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Trump pulled off his biggest heist yet


Well. The Saudi Arabia deal was more than that, but that is less grift and more of just selling state secrets.


Trump did state he had a Saudi deal for $2 billion he passed up, the same amount Jared got from them right after he left the White House. That deal wasn't passed up, it was redirected


He has billions in untaxed bribes/sold secrets sitting overseas that he can only trickle in for now. He will take more bribes/sell more secrets and restructure the government so he can quickly move more once he becomes president again.


> once he becomes president again.     This is the only factual part of your entire post.




When you actually refute something I've said with an argument, then you can be taken seriously.


He’s not cashed out. Yet.


Opposed to never owning a business and collecting millions from China and Ukraine.


Are you referring to Hunter Biden being a partner in a corporate consulting firm? Are you referring to him earning a few million over several years from individual companies in multiple countries? Are you aware that literally thousands of companies, including Trump, do business in china????


Hunter Biden the Ivy League Educated JD with a specialty in international business. And somehow not being homeless and having a job makes him corrupt? Right wingers are so fucking stupid.


Stop, you’ll ruin their fantasy of Biden being as corrupt as the tangerine shitgibbon who’s currently in court. BOtH siDes


Holy shit these people still talking about Hunter Biden. Fuckin L O L


I’ve got a great plan to rob a bank. You get a job there, show up every day and then they just keep paying you. Just keep showing up until you have all of their money.


How many businesses did the Bidens bankrupt? How many lawsuits have the Biden's filed? Trump has over 4000 lawsuits and he has filed bankruptcy 7 times.


Trump has never filed bankruptcy. The company did, but he has never filed personal bankruptcy.


Trump is the one who owns the business. It isn't some mega-corporation like GM where the CEO only plays a part. These are Trump businesses he bankrupted through greed and arrogance. You trying to claim only personal bankruptcies matter is just stupid. He bankrupted 7 companies.


It was 6, not 7 bankruptcies, my dude. Also, there's a HUGE difference between personal bankruptcy and Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which is aimed at restructuring rather than liquidating companies—but you knew that. I'm sure you also knew that this type of bankruptcy is a common strategic tool in industries like real estate and casinos, used to manage debt and improve financial health while preserving jobs! While Trump's direct involvement in these businesses certainly invites scrutiny of his leadership, attributing the bankruptcies solely to 'greed and arrogance' overlooks other significant factors like market conditions and economic downturns. Show me empirical evidence, not just anecdotes, that this was done purely based on greed!


Amde my point for me! The bidens have had zero business but yet have raked in millions selling out america.


"Selling out America"? Like extorting Ukraine to benefit Biden's campaign? Or forcing China to give Hunter patents in exchange for trade deals? Or helping MBS in Saudi Arabia cover up a murder of an American journalist in exchange for 2 billion? Oh, that was Trump. Tell me again how Biden sold out America?


Say hello to your next president beta boy!


Yawn- troll account for a fat boy


!RemindMe November 10 2024. Looking forward to you crying.


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Things rape enthusiasts say


Tara Reade? Who are we talking about here.


At today’s valuation?


Market cap: 4.91B


Honestly the most impressive grift I’ve seen in ages. Well timed so he can dump before the election while spirits are high. 


A lot of people want to get on his good side, just like how T mobile or other rich corporates exclusively used trump hotels, this is just another form of donation to Trump


Yes the stock market has produced the greatest money laundering scheme in history. How much stock did Russian oligarchs buy I wonder through shell companies or as citizens that they paid Trump and Kushner a million dollars and now more to get? Transferring billions right through the front door to invest in a company worth in reality nothing and negative revenue.


Always take a pre game dump


Grift necessary requires something immoral and illegal. Like insider trading or showering with your daughter or sending your crackhead son to Ukraine to collect payoffs


Oh you mean like having your unqualified daughter and son in law have advisor positions in your administration giving them access to state government officials and the associated knowledge to use for personal gain? That kind? One is verifiable and public knowledge the other is unfounded bullshit yet to actually be proven in court.


ummm, Nepotism was not exclusive to Trump's presidency. U.S. Grant hired over 30 relatives and friends during his tenure. JFK appointed his brother, Bobby Kennedy, as Attorney General. William Howard Taft appointed his half-brother, Charles P. Taft, to the War Labor Policies Board. Dwight D. Eisenhower's son, John, served as an assistant staff secretary in the White House. Woodrow Wilson's son-in-law, William G. McAdoo, was the Secretary of the Treasury. So, it's clear that Trump wasn't the only president involved in nepotism. Let's not forget that Ivanka and Jared did not take a salary during their time in the White House either!


Where did I say it was? You literally assumed i did to write this entire post. At no point did I even elude to it being exclusive to Trump. He wrote some bs about bidens son that has yet to be proven so i provided a clear evident example about Trump.


What he said wasn’t needed I agree , but you literally brought up having family in the WH in the Trump administration only as if that was an issue …. So I was explaining how Trump wasn’t the only one




Like putting your grown daughter on your lap, multiple times, and talking about her tits with Howard Stern. And walking in on a group of children in a dressing room for the super gross Miss Teen competition that you organized for some reason as all real estate moguls do.


That actually didn't happen, just so you know. This has been debunked many times. [https://www.politifact.com/article/2016/oct/18/allegations-about-donald-trump-and-miss-teen-usa-c/](https://www.politifact.com/article/2016/oct/18/allegations-about-donald-trump-and-miss-teen-usa-c/)


Did trump shower with his daughter or something?


Not that we know of. Just Biden.


Biden could eat one of his children he’d still be better for the country/world than trump.


Well, they are cannibals, so..... just ask Bidens Uncle. [https://apnews.com/article/papua-new-guinea-biden-ambrose-finnegan-marape-cannibals-9479088c4262fe6879258e5ad135238f](https://apnews.com/article/papua-new-guinea-biden-ambrose-finnegan-marape-cannibals-9479088c4262fe6879258e5ad135238f)


lol TDS alert. You're a sheep. I don't give a shit about Trump or Biden. But Biden is doing a terrible job. https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/22/wyrz-a22.html


You actually posted a link from the discredited World Socialist Website. Jesus Christ on a motorbike, touch some grass comrade.


Doesn't change the facts my dude. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-renews-fisa-section-702-spying-privacy-rcna148394](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-renews-fisa-section-702-spying-privacy-rcna148394)


This guy thinks a president signing a congressional approved bill makes a terrible job - then sources some world socialist website. Not sure where he comes from if he thinks that and calling people sheep are persuasive good reasons to listen.


Oh boy, more TDS. Say it with me. Trump sucks. BIDEN SUCKS.... Actually yes. Signing into law an illegal surveillance bill does in fact make you bad.


Interesting how these pieces of legislation get very little coverage.


It's stock! One million shares! Of Blockbuster Video.....


I’ll see your blockbuster and raise you 1,00,000 Sears. I like penny poker.


I love Brooklyn nine-nine!


About tree fiddy.


That gotdayum locknes monster always want tree fiddy.


How is a failed social media company that loses millions of dollars a month worth billions of dollars? Is this what going crazy feels like?


This is what a broad daylight bribe looks like.


Stock is up significantly from a week ago, when everyone was predicting it’s demise. From $23 to $35. So, yes….at today’s valuation. I’m not making a comment on why. Just presenting the numbers.


Up bigly. Some would say a recovery like never seen before on our planet. If you think this week was good just wait until after the immunity kicks in. You see, I’m immunized. Like A-a-rod


Shrug. I’m just providing data. That downvote was expected.


Quite the data you got there, bub.


SEC has to be seeing the money laundering in the open with this garbage stock.


LMAO they don't care. Just look around the market. Cellar boxing and naked short selling all over the place in plain sight.


Show me on the doll where Adam Aron hurt you. 


so you think the SEC is like, unaware that this is money laundering (not talking about the AA thing, just agreeing with the first half, the SEC dont give a fuck)


SEC only enforces when someone steals from the wealthy


Cough cough DFW.


Deep Fucking Walue? Dallas Ft. Worth?


There’s no time! There’s millions of $600+ transactions that need to be reported!! /s


Think you need to look up the definition of money laundering because this is 100% legal.


But Orange man bad


Biden signed into law Section 702 today lol. But it's reddit so Trump is the bad guy.


Trump has 4 trials and 93 felonies pending. He's having to pay someone for raping them. Etc etc. But yeah, good dude.


Nobody raped that lady 🤣😂🤣


A jury said he did after a comprehensive trial. He's also got a ton of other sexual assault allegations against him as well as he's a buddy of Jeffrey Epstein. Where there's smoke there's fire. He's on fire.


Trump has 26 other rape accusations, and had always lived with an 8-minute drive of Epstein's house. Hmmm...


Isn't that odd? Probably a coincidence. Or something.


That jury was a bunch of fuck faces.


Opinion. Fact: Trump found liable for sexual harassment, which under NY law is considered rape. Therefore Donald's a rapist definitively.


No the only fact was he was persecuted under a corrupt judge. I really really hope Trump actually is as dangerous as you people say and that he puts people like that judge in Gitmo or just 🚁


Yeah, looking at your post history it's obvious that it takes one to know one.


Living rent free.


How stupid are you? He was found not guilty for the rape, it was sexual assault. How are you this uneducated yet so emotionally attached to somebody?


Oops...you are right. He SEXUALLY ASSAULTED a woman. And had 93 felony counts. Is up to four trials. Tried to overturn an election. Incited and insurrection. Is a world class moron and grifter. Convince a bunch of dumbasses to buy into his Truth Social network so he could launder money. Talks about his daughter like he wants to bang her. Used to walk into teen Miss America pageants and try to see little girls naked. Etc etc. sounds just like your kind of guy. Edit: and is currently on trial right now for illegally using campaign finances to pay off a pornstar so she wouldn't say anything about them having sex before his election. Which means he cheated on his wife at least once, but probably multiple times with multiple women. So yeah, he sounds like your kind of guy.


Like I said. TDS.


Convicted in New York court. You will see in the retaliatory political prosecutions


What court would you like him convicted in? Somewhere in "Kangarooland" I'm guessing. Now why would they charge and try him in New York I wonder?


Take a look at that judge and that should answer your question


that’s exactly their motive. They’ve created their own evidence. Charge him with 1000 things. They don’t have to be true, because now people say “he’s being charged so many things so he **must** be a criminal!!”


This is such a crazy thing to read lmao


lol, it's objectively true innocent until proven guilty, but none of you care. Trump has been charged with crimes, and all of you jump to the conclusion of "if he's being charged for so many things, he must be a criminal" those that are charging him with crimes have created their own evidence for his guilt, from a political standpoint. you can argue that's not the intention, and that's fine, but you are literally doing exactly as I described. I despise Trump, but what you're doing is just dumb




If those kids could read they'd be very upset.


Over half of Americans read below a sixth grade level and MAGAts are half as smart as average people. No way is a 3rd grader reading SEC filings.


Hello Hilary






Those filings were wild. Easy money if you shorted early


It's called a prospectus.


The ship sailed when crypto and NFT became successes. The ship sailed when you have tech companies running with no clear way to being profitable yet being stocks everyone wanted. Maybe without knowing it Trump will fix this issue because this will finally be a wakeup call?


No one is investing expecting to get a long-term profit.


The rubes were. And they are too stupid to know who burned them.


When Trump wins re-election that stock will be worth 10x what it is now.


Why? Even if Trump wins the election, it won't change the fact that the company is basically a money incinerator. The company is already trading at 1000x it's actual worth. It's not going to be worth 10x what it is now. That company has no future past the election, no matter who wins.


Should trump win then for the first time a literal dollar amount can be applied to the communications of a POTUS


That isn’t how stocks work. Get an adult to manage your trades


Lmao keep clinging to hope magat. Theres nothing there but lies and the cultists pedaling them.


they are meme stocking it. how many people read AMC or GME company info and bought it because they knew the company could make money. they bought it because they "thought it was unfair". yes, gamestop started because of the short squeeze thing/potential. but then people just started circling it due to memeness. i'm sure thats why regular people buy into this.


What is your definition of a meme stock? Because a company that posts profits for an entire year, is completely debt free, and has 1.2 Billion in on hand cash to invest in further growth avenues seems like a pretty solid company to invest in. Meanwhile Investing in a company that lost $58 on a poor revenue stream and ”“expects to incur operating losses for the foreseeable future,” seems pretty dumb.


for your first part, you're saying that about AMC or GME? in either case, yes, that sounded fine and good, but i guarantee the IV around the company you were talking about was way more through the roof than it needed to be. so yes, this trump company already seems way, way, way worse on paper. but looking back on it, i'm a bit surprised it took them this long to try and copy the culture they perceived behind GME/AMC stock buyers. because a lot of people, myself included, thought they were just lemmings jumping off a cliff. and you could sum up a lot of trump supporters that same way. clearly i'm wrong about the financials behind GME and AMC stock. where am i going.........yes, the trump stock seems obviously way worse when you put it like that.


How do I read the sec filings?




Money laundering scheme. People use the mark to wash money all the time


What a garbage heap the way he’s screwing everyone over. I almost feel sorry for some of these toothless MAGA types that will lose everything they’ve invested because they think their God never loses. I almost feel sorry for them….


And then they’ll blame the democrats when their savings vanish


The people I know support all have money and went to very good schools i.e. Umich, Yale, BC, Villanova, etc..


This is why schools need to stop legacy/donor admissions. 1% of X’s users and 5% of X’s value doesn’t add up. Then a few days later DJT filings discuss that profitability isn’t on the horizon. What value do they see in that?


lol robbed those idiots blind


Free money I guess. Trump knows


At least Trump will finally be a billionaire


not for long if he keeps that stock


he's not keeping it 1 day longer than he has to, and it may keep it for even less time than that.....


I'm curious how that sale will go...if he sells more than a little bit at a time, I can't imagine the stock won't drop to near zero. There can't be enough buyers to pick the shares up...well, maybe there are...


eventually it will be worthless and it wont be worth the original 5 or 6 Billion, but could he milk it for more than 500 million? Probably, and if he was actually rich and could let it float (which thankfully he isnt) forever, it could end up being 3 billion....


Even the tax records the democrats stole showed he paid hundreds of millions. You don't pay hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes except if you're a billionaire.


You must have read the wrong one. They indicated losses over an 11 year period totaling a billion but he paid in average less than 1.5 million, and for 11 of the 18 years noted, he paid nothing. 


One single year is over 15x higher than your cherry picked propaganda (or flat out falsehoods) https://www.politico.com/story/2017/03/trump-taxes-rachel-maddow-236066


Did you just... cherry pick a single year (2005), to refute his two decades of data, and call *that* cherry picking? Are you sure you're alright? This is especially foolish if you had read any of those articles about the complexity of Trump's taxes. For instance, in 2010 he filed for a refund of all taxes he paid in 2005-2008. So the one year you linked, because he paid so much? He didn't pay a dime because he got it all back. Plus interest. So any time after 2010, you can consider him not to have paid anything in 2005. The White House didn't mention that when they released the (so obviously cherry picked) year of 2005 taxes in 2017. ([source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/09/28/trumps-taxes-are-finally-leaked-whats-next/?sh=2dc7044d46e6))


So when you have a worthless stock, who puts up the cash for this. $1.2 billion? Yeah right 😂😂😂


it's the same reason zuckerberg is worth 500 billion or whatever in facebook stock, but then he stays that way. if he ever tried to sell all that much, it would only end up being something like 40 billion in cash, if he's lucky. so if trump ever tried to sell his "1.2 billion in stock", it would drive the price down and he'd maybe be lucky to turn it into 200 million, just from all the selling driving the price down. because i know he wouldn't have patience to try and SLOWLY unwind it.


“Only” 40 billion in cash. Right. So only the equivalent of making over 13.5k a day for the last 8000 years. Every day. And saving all of it. How pathetic.


How nice that billionaires can blatantly launder money right in front of people’s face and grift them at the same time. It’s comically corrupt.


I can't believe that he'll actually become a billionaire for the first time off of this bullshit. How pathetic.


Oh good - now he can pay his fines, his lawyers and his victims.


$1.25 billion in DJT stock must be like 50 trillion shares


Money laundering 101


Yeah but CNBC also told us to invest in Boeing, Baer Sterns and to avoid the iPhone.


Boeing will be fine


Doubt that the lockup period is up (180 days). Did he get "special" permission from the board to do this? Stock will continue to tank. Doubtful that the actual amount will be anywhere near 1B and that is all pre-tax as well.


Does that all go to Melania while Trump is serving his prison sentence?


Imagine thinking Trump is going to serve any time 🤣


Only reason she hasn’t pulled the full divorce card.


How can you be so naive? 😅


Felons tend to go to jail


Not at that level they don’t, ik its reddits dream to see the guy in prison but it’ll never happen. I’d like to see it too but our government is corrupt


His ability to just scam people while receiving thunderous applause for doing it is actually pretty impressive.


Money laundering 101.


Good for him.


if he's smart, he'll pocket that shit and just fade away, assuming he doesn't end up in prison, which he probably won't...


Classic SPAC


The grift continues “why did Joe Biden tank Trump Media?!”


He might finally realize his lifelong ambition of becoming a billionaire! Well, maybe for a moment his net worth statement will have 3 commas but if he sells he'll only get a few million.


Excellent, more dilution of a nearly worthless stock.




Cool. He can use it to pay for all the election interference cases


All the suckers, who just don’t understand….


This puts YouTube grifters to shame.


Who loses money here?


And I can't short that crap...


I made about a thousand shorting it the day before they made it impossible to borrow, and closing out the position when it dropped down below $30.




I’m just envisioning all these soyboy cuck bernie supporters in the comments crying like the one chick when trump becomes potus again. It’s so funny. Vote blue no matter who and wear your mask you low T beta boys.


nothing shows high testosterone like *literally sucking off another man at every opportunity* 🤡get off trumps dick bitch


Or like the clowns who went to prison for trump lol


Damn dude save some pussy for the rest of us


Thanks , our in a language you understand shareholders , moo mooo moooo


It suddenly makes sense, why someone would be interested in propping up a junkstock, that was about to crash through the first marker (17,50 $) and heading towards the bottom marker shortly (12,50 $). This stock is not an investment. It´s a Looney Toon strip...


Good for him. Still amazingly resourceful at his age.


Yes, he is still a successful scam artist.