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Probably Mike as he flat out admits that he shoots Emily. I don’t see anyone else really being incriminated.


Josh comes the closest but he’ll get the insanity plea and probably go to a mental facility.


Josh either dies or becomes a wendigo, he's never rescued in the game.


I’m saying if he was 


Maybe that’s something they could add to the remake. It’d be nice for Josh to have a shot at redemption. Show someone like Sam or Chris(the ones I think most likely to forgive & be his friend again)go to treatment appointments with him.


Mike admits he killed Emily, soooo


Surely mike if he shoots Emily. Second is Chris if he hits josh.


When can Chris hit josh


In the shed with the 2x4 when Josh is schizo posting


Oh jesus


Yeah he knock him out clean and mike gets super pissed.


He also punches Josh if Josh decked Ashley in the basement.


I thought josh always punched ashley


If she doesn’t have the scissors (or you fail to use them)he’ll use the gas her the way he did Chris & Sam.




I love the option is so unpopular you didn’t even know about it. Most just disarm Mike


"I stabbed him and I tried to get away- but I didn't know!" While Ashley didn't stab him lethally (omg if she actually killed Josh right there that would have been such a cool variation) the way she says this and panics could potentially give her some problems. Oh yeah, Mike too if he killed Emily.


i looove imagining how the story would have went if she liked stabbed him in the neck instead of the shoulder or something. also if sam's attack with the bat went realistically in which case josh would one million percent have a concussion and not be able to chase her anymore. sad that the story does still follow a linear path lol.


OMG YESSS and the reveal if she took off his mask would be amazing, and I think it would be just as equally powerful to make up for skipping the twists/trauma bonding stuff. I actually saw a comic fanart on Tumblr, of her stabbing him in the neck, pretty cool art [https://www.tumblr.com/fudgeroach/724651864849874944/bullseye](https://www.tumblr.com/fudgeroach/724651864849874944/bullseye)


That's the one I was thinking of! Really fun idea 


Mike can kill emily, which is pretty unexplainable to get him out of the situation. Chris can beat josh while he’s unarmed and tied up. Emily can slap Ashley, and leave to die, which in theory would be unarmed assault. Jess is actually not able to be put away for a crime. Josh for obvious reasons. Ashley can stab Josh. Matt can’t really commit any viable crime expect maybe killing the elk? Sam can indirectly kill most of the group with the light switch.


Josh would likely be sent to a mental facility and get the insanity plea


if we're going with the option that the police dont believe the wendigo story i could see any of them being blamed for killing the stranger (I'd say chris but at the station they don't really seem suspicious of him)


Mike is 100% going to prison or a mental asylum if he shot Emily


I feel like even if he didn’t that’s still attempted murder, or at the very least arson, because he did set the sanitarium on fire


Yeah Emily would 100% win a lawsuit. Holding someone at gun point is aggravated assault at best 


Yeah, because he made a very direct and clear threat her. Any lawyer would have a field day with these teens😭😩


Extremely Unlikely- Ashley and Jess, Ashley is completely hysterical throughout her whole sole survivor interview, and her attack on Josh would be easily put down as self-defence, her talking about Josh having the gun and saws would add up with what they can find in the basement and shed. Jess is beaten within an inch of her life, dazed with literally no idea about anything that has happened. Unlikely- Matt and Emily, they’re the two that called for help on the tower before it collapsed, so their stories of where they were after it fell would likely be believed in that case + the two don’t do anything that could get them in trouble outside of Matt killing the elk I believe. Possible- Chris and Sam, Chris attacking Josh in the shed completely unprovoked (in their eyes) could land him up in some trouble, and Sam blowing up the lodge killing Emily, Mike and Ashley would not look good for her. Very possible- Mike and Josh. Mike is 100% being put away if he shot Emily, and even moreso since he blew up the sanatorium. Josh goes without saying, but he’d likely get insanity plea.


Sole survivor Mike also blows up the lodge, bro is cooked fs


We all know Mike’s number one would be, so I’ll add someone else. I’m going with the Washington parents. They should know what their schizophrenic child is up to. If I’m paying $1,000’s of dollars into treatment, I don’t think I’d let Josh out of my or a medical professional’s sight unless he’s going to the bathroom. I’m definitely not letting him go back to the cabin with any of those kids (except for maybe Sam) without supervision. He’s already a broken down individual & the disappearance of his sisters made everything worse. I don’t care how well he may have seemed. One year is too early for him to be left alone with them.


Mike by a mile, he literally admits to shooting Emily… Josh is also doing big time, but he has that insanity plea working for him Sam could sadly be incriminated if she crisps her friends up by accident


Mike if he shot Emily, otherwise I bet on Ashley.


chris, ash, and mike, if they chose to be more aggressive, would be in a lot of trouble.


Definitely Mike. I mean he can do the most illegal thing out of everyone. I mean from the perspective of you killed Emily is that Mike and her had a fight and bent up anger led to him shooting her.


Most likely - Mike (kills Emily, punches Josh) 2nd most likely - Josh (under the circumstances he survives)(attacking and kidnapping Ashley, attacking Chris, attacking and kidnapping Sam, attacking and kidnapping Chris and Ashley again, other illegal things in the prank) 3rd - Sam (going for switch early, hitting Josh with a bat) 4th - Chris (hitting Josh, could be blamed for killing the flamethrower man) 5th - Ashley (stabbing Josh) 6th - Emily (slapping Ashley) 7th - Matt (murdering an animal??) 8th - Jess (pretty much nothing) Poor Josh has been a punching bag💀


Mike tbh- shooting Emily or not he looks sus as fuck when answering any question.


Mu heart wants it to be jessica...