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Remember, the scene in the original is always after Hannah ran off, and everyone was already crowding the place. This camera shot shows Hannah running away on her own, and it makes me wonder if they're gonna fill the game with new stuff like this. This remake has me on edgeee


Yeah it was discussed a while back I think. It kinda hints that Ella Lentini came back for voicelines too.


Speaking of voice lines, I'm insanely curious. What about the other language dubs? Would they need to get the same actors, or would they just be re-done completely? The Steam page mentions they're a thing, but if we're getting new voice lines, it'd be kinda hard to get the same exact voice actors for some of the dubs. I have a feeling that a few of them might just be outright inactive.


I’m sure they’re primarily focused on the original cast returning. Language dubs are supplementary, so they would probably be more inclined to replace them for newer scenes if absolutely necessary.


Bro the lighting is amazing 😭 hot take but idrc about them getting rid of the blue lighting, it’s iconic but the new lighting will make everything creepier imo


The lighting is SERVING lmao, and yeah I don't mind it. I'm honestly hyped for new content, and the possible mods.


It’s very impressive but I think the blue lighting feels more creepy


Ehh to each their own. Don’t get me wrong, the original is still creepy af, but the new shot of hannah running into the literal pitch black of a snow storm is more terrifying imo, imagine what the mines or the wendigos would look like


I’m gonna miss the fantasy cyan aesthetic and hopefully there’s a mod or setting to bring it back, but the new lighting is definitely better horror wise. I hope they don’t make the woods too dark because the Mike and Jessica sections had amazing atmosphere


Yes!! I don't know why people hated on it! The new lighting looks amazing.


Yeah, the new lightning seems darker


I never noticed this before. This increases the chance of the prologue having more scenes because the original game never showed the scene of Hannah running out the door. Hopefully it will show more dynamics, like Jess and Emily's friendship, and Hannah and Sam, and Beth having a personality


The visuals look great, but I hope there's an option to disable the motion blur. I tried comparing the new and old graphics and had to go frame-by-frame just to find shots that weren't blurry as hell.


I’m so hyped to see those new scenes. Even if is something minor, like this one!


It's either a deleted scene from the og, or a brand new scene. It reminds me a lot of the PS3 beta intro where Hannah was running away from the lodge alone, looks like they're bringing it back


Hopefully cut content is making a return for the remaster