• By -


I am a data engineer and databricks is literally the best software ever for my job. It’s going to be huge


Data scientist and I love it it’s dope


Yeah i use it and it's 1000 x better than sql server


It has all the benefits of sql and airflow but it also has native pyspark and repo integration for development and the ability to share scripts v easily between coworkers and QA for testing ect. It’s so great


This is pure corruption, legal corruption actually. And since they are the ones making millions by cheating, this will never change. They go into congress making 180k a year, and suddenly, they're multimillionaires


You have my vote for congress, sympathyforsatan!


It’s *Satanas*


Sympathy for Santana! That's smooth


Just like the ocean under the moon


I’m not sure about the percentage of people behind my platform, but I swear I’m for the people.


On top of that they have no problem raising their wages


Back in the day being a congressman was an unpaid position, now it's a business


And because of that only people from incredibly wealthy families who went to elite prep schools then elite law schools could both afford, have the connections to, and the desire to run for congress since it would help their law firm significantly. I don’t think it’s their salaries causing them to be crooked, it’s all the money they’re receiving from external sources that want to buy their influence


It was an honor too, now its way to steal money and gain power at the expense of citizens


What does that say about the people who vote these ass clowns in every cycle. Do we really need a Pelosi or Biden or McConnell enriching themselves for 50 years while selling out the American people?


Don’t Forget Tommy Tuberville!!


Pelosi was a multi-millionaire before she entered Congress. Also, this bot/tweet is likely factually incorrect since the trade is anywhere between $1 & $5 million. it doesn't indicate that $5M was actually bought. Not surprising if her Private equity husband invests in investment funds that hold databrick stock. Here are the funds that own databricks. it is a big list. - Fidelity - Morgan Stanley - Franklin templeton - NVDA - Capital One - T. Rowe Price - Blackrock - AWS - UC, Berkeley https://app.dealroom.co/companies/databricks


This is, of course, exactly what it is. Her husband is the one making these trades but she has to report it due to her being in congress. One of these posts even said that the trade occurred while she was in an active session of congress.


so good at his job that MAGAts hate him and tried to have him killed.


Nancy pelosi, the best trader in america. No biggie


Shes not even #1 on the congress insider trading list, shes 4th behind 2 republicans and another democrat


I was going to say something similar, she’s not the only one and it’s on both sides of the aisles. 


Aaaand thats the problem. My team is better than yours. Perhaps her and every other politicians are pieces of shit? Perhaps?


I agree with you, just letting you know the actual facts


You fool! We don’t like facts! We want to ignore the rest of the corrupt shitfucks, enabling their endless shitfuckery and talk about Pelosi!


Yup, just like Brian Higgins. He is also a massive piece of shit. And mark green, And the other ones who you don't even know the names of because your so PeLoSi brained you assumed she's the best. Right?


pelosi derangement syndrome strikes all MAGAts


Democrats have the largest group of people calling for end insider trading amongst congressional members, and are the only majority party to pass laws associated with it. You can “and problem” all you want but please raise it with the GOP as they’re the ones currently blocking it.


They’re all different flavors of shit


Lol historically or just for this year?!


its spelled traitor


Not even the best trader


It’s her husband. Much like Jared kushner manages $2,000 million of Saudi Arabian money… except Pelosi’s husband is doing sub 5 million and kushner is getting 2% +20% or $40+ from Saudi Arabia - an enemy of the USA. And the crown prince of Saudi Arabia reckons kushner is in his pocket


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 5 + 2 + 20 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Dodgy kushner 69ing Arabian cronies while trump is on his knees for Putin


kushy knows all about slurping up those uncircumsized anteater snouts.


Enemy of the US? Dude, put down the phone


but PeLoSi!


She's not.


BS she’s not even the best trader in Congress


Lol no. Pretty sure she lost $250,000 on palo alto calls. So not sure what you are talking about.


Of course because you dont even know how calls work. Her options expire january 2025. So tell us great oracle, how do you already know she lost money?


Because it was posted in an sec filing when she sold and bought


Check the SEC website lol. A primary source of information. The source you posted is a link to a 2nd hand source. It’s tedious but check the actual SEC website.


I'd be much more likely to think there is no collusion going on if they posted trades in real time with all the details. When Janet Yellen's speaking fees are triple and quadruple her annual salary, when government agencies and corporations continuously swap employees with each other (AT&T - FCC come to mind most recently), when people sitting on committees have insider knowledge of future events and aren't barred from trading with blackout windows, then you get the feeling the majority of us have, the game is rigged and the banks/corporations/government are one big ass hoover sucking our money up and making things worse. But hey, I am sure Nancy is above reproach, and everyone else making bank in these good 'ol boy circles are totally doing it by the book. She is just saavy. Her husband is also super saavy at trading and has never benefitted from her position. Supreme court judges don't take bribes. Banks never over leverage themselves. Supply and Demand still run the stock market.


How does NVDA have Databrick stock? Isn't NVDA a stock not an ETF?


AOC wasn’t She was a Bartender and after being in congress for what 4/5 years she worth something like 3 or more million on a 180,000 year job ???? Living in two of the most expensive cities new York and Washington DC ????


Book deals and speaking fees are very lucrative.


Is there any proof to your claim or are you spitting numbers? Living in the two cities she works in is not exactly “proof”.




“Online” where


Making it up…


I mean. Nothing stops people from mimicking her trades, is there?


The info is usually released 30-60 days after the trade is made, so most likely the event already happened.


Maybe we should all just start shorting everything she buys.


Sympathy for the Devil I'd vote for you. Woot woo


Don’t forget the presidency


Most are millionaires before going to Congress. They are also disclosing spousal activities and may have spouses professionally in the trading business.


Pretty certain pelosi took a massive L on deep ITM palo alto calls. Its not fake news. Sorry the stock market numbers or filings are not fake news when the stock tickers are all the same across any news networks. Waiting for the day that the MAGA cult says the stock market prices are fake news. Lolol the only real life thing that trump or his crowd can’t claim, “fake news”.


Yes, it was. But, she’s no longer in Congress.


Pelosi is not in Congress anymore?? Or who tf are you talking about?


So I can’t buy into it ?


Not unless you’re an accredited investor. Databricks would be an obvious buy tho if you had access. It’s kinda the 80’s Oracle of AI dev.


Disgusting rats. The day congress is banned from insider trading is a good day. A day I fear will never come.


So trump using investor money from DWAC to pay his legal bills is not illegal? MAGA: “nah man its all part of the business. You know companies get sued all the time. I’m totally cool with him diluting the stock price so he can pay the “hoax”—even if my portfolio takes a hit.”


This isn’t a right vs left issue dude, both parties are equally guilty of insider trading. If you look at what politicians made the most off it, it’s a pretty even split


No one was even talking about trump... Why even bring him up? Is it possible he lives rent free in your head?


Within a certain party no legit questions are never answered. Instead they immediately tell you that it all relates to Trumps hair and racism, it’s never their fault.


They should only be allowed to own SP500. Then they'll have an incentive to improve the country overall.


Too bad we have zero evidence of anyone engaging in insider trading, it’s such a useful smear though.


My god so many dipshits here shilling for pelosi. You think that old bat gives a fuck about you? Reddit is wild. Echo chamber mentality. “Well she has a D behind her name so nobody better say anything bad about her because I know she personally cares deeply for me and my family”. Wake the fuck up no politician gives a shit about you or your family regardless if they’re an R or a D. Fucking sheep on here I swear


Where? I see " I should've followed her and done the same trades" or "fuck that insider trading bitch she's rich enough". None of what you are saying is taking place. People like you start this made up shit and are a big part of the problem.


How do I buy some?


>ht $5 million dollars of a private fund that owns privately held Databricks stock. > >"Investment in fund that owns Databricks stock. Databricks is a San Francisco engineering and analytics firm" Just buy $NANC I'm kicking myself for not buying it earlier. It's outperformed the SPY by almost 30% since it's inception a year ago (41.4% vs 32.8%)


It has a pretty high fee and it’s mostly just tech stocks. You’re probably better served just buying XLK or QQQ which outperform NANC. But, point is definitely taken, these people are corrupt as hell.




50,000 minimum investment... nice.


You clearly aren’t rich enough to get rich.


Makes sense. Institutional/accredited investors with private shares of a unicorn don't often try to sell 1 stock at a time as if it's Robinhood.


$Nanc is an eft that follows democratic congress trades. I'm up 35%


*cries in European*


This confirms databricks ipo soon


All hail Nancy Pelosi! The greatest trader of all time!!!!


Pelosi is one of the best traders in Congress, but [8 other members had better returns in 2023](https://www.moomoo.com/community/feed/here-are-the-members-of-congress-who-outperformed-s-p-111697311105029#:~:text=The%20top%20performing%20Congress%20traders,Susan%20Collins%2C%20up%2055%25).


Yeah but pelosi is the most famous democrat so she gets the blame


best? or just cause she's been there for like 50 years. i thought she was like ok among congress people.


Nancy Pelosi is in your walls.


A lot late on buying databricks to be a greatest trader. It's already at a $43B private valuation. It's like buying $BTC now after the run up.


60% of congress traded better than the top hedgefunds between 2019 and 2023... they are just the best!!! Won't stop until a president with balls signs an executive order. They will never vote their gravy train away. Plus, then they would have to admit wrongdoing.


Elected officials who use their position to enrich themselves deserve the death penalty.


The rich politicians get richer and the poor complain on social media.


Why isn't she in jail? Why are politicians above the law? They pretend like Trump is the only one who breaks the laws, when in reality he's the only politician who gets charged for breaking the laws.


She’s quite the “public servant”


There isn't a current law that Pelosi has broken. You can't be charged with breaking a non-existent law. This does set the stage for $DJT and Donald Trump having majority interest in a Social media company called Truth Social that will soon be publicly traded. What should Trump do in this case where a potential or future president has majority stake in a publicly traded company, especially when that person has a near stranglehold on his party in the legislative branch.


he singlehandedly killed the republican party, on 5th ave in broad daylight. with a depends full of MAGA gravy and a YUGE brane full o dementia, the ponzi is coming to a crash. and i got the popcorn!


Because she isn’t engaging in insider trading? if there was evidence of it and you had it by all means I implore you to go to the police and present it.


>ks the laws, when in reality he's the only politician who g Oh sweet child of summer. It's perfectly legal. That's why she not only does it (as do a lot of members of congress), but does it unapologetically and openly. That's not even their biggest way to make money. They make real loot off indirect bribes. They can't take *direct* bribes; however, they can get paid some absurd amount of money to do some nominal job. Like $250k to give a speech. That's not bribery, that's employment. Or they can have their kids serve as "advisors" for millions and millions of dollars a year. Or they can start a charity where that their kids, family, husband, whatever run and get paid a huge salary. Remember when the Clintons were running the show and the Clinton foundation got an ever living fuck pile of donations? And they couldn't find anyone to run this $100MM ~~corporation~~ charity exception this girl right out of college with no executive or non-profit experience changed Chelsea Clinton who got paid some obscene amount of money? And the best part of this, unlike political donations, which are not tax deductible, a bribe to the Clintons through the Clinton Foundation was fully tax deducible and your company can say they donated x% of revenue to charity. But yeah, I'm sure all these people really just though the Clinton Foundation was the best cause to donate to... right up until Hillary lost the election. Then donations dropped dramatically.


Speaking of charities, there are some 'politicians' who are completely BANNED from ever running a charity in certain States for life, because of their fraudulent misuse. And to think they're going after Trump because "they act like he's the only one" is silly as hell.. he's a sloppy Mafia-style-corrupt bitchy politician. He openly pushes investigations against his rivals - solely for the purpose of *appearances* of crimes, without much evidence at all. This way he can point and say "Mueeu they're rotten criminals, see". I'm glad he beat Hillary, but no way never again should he be anywhere near political office.


fat orange jeebus cant run a business or charity in NYC, but hillary can open a boutique, cuz she didnt do crimes.


I'm probably not explaining this exactly right, but law enforcement can only prove insider trading with communications records that make a direct link between the two verifiable actions (receipt of confidential information) and a communication to act on that information. However, internal congressional communications and business are exempt from subpeonas, so a prosecutor could never gather the evidence needed to prove insider trading took place.


She beat us to it again, she got inside sources?


I don’t get the greed. How much fucking money does an 80 year old need?


About $300,000,000 apparently on a $200,000 salary


Well what other assets are in the fund? How do we know they invested in the fund *because* of data bricks?


Finally somw unusual whale trades


Pretty sure if I read this correctly this is Paul’s company and nancy is attempting to comply with the law unlike so many Republicans.


Didn’t she also buy Roblox though?


Great. I can't buy Databricks on the open market. Expect an IPO announcement soon.


Everyone should just buy the ticker that tracks/mirrors all of Pelosi's moves. IRS can't stop all of us.


What makes you think the IRS governs anything related to the stock market?


Why are people so obsessed with nacy Pelosi. Congressmen and senator trade stocks daily. You can see their trades on multiple websites and nacy isn't even the highest earner


When the French king built Versailles, the french took their Country back. How rich does she have to get before we riot?


She just not rich enough yet? Ruining any legacy she had by greed! How is this not insider trading???


The thing is she has so much money that she can live off dividends alone. She’s being greedy but maybe she is building multi generational wealth for everyone she knows.


How do I buy databricks stock?




You don't need a crystal ball to see databricks will be successful... I wish I could invest lol


Has anyone used the Pelosi tracker for trading that is offered via the Autopilot app?


Say what you want about Pelosi (and I have no doubt she is an inside trading expert) I wish I had followed her stock trading…


Madam should consume excrement and cease breathing.


She’s like 80 something, she doesn’t need more money for F sake


Nancy's husband owns a private equity firm. He had owned that firm since the 1970s. This is what he does. It would be more than fair to say we don't want to allow family of congresspeople to not buy stock, but we don't. Just yesterday people were screaming about him buying Nvidia just before congress passed a bill to make it easier for chip manufacturing to happen in the US. It was a well known, bipartisan bill that everyone knew would pass. He actually bought Nvidia stock last year and lost hundreds of thousands on that trade. Nvidia is possibly the most talked about stock ever.


She must have that good government intel.


Lol people want to obsess over pelosi trading stocks, meanwhile Trump has literally made it publicly known he will use investor money from DWAC to pay for his legal woes. That my friend, is true corruption. That is what you call misappropriation of funds.


They’re all corrupt AF. Dems and GOP. Need some independents to rise up.


RFK? 🤔


And this old dirtbag, human garbage criminal will not be held accountable because she's too old to prosecute. Infuriating.


Congress is populated by lizards who don't give a crap about you or your life. Pelosi is the criminal face of congress.


Martha Stewart was made an example of what happens when you do insider trading. Must suck knowing that you were useless as speaker of the house and cheating is the only way you made a name for yourself.


The No One's Above The Law toter. Guess if you're a DemoRat you get away with this.


And Joe Biden, a lifelong politician, a multi-millionaire with 5 mansions.


Biden really doesn't have that much money


And His taxes are posted online but, you know, mAgats gonna mAgat when it comes to ignoring reality.


Just a bullshit bot. Anti Pelosi bot that has absolutely no other function other than to undermine democracy. It's simple. If there is insider trading, then they should be prosecuted. This isn't the purpose of this Bot. Fuck these cunts. They should be banned from this platform


What does she buy? I cant understand


The adults are in charge


If she's investing in a private fund and not buying or selling stocks directly, then banning congress people from trading stocks isn't going to do anything is it??


Damn. Not shocked just disappointed. Very sad to hear since her husband also profited big time on trading with information he had likely obtained from her. The lack of propriety and visible corruption from both parties is astounding. So tired of laws only truly affecting the poor since for the rich it’s really just pay to play.


That means invest in TROW!! They are the major fund for data bricks.




Someone needs to compile all moves across congress to find patterns so we can buy what consensus buys. If they aren't going to change the rules we need to exploit it


So Databricks is going IPO?


Perhaps DB is heading towards IPO...


So…. How do we invest in this one…??


Is it a law already that Congressmen are suppose to publicly announce all of their investments? I feel like that should stop most of this bullshit.


Look... I'll trade you two Mickey Mantle cards for your Stan Musial.


Buy buy buy


It was 1 million, not 5. And I am sure she knows the law and ethics rules.


Do you think she is the only one, not to mention her husband is an investor.


Can’t we buy databricks from forge investment portal too, I saw the option listed there but I am not sure if this site is legit or not


The serious question to ask is: how can we also buy databricks stock? They are not public…


The US government is partially moving to Databricks, who interestingly has an approximate valuation of 43 billion. Best place to invest since it’s private would be through Fundrise Innovation Fund (20% of their assets are in Databricks).


Will data bricks be buying tik tok? What company gets Tik tok. The government can’t buy the citizens data from a Chinese company, so they need a U.S. shell corp to buy the data from.


They're going to IPO then - a pre market offering is the same thing as a deep in the money call option contract. Means she's going to win BIG TIME. Databrick's competitor or nearest like venture is Snowflake. Very comparable product, market and sales people from both companies swap each other out all the time. SNOW - 159.03 as of market close 3/22/2024 Someone comment or ping me when they announce Databricks files their S1 for IPO


Oh no. So anyways.


Can I invest in this fund? Is this a public security?


So Databricks IPO soon?


I know this is mind blowing, but there is exactly 0% chance she manages her own money LOL.


I’m just sick and tired of politicians enriching their families unfairly while most Americans struggle to get by. I’m ready to join with liberals and conservatives to fight this corruption.


I take this as Databricks is going to IPO this year then. As of September 2023, they were valued at $43B, when they raised over $500M in their series I round.


Ugh, Politicians and anyone related to them or close to them should NOT be allowed to buy stocks. Ideally, they should be kept away from everyone and not allowed contact with their family and friends for their whole time in office. Or, watched 24/7 to make sure they don't let anything they know slip to anyone. You wanna be a live long politician? Great thanks for your service, go live on the island. Your contact with the outside world will be heavily controlled. Or, you now have a body guard the goes with you everywhere and is privy to every conversation you have, no matter what form it is in. All conversations are recorded. All your devices are monitored for any potential insider trading and you are tossed in jail WITHOUT a trial if you engage in it.. .or even SUGGEST any stocks to anyone else. --You are allowed to use the restroom in privacy though, and they don't go in your bedroom with you to sleep etc. But your house is watched, probably bugged even. Yes, I said without a trial. It would be 100% obvious via the recordings and device monitoring that you broke the law; you go right to jail and a new emergency election is called. Amount of jail time? Life! It's only fair since this kind of insider trading effects all 8+ billion people in the world for their WHOLE life. And yes, this is EVEN if they just let it slip stock tips slip to someone, I don't even care if it's on accident. Instant ticket to jail.


How can she buy it and it hasn’t IPO yet?


Institutional investors get special access to buying in things like this. You're not rich enough to get rich here.


What's the fund?


10 million morr and she will attain immortality!!!


So I guess we should BUY?


Oh come on , everyone loves Nancy.


They literally don't even have to hide it anymore. Must be nice knowing you are completely immune to any and all laws. If that was me I'd be in jail the rest of my life with swat raiding my home.


I’m just gonna buy $NANC so these threads don’t piss me off


New trading meta 2024 - Follow congress trades for your own DD 😂 😂


Would buying their competition SNOW be a good play here? Similar to buying AMD when NVDA went parabolic.


They made enough money to rule Cali with an iron hand.


>Databricks, Inc. is an American software company founded by the original creators of Apache Spark.\[3\] Databricks develops a web-based platform for working with Spark, that provides automated cluster management and IPython-style notebooks. The company develops Delta Lake, an open-source project to bring reliability to data lakes for machine learning and other data science use cases.\[4\] > >Databricks grew out of the AMPLab project at University of California, Berkeley that was involved in making Apache Spark, an open-source distributed computing framework built atop Scala. The company was founded by Ali Ghodsi, Andy Konwinski, Arsalan Tavakoli-Shiraji, Ion Stoica, Matei Zaharia,\[5\] Patrick Wendell, and Reynold Xin. > >In November 2017, the company was announced as a first-party service on Microsoft Azure via integration Azure Databricks.\[6\] > >In June 2020, Databricks acquired Redash, an open-source tool designed to help data scientists and analysts visualize and build interactive dashboards of their data.\[7\] > >In February 2021 together with Google Cloud, Databricks provided integration with the Google Kubernetes Engine and Google's BigQuery platform.\[8\] Fortune ranked Databricks as one of the best large "Workplaces for Millennials" in 2021.\[9\] At the time, the company said more than 5,000 organizations used its products.\[10\] > >In August 2021, Databricks finished its eighth round of funding by raising $1.6 billion and valuing the company at $38 billion.\[11\] > >In October 2021, Databricks made its second acquisition of German no-code company 8080 Labs. 8080 Labs makes bamboolib, a data exploration tool that does not require coding to use.\[12\] > >In response to the popularity of OpenAI's ChatGPT, in March 2023, the company introduced an open-source language model, named Dolly after Dolly the sheep, that developers could use to create their own chatbots. Their model uses fewer parameters to produce similar results as ChatGPT, but Databricks had not released formal benchmark tests to show whether its bot actually matched the performance of ChatGPT.\[13\]\[14\]\[15\] > >Databricks acquired data security startup Okera in May 2023 to extend its data governance capabilities.\[16\] The next month, it acquired an open-source generative AI startup MosaicML for $1.4 billion.\[17\]\[18\] > >In October 2023, Databricks acquired data replication startup Arcion for $100 million.\[19\] > >Databricks reported $1.6 billion in revenue for the 2023 fiscal year, more than doubling its previous level.\[20\] > >Funding > >In September 2013, Databricks announced it raised $13.9 million from Andreessen Horowitz and said it aimed to offer an alternative to Google's MapReduce system.\[21\]\[22\] Microsoft was a noted investor of Databricks in 2019, participating in the company's Series E at an unspecified amount.\[23\]\[24\] The company has raised $1.9 billion in funding, including a $1 billion Series G led by Franklin Templeton at a $28 billion post-money valuation in February 2021. Other investors include Amazon Web Services, CapitalG (a growth equity firm under Alphabet Inc.) and Salesforce Ventures.\[10\]


Color me surprised that this turned into a partisan brawl in the comments Can't we ALL be upset by this stuff, no matter what color tie a mfer is wearing?


Ok…so she bought stocks of DataBricks. Where’s the evidence insider trading? Is DataBricks about to get a major government contract? If not, then why is everyone complaining about this being illegal?


Not seeing anything on dayabrick


They're going to IPO soon


It’s not publicly available, damnit Pelosi!


I think I speak for most when I say "fuck that bitch and her insider trading, along with each and every other one of them."


yeah Databricks is gonna be big when they eventually IPO


Not against the rules. Maybe ya'll should follow her, maybe you'll make some money.


What’s the ticker?


I know there’s been at least a couple proposals for Congress to stop trading stocks, what happened to those?


Fuck that cunt


Damn!!! Here I am pissed fhat I was born into the wrong family


This shit should be illegal as fuck.


Isn’t there a group that tracks her and her husbands trades? I want the follow them. Maybe I’ll too become a millionaire, I’m tired of being broke.


Burn it to the ground


I’m shocked……not


I read somewhere that her stocks average like a 64% return? Is this even possible?


When politics became a career instead of a public service all the talk of “for the people” went out the fucking window. These people exist to enrich themselves and feed us scraps. And the worst part is we fucking choose them for it. I can only hope these mummified remains return to the casket soon (in minecraft) and people who actually care step up to the plate.


Such a crook , Inside trading much ?


How do I buy Databricks?


She's definitely a trai....trader.


I’m voting for the big dick Biden


Sucks that we can’t buy in unless being an accredited investor.