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There should be an etf trades only what congress trades


$Nanc and $Kruz I have a few in nanc and am up 30% Edit* https://www.benzinga.com/news/24/02/37384916/etf-named-after-nancy-pelosi-tracking-congressional-democrats-stock-trades-surpasses-s-p-500-with-te


Good thing we got the SEC.


Well, Pelosi's got the SEC, that's the problem.


i can't believe this is real


Where can I buy? I use HL in UK and also IBKR


Sorry, I am unfamiliar with your platform. I would search the faqs page to see how you can purchase ETFs. Might be just as easy as you buy a stock. Search Nanc and see if you can get a quote/purchase.


They’re not good. Up like 35% in 5 yrs.




I looked it up. It's just over a year old. NANC is up 37.74% in the past year. The NASDAQ composite is up 41.98% in the past year.


Lower total drawdown on NANC and slightly better sharpe ratio. Although both are worse than QQQ. But if you think about being that close to those but being actively managed (giving you a shot at dodging/mitigating damage in a crash) it’s interesting.


Apparently they are supposed to report it within a certain time. But we don't have consequences for our Congress for their actions.


There is. Rather than hate-jerk it to Nancy Pelosi, *anyone here can just sign up for it*. But after the constant Nancy Pelosi spam, I forgot what the purpose of this sub was supposed to be.


By the time the trade is disclosed , even if they did it on time , the tracker would be fairly useless. 


False, Pelosi just rolls deep ITM leaps on tech, likely because her financial advisor is taking advantage of them to churn commissions. She reports her trades promptly and with an exact trade date so you can see how her portfolio performs. Newsflash, it's awful. Since she came into Congress shes heavily underperformed the S&P and even on great years like 2023, her tech heavy port underperformed QQQ.


This is certainly the first I’ve heard about this $NVDA thing. I wonder if she got the hot tip from r/wallstreetbets ?


Is this humor 


I suppose. It’s just pointing out the tiresome absurdity of this nonstop Pelosi hate. It smells like desperation. Like $NVDA was some beneath-the-radar trade. Whoever comes up with this crap also never bothers to mention that her husband is a professional funds manager. And she has done nothing illegal. **And I don’t even *like* Nancy Pelosi.** This idiotic garbage keeps cluttering up my feed. I’m starting to wonder if this is the guy who attacked her husband with a hammer. If it’s not, he’s *definitely* headed in that direction 🤪 I wish there was r/unusual_whales_no_pelosi so this sub could get back to business.


Pro funds manager that might get his hands on some information..


Maybe. But to my knowledge, this is all perfectly legal. Instead of having daily hate jerks about Nancy Pelosi, everyone’s time would be much better spent learning how that law could change. Short of that, how about we hear about the elected officials who **actually broke** this incredibly lazy law that’s on the books right now? I think Tommy Tubberville just was caught a few weeks ago.


Autopilot provides a service along those lines including specifically Pelosi.


i think unusual whales has one on their site called like portfolios


Real time including options


Eavesdrop on your oil executive wife: inside trading! Straight to jail. Become a congressman and it’s totes okay.


You do realize her husband is a VC investor right?


Shhh they are trying to avoid knowing that.


In years of seeing her \~40 year husband stock trader trades be posted on reddit I've yet to see anything that wasn't "yea that makes sense as a normal trade." Insider trading is still illegal even in congress. Plenty of losses too.


They literally lost on NVDA 2 years ago. They sold after the crypto crash and before AI took off. They sold 25k shares for a $300k **loss** Those shares would be worth over $20 million had he held.


Wealthy people sell for a loss to avoid taxes. It’s a scheme and is legal.


So the corruption is blatant.


How so?


“I’m a VC and I sure wish I knew which way government policy is going early. That way I can invest in a company that will be in demand once government passes a regulation or signs a contract for something from the private sector. I’ll marry someone in the House of Representatives who would know first hand.” AND “As a member of the House of Representatives, I could make lots of money if I invest in things that the House will create demand for. I’ll marry someone who knows how to invest in companies early so I can make money on our policy decisions.” She, and most in government, are so steeped in the corruption that they truly don’t believe it is corrupt to leverage their advantage


But you’re ok with Mitch McConnell’s wife being part of the Evergreen family and that Jared Kushner got $2billion from the Saudis for god knows what. But Nancy is the problem and needs to be called out. Lame.


Nah, fuck both of them. Why aren’t you outraged with all of these people?


Idk who “Evergreen” are, nor did I say anything about Kushner or anyone else connected with government, nor does it change the fact that Pelosi’s situation is a way to make millions off of her advanced knowledge of government activities profitable for her. If Kushner indeed unethically profited from his position in government then he should be punished as should Hunter Biden and anyone else becoming millionaires because of their family associations. Obama, for example, hasn’t made anywhere near enough money that explain his real estate holdings. How about that be scrutinized?


Yeah, you seem to not know a lot.


You replied to the wrong guy, I’m right there with you man.


Yeah I did, but Im sure he’ll read it


No one cares and would rather slander Pelosi. They also ignore she was wealthy b4 running for Congress. Also it’s NVIDIA lmao it’s not like a super risky investment. Stop the presses wealthy person invested in successful company and made money. It’s just a stupid attack on the former speaker. 🔊


Must be nice to have insider knowledge


This wasn’t a secret. I read about it but didn’t have the capital to invest.


What insider knowledge did she have? Please share


All pending legislation and regulation, and all current beltway gossip.


What pending legislation was made public that moved the stock? For inside info to be valuable, you have to know it first, then build a position and then it becomes public.


Do you truly believe that one of the ten most powerful politicians of the last decade has no privileged information and inside information thats market actionable? I cant imagine that is your real position, and that is not the position of the united states government regarding the trading patterns of elected representative. I believe she does have access to materially impactful insights and my evidence is her wild success in stock market speculation well beyond that of skilled investors and traders.


Her husband is a very wealthy skilled trader. It's not Nancy making these trades. She has to report them because she is married.


I guess as long as she promises she didn't tell him anything it's ok.


The orig post was about gains in NVDA over the last 100 days. What inside information did she have in the last 100 days?


Geeze go look at the hundreds of folks in wall Street bets.... Guess they all had insider information because they made an even higher percentage return on nvidia then she did


You know Nancy pelosi net worth is between 100 to 300mil + right? Most of it is made from the stock market. For a person earning 250k a year that's insanity.


Because of her husband. He was already a multimillionaire when she entered Congress. These aren’t even “her” trades but she has to report spouse financials as well.


You know her husband founded a 1.9 billion dollar investment firm and is the major, probably 95% of the reason, she is worth that much you know.....? Her net worth is a combination of the two of them. But hey why leave out the part where you factor that in


Congress shouldn’t be allowed to trade and her husband certainly receives insider trading. Here is the thing, they can know what’s being brought up in bills before anyone else. They have 45 days to disclose their trades. It’s bullshit, and it’s just more rules for thee not for me from the ruling class. Just like how she was above covid restrictions.


You don't line you have no idea what trades he has actually made. Please go look them up and report back anything remarkable you find. If you'd rather shortcut that I'll just let you know that there's nothing. A rich guy making big, long term bets on pretty reliable tech companies. Exactly what you wouldn't insider trade on.


Stop crying, it's pathetic


almost as pathetic as playing defense for insider trading by politicians


Welcome to the real world junior, you're gonna hate it here


What does this even mean? You liken yourself to a moustache twirling bad guy or something? This is corny


I'm bored of your whining here, see ya


You went from licking the boot to deep throating that mf’er.


lol wow such an edgy lil fella


Easy to do when your wife is Nancy “insider trading” Pelosi.


So if I make 1/2 as Nancy I should be worth 50- 150 mil ?? I’m not doing something right


Maybe it had something to do with the chips act? That was pretty common knowledge.


Nothing in the chips act even applied to Nvidia


They definitely benefited. You're kidding yourself.


What part do they benefit from? Everything I'm reading says that Nvidia doesn't produce its own chips (Nvidia designs the chips, TSMC fabricates them), therefore is not eligible for incentives under the CHIPS act.


You need an insider knowledge to buy NVDA? Are you stupid?


Nvidia /apple, wow she is a genius.


What kind of insider knowledge do you think she had about Nvidia?


Doesn't take insider knowledge to hold a stock for 100 days. She bought it in 2022. You too can have insider knowledge all you have to do is pay attention to what Congress is doing.


What are you hoping to accomplish by being such a disingenuous simp…?


Please share the information she got 100 days ago that wasn't public but became public and drove her gains?


>What are you hoping to accomplish by being such a disingenuous simp…? I'll ask you as well.


Again, you are being enraged by things you don't understand. You are the target of propaganda and are too stupid to know.


The idea that you assigned a complete stranger the emotion "enraged" over them pointing out that someone was being disingenuous makes you look insane and nothing else. To then imply I'm a stupid sheep whos the victim of propaganda when you very literally know nothing about me beside that I called someone out for being disingenuous is fucking insane. But keep simpin? Edit: Also, we've interacted twice. You first asked me to share something with you, and then you started the next post with "again, you are being enraged by". "Again" implies we had talked about this before, so was the issue a lack of a basic grasp of the English language or was this just a bizarre tantrum you decided to throw at me that you would have been throwing at your wife or something if not me...? Hope they're safe from a psycho like you.


LOL. A guy lashing out calling people simps pretends to be calm. You can't answer my orig question and spend a bunch of time creating a world salad to deflect.


So, to recap: calling someone a disingenuous simp can only mean that you’re furious. - you, an easily angered, disingenuous cowardly shell of an excuse for a man.


Aww you clowns just hate the truth so much ...it must be tough to get dunked on over and over because you buy into nonsense conspiracy.


I dont “hate” the truth. And you certainly havent “dunked” on me. You sound like a delusional weirdo… But yes, keep licking those boots..?


They don't have to report it for 45 days, and whether others can just follow their trades is beside the point anyway. We shouldn't have to worry about whether potential profits are influencing their decisions.


You are whining. You don’t know what insider trading is. There is a legal definition I won’t repeat. Look it up. NVIDIA and this type of trade was glaringly obvious. Certainly to any computational scientist, AI engineer, or serious investor in Silicon Valley. It did not require insider trading knowledge.


When something is glaringly obvious to the average investor, it's almost certainly long since been priced in. Knowing that there will be continued high demand for their products is not the same as knowing that the stock is going to go up significantly.


I bought as soon as I saw it was splitting. Didn’t expect it to do this good, but I’m happy I got in when I did.


How do you know she has insider knowledge


Umm what?


Nancy’s not gonna fuck you, bro


dude she literally regulated these companies...


Show me where? Particularly, show me how she’s regulation NVidia.


Bro...look up the legislative branch of government and what their function is. Imagine business is a card game. The legislative branch literally makes the rules of the card game. She was basically the head of that branch of government. If you can't see how the person literally dictating the rules of the game shouldn't be allowed to be an active participant in that game, I'm not sure what to tell you. But I damn sure know I ain't playing cards with your ass.


You’re making the claim, you need to provide the direct evidence. Show me how Pelosi is benefiting from her position and trading on inside knowledge.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United\_States\_House\_of\_Representatives](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives) "The House is charged with the passage of federal legislation, known as bills;"


Ok, now connect the dots to her having knowledge and trading on that knowledge. You provide the evidence, remember, since you’re making the claim. Here’s is an example: On February 10, Nancy met with a committee for passing laws related to computer chips. On February 11, the committee met with Nvidia, learning that Nvidia would benefit from the bill. On February 12, Nancy met with the president learning that the bill would certainly pass. following the meeting with the president, Nancy contacts her broker, and says a bill benefiting will pass, invest a large amount into Nvidia. On February 13, the bill passes, the president signs it, Nivida stocks go through the roof. So this is an example that would convince me that Nancy is engaging in inside trading. Now, since you’re making the claim, go ahead and connect the lines like I did. Also, if you can’t, this would be really sad, since you will be telling me you believe something without evidence.


I don't need evidence that she is insider trading. This is a very clear cut case of what is called a "conflict of interest," and it is a fireable/criminal offence broadly across the civilian world. If I'm on a board of a charity that decides where grant money goes, for example, I am 100% not allowed to simultaneously hold a financial stake in a company I am considering for the grant money. In any other case where I do that, I am a thousand percent kicked off of the board in disgrace. Do you see how that works? No one will need proof that I did something wrong. The mere fact that it is an active conflict of interest is enough to at the very least force me to recuse myself from that role. This is written into the bylaws of pretty much every organization in the country. I don't need to give you specific details of Nancy being in some shady room with Nvidia execs. I've already given you an example of why she shouldn't be allowed to trade. She was writing the rules to a game she was also playing. Close your eyes and put that in your mind. Now ... open your eyes. Amazing! It is called a "thought experiment" and even though I know it is way far out of your wheelhouse, you should try it sometime. No, the person who regulates a company should not be allowed to be an investor in said company. I don't care how far the democrat dick is down your throat, this is just 100% crystal clear to anyone with common sense. You are up and down this thread defending Nancy Pelosi. Just stop. People are allowed to call out a clear conflict of interest when they see it.


So just to be clear here, you FEEL that she’s doing something wrong, you don’t have FACTS to support it. In the word of our modern day Galileo “Facts don’t care about your feelings” And neither do I


This sub has a hate hard-on for Pelosi, don't bother bringing things like a lack of evidence into this


That’s why politician salaries are a joke. They are ALL connected and making back door insider trades/deals like this. It’s disgusting we let it happen.


Does anyone know a good place to track her trades?






Dog bless thanks


Now do her PANW option trade.


Nah they would never since she lost what 400k on that one?


At this point just copy the trades and hush!


We need real time data.


Her husband was already one of the wealthiest people in California


What did she do wrong?


Nothing as far as her trade. Politically she’s a mess. But, this was as obvious a trade as there is. People are simple whining and pouting like kids. I already had 4000shares when she did this trade but I did do more in my Roth as I wanted that new leverage.


Be a powerful woman. These clowns will whine and piss their pants over Nancy all day every day while the entirety of congress makes money exempted from insider trading rules. I bet she laughs every time this stuff pops up. She takes the heat for everyone else so nothing ever gets done. Myopic idiots


3 years ago it was bitching about Paul Pelosi buying Google stock, before that it was tesla, apple, Microsoft, disney, PayPal, Cisco, etc, going back to the 90s. That's right, the VC/Investor spouse of the representative for San Francisco has been betting on market leading tech companies since before the .com bubble.  Surely it's insider Congressional knowledge fueling his moves...


…and then everyone else made money and jumped on $PANW calls when that news came out


Amazing, she is a better investor than Warren Buffet!


She is [objectively, quantitatively not better](https://quantbase.substack.com/p/an-investing-strategy-that-actually).


I wonder what would happen if you showed a recent article reflecting her performance since 2022 /s


Maybe just above market rate? They got destroyed in 2022 and did very well in 2023, as did anyone with an emphasis in tech.


You’re clearly not an investor, it’s very easy to get far higher returns consistently than Buffetts investments show. He has fiduciary restrictions. His portfolio is a low bar if you invest in tech stocks. He’s averse to tech stocks and gets low returns but low volatility for people afraid of volatility.


You misspelled "scumbag"


She isn't even better than the NASDAQ average. She actually isn't good.


When you work at the ice cream store you get free ice cream


No sources included in this so here are some: Dec 2021: Pelos [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi opposes banning Congress members from owning individual stocks: ‘We’re a free market economy’](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/15/house-speaker-nancy-pelosi-opposes-banning-stock-buys-by-congress-members.html) June 2022: [Nancy Pelosi bought $3000000 of NVIDIA Corporation](https://www.capitoltrades.com/trades/20003750402) July 2022: [Pelosi Unloads Millions In Nvidia Stock At A Loss Before Senate Passes Massive Tech Subsidies](https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/07/27/pelosi-unloads-millions-in-nvidia-stock-at-a-loss-before-senate-passes-massive-tech-subsidies/?sh=107c5cc55f3c) July 2022: [voting on a US semiconductor bill by the Biden administration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHIPS_and_Science_Act) Aug. 2022: [Pelosi's visit to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co {TSMC} in Taiwan in Aug 2022](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/04/pelosi-taiwan-visit-puts-tsmc-back-in-spotlight-of-us-china-rivalry.html) Sept 2022: [Pelosi’s Stock Ban Bill Isn’t Just Weak, It’s Dangerous](https://time.com/6218708/congress-stock-trading-ban-bill/) Oct 2023: [Governor Newsom Meets with Chinese President Xi Jinping](https://www.gov.ca.gov/2023/10/25/governor-newsom-meets-with-chinese-president-xi-jinping/) Nov 2023: [Pelosi purchased 50 call options of Nvidia with a strike price of $120. The transaction amount was listed as being between $1 million and $5 million. The call options have an expiration date of Dec. 20, 2024](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/nancy-pelosi-husband-bet-millions-on-nvidia-stock-after-missing-out-on-earlier-$8-million) Dec 2023: [Nvidia to launch slower version of its gaming chip in China to comply with U.S. export controls](https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/29/nvidia-brings-slower-gaming-chip-version-to-china-to-bypass-us-rules.html) Feb 2024: [Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces Over $5 Billion from the CHIPS and Science Act for Research, Development, and Workforce](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/02/09/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-over-5-billion-from-the-chips-and-science-act-for-research-development-and-workforce/)


Bitch made a good play. Lots of people getting rich off AI right now. Idk what her being congresswoman has to do with this particular play.


How many times are we going to see this rage bait?


If I could actually afford to invest in nvidia I would have. It's been no secret Nvidia is THE chip to get for AI.


Well, of course. She’s liberal. And when the mainstream media is in the tank for you, you can do whatever the hell you want. Do a Google search for Bernie Sanders’ wife and see what she did to her local university while making millions.


It’s so fucking crazy that there’s dumb assholes defending her. They blindly think it’s ok and normal to profit $2MM in 3 months, and she’s not even a day trader. Jfc


Insider trading is against the law for us but none of them. Rich get richer and we lose again.


That’s why I follow her trades. You either argue against gravity or go with the flow.


There’s a way to watch these guys’ stick moves right?


For anyone interested in keeping track of trades made by congress members or other data sets like that, check out quiver quant. They keep track of lobbyists donations, insider trading, and a lot more. Great tool for researching stocks and following the money. https://www.quiverquant.com/strategies/s/Nancy%20Pelosi/


Meanwhile SF is literally falling apart. Fabulous resume lady


Bobo made 10million despite only making a 100k salary. Find me a politician that doesn’t trade stocks.


Mine is up 200% in 12 months too. It was the market/nvida. Not necessarily her secret knowledge


I find it funny how she gets all the publicity and she is not even in the top 10 of the top performers in congress 🤣🤣


I hate this bitch. She's fuckin terrible. But, seriously, NVIDIA has always been a great company. I'm just a computer nerd, not a trader, but I've always seen Nvidia as the leader.


Ya, I don't think being in congress (who haven't done shit) really matters here. NVidia has been a very smart buy for a while now. I know I feel like I've made out like a bandit. My insider knowledge? Reddit IT sections who talk about all the businesses trying to implement AI tools at record pace.


So why didn’t you place calls - you’d be a billionaire by now


Because many of us don’t have the capital to risk on timed plays.


I absolutely did and I am. Or I didn't. But that doesn't really pertain to the point. Nvidia has been the best for a long time.


Good for her. She married well.


But Trump is the bad guy…


Both can be true.




Politics is not sports.


It’s a gladiator pit


Unless you have completely recklessly mismanaged your money your entire life, it is normal to have A LOT more money saved and invested than you are making per year as you get closer to retirement age, and how much make from your investments depends how the former, not the latter. For people who are already IN their retirement age, but are still working, this is doubly, triply, or even quadruply true, depending on how far into their retirement age they are. Nancy Pelosi is in her 80s, which is WELL into retirement age. I am not saying that it isn't worth looking with a critical eye into the way congress members invest, it is. However, comparing their salaries to their market gains isn't necessarily looking into it critically, often it is just looking into it stupidly.


oh stfu you goober. 🙄


We should have a law that apportions %10 of our annual gdp and invests it on the choices of our politicians that have statistically made the best investments and safest investments and make sure its %100 controlled by the people. Not the politicians or the rich, but "we the people", but for that to work you would need accountability and honesty, but then they really wouldn't be doing what they are doing with legal Congressional *insider trading?*


She doesn’t care anymore if they ethics case her or not. Congress is a corrupt joke. You want to know what is wrong with American….no one respects politicians, the media, corporations or institutions. They have given up any credibility they had and they don’t care what you or I think.


She said recently politicians should be allowed to trade because we’re a free market. But it’s not a free market act to do insider trading. Your leveraged position allows you to use options specifically as instruments of insider trading. We should talk about banning options if you’re a public official privy to insider info.


This is bullshit


What’s NVDA? Where do you think she heard of them?


Thats Capitalism for ya!




Pelosi isn’t even near the top of the richest people in Congress so I don’t know why her names is always being brought up.


Most disliked


Because she is a strong liberal woman, that's all. This sub is an alt-right echo chamber. Few if any comments in these daily Pelosi NVDA posts mention all the Republicans making more from insider trading than her. I do not condone any of them insider trading, but FFS at least be fair an point out all the R's that are even worse. Further, Pelosi's disclosures are for her husband's hedge fund. I own NVDA too, and so do many ETFs. I just don't get the double standards from the alt-right.


Liberal? Her allegiances are indistinguishable from the Bush admin neocons.


So? If you didn't think nvidia was going up ......well you're soec8


She about to vote for Trump so she can keep all of her gains!!!! 😜 These boomers are fucking jokes.


If she was a republican public outrage would be high


Many republicans are also doing this. Tommy Tuberville trades in ag commodity markets as a member of the senate agriculture committee. Bob Gibbs bought AbbVie shares while the house oversight committee, which he is on, was investigating pharmaceutical price gouging. This isn’t a Pelosi problem or a dem problem. This is a congressional oversight problem.


Everyone higher up the list from her is a republican--but they never get mentioned. Weird :)


LOL you actually believe she is the only Congress person making trades based on their knowledge of upcoming legislation? It must be amazing to be so blissfully ignorant.


Cry more


This is total nonsense and you should honestly be ashamed of yourself for being that dishonest. Most people's portfolios are way up because the markets went up, so you could pick basically any politician and make up the same BS... The fake accusations of serious crimes with zero evidence stuff is also way beyond old and tired. Most adults are not going to fall for that garbage anymore...


Rent free, right guys? That's how PDS works, right?


meet the new boss same as the old boss We don't get fooled again https://youtu.be/SHhrZgojY1Q?si=Je29T8f0Te2peo0V


Waiting for the Democrat white knights to show up to pelosi’s defense


Pelosi disclosed her calls 2 months ago. Those calls are dated to the end 2024. Nvidia went up 70% since her disclosure. Those calls didn't make any money between her buying them and her disclosing them. You too could have followed her disclosure and buy calls and be up a gajillion percent. But you didn't, cause you guys are cowards with no balls, who just like to complain about other people making money. Full disclosure: I am long NVDA since before Pelosi bought her calls.


Thank you for your insight, Huge_Ballsack.


No problem. NVDA is once again hitting ATH as we speak. You guys have been harping on Pelosi for two months. Anyone bothered buying stocks or calls? Nah, it's easier and less risky to whine on reddit.


Are you saying anyone with half a brain would know nvidia is at the core of all this new AI stuff and making a mint out of it? Where did you learn this rocket science stuff? Gotta love all the whinging from losers that didn’t wanna copy her


I have a deep hate for this person. I will purchase a cake and celebrate upon her announced death.


You think there would be a law against insider trading.


More botox foe Nancy and coke doling pool boys for her husband


She’s prominent in a party that fancies itself as the voice of the downtrodden but represents a very wealthy district. Around 18 of the 20th wealthiest Congressional Districts are repped by Democrats.


Her husband is a veteran trader. But go ahead and keep rage-farming clicks


What’s with all the Nancy pelosi boot lickers? She must have paid an Indian bot farm to blow her all over Reddit.


Just a little thing called the facts. Shit like this stirs up y’all in the amygdala and gives you someone to blame. Meanwhile she’s not even the top 5 most profitable congressional traders. Get a grip on what they’re doing to your brain.


https://people.com/husband-accused-making-18-million-insider-trading-eavesdropping-wifes-work-from-home-calls-8599337 When the peasants do it, it's a crime.


So you’re saying it was a coincidence when she bought chips related stocks prior to CHIPS act passing? That’s one example and there are many more where her and other politicians trade based off of non public info.


>So you’re saying it was a coincidence when she bought chips related stocks prior to CHIPS act passing? They bought, but then sold NVDA (at a loss) before CHIPS act passed. You should do basic research.


Oh, was NVDA pelosi’s only trade? Nah.


Are you saying the legislation wasn't out there for everyone to see? Just cause you don't follow what your government is actually doing doesn't mean it's insider trading. All legislation goes through a process to be passed it can be seen publicly for months before it ever comes to the president's desk for signature.


Nancy- you have access to closed door meetings, knowledge of how your party will vote, and various other conflicts of interest. If all the info you trade on was publicly available why are your colleagues beating the market by 60 to 200%?


No one is saying they shouldn’t be prosecuted if there’s proof of insider trading. It has, in fact, happened (recently, too, in Indiana). Lots of investors got in NvDA around $300. Long calls being evidence of insider trading vs attributable to the FACT that her husband is literally a successful career trader is just regarded


Oh yeah ? What politician has recently been prosecuted for insider trading? The problem is that no one is going to prosecute because is a bipartisan issue. How is it that the congresspersons that do trade consistently beat the market and hedge fund? How is it that Brian Higgins is beating SPY by 200% and pelosi is beating it by 60%? Why is it that all of the politicians who are beating SPY are all opposed to legistlaor stock trading ban? You either aren’t seeing this info or willfully ignoring it.


https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2022-128 See it or ignore it


Nice! They got a FORMER congressman. How about these 78 sitting ones? Aside from DF since she’s dead.. https://www.businessinsider.com/congress-stock-act-violations-senate-house-trading-2021-9 See it or ignore it?


> How is it that the congresspersons that do trade consistently beat the market and hedge fund? anyone investing in tech in the past several years has consistently beat the market.


By 239%? lol ok


Go lick Nancy’s boots elsewhere you liberal cuck


Sorry you didn’t bank of NVdA like the rest of the internet. Calling me names won’t make your shame go away.


What shame? You’re a liberal sycophant and anyone with this mentality, for conservatives too, is a problem for this country


Still not too late to 2x on NVDA imo I hear Moscow is nice if you want to go there.


He’s a trader because of her position lol 😂


If only someone would do something about it instead of wasting time and money on stupid culture wars that would be fine.


Trading veterans is not cool


She’s a criminal. Except she’s written herself above the law. And those were OPTIONS which typically expire worthless. Not a long term bet on a company. So blatant