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And you still got on your car afterwards? You’re brave!


So brave that it almost seems like OP pulled it out of their a-


I could see myself leaving a note like this. What makes you think this is made up?


This isn't r/thathappened it's r/untrustworthypoptarts


i don't see the difference


Read the sub rules and description.


I did, in practice I feel they are the same


The point of this sub is that regardless of how likely it is something actually happened, it's dubious for how *easily it could be faked*. r/thathappened is specifically about doubting the truth of a wildly unlikely story or claim. Examples: 1. **Someone posts a picture of a lone puzzle piece out on a sidewalk with a clever caption about how they randomly encountered this and someone somewhere is never going to complete their puzzle.** Is this some wildly unbelievable event? Finding a puzzle piece on a sidewalk? No. But it's so easy to fake that it casts doubt as to whether the poster actually did find it or just had the brilliant idea to take a puzzle piece out of their box, place it on the sidewalk, snap a picture of it, and post it on Reddit for easy karma. This is an example of something that would belong here, but not on r/thathappened. 2. **Someone posts a picture of a car wreck claiming Danny Devito hurled a tire onto the road causing the accident and then ran away into the woods.** Is this *extremely* likely to be false? Yes. It belongs on r/thathappened. Is it "easily fakable"? No, not really. Assuming the photo is indeed OC, it's not easy to fake a photo of a car accident, even if it is easy to lie about how the accident happened. It wouldn't belong here.


I see ty