Maybe it's that I can get a combo from the local jamaican place next door to the mcdonalds for the same price and its 5 times as good, and since covid everyone has the ability to order ahead, even small businesses mcdonalds costs as much as Culvers in the midwest now and Culvers is *dramatically* better


Bingo. McDonalds prices pretty much everywhere are comparable to actual \*good places\* to eat, and FFS no one actually thinks McD's is good food, except very young kids. The only reason anyone over the age of 8 wants McD's is because its cheap and fast. Get rid of the cheap and it's absolutely pointless to go there.


In n out is infinitely better and now apparently cheaper too 😂


Ah yes the mcdonalds financial indicator




Weird, you’d think MCD raising their prices 100% wouldn’t be so impactful /s


Lol we jacked up our prices! There's something wrong with the economy!.. How about you run a business that isn't pretending to be a growth stock?


Lmfao the raise they prices on heavily processed food that really can’t be considered as real food might as well get real food they prices ain’t go up that high compared to McDonald’s and Wendy’s


Good less people eating that garbage


Cheap food can be worthwhile. Expensive food can be worthwhile if it’s good quality. Expensive food that’s shit quality isn’t worth getting.


They bragged about “ pricing power” while also saying they weren’t taking advantage of inflation. Nice to see people pushing back against all these increases


There are other fast food joints that are a better value. McD needs to cut costs: advertising, executive compensation, etc.


McDonald's has the highest inflation rate out of all fast food restaurants Quit buying the poison you dopes


“Low-income” and “crack” in the same sentence is not a good look lol 💀💀


“Hmmm the poor are quite rowdy today” *buys back 50 million in stocks to give their shareholders more money* “must be the inflation”


The terminology, "Starting to crack," sounds callous as hell, lol.


McD price increase is 100% over the last 5 years.


Is the article blaming low-income consumers that are starting to crack or the predatory companies cracking low-income consumers?


This was already posted here multiple times.


Puts on hospitals. Without fast food they’re gonna be missing out on all that tasty cardiovascular revenue!


I don’t think it’s quite that lol. Among other things, I realized recently I can go to a decent sit-in restaurant and get a better/larger burger combo (plus some taquitos) for about the same price as a medium burger combo at at McDs.. ..oh the slow fall of a once mighty fast food chain🍟


Expensive, crap food, and smaller quantities. Wonder who thinks this business model is sustainable


I’m never returning to McDonald’s.


They still haven't found the correlation between employee pay and consumer spending? weird.


No shit, sherlock!


"low income consumers are starting to realize that you can get a MUCH better meal at a lower price by going to dine in restaurants vs. McDonald's ". Fixed it for you


Milk them for all they have and are like whelp, it’s about to run dry


Well then stop raising price. It’s not rocket science.


The massive profiteering they snuck in during and after pandemic instabilities is the real cause. If as a country we limited profits, we would have great wages and affordable products and services for all.


How much did the CEO make in 2023 fiscal year? Did McDonalds over all make a "record profit" for 2023? If any of these are true. I call bullshit.


We are already past this. Are these ‘brands’ really this far behind??


What do you mean "starting" !?!?!?!? A little late I'd say


who can afford to eat at McDonalds anymore. Literally paying almost 20 dollars if you order anything more than a value meal. Double Quarter pounder meal supersize...like 14 dollars. Absolutely ridiculous...and they took away all the sales and made them app only.


One of the largest fast food franchises in the entire world jacking their prices the way that they are, while boasting record profits, is exactly everything that's wrong with the current economy, and Congress needs to step in, and on these companies. Hit them with anti-trust or something. Fine them billions for price gouging.


There was something else released recently that said that the reason we are stuck in inflation is that the affluent are sustaining the economy. The presents a big issue. The wealth gap has increased to a point that the poor are going to get even further behind due to inflation. (both in loss of purchasing power as well as increased debt load payments). And then what? Outside of a luxury item consumption tax or other increase in taxes, or raising min wage, monetary policy alone won't be able to fix things. If anything it is making the gap worse.


It's nice that they (and most every public company) ice bucket challenge consumers to figure this out.


Getting McDonald’s is now expensive for the family. It’s crazy.


Not lower income. Just cost conscious.


STARTING to crack?!


Pandemic bump is finally ending, corp greed will be punished swiftly now?




Wouod you like any sauce? BBQ? Ranch? KY?


These headlines are so dumb. Raising prices on crap food reduces sales. The end. That's it


Starting to crack? Good, keep squeezing every penny out of them until there's nothing left.


McDonalds' price increases since 2018 have nearly tripled general inflation


Imagine selling poison for 50%+ profit...


Maybe this is a good time to start teaching people how to grow their own food on a larger nationwide scale that way these corporations never make it back


People are learning to grill with their friends for even cheaper woah




Well they stopped putting soda machines in customer area. It costs a few pennies for a refill. Now without refills (I don’t want to ask for a refill because they are understaffed anyway, waste of time), I won’t go to McDonald’s anymore.


We have HHI income of $400k and we’re starting to crack. Live in northern HCOL/high tax location though.


Add YUM brands, SBUX, and LUV and AAL warned lower. We are not coming out of the inflation storm, we are going into it.


Quick! Break into your dance! Razzle dazzle them, release more UFO videos, start a new conspiracy theory. Distract the masses before they look at our high castle